tv [untitled] April 21, 2013 7:14am-7:44am PDT
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they are not all tech. we sort of range from writers and virtual wineries which are right behind me. to some of the leading technology companies in the valley. we have companies that raise anywhere from a thousand dollars to $25 million that have sort of been housed with us. some of the coolest things that have happened at the hatchery two people sitting next to each other working on the same app for six months decided to merge and raise a million dollars for their company. so, collaborative consumption is something we truly believe in and having spent a couple of years working with the likes of jane, brian, tina lee and a bunch of other people who have been sort of working on this open data problem, it's been sort of exciting to sort of see it come to fruition today and see sort of the progress that they've made. so, for me this is sort of -- it's been fun to sort of watch this team of people come together and do what they do and make san francisco a 21st century city. so, you know, it's an honor to welcome the mayor back to the hatchery, the new hatchery.
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we invite you, supervisor chiu, to our monthly infamous happy hours where bourbon and branch caters to meet with our tenants. it's an honor to have you guys here. enjoy the day and it's an honor to welcome jane back to the hatchery. (applause) >> good morning, my name is jane. i'm the mayor's chief innovation officer. before we get things started, i'm actually going to have one more company come up here because we're actually waiting for the press to get finalized and set upful. so, a couple more minutes to read here. how much time, press? no one is giving me any signs here. you guys are ready, great. so, we're going to hold off and have you guys come up a little bit later. so, again, my name is james. i want to thank the hatchery for hosting us here and being such an important part of the start-up community and for helping san francisco businesses start and grow here in san francisco.
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our first speaker is mayor lee. he has been a strong advocate of open data, both in his current position and also historically as the city administrator. and he's going to be sharing with you some really exciting announcements and his vision for open data. mayor? (applause) >> hi, good morning. welcome again to innovation month in san francisco. it's great to be here. as you know, i've been working really hard with organizations like sf city and code for america and others to make sure that we keep being leaders in technology and celebrating our status, but also implementing the programs to help us continue that very nice title we have, the innovation capital of the world. and i am here today in collaboration with board president david chiu and so many others from our committee on information technology,
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spur, our different various city departments, really trying to improve on what we've done already. back in 2009 then mayor gavin newsome to the light of all of us had introduced that we ought to really establish some guidelines to open up our city's data. and in the year later, the board, less legislation, the first open data legislation in san francisco that made us cutting edge throughout the country, the first to come out and say to everybody in the public, to people who wanted to create businesses, wanted to look at the city with kind of an open invitation to involve themselves with what the city had. and part of that really neat understanding was that we were holding onto so much of our own data in our own silos with our own very focused obligations that we had, and not realizing that if we had released that data to the public, we could really allow them to help us create even more efficient
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government, along with some very good entrepreneurial efforts that are reflected in today's announcements and some of our partners that are here today. so, three years later, after announcing this and after doing the first generation of open data legislation, open sf is still a very vigorous, and we want to do even more. we've teamed up again with board president david chiu who has been personally involved with this and helping us and guide us with his knowledge, having been a small business owner himself, with how we can do even better. and today we are announcing actually two areas of improvements to our piece of legislation that i think will get people even more excited. the first is after a couple of years of opening up some of the data streams in our city and seeing how this data had already started, some companies, some entrepreneurs develop applications, helped us already with identifying some additional needs in the city
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and involving more people, we want to do even more along that line. and, so, this legislation will allow us to establish, along with the best practices that are going on in new york, chicago, and the sunlight foundation, that is to create a position in the city, basically establishing a data office, an open data officer for the city, somebody that's going to help jay naff. jay is like our external innovation officer. he's helping me connect up all the time with all of the different companies in the city that are establishing and creating things. but i need somebody on the inside. we have a 60-department bureaucracy. they're still working in a lot of different silos and one of the things that we still have to do is get them on a higher level of sharing their data. so, establishing a chief data officer for the city that will work with all the different departments, establish some additional standards for them
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to create pinpoints in every department of what their data is, what they may not be aware of that they're collecting and computers in our departments and allow that data to flow out. this will be a good addition and a great improvement. it is part of the best practices that we're learning across the country that if we establish a data person, person that will really look for opportunities and establish them with the departments and bring more data out, that will improve our city's performance. the other roll out we're having today, government for the last three years, our government has really been on both the pressure point and i think now realizing a tremendous opportunity to allow our data to go out. why not also in return ask for companies who are also collecting data to share that with city government? that's another great exchange
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that we have. and i know there's a lot of companies out there that do collect a lot of data, whether they're your credit card companies, your banks and so forth. if there is a way that their data can come to us, it might very well be the grounds for even better public service for all of our different departments, whether we're talking about health or sports or kinds of things that our public would use. and i want to serve up an example. there's been a company here in san francisco called motion loft and they have been creating sensors in various departments. they've covered some 18 different neighborhoods in our city with thousands of different sensors to track pedestrians, vehicles, maybe later on they'll tag bicycle traffic. and that data in the various neighborhoods have, i think, been incredible for their
