tv [untitled] April 21, 2013 8:14pm-8:44pm PDT
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>> none of this would be possible if we deny have the outside support of of the foundation. the support is very broad and supports many many programs. some examples are bay pack and then, another example is the f b trine institute. the orthopedic trauma institute is the one of the first programs that the foundation funded it's one $50,000 the institute has been able to leverage into tense of millions of dollars. >> and the surgical training facility was one that we development and it's of it's kind in the uc >> speaker: and improved the education of our own trainee and is residents of san francisco but neighbors across the globe. must slow schedule a tal problems and injuries are the second largest burden in the world of healthcare. the least
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patients are seen in these developing world countries with poor resource many of these patients are los angeles wishing on wards. our course bring in surgeon and is teach them so they can spare these limb and is bring the patients back to a functional status where they can go back and provide for their families. >> the foundation also supported bay pack which, is an exiting and innovative program. this particular program works with the sector to pregnant woman and the treatment of woman so that for babies who are born free of virus. >> when i first walked into the office doctor coen told me i can have a natural birth and i didn't wrap my head around that. >> we know a woman with hiv if we do nothing her risk of
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passing the hiv to her baby is 25% with the use of this medication we can substantially reduce that risk to much less than one%. bay pack someone of the first organization to use the combination medication in pregnant woman. >> i'm so grateful that the medicines they have to ensure a baby be born healthy. >> this has been so successful that it's been five-six years now since we have had a child born at san francisco general infected with hiv fires and i owe them so much gratitude for may being sure my daughter was born healthy. i don't know who to even that i think thank in that. >> i don't have any pain on reresidual damage and san francisco is giving to san francisco and i'm so lucky that i was brought here to be treated.
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>> we really want to thank the foundation expawflt work the hard work that goes into supporting our programs. they do make a difference. >> the san francisco general hospital foundation has been a life line for bay pack and really we would not be able to do our work without the foundation. >> i owe my healthy beautiful baby girl and my life to bay pack and i thank you from the bottom of my heart. >> ladies and gentlemen please wol come mark flag man regional vice president of at&t p p (applause) ladies and gentlemen please welcome doctor jeff manly chief
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of neuro surgery at san francisco general hospital and trauma center (applause) . >> thank you may be i should work for at&t but, i think we have just seen a wonderful demonstrationstration here of what we do at san francisco general hospital and i'm privileged to work with some of the most talented professionals in the hospital and we were one of the first hospitalling to be awarded for the traumatic brain injury and i'll like to thank every on my team and everyone in this room that made that a possibility. >> (applause) have you layered, we are here for everyone in san francisco whether you are a nine -years-old fillies fan who's just here for a game who had a hid and run accident and brought to the hospital and whether you live in pacific height and you fall until the middle of the night and you slip and all we are here to take care of you
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every single day for many of you here today you may have not been dratted at san francisco general hospital or we saved your life or the life of one of your loiived once. >> we could be your doctor today, tomorrow or next week. trauma effects everyone. irrarely regardless of race, carried, color, financial status it cuts across all barrier and is we are the only level one trauma center in san francisco as you know we are building a new san francisco general hospital and we need your help to make sure that we have the very best hospital in the country to provide care 24 hours a day, sen days a week for everyone in san francisco. i would ask you to open your heart today and fill out one of the donation cards on the table here no matter how large or small your donation every
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dollar counts your support today may help save someone's life may be your own and so on behalf of san francisco general trauma center i want to that you for coming here and continued support of the hopped and we have a building that is going up but which still have to fill this hospital with the best cutting edge equipment that we have to deliver the kind of care that we deliver 24, 27, 365 at the hospital. and so please give the donation cards to the host coming around the room and happy valentine's day. (applause) . >>. >> good afternoon ladies and gentlemen i'm so thrilled to be here with you celebrating the wonderful hero and is hearts.
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we are back on the field and on an occasion. heros and hearts are all here. and here's where -- breakings and it's dreams you are creating and with the help p of all answer the call i applaud the foundation. this was a dream of two special ladies.el and thy man and nancy -- and now they -- and judy guggenheim too they continue this wonderful concept allowing dreams to come true and before you all leave buy some tabletop art. heros and hearts may i say, you have two ladies who show us the way.
