tv [untitled] May 5, 2013 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT
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resurgence program and i hope they come to the studio and we help them get their cds and their whole program to be able to go out in the community and give people their dvd's and cd's so they can run their own record label. we want to get on a positive note and not talk about this negative rap. if the mayor is going to be serious about violence prevention. we have kids from every community sitting in your inner city youth. and you can come there and see for yourself. i hope that they will give us the money for the multi-media project and tommy, say something. >> my name is tommy, basically
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what icy what it does from tuesday to saturday they do like studio time. show you how to do your videos, and make beats. and on saturday is a clean-up day. and everyone gets paid (inaudible) that's basically it. >> lisa. >> hello, my name is lisa scola, i live in district 10 on wisconsin street. i am very happy that the budget is being balanced. thank you very much and i am happy about our supervisor cohen. i am an artist and i have been writing opera in district 10 for 20 years. and bringing people in from the community to perform in the operas. classical music and orchestras.
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and wonderful things happen and these are our resources. i want to ask if they will continue and increase the cultural equity grants and the san francisco art commission is reviewing these things. and the benefit of doing this, it's a small amount of money. it ties in with the daniel webster concept of keeping the parents happy of the tech boom who will find this a culturally vivid and challenging and beautiful hill. where they can see international opera and classical music. because this stuff does happen here really high-quality arts. thank you. >> good evening, i am lance
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burton. i will read this, i am happy that you have chosen to share your budget plans. this is a community that needs more than just jobs, we are advancing the momentum towards careers. the industrial age has passed. the waterfront that sustained our community in the 40s and 50s is gone. construction is merely a hopeful opportunity. in this building we are preparing competent and reliable and productive citizens to run their own businesses and skills and launch their creative talents on to the global stage. our mission is to build on our innate work ethic. we see the work-based knowledge and opportunities that are here. but we refuse to allow our southeast community to be left behind from opportunities and wealth in san francisco now. we recognize that environmental
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complications have impacted the maturation of some of our young people development. we will not let uninformed futility curve our aspirations to regaining our position as a complete and thriving community. here at the southeast community facility thanks in parts to a b-top grant administered through the city of college of san francisco community network information technology department. some of whom those members are here standing around the room. i see a half dozen or so. advocated by the chairwomanas city college, and mr. al yeatts and others. we have established media opportunity and entrepreneurship opportunity through a simple class. with the support of southeast facility -- if you give me 30
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seconds. of dr. jackson and the black leadership chapter we have provided for a model program for the teens. we would like to take our program off line and continue pushing this program forward mr. mayor. >> hi, i am lana miller, with hu hunter's point family. and i have so many things to talk about and so many things we are passionate and work on. now i am here in my role as a member of the mental health board and particularly for trauma and community related violence. i know for the last years barbara garcia has counted
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mental services in d-10 as community and violence and trauka. and for years we have talked about it and talked about it and when we try to engage the department of health, we got yes we understand it's a priority but we don't know what to do. in november/october last year in 20 2012, we had the southeast mental health summit around trauma. and a large segment of the community and dph and we put together a plan that was adopted by the san francisco mental health board. and signed on by all community-based organizations that provide mental health services. i am saying that we have a plan in d-10 and we know how to get started. now it's time to quit saying
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it's a problem but don't know what to do. but invest dollars into an infrastructure to build a first-class model around the community. the statistics is that 43% of people coming in clinics in bayview-hunter's point, 60% depression and 40% anxiety. we have a major, major problem in d-10. and we need it start addressing it. thank you very much. >> good afternoon, some of you in the audience probably know who i am. i have been in the construction business for about 40 years. i raised a family in bayview.