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company to launch and to work in collaboration with other companies to see how movement in the city can help us establish patterns, trends, and other things. and they're going to share that data with us. and i believe that data is going to be value with us as we figure out challenges like the small businesses along west portal or in terra val, along 3rd street who see their vacancies and they ask the mayor, how can you invest in neighborhood strategy work a little better with us to attract people to come and be customers in our neighborhood, coffee shops, restaurants, salons and other things? how can we do that? we've always scratched our head saying, you kind of have to do it yourself. you have to create your ideas yourself. and now we're saying, well, maybe there is data out there that could help establish some best practices, can help maybe quicken the ideas of what might
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be more attracted to our smaller neighborhoods. well, this is the kind of data out there, analytics, if you will, the analytical model that are being created by our local san francisco companies like motion loft and others, who are using these data yet can share it with the government as motion loft has agreed to do today, as part of yet another exciting phase. and you ought not be surprised when we ask some of the larger companies and suggest to them that we can be a better city if they share their data through data sf with us. and if we can then download it and have it available to everybody else, i think that that would be a great combination. these are a couple of the improvements that we wanted to announce today in our open data legislation in collaboration, again, with our board. but also in collaboration with code for america who has been working with us, with sf city as i mentioned earlier, spur,
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our department of technology, our committee on information technology, and then we have an open data working group which really tries to get volunteers from the different departments to work together and see what other kinds of data analytics that we could provide to the public. i want to just say today, you're going to hear some demonstration projects that are already started with our open data. again, as a way to celebrate innovation month, not only are we opening up different companies throughout san francisco, but we want to also encourage, examples we're going to be announcing yoyo working with phil ginsberg to provide data where are small parks or where the events are happening. what is the cost? how to get there in the hours that they're operating? a smart phone application for all of our events in recreation
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and park department, that to me is going to be invaluable to visitors and to our neighborhoods. bronwin who is working with us on data information from neighborhoods in our city, growth trends, that kind of data certainly is going to help a department like city planning who is trying to kind of figure out where the new neighborhoods in our city, what do we do from a planning and zoning effort, prioritizing. is it small businesses now in pier 70 area or do with we go high-rises downtown? what kind of people trends and business trends and constituent trends are happening in our neighborhoods * ? that data is there to be shared with our city planning. so we can plan for the future and make sure when we're not planning to limit the kind of growth that we want to encourage.
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and then we've got another exciting one. chris haug is here and the company hundred-plus is here today. they have worked on, for many years, health related data. and they're going to roll out the opportunity where people can get information about what exists in our city that they can utilize or go to that will affect their health in a positive way. for me, i'm looking at an apparatus that will be on my wrist that will tell me every time i should go to the golf course. [laughter] >> because that's where my exercise happens. the more i walk on the golf course like i did 18 holes yesterday morning at 6:00 a.m., the more healthy i'm going to be in the long run. it's things like that where people don't know there might be an existent location that they don't know about that could be related to their health. and they could have that instantaneously. these are just three of some of, i think, just hoards
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of examples that when we allow data analytics and this is really to me a technology geek's really dream, is to have all of this data available so that we can mine them in different ways and very creative ways. and i want to say, again, as someone who has worked in government for 23 years, i've been at those departments like dpw and others where we think in one dimension. this is where we clean the streets. this is how often we clean it. this is when we tell the cars to move off. and this is what dpw does and it does it pretty well within that constraint. if you shared that data with companies who are looking at where do people live, how -- what their patterns are, we can get a lot more creative. when we open our data, when we suggest to departments that they can work in collaboration, when we open up and establish
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within our city contracts that the companies that do service for us do not own the data that they generate from us, that they will have a contractual obligation to share that with the city so that we can mine that to the rest of the city, that's advance of opportunities for everybody. i know at the heart of sharing this data, there is going to be a lot more jobs created, a lot more people out therein venting new ways to establish small businesses that will improve the way we live and work and play in the city. and we look forward to great events like a super bowl host or something like that, we're going to be able to give people a really rich amount of programs that they could access from here to santa clara to san jose. we can act regionally with our data and we can join and continue to be in the great city of san francisco. so, i want to thank all of the
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people, all of the different starting up companies here and those that are inventing with us, thank them for celebrating innovation month in such a exemplary way. and i think we're going to have a lot more to announce before this month is out, including on our way to the world series. thank you very much. (applause) >> now, if i may introduce our partner in crime here, board president david chiu who is also going to be complimenting us with all of his efforts at the board. come on up, david. (applause) >> good morning. i am incredibly excited to be here today for a couple of reasons. first of all, the hatchery is one of my favorite places in the city. there is truly a bee hive of activity of the newest innovations that san francisco will be famous for. i also love the fact that just a couple of blocks from here is where our san francisco giants are moving on to the world series.