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of course, [spelling?] at&t and to the foundation and we thank all of you. here's to union bank and hosts man and of course, to a t and t to our san francisco giants you are the only team for me now let's -- our great hero, david and john caste too. jock robber shell vickier braive show and callahan here's to you and we raise your glass and toes all of the -- [inaudible] there is such excitement blooming and i'll share it all with you 20 scene our new hospital will
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ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the heros and hearts awards. our first award will be presented by tracy. president of san francisco market, wells far go to assist with the presentation of the awards please welcome louisa house worth. san francisco foundation board member and this year's luncheon cochair. >> good afternoon gosh i almost wore that dress i'm pleased i didn't i would have been embarrassed if somebody else had it on. so i'm here i found out a couple of hours ago i needed to do this presentation because my boss had a minor accident last night and he should have gone to san francisco general trauma center and then may be he would be here and so i'll try do him justice and so it's our pleasure to be
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here and as you know wells fargo has been a part of this great community for 150 years and we are proud to call san francisco home and proud to be part thf vibrant community over the years, we have also seen the general always provide us central services for this great city as a crucial trauma center, the hospital not only provides life-receiving emergency care in fact i have tell you when i first moved here cheek steer whenever he is told me if ever you go get in an accident tracy they will them to take you to san francisco general so even the chief of police department gives that advise and they provide quality care for hiv and have you have seen. just like
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san francisco general wells fargo is also looking at many ways to improve the overall quality of the community that we serve we know that having vibrant communities means you have a vibrant business and in fact i am very proud to say that since the year 2,000 wells fargo has contributed more than $7,000 to the san francisco general foundation but just as important as the dollars that we give are the volunteer hours that our volunteer members donate to the many events around here that support the general. so now, on to the important stuff. and that is to honor our hero and is this year's hero and is heart's award recipients are leader in the community who inspire others to exceptional community service and i'm thrilled to be here to
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celebrate the community leaders the heros amongst us on behalf of all of the bay area team members that work at wells fargo the 25,000 of us. i have to tell you that we all thank the heros for their dedication to this community. the two men that we are going to honor today, display incomparable dedication to improving the mission neighborhood by helping former gang members and vulnerable use get on the right track. after nearly seven years on the police force san francisco police officers john coffee and david san's mission state and is gang enforcement officers became frustrated by the cycle of violence they witnessed permeated in the gang culture of san francisco. the officers developed an outreach program in 2010 to help secure jobs for young men in an effort
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to chem then from participating in gang life. so now, i'm going to tell you a story that will relate to me that shows the special kind of individuals i'm talk about and how they helped a young man named carlos. the officers have seen carlos hanging out with gang members and suspected that he might be involved in a elicit activities around the mission areas after warning him that he was headed down the wrong path carlos was arrested is six months later when he was relevancy released from jail, the officers approached him about taking up a job as an alternate form of lifestyle with the approval of the captain officers cathy and san put together a contract securing a
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job for carlos if in turn he would stay away from gang members if he took the contract he would take the job and he agreed to the contract and began working a year later. carlos took a higher paying job sat s f o and then moved to a higher position while he is no longer under contract officers cathy and sans helped this young man developed his self esteem and self worth and pride while also allowing him to mend his relationship with his family and they have set their sight on creating additional gang prefix programs and currently they are working to develop a program diabetes designed to keep vulnerable youth from being recruited into gang life and in the next year they are searching
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for more ways to expand their experts change the live of more people and please give a special welcome to our very own heros san francisco police officers john coffee and david sans . >> thank you things going to be short and sweet and but i like too thank my hair cannot be that white ... i like to thank all my interfere and is
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especially gregg surfor allowing us do what we do is special thank to supervisor camp poe and is his assistants for always being there for us and i know the mayor left but if there is anything in this room that can get they two minutes of his time, i know i can get this city to be a safer place for awful us. with the help of my partner. and then in closing i'll like to say there is a lot of beautiful hearts here and there were some big ones on the way in and none of them came as whole with the love that i have for my if girlfriend. plast. >> that was short. i thought i was going to stand there for an hour. first i would just
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like to thank every everyone for their support and this idea that has become so much more with their help and captains col rails and most zero and our sergeant and supervisor kayser camp poe and is his staff and micro, my family, who's here today, my dad, thank you for everything. (applause) out on the street we face many different challenges in law enforcement i truly enjoy working until the city of san francisco that i was born in and somebody once said absorb what is useful discard what is not and -- with intentions we have taken approach to help average
