tv [untitled] April 9, 2013 8:00pm-8:30pm PDT
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thing. i would suggest that we take the money from stem. we can't afford to take it from the general infrastructure. i am insisting on a rigorous evaluation for every spending proposal. i want to be -- the board has directed that we are able to go to the voting public and say this is how we spent your money and feel good about it. by the way, we cannot in any good faith tell our students they're getting an a through g education without stem as part of that. i would offer that up if commissioner fewer is acceptable to that. let's identify it out of stem and we'll find a way to work around. >> so the amendment is that we
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take 43,430 from stem and put it in restorative practices. so roll call on the amendment. >> thank you. miss lee. >> i don't know. >> miss lee. >> can we speak before we take a vote on these? she wanted to make a comment. >> what did you want to do? >> i think we can -- now that we've had clarification on the amendment and the superintendent has offered up, that we can now move forward,
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but my comment -- and i'll make it right now because it was in this context is that as you heard claudia anderson mention, this will offer just this dollar amount so as we go forward hopefully the staff sees how the board -- we wouldn't be at this conversation with everyone chiming in if it didn't have
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amendment and we are continue inging conversation. are there any other comments on the main motion? no. >> okay. roll call please. before we call -- i'm sorry, i want to acknowledge the members of the cac and actually there's a few of you in the audience and if you could stand please so we can applaud you and thank you for your work. excellent timing. ing, i must say. >> roll call please. miss lee. >> yes. >> miss wong. >> yes. >> miss fewer. >> yes.
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>> mr. haney. >> miss wynn. >> i. >> miss norton. >> yes. >> seven i's. >> thank you very much. okay. you can see how seriously this board takes every dollar. item i, board members proposal. there's none tonight. item j, request to speak regarding general matters. i have a number of speakers cards. i also have a list of folks that called to sign up. on the dismissal, i'd like to give this group a total of 15 minutes to speak on this item so i'll read off the names of the people who called to -- and the cards that i have. if you can please, as i read your name, line up at the podium and
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when we're ready we'll begin timing the 15 minutes. so doctor, mr. pedro, marie ramero, doctor richard, evelyn, michael, carry, carmen, marty, rudy,. so we will begin timing now. you have 15 minutes for your entire group. >> i am rosita, professor of american and [inaudible] where for more than three decades i
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directed the preparation of teachers and administrators for the san francisco public schools. i join concerned filipino educators and community members and advocate quality education for filipino students, the second most rapidly growing asian population, but remaining underserved. they need to grow roots in the united states without forgetting their roots in their country of or gin. research has shown that [inaudible] helps students to foal good about themselves, their families and their groups, which translate to success in education and employment. maintaining their hair /tapblg, culture and language leads to empowerment and more active participation of parents in the successful
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education of their children. this can only be achieved with a culturely relevant curriculum and competent teachers and administrators. although parents are demanded that district offer language instruction and hire more filipino teachers and administrators, such as those of [inaudible] it is very sad that such personnel are very few, if at all present. distinguished board members, it is long overdue that the unfortunate gnat situation of filipino students in san francisco be corrected. please ensure that the educational needs of this rapidly growing population are met by hiring the much needed qualified filipino teachers and
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administrators. thank you for listening. >> good afternoon. my name is pablo, i'm a parent of a 4th grader [inaudible]. i'm writing this letter because i felt that my daughter's teacher received a very unfair evaluation. to give you an overview of what my daughter's teacher, miss valet hoe has done this year, in come /paeurplt to her performance last year is the following. in spring 2011 my daughter received that she scored a 418 advance in language arts and 407 proficient in mathematics. due to budget cuts from the state and district and
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reshuffling of teachers my daughter wound up with the same teacher the next day. in 2012 her with the same teacher two years in a row my daughter dropped 74 points in english language arts, went from advanced to basic. my daughter dropped 56 points in mathematics and went from high proficient to low proficient. my wife and i are very active in the school and we stay on top of everything and i've been there since my daughter's been in kindergarten for five years now. we feel that not only that we have kept in communication with our teachers, but at the same time
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that miss v has brought the best education to my daughter. there's no cause for her to be dismissed and there has to be no explanation for no cause. everything has a reason because a teacher who is being told that you cannot continue to work for the unified school district and you're being fired because low cost. no, i'm sorry. when my student dropped -- she brought my daughter back from a basic level and brought her back, based on facts, brought her to a 78.3 high benchmark when they took the san francisco unified school district ela, cla test in
