tv [untitled] April 18, 2013 5:14am-5:44am PDT
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admitted have a vested interest where you might take this question. i think that what you have done collectively today and especially in this last panel is make a case for more professional development for educators as well as for opportunities for students to develop their moral philosophical voices, so the question i have for you given the current climate, economically and politically, can we afford to separate out this conversation from the larger political and economic conversation that confronts the whole state? and what's the role of this body, educators community leaders in making sure we fund the kind of interventions and developments that lead to division you have described so beautifully. >> can i get one person to answer that? >> real quick. i think the idea that we can help young people
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and dawlts learn and growth mind set and have to advocate for more time to learn. the reduction in adult learning in schools is damaging all of us as a whole entire state, so i think you're absolutely right, but to then also understand that helping young people have a social filter, executive function and make life's choices. we know about brain development but we can help young people to make good decisions and we stripped that out and doesn't incorporate that and social emotional learning and other folks to say we should in fact care deeply about young people developing the capacity to make good decisions and to struggle productively with one another. that should be our teaching as well so more time for adults to grow and learn together and professional capital to build and help the kids grow and not just the content but in human beings.
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>> yeah and to add to that i think it's involving the community, so the pta's, the nonprofits, the faith based community and bringing them together and share resources and get really focused and looking at the data and then the outcomes because that keeps you focused. >> great. okay go ahead. >> this is a mixed appreciation and a question. i'm nicholas carlyle and the director of "bully" , san francisco's nonprofit and we share with you the realization that punishment makes bullying situations worse. it's uncoupled bullying and punishment and the question is, which is kind of a comment too. if we uncouple bullying and punishment doesn't that make it much easier to define what bullying is? and seems to me
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and defining bullying because the bar is so high because we're afraid it's going to trigger some prescribed consequence and bullying doesn't necessarily have to lead to a consequence and just a solution wouldn't that make the definition of bullying much easier? >> i don't think that that -- at least from my perspective and what i heard so far that the focus of addressing bullying leads to punishment. at least what i have been talking about and my colleagues here is we're focused on addressing it as changing behaviors, and learned positive behaviors as opposed to trying to assess or attach a punishment to it. it might result in some punishment if it's extreme but i think that the focus at least from us is that we want to do the intervention, the healing, the
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retorstiff justice and i don't think punishment should be a substiewlt word for the behavior and i think that is where the confusion lies for some and if we held someone accountable for a behavior is attached to a punishment and not necessarily so. >> great. i would like to recognize the district attorney of nasessa and gary leeberson. is he here? hi gary and the other district attorney. if we can get a microphone and since we have the experts here. what are you most proud of in san that -- mateo and i
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know there is a program there and what you're most proud of in your community that addresses these issues? >> hi everybody. >> sorry to surprise you. >> no worries. we're meant to think on our feet. the collaboration that we have in our community. we have been sitting around the table as community leaders throughout our criminal justice system for a number of years, long before realignment happened with the schools and law enforcement, with probation, our office, with public centers office and looking a sulsystem's approach and not just punitive base but there are going to be consequences as nancy said for very extreme acts but everything ultimately is local. i mean with limited exceptions of people that need lifelong time outs or much longer than everybody else, but by in large everything is local and i think that we really put a lot of
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focus on our young people. my colleagues and the superintendent was here barbara and had to leave about an hour ago and we try to work together. we have been trying to be innovative in truancy areas. i think i stole this from alameda and san francisco but i sent a letter out to address all school parents on my letterhead to talk about the importance of kids being in school and sort of the having the feather in the club approach but basically talking statistically today's victims being tomorrow's victims and perpetrators and how important it is for your kids to be in school, so it's the full community approach and the holistic approach as it were. >> okay great. did you want to add something?
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>> on the spot but i was proud of the three da's and they covered it and we worked over the years with the heart power that jeff rosen referred to. when moving into the soft power i recognize we're not experts so i look to people like anne campbell, our superintendent and to cheryl there to educate us and i said this morning "i am interested what we can do as a district attorney's office to help , what we can do to help" because we recognize we're not experts. we have an expertise in certain areas dealing with consequences and accountability and we're good with that. when it comes to soft power with great collaboration we can have a support role and provide to our educators and experts what exactly can we do to assist you
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getting to the end that everybody talked about today and that's the only different take we would have. >> great thank you. [applause] i would like to say we need to wrap up. we have a late start and need to keep moving. i would like to say what struck me today that even though teachers and principals are in school all day addressing those things in the hallways and they're not here. we have school people but they're not the ones on the ground but i think they would be thrilled to know that the people in this room that represent law enforcement -- i think i saw someone from the cartoon network and parents and people across the board recognize this isn't just a school problem. this is a community problem and that everybody is here to work together in that, and what a
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wonderful message to send to those teachers even though they're not here today. i want to thank the panelists that represent the groups. these are my sources and often don't like me and today we will be friends and create a culture of cooperation. thank you so much. [applause] okay. folks we're going to roll into the final panel. it's an important panel. it covers i think what has been over arching theme which is online bullying.
