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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2013 9:00pm-9:31pm PDT

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scratching, but i will always remember fond childhood memories of sutro baths and of the man who created them. so thank you all very much for coming and visiting us in san francisco city hall. and remember that april 5th, of 1913, they turned the first mound of dirt to build this historic building. and in less than three years, the building was complete. and we opened our doors, december 28th. of 1915. so, hopefully you will all get involved in san francisco city hall centennial celebration. it is truly a magnificent building and it has had many, many incredible individuals serving as mayor of san
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francisco. and now, we have adolf in the mix here that was once occupied by willie brown, willie brown has moved upstairs. and there is sutro is here. and i think that this will be his permanent place. so, please, enjoy the inscription that is on the pedestal, and the actual bust is incredible. i watched jonas assemble this and polish this on friday. and i was truly amazed. he is truly a very, very talented sculptor who did an incredible fete for san francisco and for san francisco city hall. thank you, again, for all coming to visit us at city hall, please do not be strangers.
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>> hi, i'm lawrence corn field. welcome to building san francisco. we have a special series, stay safe. we're looking at earthquake issues. and today we're going to be talking with a residential building owner about what residential building owners and tenants can and should do before earthquakes and after earthquakes. ♪ ♪
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>> we're here at this wonderful spur exhibit on mission street in san francisco and i have with me today my good friend george. thanks for joining me, george. and george has for a long time owned residential property here in san francisco. and we want to talk about apartment buildings and what the owner's responsibilities might be and what they expect their tenants to do. and let's start by talking a little bit about what owners can do before an earthquake and then maybe after an earthquake. >> well, the first thing, lawrence, would be to get together with your tenants and see if they have earthquake insurance or any renters insurance in place because that's going to be key to protecting them in the event of a quake. >> and renters insurance, there are two kinds of insurance. renters insurance coffers damage to goods and content and so forth. earthquake insurance is a
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separate policy you get after you get renters insurance through the california earthquake authority, very inexpensive. and it helps owners and it helps tenants because it gives relocation costs and it pays their rent. this is a huge impact on building owners. >> it's huge, it really is. you know, a lot of owners don't realize that, you know, when there is an earthquake, their money flow is going to stop. how are they going to pay their mortgages, how are they going to pay their other bills, how are they going to live? >> what else can property owners do in residential rental housing before an earthquake? >> well, the first thing you want to do is get your property assessed. find out what the geology is at your site. get an expert in to look at structural and nonstructural losses. the structural losses, a lot of times, aren't going to be that bad if you prepare. an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. get in there and get your property assessed and figure it out. >> so, what is a nonstructural
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issue that might cause losses? >> well, you know, pipes, for instance. pipes will whip around during an earthquake. and if they're anchored in more numerous locations, that whipping won't cause a breakage that will cause a flood. >> i've heard water damage is a major, major problem after earthquakes actually. >> it is. that's one of the big things. a lot of things falling over, ceilings collapsing. but all of this can be prevented by an expert coming in and assessing where those problem areas and often the fixes are really, really cheap. >> who do you call when you want to have that kind of assessment or evaluation done? >> the structural engineering community is great. we have the structural engineers association of northern california right here in san francisco. they're a wealth of information and resources. >> what kinds of things might you encourage tenants to do besides simply get tenants renters insurance andrthquake i
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do you think tenants should do? >> i think it's really important to know if they happen to be in the building where is the safest place for them to go when the shaking starts. if they're out of the building, whats' their continuity plan for connecting with family? they should give their emergency contact information to their resident manager so that the resident manager knows how to get in touch. and have emergency supplies on hand. the tenants should be responsible to have their extra water and flashlights and bandages and know how to use a toilet when there's no sewage and water flows down. and the owners of the building should be proactive in that regard as well. >> so, george, thank you so much for joining us. that was really great. and thanks to spur for hosting us here in this wonderful exhibit. and thank you for joining us t
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test, test, test, test, test, test, test okay i'd like to call this meeting to order. hello. good afternoon, everyone thank you so much for coming to disaster council but i did want to welcome a few new members we have today. so we have jean who's the gov. of the area red cross. welcome. we have mark who's our brand new
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city c i o (clapping) >> bob ceo of the chamber of commerce replacing steve not here yet and barbara smith interim for housing authority and bryan. sf card who's here >> mr. mayor would you like to give some remarks. >> good afternoon, everyone last me we marked the 107 everyone turned out well, but we
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had to move our event. we're all using this celebration to remember ourselves how important it is to be ready for disaster management and i want to thank everyone here and everything you do every single day to make sure we're ready and i'll continue to thank you for all this because it's our administration and we care. also, we passed legislation and i want to thank the board of supervisors but we joined in amaze approval of our soft story buildings and it will help we need that update it was time we mandated it but we met point
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properly owners and the financial institutions and we do did it right additional care for low income tenant to make sure they have a path forward. chief sir, and i, of course, having working close together with all of you watch and witnessing the bombings in boston again, i want to give my son sympathy to those folks we're having our own marathon and the america's cup and
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countless other neighborhood and musical events we host and the chief and i were in washington, d.c. in concert with all if you have provided in those events inform put forth our need for federal support. we're going to continue that effort it's hard in this era sequestration. and i think the public and visitor to our city deserve safety. so also as a result of board president chiu and in constant conversation with our d e m along with the police and fire
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chief we want to signal to you to make sure our radio systems are updated right away our system is 13 years old a he if you're already on your cell phone you're on the third ongoing years of the changing. we need this up grating we've learned that communication is the first thing we depend upon. and our emergency facilities are necessarily and we'll outline a specific timeframe for that to happen. we're already working on radio systems and the ata and the
