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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2013 12:30pm-1:00pm PDT

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themselves the smaller one here and the larger one there it's indeed how you reorganize the hospital and myself and the public will be interested in that. >> commissioners that will plays you under item 10 board of appeals and the historic commission and good afternoon let's start with the board of supervisors planning and activities. this week we heard the sacramento ordinance that was sponsored by supervisor of her relay. it is provided there's no is that a lost you recommended it and supervisor amended it per
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your recommendation and the committee recommended it to the fill board and also a landmark reservation it was reminded on october 3rdrd. both those items are expected to be heard by the full board next week. the board of supervisors approved the ordinance clean up package. as you remember last week where s a few changes were identified and it was sponsored and this week the board approved it by first reading. and we had the reading for the second ordinances and they've
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been adapted. this week there were a couple of new introductions supervisor he in her introduced the non profit group in that area and mayor lee and supervisor kim identified the infrastructure and finance district on portland it won't be brought to you but supervisor wiener will be back with you in the next 90 days. there were 3 projects that were scheduled for hearing the 11 on door street the people reached
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an agreement. the other two projects the board upheld your decisions and that's before 25 crown terrace that would be brown before a horizontal and vertical position but the board of appeals especially held your decision. also, we have an appeal to as new construction on the subject property the va reported that the plans did not adequately represent the slope of the property and it was - the permit was approved but the height should be lowered but the board of appeals upheld your decision on those promotions. that concludes the reports
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>> commissioner. >> i'm trying to find the address there was a determination at a store on sill more street the neighborhood felt it should have been qualified as a national - >> only those 3 projects were reported to me but i can ask and get back to you. >> good afternoon commissioners i have a short summary. yes, sir. hearing we wemd
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welcomed our new commissioners who accompanies the seat profile seat. however, a couple of commissioners were absent so it's anticipated that the full commission will be present later on. also the commission continues it's 2 hundred to two hundred fourteen street draft eir the commission had several comments and the presentation alternatives outlined in the eir and that will be outlined in the document. the commission also heard an informational presentation by the our department and
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earthquake safety regarding the soft story retro fit program. i believe that informational program is on your schedule today. we didn't have any comments concluding that presentation. the commission also continued it's review and comments of supervisors weiner's comment the commission supported the proposed amendment with highland requesting more time there wasn't enough time to understand it as a new commissioner and give the reports a positive report. finally, the competition approved the montgomery street
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for architectural category one within the downtown c-3 district and approved the cert for the holiday building curtain mall system. that concludes my presentation unless you have any questions >> thank you. next item please and commissioner that will place you under public comment and at this time, the public may comment agenda items, however, for items with public comments is closed specifically under calendar fourteen. and 6706 mission street
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certification of the final that comment is closed so this would be your opportunity to address us on the certification only. with respect to all other agenda items your opportunity will be afforded excuse me. the public may address the commission for up to 2 minutes >> maybe 80 to make it easier we want to use the right hand side of the room here. (calling names) >> good afternoon commissioner
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i'm john i'm here to ask you to regret the error commission. we have here to be given to you our legal counsels letter and our own mitigation passage it is necessary to be sufficient. everybody in city hall say that pedestrian safety and senior safety is their top priority. however, we only get the words not the action. starting in 1980 with the city at a redevelopment agency a number of crosswalks and
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actually in the last 15 years it's going backwards. you will see two pictures of sidewalks they were cut in half and the metro allowed their sidewalks to be supplied with tables and chairs that cut the sidewalk. a cumulative impact of pedestrian safety and capacity has not been done not for the errors but it should have been done and it has to be define now. we're asking you to turn this eir down at this time so it
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cabaret edited and so this can be made part of your action on this project. and most of all this need to have a new installation of the crosswalk and it's been planned for 20 years by never got built. several of our seniors are here today to tell you about that >> we intend from now on to pursue our alternatives to the law. >> next speaker please and hi i'm diane.