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english. then my daughter jumped to a 71.4 mid benchmark in math. and yet i'm being told that my daughter's teacher is unacceptable, that she cannot do the work, that she is not fit to be at this school. why? and all i get the answer is no cost. no cause are not facts. these are facts. so you're telling me leonard r flynn that's struggling to meet state standards and the district wants to get rid of a teacher that brought a student back to the top. when a teacher gets an evaluation, they get one in spring, one in fall to show there's been plenty of time for her to get
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proper evaluation to show the kids are dropped. but she was evaluated twice in one month. that's giving her two to three weeks to show she can produce results. with this i say, all i'm asking is that you recon sit reconsider and let her stay at the school district and my daughter's school. thank you. >> my name is keith, i'm a parent of a second grader at betsy car michael. he attends the [inaudible] the after school program of which tina
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was founder. i think more so than just being given the opportunity to express ourselves and to air grievances -- i think we also as participants in democracy demand results so the thrust of my talk tonight will be about the lack thereof. in my work as a youth media arts facilitator, i speak regularly with educators. overwhelmingly they tell me i wish my parents were more involved. we have parents who are involved in the process, active participants in our children's education and we are asking for your help, we are asking for more dedicated talented teachers, like tina, not less. our desire for that has been evidenced by our organization efforts since she was received the non
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reelection. it's also been reflected in our attempts to gain clarify from the administration and from the board via our campaign of email, phone messages and by our continued presence here at these board meetings. the lack of a move by the board to rescind the non reelection of tina and further more the complete lack of effort to reach out to and work with the community, the members here represented in this manner has led to conflicting stories about next steps and confusion as ho how to achieve our goal of keeping tina as a resource to the district. needless to say, this is frustrating for a community that feel that it's been under served for too long. we /urpbl the board to act now and rescind the non reelection
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of tina and in so doing, reverse the action of robbing the district of a great asset. >> i'm a youth coordinator and i have some -- all my youth have had miss [inaudible] as a teacher and i'm reading through one of youths. she should stay because she has been one of the nicest teachers i have had and she has been very generous and thoughtful and she is the only filipino person in the middle school so why would you take fec's teacher filipino education centers. only filipino middle schoolteachers. and i heard they're taking
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them out because they don't have the [inaudible] national in a filipino educational school? right? another student had said that -- give me a second. she said, "us for years and he's known her for months," so he doesn't know what he's talking about. so of course they're youth. they're speaking out of their passion for their teacher. i've noticed from both of these schools that these principals have only stayed there for some amount of maybe a year or two and they don't need the teachers as well as the students as well as the parents. and i had said in my last speech over here, that they are the facts. they are
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the actual evidence and i was really thankful that you guys are thinking of the students doing the 43 towards that and wanted to restore something that was lost. and restoring discipline -- these teachers have done that even without that certain qualification -- or not -- specialized qualification because they've done that through their classes. like you said, you
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have trained individuals, profession /alized in this. they've had that and they're making changes. so having that restoring thing -- why can't you restore their jobs because these teachers have made a change. thank you. >> thank you. so i'm seeing no other speakers so seems like some of the people that signed up not here. we will move on to the next group of speakers which is lake shore elementary and i have quite a lot of cards. if you plan to speak on lake shore issue, can you stand up please? i'm going to give you similarly 15 minutes total for your group to speak. you won't have individual time for
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speakers, but at the ends of 15 minutes your time will expire so as soon as you're ready line up at the /ph*eubg and d mic and we will begin timing. >> good evening. my name is dave and i'm the pta president at lake shore elementary school and i'm member of the school's [inaudible] council. i'm the parent of a third grader at lake shore and he's very fond of saying that he loves his school. as i'm sure you are aware, lake shore's principal,
