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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2013 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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survive like showers and bathrooms. i'm here to talk about reductions that are proposed by your department of public health. so i want to talk about who the homeless people in the hate are and who we see there. the average angle of one of the youths that leave home is 13 years old. and now are homeless living on the street. we see in districts 5 when we look at the cuts we see cuts proposed to substance bases treatment and supportive
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housing. services that effect homeless and formerly homeless people because their services that help to keep people off the street and to keep people hoisz. we want to also is a that for the people who are homeless in our districts homeless youth in the hate oftentimes they don't fit into traditional types of mental programs they may fail in the programs so we need services that are specifically a tailored. we're going to see more psych and emergency requests so cutting the money in the long
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run we're going to see more suffering. >> thank you colleen. next we'll hear from sheryl davis >> i'm grateful and the western districts 5 has present a joint advocacy program strrtd around youth and public housing we would like the city and departments work together in the same way that the city and county works together. in 2011 and in my opinion some of the needs that were identified weren't respected or considered during the finding.
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i want to say that when we go through this and talk about the area of the children and youth leaving when i say that and talk about the rfps 94115 has the maureen and pacific heights how do you know where the need is? and the community serves hundreds of youth and students if they're not being funded we have true concerns where we've been work with the police department and the school districts and trying to a identify needs and issues. the american pedestrian - most
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of the programs that got cut have effected the youth. students that are attending scored significantly he lower and the district - there are tons of status that talk about 94115 that weren't considered. >> i'd like to let the folks know that they've set up a tv and get a good seat outside. next is the youth director nor districts 5 christopher winning
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>> good evening supervisors city members thank you for holly this and coming out on behalf of the community. and advisory border to the mayor of the issues in san francisco and i'm the outreach officer. i grew up in this area and participated in districts 6 and walking through the neighborhood i've become desensitiveed. however, i've been fortunately enough to participate and be raised by those varies youth programs in my community. being in those programs and becoming the youth leader i was
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able to see my piers grow and learn out of these choojz and the barriers they face and graduating high school when everyone told them they couldn't. and districts 6 is a highly district and we have a limited amount of resources but those resources are so essential in our community from latino to english language learners to african-american any type of youth we rely on those youth serving program in districts 6 so when i went out into my community it was unanimous that most youth folks do want to work
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together whether it's summer school or employment or - okay my time is running out. youth are our priority and as a community we want to work together so let's do this. (clapping) >> thank you christen. next he we'll be hearing from denise. (clapping) >> glg mayor lee and supervisor kim and everyone else. i'm denise i was born and raised from the western addition in
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districts 5 and have seen service providers dwindle away. i've a pretty extensive spsh speak here. our neighborhoods are at the rising of rent. districts 6 is more impoverished with more folks being in poverty. we've seen the loss of our shelter beds. with you, what can on our beds and see the million dollars dollars that the department of public health has absorbed over the past 5 years we have 25 million cuts by the time offully
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15. additional reductions will mean more decreased public safety more lost lives and more cuts to all san franciscans. we find again and again, it's less extensive to have homes for homeless then have them on the street. we need tax dollars thank you (clapping) >> thank you. next we'll have a summer jobs testimony. >> hi everybody i'm being joined by my partner. i work united bay of the area
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we're here to talk about summer jobs plus, it's a partnership between mayor lee and all the departments and private employers and it's about the success of our young people and helping them to graduate high school and have bright futures and careers. last year the mayor set the goal of 5 million youths having jobs and we did 51 hundred jobs that's existing. we kicked this off on april 30th we had over 8 hundred jobs and we had over $300,000 in funding and if you yointd us in moscone center on saturday we had 89
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hundred young people join us with a number of community divorce we had a fantastic day they learned how to be successful in jobs and a lot of information how to get hired from the summer and you can go to sf simmer jobs on the web but my main purpose is to introduce my special friend he worked at the boat company and he did a good job and he got hired. here's tom as >> thank you department heads and supervisors.