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but just in this room, all of you are giants and making sure that san francisco is the world champion when it comes to innovation. 13 years ago, i like all of you started a company. i started in i-ti a technology company in the 1.0 world. it was a company that created technology to connect citizens better with government * . i ran it for almost nine years. and when i was elected to office four years ago, i was unfortunately more surprised than i wanted to be about how far behind san francisco government was. this was very 2008, 2009. with you i'm really proud of the leaps and bounds we have taken as a city * . i was proud in 2010 to help move forward legislation to really bring together city departments to work in a coordinated way with our committee on information technology. to help create a chief information officer position for the city. i was also proud to work with then mayor newsome in passing
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the first generation of open data legislation that we have. but as our civil grand jury in june pointed out, our i-t in san francisco is still in need of a culture shock. and this is where all of us come in today. we have 200 data sets that have already been put out there, but by and large the data sets put out by city government are data sets that i think show us in a very positive way. from my perspective, it's important for us to keep on pushing data sets that allow us to deal with the sometimes imperfections in city government. to figure it out, where it is we need to take risks, we are we can be more entrepreneurial, where we can be more transparent and frank little more accountable to all of you as the residents and as our customers here in city government. and this is why i am proud tomorrow to help move forward legislation that my staff has been working closely with jay nath and mayor leon that will real i do three things. first of all, it will create a chief data officer because we need one person who is
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responsible and accountable for moving forward our open data agenda. secondly, we're going to require every department in the city to have a representative who is responsible for data so you can go to our transit agency, our police department, any of our 50 plus departments and know who can help you get the data that we need. thirdly, we need to make sure that we have common standards so that as this data is presented, all of us can know how to use it, how to play with it and move things forward. now, i want to take this moment to issue a challenge to the smartest and the brightest in san francisco here in this room. there are three ideas that have been working on for the last year that i would love to see potentially in hack-a-thon to help move our city forward. the first has to do with a favorite topic of san franciscans. how many of you have had your car towed in san francisco? how many of you have not been as happy as you wanted to be about that experience?
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so, last year i had hundreds of residents who were unhappy about the fact that there were special events that san francisco will often do. whether it be the america's cup, sunday games, giants streets they will wake up for the car that is typically legally parked on this their street and find out they can't get it back but for a $500 fibromyalgiav. i protionx posed to the public if your community can help us figure out an app so if i provided my cell phone to city government, we can let you know if the street cleaning is going to happen tomorrow. we propose this had last year. mayor lee was supportive. we're still waiting for it to happen, idea number one. idea number two, my constituents ask me can you tell us where every single dollar in city government goes? whether it goes to an individual, nonprofit, someone providing goods and services in our city?
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last year i proposed an open budget application so that we could drill down and know where every single penny of city government is being spent. i want to thank our budget director who is here, our city controller. we are working on this, but we are still months away from getting the data that we need to provide this information to you. my third idea, i want to thank our rec and park department. you're going to be hearing a little bit from the director of that department, phil ginsberg about the new application they have helped us with. i'm very proud of what rec and park is doing. this is something i've been discussing with mr. ginsberg for some months now. but in addition to the information that you can now get about where our parks are, i think we need to take this one step further. we need to allow folks to do the online transactions that allow people to make reservations at the barbecue pit or at that picnic table. these are three of hundreds of ideas that i have heard over the last few years. my guess is you in your heads have the solutions to them today.
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and mayor lee and i are looking forward with this legislation with all of you to figuring out how to make our city government the best 21st century city government that we have in the entire world. so, thank you for being here, and it is my pleasure to introduce our mayor's budget director kate howard who in addition to helping to balance multi-billion dollar budgets every year, she will tell you about our plans around our chief data officer. thank you so much for being here. (applause) >> good morning, everyone. i'm kate howard. i'm the mayor's budget director. i'm here to just to talk briefly about the really exciting opportunity that i think is going to be coming up in the city, which is announcement of our new chief data officer. some people may think that the budget office is mostly being countered, but really our office is focused on how do we make government more efficient, how do we make it more effective, and how do we use information to make better decisions.