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agencies want to be connected the police and fire and the emergency responders have to have a radio system depend on that about so next week we have the gone gate exercise and we're ready for that and we'll know that exercise will again be responsive to the expected earthquake in san francisco and all the attributes of meeting in our emergency center to constantly conduct and ready ourselves and i'll be glad to be participating in that. we'll be conducting a mass exercise i'd like to know where the menu is whether it will be
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much more productive robust menu but it's to test our ability to feed mass numbers of people and i'm glad we're doing it at tenderloin and with the practice we have many weekends we're feeding the poor but we need to feed whole masss of people so practicing that means we'll get it right. and finally, the other announcements i want to make it again, i've asked and appreciated the work of our city administrator to head up the lifelines council. while we're all watching boston we know what happened in san jose it involved but pg&e and i
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want you know know our lifeline emergency services. we're focused on the lifelines council we at one point make sure not just our water and sewer but ear electrical services our would it be fair to say that serve ♪ the private sector can get to those areas when there are events that occur we have to thibe on top of that. so those are all the things i wanted to report on and keep abreast of the practice, practice, practice sessions and
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the more we face the ineventually, we'll be ready so our public deserves this thanks everybody for work. >> mr. mayor you'll be hearing presentations on some of the subjects that the mayor touched on today. i'll be brief i want to give an update on the bay project. this is the recreational data communications system that will allow responders to communicate on a smart type of device so the realtime video the apps are
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being refined we've got to grants to start to bill this out there's been a lot of braerts in washington. basically, it's been on hold because of the first net through congress and they don't want any more projects until they're up and running. we're both to - hoping to get a lease to start the project and we're very positive because washington, d.c. and the first net board has showed that they really like we've been working with our system so it will be in
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place in 2015. i want to show you a video on s f 32. we put a number of press articles that have been in the newspapers the last couple of months and one of the featured stories is about sf 72 we'll come back at the next disaster meeting could you put that on? from farmer's market
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>> and start out. the city might be the only thing we all have in common. that is our park. this is our park >> by living here we've all graced the life. even nature is ocean, >> the hills and the fault lines are san francisco too. so let's take care of the people >> let's take stock of our skills. >> let's not wait to find out how connected we are. together.
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together. together. >> so we're really excited about this campaign and basically, it's going to be a platform we can shire the existing resources we have we're moving away from you need to cut. you probably already have everything you inside in our home having a backpack is not
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going to prepare you it's reaching out to the neighbors and in advance. we're very excited you'll hear about it in 3 months when we have our next meeting. the next thing is the urban security initiative. you'll see that our funding has decreased offer the last 4 years and in fact the past year the allocation was reduced by 38 percent and fiscal year is to be announced may 20th. we've been working with fema so hopefully, we don't get reduced again but the mayor said because of sequestration the mayor made a trip to washington, d.c. and
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talked with janet napolitano >> we really needed to move forward in our projects and we had so many assets here that we need to protect we can't afford to be cut again. we'll let you know was we move forward lots of pieces and we hope no further cuts. and that includes my report. i think we can move right on to the public safety at mass gatherings. we put that on the agenda after the boston bombings. we have a meeting last week and many departments presented. we just ask for the police and
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fire to give very, very brief presentations on what we're doing to address special events but any of the rest of you who testified last meeting feel free to jump in from our prospective so i'm going to turn it over and here we go >> thank you and this is manage i think all of you know we're been doing a number of years now so we actually think about all this in advance. briefly our roll in the preevent is just bringing together the planning to help people connect and gather them up. we usually hold a planned meeting where we get everybody in the room and walk be through
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the plans so we don't have 3 different used for the same plot of ground and during the event we'll pull together people and provided cooperation. we'll pull together experience to test the plans in the assumptions. we did this last year for the america's cup and we've done a number of other experience that are relative to this it was a subsequence intoxicates and we touch on a a those issues f on a fairly regular basis. during the american cups is we
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looked at everything was normal we tested the crowd movement what do we need for a footprint for public safety maybe there was a protest all the way that to an explosion. this is very serious and we look at things like boston and renting no and give us a chance to tweak what we do and we have a pretty robust method to how we plan for these things. on the day we aclovate we - if it's a large meeting many of the public safety departments will be there whereas a smaller event
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like the fourth of july we'll maybe only have some many phone calls. the role of the emergency center is not a emergency center as such we leave the tactical command to the field be commander that have the on the ground view. thank you rob >> i believe next the police department is going to present. >> i'm john. okay planning i'll toward
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talking about whether this is a parade a marching a dignitary visit the streptomycin whether it's indoors a outdoors. and third it's itself history of the event who's the event organizer is there alcohol being served and is it a controversial group where we're going to have an opposing group come out. we get an overall plan with routes and permits requirement and staffing required specialized meeting meetings with the community groups in the effected area and all our city agencies that's going to be
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taking part and also the outside agencies. and finally an operation order is put together it's in this format and basically lays out the mission what everybody's doing and who the personnel are. that allows us to track the resources and identify the duties and responsibility of every one participating. here in san francisco we're home to about 3 hundred events. we could do thread he assessments on all the large events like 50 thousand people or more the breakers was connected by the liaison unit. the northern regional tlirns
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center. we're expecting about 1 hundred speak tars we began our planning{last year. now operational plans were revised since the boston attack. so this year's event it's going to be high voiblt we're taking our officers and awe signing them to an event and we have a tactical mounting units and our became techs are going to be on the scene and the k9s. we have the members of our violation reduction teems will
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be there and we will have communication vehicles and in addition we'll have recruits on line and because there's been so many problems with alcohol in the past and we will have officers to take action should there be something going on. we've reached out to allied agencies. this will be traveled by bus corridors. we're going to have parole weeks ago and then we're recreational police departments in the area to give us their