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and when i went into the construction business there were 150 black contractor and today there are three. let me tell you how that happened, the white people in this city has gone on a journey to run every black person out of san francisco. when the population was 28% black, and today it's less than 6%. i know that a lot of black people have good jobs. and you think that everything will be all right as long as you beg these white people for money. but they are not interested in us as black people and they are not going to do much for you if anything. they have taken all the money out of the programs. they have run every black contractor out of san francisco. and the biggest insult i had today, that i come in here and
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they have signs in the place, spanish on this side and cantonese on this side. i have lived a lifetime of negro in the black and you know it will be about our color. you see you don't know how white people do us, why we don't have nuthin now. the highest place for black people to go to jail is in california. they told us if we would let them put the train down third street, they would give us parking. that damn train has been there. you need to wake up and tell these people what we need and stop begging for trivial things that they ain't going to give
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>> hello, everybody. can y'all hear me? okay. i am denise hughes, i am a resident of hunter's view of san francisco. living in hunter's view i encourage the department leaders and effective officers to work with cbos in order to provide the desperately needed services to my community. transportation, jobs, job placement and readiness and youth enrichment services, and all other capturing a healthy environment. thank you. >> i am a resident for more than 20 years. three years ago our community had some program for our asian residen residents, which by the way is
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largest in district 10. last year services for us have reduced to the point this semester all of our class, citizenship classes are all gone. our once vibrant community center almost had no services for our english speaker. or whether (inaudible) senior for this budget please make sure all of the outside programs organized that ask for public funding, service responsible for our resident needs and for -- and they must got our import and not represent to us what we want in our city to make sure our
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[speaking foreign language] translator: she's a home care and single mom, she's takes care of her daughter and the cuts will impact her. and she is going to lose some hours. and it will ympact her and her child. she wants the support from the mayor and everyone on the panel so there won't be any cuts in
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the ish home care. >> thank you. [applause] >> linda. >> good evening, i am linda lighthouser, i will like to thank mayor lee and supervisor avalos for the wonderful opportunity to apply for the community action grants. and one group i belong to is a recipient of that grantee. and tonight i am here to talk about another community project. it regards greater activation of mcclair park, the city's second largest park, and encompasses district 9, 10 and 11. but usually on the low end of funding with the city.
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i have been working with the rec and park division and many divisions within rec and park, to bring more activities to mcclarin park, and one is to activate the community theater and work with the police patrol and citizens to create supervision and added security for the park to add events for the public at low fees. we are excited about this project, but funding of course in this situation is also in need. we hopeful that the three supervisors that surround the park will provide for more funding from the park and to bring these programs. lastly i would like to say that our parks are very dear to all citizens of san francisco. and in the southeast part of san
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francisco, we suffer from lack of funding, and urge that full funding for rec and park department be in the budget this year. thank you. >> cheryl austin. >> good evening, i am cheryl austin, i am chair of the youth first advisory board. and last friday we received devastating news that our 10-year program that had a fantastic success rate had funds totally cut. tonight i want you to see the faces of those parents and youth that it will be impacted by that decision. >> good evening, i am nirein marow, i am one of the directors at the summer enrichment program. i had something they was going to say to you tonight, however i received a letter from a young
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man in the program, he's nine-year-old and his name is roman banks. it says, dear people, can you please, please, pretty please with a cherry on top save youth first by giving us such bad news. you made people cry. we had great memories shared here, many of the people from the summer that are not here for the school year are looking forward to the youth first summer program and will be heart broken to hear the bad news. please give us another chance, sincerely roman j. banks. >> my name is minnard monroe, i am a program director of the youth first program. i will be real quick, i would like to say it's ironic that in 2003 i received an unsung hero award from the supervisors in
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our district for starting the program. and then 10 years later they are telling me to close the doors. just interesting and it's heart breaking. i feel like i let the children down in my community. and i just hope that the supervisors when they make decisions can remember some of the faces and understanding that it affects a lot of people when we cut programs in communities. thank you. >> next five speakers. alma robinson. jackie flin. delores mcgee. eddie zane. erin yen. al
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alma robinson [repeating] this is erin yen. >> thank you very much. good evening supervisors, mr. mayor. i really appreciate you coming to my neighborhood, district 10. and listening to so many committed citizens who have turned out tonight. i am here to speak on behalf of a couple programs, first of all a thank you. my name is alma robinson. i am director of california lawyers for the arts. we very much appreciate the funding from the department of children, youth and families, that has been a part of our effort for a number of years. this is our 20th year to provide internships for high school
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students, many from bayview with art programs and we look to expand that program to include for-profit businesses. including old navy and start-up design companies, and as well as non-profit art organizations. we provide training and communication skills, the so-called soft skills that are important to keep jobs and continue on a career that is meaningful. i want to speak on the san francisco art commission and the proposal to extend cultural equity grants that is important for communities throughout san francisco. i was part of a task force for many years that established that program. thank you for your consideration. and thank you to all the community for being here tonight. thank you.