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and i think that's why the mayor has asked that the chief data officer sit in my office. so that they have access to financial information as well as a team of people who are already inclined to work on analytical problems. so, as the mayor and board president chiu indicated we'll be hiring a chief data officer looking for the best and brightest people. so, if you know of people or if you yourself are interested, i'd love to talk to you, so, find me after. the role of this person is to figure out how do we build on what we've already done in terms of open data, how do we make government more transparent, what kinds of standards are needed to make sure that data is accessible both within the city, between agencies and also to the private sector and the public. and i think that this person, this data officer really will help us do what many of you in the private sector are already doing well, which is using that information to make better decisions. and that's really what our
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office is all about. it's really why we need this person to help us understand what data is out there and how do we utilize that in conjunction with the other information that we already have. you can send a tweet. so, we're finalizing the job announcement now. if you're interested, or you know someone who is interested, you can send a tweet to sfmoci and we'll be posting the job announcement there. so, thank you very much. it's my pleasure to introduce the general manager of our rec and park department who has done some great partnerships around open data, phil ginsberg. (applause) >> can you all hear me? i'll talk into the mic. i'm the general manager of your recreation and park department and i really couldn't be happier. the recreation and park department is a city agency that historically has suffered from maybe the worst website and some of the worst technology in government. and over the last few years we
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have worked really hard to improve that park user's experience through the use of technology. and i want to start out before we talk a little about the app saying a if you thank yous. i really want to thank mayor lee to his incredible commitment to technology and frankly the recreation and park department. i want to thank supervisor chiu who has been a leader both in the parks world and in the technology world. sf city has really been a driving force behind helping government think about new ways, new and improved ways maybe for some of you they're old ways now. but new and improved ways for government to reach users of our programs and services. and i want to say the last special thank you to the folks from apple-liscious. this thing is awesome. this past year, the trust for public land which is a national parks organization determined that san francisco, which has 4,000 acres of open space and over 220 parks, over 15% of the
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city's land is open space. the trust for public land said we have the best urban park system in america. and the challenge for us is making sure that all of our park users understand all of the wonderful things in our park system and know how to use our parks to tailor to their own specific experience. as diverse as this city is, there are hundreds if not thousands of different ways that people like to use and enjoy our parks. and in this app there is information about our parks, about our play grounds, about our ball fields, about our trails, about our community gardens, about the 300 pieces of public art in our jurisdiction. you can reserve a picnic bench. there's a running feed of news and events. you can volunteer in our park system by using this app. you can donate to the recreation and park department a very worthy causey might add using this app. and you can find all kinds of incredible information. so, we are just so thrilled and
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i wanted to give just such a big thank you to apple-liscious. we've been trying to figure out how to make it out in a world of declining resources and really they knocked on our door and they said, we want to help. we like to say around here that in the 21st century government can't do it alone any more. we need partners and, boy, did we find a great one. this platform is really going to help fulfill the incredible potential of our park users. 96% of san franciscans live within 10 minutes walk of a park which is an amazing, amazing, amazing stat. and now we have a tool to make it easier and more enjoyable for people to get what they need out of our parks. so, again, i'm very grateful. i want to give a big shout out to sean who is here from my staff who spent hours and hours and hours working with yo yashida. (applause) >> at the end of the day this is about content.
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and sean really partnered with apple-liscious who came up with a good idea and we believe it is one of the most powerful mobile applications certainly in the parks world and maybe in government. and right now it's primarily focused on information with a little bit of reservations but it's going to be able to do so much more over time as we continue to evolve as a department. so, love your parks. download one of these things. and let me introduce yo yashid, a. let me say to all of you out here keep doing what you're doing * . because with your help you are really making government better. so, i wanted to say thank you to the hatchery and everybody in this room. yo? (applause) >> thank you, thank you, mayor ed lee. thank you, phil ginsberg and the hatchery for hosting us. i use open data. our company was founded three years ago using open data. we are one of the first sustainable companies to use open data and be sustainable
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innovation, meaning we can generate revenue and keep mobile applications for government going. we are really excited to be here today. this is our official launch of apple-liscious. i would like to thank our team, kevin, rick robbins, moment of all [speaker not understood] for my cto and co-founder. this was a very long, long journey with the city, but we had the help of leaders like phil, mayor lee, jay driving behind the scenes, the efforts for business to work with government. and i think we've accomplished that with this unique partnership moving forward. we're excited now there's cross-department collaboration with the san francisco arts, with the san francisco public art which has now been thanks to sean working late last night, putting the public arts into golden gate park.
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this is providing access. it's providing efficiency, and it's providing new revenue streams and opportunities for the city of san francisco and other departments. we are really excited to be here and i thank you all again for this opportunity to be able to innovate, to be able to work with the city of san francisco, and have this incredible opportunity to be here at the hatchery launching our application and our company. thank you very much. (applause) >> thank you, yo. so, san francisco has been a leader in open data for the past three years nationally. in 2009 we launched our open data initiative, one of the first cities to do so. in 2010 we partnered with the white house to launch open 311 api, the first ever read write api for cities. we now have over 40 cities that have joined us. in 2011 we partnered with gray area foundation on
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