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gangs members toss teach them to may be better choice chois and change their lives forever and finishing education and get aing a job has helped individuals keeping off the block and along with that we are seek to go educate gangs so that they can continue their education and live their dreams and we call it family and education ever over everything and i'm very humble for receiving this apartward and thank you to general hospital foundation. >>
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(applause) . >> our second award will be presented by 98ian nay men. head of state and local relation, visa incorporated.. >> (applause) . >> good afternoon everyone god you look so great out there. i wish there was a camera up here so that you could see how wonderful you look especially with the backdrop of the ballpark. you know, i love this event for calm reasons usually it's because it's done around valentine's day and happy valentine's day by-the-way, and that is right by the day of my wedding anniversary and i'll be married 28 years torld tomorrow and pie my wife is not here
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today but happy anniversary sweet heart and this is beginning in 2004 and when judy good him and ellen newman and nancy vekcal come to you and you don't say no. as a matter of fact, when pam bear comes to you, larry she is much toucher than you when pam comes to you you done say know no and so we are proud of this relationship at visa that we have with this organization, the foundation and we are really proud of the work that we do in this community in san francisco that we call home. you know, it's through the san francisco general hospital foundation that we are able to impact all residents lived lives and is vital for the health and welfare of the san francisco community and visa is proud and i really mean it visa is proud
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to support in world-class hospital that is responsible for keeping the alt bay area healthy and at visa we recognize the importance of supporting our local communities of where we live and work which, is why i'm proud on behalf of visa and all of the folks here today from visa to present aztec hero who's the quintessential example of someone who's dedicated to improving the welfare and safety of those in our mutual community the general -- saves people suffering from violence and unintendingle injury and since 2005 since she began working at the trauma department at san francisco general has indicated indicated a passion for preventive project like the wrap around project. doctor vickiers know that many traumatic
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injuries can be prevent it'sed and nearly every -- in the city comes to san francisco general and her research is used to discover preventive measures and in specific problem areas in the city and doctor vickiers views violate injury until the exact same way many can be prevented we have issues that we are talking about state wide locally and federal whether or not he about preventing some of those major issues and she thousand pound phoned the wrap around project in 2006 as way to tackle the risk factors that enable violate injury specificallily to our youth and young adults the wrap around project supports violently injured patients at the general, case manager assist the patients for six to 12 most after this charge and ensure that those patients avoid risk
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factors that prevent future respected violent jeez and this program has helps numerous individuals and helps individuals finish their high school education or secure training in a vocational training program that will lead to a viable job the wrap around project is a charter member aft network of a hospital-based violence intervention program and doctor vickier has provided the -- with an opportunity to live a safer life and the injury rate at the general historically was around scene% meaning with a five year period a young person would be reinjured about scene% of the time since 2006 because of the vickiers efforts that rate has dropped to four%
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and foremost want to thank my parents for spilling in me the importance of serving communities the tragedy in knew town has brought gun violence if he forefront of our country's violence and the tireless staff that i have the privilege of working with at san francisco general hospital recognize this even more well before knew town the tireless staff and the lower and is fathers sisters and brother and is son and daughters of our vibrant san francisco communities in the bay view theition - valley these are places that this community knows and has a consciousness everyday of violent injury because it effects these communities and everyday we know that the epidemic of violent vls knows no raise carried or religion but we
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also know that there are absolutely objective risk forks that we can pass on and that is the hope and action of wrap around we work to reduce those risk factors associated with violent injury and community partners and by doing so we give young people the opportunity to live if become heros and by reducing the injury resid diskism these case manager that is i have to have on stage with me because they are so much everything to me ... (applause) they work they work everyday to make my night job observe sleet and i would love to see that day. i want to first thank these case managers and haive judiciary and ruben and michael you are the heros full of home,
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determination and inspiration i'm so proud of what you have done and i thank you for absolutely being my brothers in this cause. i couldn't say enough (applause) . >> to our compliant rep.s our cline in the back of the room, joe drakely please stand up and let us give you a hand. thank you for trusting us in your journey to a rich life and now i see you grow and teach other young people and it's just incredible. incredible amazing to see that congratulations to you. and of course, sue cal highly and i can't even owe counsel and sue for your unwielding support of wrap
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