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i'm a member of the community over by river. all the streets, the sidewalks are all narrow with all those signs that people put out attorneys their restaurants takes away from the walking and also when they have those big quencherss the people congregate in the middle of the sidewalk and even wheel chairs can't pass. i'm here as a senior we need protection for crossing the street and for sidewalk safety. that's all >> next speaker please and good
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afternoon commissioners. i'm alisha duke. i've been involved in the community long before i even moved to san francisco and i've now been a resident for 26 years. the issues in our area and going up to market street, you know, and down to folsom are unique in that we have so many new construction going on and this, of course, represents a hazard for automobiles and people trying to get across the street they're on one side of the street and all of a sudden
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there's a sign saying you can't cross and if you're in a wheelchair you can't cross. the bicyclists are going insane with not responding to what are the rules of the road for bicycles and a ticket can be given to a bicyclist riding their bicycle on the sidewalk and they ride at speed they don't ride at 5, you know, inches an hour. and we've had people get hit but he bicyclists on the sidewalk and severely injured because bicyclists keep going. and you know really suffer severe injuries. i'd like to have the error for
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the mission changed so that they took into consideration all the bicycles on the sidewalk as well as the pedestrian crossing to make sure whether they're going to put a pedestrian crossing they've got ramps for awhile chair individuals and it would be helpful if the people doing the new contradiction take into account all of the things as opposed to just, you know, we've got this and the building is going to be good and it's a benefit to the community it won't be if you forget us >> thank you. >> good afternoon president and
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commissioners. my name is mario i'm the counter board president for the wax museum. i've lived in the city in the early 70s up to 2000 i'm still considered part of the community and all my activities are in san francisco so i'm here on behalf of the board. several of my board members are here and i'd like them to stand. we're strong board we're a working board and we really encourage you to go through this process. this relationship that we have today on the museum with our partners is a mutually beneficial one and we've been
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working many years to get this project to this stage so now i find yourselves with this proposal in front of you i'm here tow stress the leadership of why this is so important to have this eir approved today. i'm actually speaking for the future residents of san francisco and visitor that with who are coming to san francisco to see the cultural diversity we have to over. it's defined that way with many museums there that are already been built and the one missing is the mexican museum. it's also been a designation for the museum and we want this to
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come to fruition. as the board of trustees we strongly urge you to pass this report >> thank you. go ahead >> i'd like to remind the members of the audience please turn off your electronic devise. >> i need to call a few more names. (calling names) >> thank you president fong. commissioners thank you for the opportunity today to speak before you in support of the 706
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mexican mime and residential tower project. i'm the counter director of the museum. i have the distinguished honor to have known the museum in the conception from 1975. i read in a newspaper that the mexican museum had been found in the district and i saw peter with an electric typewriter. i was a director there in the 1980s. i become acquainted with a number of artist i'd like to take this opportunity to recognize the artist in the room
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as well as the mime supporters. could the artist please stand if you consider yours an artist please stand. the mexican museum has worked long and hard with our partners in the city of san francisco to mitigate any concerns that are relevant to the impact report. beyond the for example d i r we have continued to continue the stability of our program which is earned revenues from the
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private sector and also a membership program you'll be hearing more about. i ask that you approve the final environmental impact report as we're eager to have a permanent home. san francisco should be proud to have the biggest mexican art in the united states. i would say internationally the complication of the museum on 3 and mission street i assure you will be central in scope and nature. this is sure to bring millions to san francisco. this will not only advance the
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life and thank you for your time >> but will have sustainability to our arts. >> thank you. >> president fong director. i'm here today, i'm one of four mexican councils in the united states. by i was born in mexico and group in san francisco. this gives me great insightor on behalf of the mexican government we're pleased to be part of this community and we're proud to be here today to support the item 11 the mexican tower project.
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our community is excited to see the planning and a permanent home for the art community. i had the privilege to work with a large number of the families who are going to be proud of the mexican museum and just for the youth and families throughout the exhibits the 34 thousand exhibits which the museum has collected. this long held dream by latins is important to the city. the importance of your decision has implications far beyond san
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francisco. i urge you to accept the error so we can have the residential tower project and this is also a message from the mexican arts heritage foundation thank you. >> next speaker please. good afternoon president fong, commissioners. i am before i today as part of the tech team as a decent of the agency. we're honored and humbled to be participants in the development of last part of the san
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francisco project for the mexican arts center p. more importantly we're thrilled to create the space that would describe the mexican and latino community and the country as a whole. the mexican will commencement this - of fourteen thousand works of arts that represent the past, present >> future outside of mexico. we're fully incriminated to this project we're looking forward to working with you. on behalf of my colleague i
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you're going to you approve this so we can move forward. thank you >> i want to remind speaker that the public comment to the certification of the impact report should be solely on the report not on the project itself so if you could please limit our comments we'll appreciate it. >> good afternoon i'm carmen i'm a visual artist living no san francisco. i'm one of the artist who has a collection with the museum. there's a direct focus on the museum and children
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>> i had a exhibit that was accompanied by a catalog. one of the visitors was the editor of children's books they was impressed with my book work. i convinced her to publish a book about my own paintings that book plus two other books represented 17 hundred copies that were sold. counsels have found the books to be part of the curls development. and parents sent letters of honor. in 2007 members of the community leaders in east los angeles
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searching for names decided that my bilingual books made a impact on their children and they named their school after my artwork. i stand before you as a representative as a artist he ask i to certify this >> i believe there are seats in the middle please come to this side. >> good afternoon president fong, commissioners. i have been a long supporter and donor of the mexico mime. i'm a resident of san francisco
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and i am the granddaughter of the late president of mexico. in our family we have also been supporters of art and i urge you to approve this - the final environmental impact report because we need a worthy home for the mexico museum. it's time now to have this building. please, please approve and ma'am, do you care to submit your name for the record >> i'm john and that's andrea. i'm here to echo what she said is that the national leaders are coming in april and she's been asked by the president of mexico