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lindsey keener announced her resignation. her announcement came after a prolonged campaign from members of our own community to have her position fired from lake shore. >> i think we should clarify that resign and fire are not the same thing. >> she resigned from lake shore and i've come here tonight to express my disappointment for how the school board handled this matter. i found her to be an effective dedicated principal with a deep commitment towards lake /shoerp students and families. i'm aware that the parents who led
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this campaign against miss keener contacted members this board of their claims, but the board made no attempt to fact check the claims against her. i would hope the district would take a more effective roll in handling this situation and that all voices have a chance to be heard. as we move ahead, i hope the next principal will share the same qualities as miss keener, i hope they'll be as committed to lake shore student as miss keener has been. i hope that the next principal will be as approachable as miss keener. and i hope our next principal will always put the students of lake shore first as miss keener has done. i appreciate your time. thank you. >> hi, my name is vicki and i
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am a parent of a second grader at lake shore. i am a single mother so honestly, i didn't pay much attention to what was going on at the school. all i knew was that lindsey was a great principal whenever i had an issue which wasn't often, she always responded effectively. when there was a problem with my son called me right away. we worked it out. it seemed like a very civilized process and it was ongoing. so that instance alone showed me that miss keener not only cared, but that she worked closely with the teachers who were willing to work with her. so i would like to move the discussion forward. i do echo
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david's view that i don't really know what the district was thinking when they just blindly -- i don't know what happened. whether they put the heat on her and asked her to resign or what happened, but it's caused a lot of pain in our community. many people, parents and kids are suffering. we try to keep it from the kids, but the kids pick up on it. they know what's going on. so i just have said here, suggestions for rectifying [inaudible] and preventing similar ambush in the future. it doesn't serve the district to respond to a small group of parents via the board or directly to out somebody without really getting a consensus. the group of parents that did this were a small group and they still don't represent the majority of
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parents. so whereas many were not involved in this, nor approve of it now. we remain deeply divided and many parents leery of -- >> if we can put the time on pause for just a moment. we ask simply just because this is a public meeting that's recorded and broadcast, that you refrain from mentioning employees by name. we can't prevent you from that, but we do ask as a courtesy for both the employees and other people in the district. >> sorry, i've already done it. so we're simply the principal will not make things better at
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lake shore. ousters like this continue to occur -- it's a waste of resources to be responding in a random manner in response to ousters. one, the district invites -- not saying she would come back, i doubt she would -- the district invites lindsey to stay at lake shore, or offers to renew her contract. two, the district establishes clear measures of the principal's performance based on the unique nature of lake shore so as to simplify discussions. three, to avoid an occurrence like this district wide in the future, they will not consider a
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request to oust a [inaudible] that is the pta representing the student bodies at a school where it is proposed that a social worker or school principal or school secretary be fired. that's all. thank you. >> i'm going to say some similar things to what you've already heard. my name is lisa, greetings to you all. i'm a parent of two children at lake shore elementary school -- two african american children. and one reason why we chose lake shore is because of the great ethnic and socioeconomic diversity at the school that we wanted our children to be exposed to. we've been at the school for four years and have really loved lake shore, but just the past few months have become quite stressful for us. so i came here today to voice
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my distress and anger at what i think is this district's serious mishandling of this attack on our principal by a small group of disgruntled aren'ts. they maligned miss keener to her supervisor in the district, as well as certain members of this board, all the while caming in a written document to represent the lake shore community, although they were a very small group and nobody else knew what they were doing. many of you have seen this five page document maligning the prince /palg. it is filled with trivial complaints and misstatements of fact, and yet they have made no credible attempt to /aeu cred date these allegations even when parents who learned of the
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attack who were dismaid began to call and write letters to members of the district and to you board members. in fact, two parents who were dismaid by this submitted a petition with 140 signatures. it was very impromptu they put together. in one day they put together this petition of parents who wanted to save her and no response came from the district. these two petitioners were attacked by the group of parents trying to oust her principal and were told they had no right to have a petition. so no one at the district came to the school to talk other parents or teachers or the staff to hear the other side of the story. the hatful parents refused our principal's request to meet in mediation
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