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>> good evening, i am jackie flin, i am executive director of the program in san francisco. i want to thank you supervisors for something and thank you for your service to the city. but i am here to ask for your continued support in three major areas. one is in employment services. and i would like to thank you, rhonda simmons for supporting the randolph institute and for the contract around construction services. to make sure that we can recruit experienced construction workers and not only experienced workers but young folks to enter in the construction trade. a lot of training and education comes through our office. and so far we have worked with over 400 clients that have
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signed up with city build to get employment throughout the city. but i would like to see continued support in that effort, and maybe see a broader spectrum of employment opportunities other than just construction. youth services is another area that we would like it see your continued support. there are great internships around this summer that we recruited for throughout the city. i would like to thank the puc for offering a multitude of internships, and our young folks with the offers from the city. and we have programs with youth works and as well as the san francisco rec and park have offered job opportunities as well. but we would like to see continued employment. maybe some internships that last throughout the school year, and not just summer. and the last area to touch is
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transportation. the department of public health has assembled a transportation group made up of multiple organizations in the bayview. and we would like to see continued support for that group and bicycle funding to change o our culture here in bayview. >> good evening, to the distinguished panel and to all the people from district 11 -- can you hear me now. okay, good evening to the distinguished panel, i am delores mcgee from the community known as omi. john avalos' district, i am here
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because i haven't heard that mention of the seniors. i am here to represent seniors all across the city. seniors and people with disabilities across the city of san francisco when it comes to technology. we have put in computers in 54 sites in the city. and we would like to have those sites maintained when you do your budget. we want to make sure that the money is there so they can continue to skype, tweet, have online banking, check their online medical records. and to keep in contact with all of their friends and families who are all across the world. so for the seniors and people with disabilities, we are hoping you will make that a special,
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special consideration when you do your budget. because the seniors are the foundation of any community. and we would like to make sure that they stay connected. we would like to thank ann henson, the leadership of the department of asian and adult services. we could not have done this without her support. thank you very much. >> good eveni ining everyone, a mayor and department heads. i am eddie part of the bayview program. i want to say that our program is the only program out here to service with youth dealing with multicultural youth programs. and we are fortunate to get support from the city and to be out here. and all due to the attention
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that happened three years ago when there was a lot of african, asian tension out here, because of misunderstanding. we want to focus on young people. and we have our second summit where youth come together and organize it. and the theme they come up is called usla, a way to address trauma and stress. and the young people came up with this idea and put together addressing the trauma and the stress they deal with every day in district 10. and another thing we need more programs dealing with employments where asian and hiring african-americans and job training and latino population. to create programs and funding to reflect the population in district 10. we know that justification happens because of development, but we know that the city wants
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to invest in the community also. but we need to do it the right way. i have a couple of young people to share their experience in the program and hope shed light why it's important to have this program. >> okay, just really quick. hi, everybody, i name is treasure. this is my second year of being a part of bya. last year i advocated and this year i am a peer leader. i was in this program because i was getting in trouble. i was on probation for fighting and stuff. and i turned my life around -- i mean around. yeah, i got into byca and i did a lot of community work. i grew up around here and i am intune with a lot of people around here. and this year i got myself into
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em emaculate academy on my own. and i learned how to file and scan and call around and outreach. and i interned at a dentist office and i scan and do procedure codes. i do a lot and the i learned a lot. i am excited to be able to know th they -- that i will have a future. and it's important because the youth is the future. and the youth is struggling with a lot, and it's crazy. i don't think you guys know how tough it is for the youth. and take in consideration that bya has helped a lot of youth. and our budget has been cut, and we need money to have another bya next year. thank you. >> hi, i am niece, and this program also helped me to be
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constructive and do better things instead of going outside and doing things i shouldn't be doing. i graduate this year, so they helped me to get paid and to go to prom and stuff. and i just love doing it, and this is my second year. last year i was a youth advocate and this year i am a peer leader. and i love it and i have fun here. >> thank you very much, i want to say we are here to promote racial harmony. it's needed not only in district 10 but city wide. but we can't do it alone, we need everyone's support in the youth and in the community. thank you very much. >> good evening, ladies and gentlemen, thank you to the board for giving us an opportunity to speak. i am aaron from
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