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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2013 1:30pm-2:00pm PDT

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store, i think we can use a second market there. my concern is that adding a restaurant will create non-residential noise from increased non-residential activity. it will attract rodents. there may be new oxious odors from referee refuse. all of these issues are evident on the corner of hyde and union street down the block. you see noise, odor, refuse on the street. the proposed use will change the corner and i'm afraid that will crepe into surrounding areas. if you pull up a google map you will see the commercial areas along hyde street down polk
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street and the area where i live it's all residential, very residential. so, we have enough restaurants. the second grocery would be most appropriate. thank you. >> susan wiley and joseph. >> yes. i'm susan willie. i'm a neighbor and have been in the neighborhood for 40 years. it's very adjacent to that spot. i absolutely embrace the idea of los l.a. paloma. we need to go down to north beach or down to polk street. you may not be old enough to remember that at one time there was such a place on
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east side of hyde street a little place where you can go for coffee in the morning for a snack and for those that live alone that don't like to cook dinner but don't want to go to a restaurant. there was a place like that in the 90s. i just think, i'm here for several neighbors who also work and couldn't be here who embrace the idea having such a gathering place in our little village. thank you. joseph? >> i'm here in favor of the
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project. of course i'm one of the owners. >> do you care to submit your name for the record? >> joseph own ram. i have the market and have been serving that community for the last 30 years. as a native san franciscan i have always tried to serve the community and this is a continuations of one. i was presented with the opportunity from the owner of the business to take it over and looking at the community and what was being served and the one thing i realized that a cafe as a community meeting place serving coffee and sandwiches would be highly desirable. i have in my position three pages of signatures from the
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neighborhood that we collected over the course of one weekend to provide for evidence of support for our project. and that's my story. >> thank you. >> any additional public comment? okay. there being none, public comment is closed. commissioner borden. >> i understand the concern but i think this is a great reuse. the market being quiet and not well patronized might be why it no longer in existence. it's a great market. i'm very familiar with that area and the truth is in the top of the hill there are not a lot of inexpensive places to go and there aren't that many sandwich type cafe places. this is a limited restaurant. it not allowed to have alcohol as a limited
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restaurant. it's not going to be the loud kind of place and it's a great way to use the space. otherwise it would we main vacant. the neighborhood makes me feel it would be a great place. i'm supportive. >> i'm also supportive and glad to hear that it appears we are going to have the continued services of a market and now we are going to have a small facility for on sale food which is nice that you are at top of one of those hills that you are not going to have to walk down a hill for one of those things. and i would be supportive for
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beer and wine service for evening hours. it's fine the way it is. i'm in support. >> commissioner moore? >> being a pat patron of the market, knowing the owner will do this cafe, i'm in strong support of it and wish that we had more of like. >> commissioners, on that motion to approve with conditions, commissioner, hills, moore, sag ya, fong, aye. that passes unanimously 7-0. commissioners, that will place you on item 14 for case no. 2011 at 2014 hey street with retail
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project draft eir public hearing. please note that written comments will be accepted at the planning department on april 15, 2013. >> good afternoon before we begin this item i want to take the opportunity to introduce a member of our staff who has been with us for about two years. this will be her first appearance before you. rachel came to us after having 10 years of experience with the projects in part of a consulting firm for about 10 years and previous to that received a bs in environmental economics and policy from cal and since coming to our department she's performed extremely well and is making a vital contribution to the work of the department in the city. so please join me in welcoming
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rachel shaut. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, president fong, i'm rachel shaut department staff. the item before you is on the draft environmental report or draft eir of 6th street affordable retail project. this is case no. 2011. i'm joined here today with my colleagues, the staff historic preservation and senior environmental planner and sponsor of mercy housing as well as architecture and planning. for the proposed project would
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include installation of the building. which is known as the hayes ston department buildings. the construction of a new 9 story mixed use building with retail on the ground floor and housing units above and note the 14 units would be designated for developmentally disabled adults. the hotel has been identified as a contributor to the 6th street lodging which appears to be eligible for the national historic resource. i will will is note that historic resource evaluation response for the project also found the following. the installation is considered to be super imposed upon the building and not considered a modification. therefore should be evaluated
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separately. that the hotel individually is not a historic resource. 3, the art installation is also not historic resource and 4, construction of the proposed project building would have a less than significant impact on the historic district since it's compatible with the character of the district. the eir identified mitigation requirement documentation. this does not reduce the impact to a less than significant level. the drafted eir recognized impacts with implementation of mitigation measures. a hearing to receive a historic preservation on the draft was on march 18. it was largely focused on a request to evaluate an alternative which
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would preserve an ex- exterior of the hotel. this is not a hearing for approval or disapproval of the project. your comments should be confined to the adequacy in the analysis of the draft eir. the comments will be marked by the court reporter and make revision to the draft eir as appropriate. i would like to remind commenters to speak slowly and clearly so the court reporter can produce an accurate of today's hearing and state their name for the
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record so they will be properly identified. after hearing comments from the general public we'll take any comments on the draft eir. and will continue until 5 p.m. on april 15. comments not submitted to the should be submitted to the planning department. this concludes my presentation on this manner. if commission has any questions, i would be open to answer any questions. >> any public comment on this item? seen none the public comment portion is closed. >> i have quite a few comments here. no. this is not a comment. i have an quit question to staff about the date of the hearing.
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>> department staff? the it was heard on march 26th. >> i have questions about the mitigation resources. i think you need to augment them a bit. i will say one thing. i think since the art piece is considered to be somewhat important or recognized as such, i think the mitigation should include some kind of treatment of that particular art piece and i know the artist is around since it was carried in the paper yesterday or today. so the information is available and if that could be incorporated into some kind of exhibit perhaps and also there probably should be an exhibit on the building or inside the lobby with respect to the resources itself and i have some other technical things with respect to the photography
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that's being requested. so just submit those in writing. thank you. >> commissioner? >> i think the eir seems to be at least the draft seems to contain the things that needs to contain and of course the partial preservation opposite was discussed which i'm in favor but that's at the time the project comes forward. the idea of preserving the building and the same kind of house sg appropriate but it would be larger units and be more hospitable to tenancy. that might be a good option. but that's not for us to discuss today. we are only talking about whether or not the environmental piece is adequate. >> any additional comments? okay. commissioners, at the direction of the chair we'll be
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taking some items out of order. we'll be considering items 16 and 18 prior to taking items 15, a b and c. >> we'll take a short recess and reconvene. thank you. >> >>
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