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if the panelists could come up we will get started. why don't we get started and i know everybody needs to go but again it's an important top and i can flowed through many of the conversations today and harassment and bullying online and i will introduce the moderator and she is anne collier and executive director of family news and a journal iftd and youth advocate and the coauthor of a parent's guide to
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facebook and myspace unraveled and social networking. she served on president obama technology working group and delivered its group to congress and youth safety on the internet and you can read her plug. how's that for a plug? >> thank you very much. our parents guide is free and can be distributed at schools or parent nights or whatever, so we're happy to make them available to you at connect safety .org so a little bit more of the big picture. this is amazing panel of people who have resources and campaigns that can support and reinforce your fine work. so i am glad you stayedand we
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learned about bullying and preventions and solutions and just to reinforce getting the accurate picture bullying is a serious problem but it's not an epidemic. it's not on the rise. daift finkelhorn and director of the research center university of new hampshire and reviewed studies and bullying among youth is actually down in recent years. his colleague have actually stopped using the term of "bullying" and refer to peer aggression and i can go into definitions but i won't bore you. a subset of bullying is also not on the rise and based on researchers and their
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samples and other scholar's work and 20% of teens have ever experienced cyber bullying and a scholar from norway published lower numbers but why be such a stickler about accurate data? because the norms for research say getting the facts out takes the tacit acceptance or fatalism out of the picture. perception changes behavior so when we connect surveys in school and own their own data and a psychology professor at university of nebraska and the vast majority of students moment engage in bullying behavior and
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when students find that out bullying behavior goes down further and it's a powerful resource you can use. now i'm going to introduce this amazing panel. first we have just to my right mia from sealtion. she is going to explain more about this term that was used a lot today and social literacy or social emotional learning. alice con is from cartoon network. dave steer to her right is from facebook and next to him is officer holly lawrence, sunny valley of public safety, digital safety program and she's going to talk about which is a powerful thing going national. and next -- is brian here? no. okay. all right. so we're all set and mia i would like you to enlighten us more in all that
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you're doing in social emotional learning. >> sure. i had some slides but i'm not sure -- no, we have a handout that went around to you and more detail about what social emotional learning is because i think we rise a little bit today and i came from seattle and i know many people have brought up that term today and i get the sense from this group that you're at kind of a high level of discourse and you have a general understanding. could i see a show of hands for those of you that social emotional learning is a familiar term? and those that feel you have a deep understanding of it? okay. great. thank you. i want to introduce myself a little more so you have the context of what i do. i work for a nonprofit in seattle "committee for children" and
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we have been around for about 32 years. we're nonprofit and we do both education and advocacy and on the education end we develop be curriculum and the curriculum is used widely across the country. it's in every state in the country and in canada and 70 countries around the world and programs we're familiar with is second step and i am hearing some nods and we have a -- idea of kind of what
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kind of things that we do, and i also do advocacy work so i come and speak at meetings like this. i was at the attorney general's meeting in washington state and i would like to congratulate you and especially those in law enforcement in california for the high level of discourse that you have incredibly impressed today by what i have heard and my hats off to you for all the good work you're doing. so i do advocacy and part of that is kind of reaching out to people and bringing the message of social emotional learning not just to schools because educators kind of get it. it's not a stretch when we talk to them why it's important to get it, but we want to take the message outside of the school into the media, into the
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communities, into families so that people kind of understand this process of another way of learning and becoming an educated person. a couple of other things i do i work with anne on the board and with the foundation. that has been exciting. i do advising for sesame street. if you have small children the next seafn sesame street you will see some of the favorite characters and breathing and learning problem solving models and we're very excited -- >> [inaudible] >> and they're focusing on self regulation and other skills and specific focus and exciting working with them the past year and a half or so so i want people to have a look here, and what i would like to do is tie some of the things together
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that you have been hearing about today and in terms of bullying prevention, other prevention work going on in your state and in terms of promoting positive behaviors with youth, and so sometimes you hear social emotional learning, but what is it really? okay. so i have borrowed this model from kazel and it's the clghtive for social emotional learning and headquartered in chicago and this is their model that i find interesting and look at the different domains and the areas that comprise social emotional learning, and you will see that couple of them, self awareness and self management are things about yourself. this is knowledge about yourself. this is when we teach children we teach children to recognize their emotions, recognize what things trigger strong emotions
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and give a name to different emotions and one important thing if you work with children or even with adults strong emotions can be very confusing for people, so people have the intense emotions and for kids not literate to name their emotions it comes out angry, right and what might that be? it could be frustration. it could be embarrassment. it could be any number of different really strong emotions, and if they don't know how to put words to that, they don't know how to begin to solve the problems or ask for help and this is at the very fundamental level which we teach very, very young children. they have the do -- domains and
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compassion and we heard bullying is a problem with relationships and a lot of researchers talk about it like this as well. this is where we learn about having positive relationships that make a difference between peer to peer in the schools that make a difference between adults and the children in the schools and for people not just in school but i am sure all of you can look up here and in each of the domains think of something in all of them in the last 24 hours that you had to use, that you had to activate in relationships with the co-workers or spouses and these are different life skills and there is the area of responsible decision making and comes into play when you have to figure out what to do when you have a problem, so you can probably just look at that and "oh yes, i see where the
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connections would be" and i would like to kind of point out because we are talking about bullying today -- one of the things i love -- i don't know if rosylyn is still in the room but she talked about a specific example. this is an example of what a teacher should be able to do if she sees something in the hallway and described this whole process and when i was listening to that i was thinking oh my gosh in every category that person would have to be very socially emotionally competent. you need the awareness to know something is going on. you need that empathy to compel you do something about t you need the management skills to approach that situation calmly and not be over reactive. you need to have your own skills and make the right decisions that will work in that moment, so i was glad
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that she gave that example and i am able to show you how having these skills are very important, and i would also like to say a lot of you have seen the bullying film and saw a lot of adults who clearly needed more training in their social emotional competencies and if we think about it think about -- i don't want to assign blame to administrators or to parents who we all know are often just doing the best they can with the kind of experiences they have grownup with, the training they had and the skills they are, but imagine the scene with the administrator how that might of different if she had social emotional learning since preschool? or with alex and the conference conversationing with different and all through school and you
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have relationships based on this model so i'm just putting that out there today and we will be talking more about it and i hope people have time for questions to just further this conversation. these wonderful people up here on the panel have done a fabulous job at getting the word out and doing something. we're putting out the awareness of what everybody needs to have and i would like to offer ideas for solutions. >> mia one of the things i learned this year and seemed like a major epiphany and working with various people and we were the curriculum working group for the berkmen's center launch of lady gaga's foundation and as we were having the conversation called it dawned on me "oh my gosh the lion's share of bullying prevention is
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social emotional learning and i confirmed this with ph.ds and i am not. i'm a johnalists and i went to my sources and i keep collaborating this and i keep finding that answer and i see people nodding their heads out here if we could get social literacy training into every school in the country we would put an unprecedented debt into this problem. it would really be remarkable and what i am hearing you say this is really also confirming the whole community school roof rick was talking about this morning and not just about teaching kids. >> i want to say two things based on what you said. i have a another slide after this and little graphic about -- so there has been quite a bit of emerging research on programs in schools
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and the benefits that you get from it, so the kind of positive behaviors that you see increasing. the negative behaviors you see decreasing, so one of the things i really want to point out is you just don't think i have to do something about bullying. it's do social emotional learning. if you're doing that you should expect academic outcomes up to what they say and 11 percentile points is what they found in the research. you should see a decrease in other kinds of negative behaviors besides aggression but emotional distress, school drop out. you should see increase in school et cetera cannedness and we sudden an important factor. >> and student engagement in the class classrooms. >> exactly and there are multiple benefits to doing this program and i want to say because this is important for you and all of the research
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people left in the room that we do know from the research it's not the social emotional learning for effective bullying prevention programs. there are other elements of staff training and educating students about what to do in a bullying case and our program we teach kids the 3r's. recognize, report and refuse bullying and we talk about the power that the bystanders have and the things they can do to make a difference and at a whole school level training adults and i want to put this out here and this is something that we know is very important. >> so alixis we heard a number of times today is takes a village and not just about programs in schools and not just about schools and families, but what is out there in the air, and mia has worked with sesame
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workshop. you target a slightly older age group. talk to us about your piece of the puzzle. >> i am happy to. could i have the next slide? that's not mine. and that's not mine. >> it doesn't look like cartoon network. >> maslow's hierarchy. >> sorry. back up. a big logo slide. >> and we're supposed to be about the technology. >> imagine a big stop bullying speak up logo on the slide behind me. >> say that again. >> stop bullying, speak up is the name of the campaign and a nice transition. my complements to everyone in the room. if i
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have learned everything in the last four years while researching bullying prevention and for our age group and the kids in the second through seventh grade it's that not only does it take a village but a village of people who are willing to partner and collaborate with each other and speak not only to adults about this issue but speak to children and i think it's an interesting transition from mia's work to mine. still not mine. >> it is but -- >> and the role we play at cartoon network and thousands of kids at home everyday and the role we play is taking that information, translating it and content on the line and when kids come independently to our screens to play games and watch television and do a variety of things
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