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hello to all you guys. i want to piggy back on the youth employment we we need to provide ample support to provide an opportunity inform whatever path we choose and i do have some time so i work with the company and i was exposed to so many opportunities. i was in the financial districts and got to learn about the real estate management and different strategies i was exposed to that. everybody should be able to provide a difference in the
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world so thank you, mayor ed lee for pledging for 6 thousand jobs have a good day. (clapping) >> so really quickly we're going to get started i want to remind everyone not everyone is going to be able to speak so let's be respectful. we may not all agree with each other but we want to make sure everybody gets a chance to speak and keep our comments short. we'll be holding up signs to remind you have your minutes and
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we have meetings every wednesday so you can come to them. look at how many people are out here today so this is not the only place so come and speak at the board on wednesday >> the chief has asked everyone to stand who's sitting here. so what i'm going to do is call the first 5 names. if i've called your names come up and get ready. but so the first name is:
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(calling names) please come up and line up. if you came with a group your group can come and stand with you not everyone will have a chance to speak just the person called. >> good evening everyone thank you for this opportunity. we all >> can't hear you. >> good evening everyone. thank you so much for this opportunity. it's great to see all our city officials we all love san francisco isn't that right?
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i'm representing the african-american congress which is a group in the san francisco to organize our issues in the western division. i came back from a national conference on the domestic violence. how many minutes? 2? one? the bottom line is we need funding for the women who have lost their children in violence and we need more funds for the other program we noticed in philadelphia the da's office, police department, public defender, the investigator for the police department the person who does it in the homicide
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division were meeting on a weekly basis to adjust the murders that were happening and it gives us the opportunity that they've be a united effort to get the community involved to solve some of those murders. we're all citizens and we not all of our children to be safety. we have an issue around children in the sex trade and they're going to the high schools and recruit our children and we need to protect our babies. thank you (clapping) >> hi everybody i'm a resident of treasure island i've been
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involved in my community. my feat is infrastructure so our infrastructure structures what about resolved to support of the variety of businesses and the government entities that san francisco is able to support and i didn't treasure island is a part of san francisco. there are a number of issues one is cell phone reception. there are a number of places that we can't get cell phone reception. when reporting crime it puts us at risk and we're prone to outages we still have black outs and disruption in service.
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besides being inventory this increases our damages to our equipment. our i didn't f doesn't work very well. we have low income folks who could benefit from this. if we're going to be out there for another 10 years we need this repaired. there's so much more i could say but i'm out of time. thank you >> (clapping) >> hi good evening first, i'm a parents. i want to acknowledge theta our communities that in
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districts 6. >> hello, i'm keith i'm a parents of a michael who participants in the after school programs. i recently found out the budget was going to be cut and for those of you who are not familiar with this program it's the only filipino after hours activity group. i've had my son in this program we've fought every year to keep the funding and deepening the staff that has represented those young people i want to ask you to take a serious look at the
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program and consider restoring the final side that have been cut (clapping) >> hello mayor. thank you guys i i want to start off i'm in representing the youth commission. i want to talk about summer jobs plus and how it would effect our city as the 6 thousand position that are available for our youth and if implemented correctly it would impact the city i know i need a job going to school. and i'm personally feeling about the justification around the
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whole city please encourage to get more funding into the housing industry. and i'm telling the youth to come to our meeting we're i did not get that are trying to among a different and we'll support you. (clapping) >> thank you so much don is he close. i'm to a call a few more names you can line up in the front (calling names) if you can line up in the front.
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>> good evening guys i'm sorry i mean sir. i mean good evening. i'm adrian williams i'm the executive director of the village project and i'm going to read this to get it all in. but for the past 8 years the project has supported business or so of the western edition and the city of san francisco. we support the children in subsidized housing we have provided services over our 89 years most of the support of collaboration and with the help
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of divorce. additionally we have helped to feed the communities hungry and trying to strive in our communities we also provide 5 families activities every year a and a senior promise for the 50 plus and a bash can you to kickoff the summer. though the funding was small it allowed us to give over 45 children activities including literacy and math sessions we tapped we do african dancing the babies ornament think field
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trips and though we have survived 8 years without funding is sure did feel good you guys took it back so i'm asking you guys to give it back so we can have one more year of funding. i love you guys i love you. >> i'm randall evans. my family go back 1 hundred and fourteen years but to get started here it should have been a special order of the day around the state of emergency for the black people of san francisco. it's a real serious error we're dealing with and the black folks are not being represented and when you get a shot in the arm and the mayor fires someone in
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the commissioner level it's time for us for black folks to go into the room and speak. our folks are a little bit behind. you can put 19 of us in a room and we don't start talking that's serious. there should be a economy that has to do with the people's voice. this is far and deeper than the homeless problem. i put all my brothers where i used to live in good housing sometimes in shelters, you know, there's no crime in that but the problem is you're not listening to us right now the black people
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in san francisco are in the state of emergency because we have to good black leadership. that's not to say the people - the sad thing is you've got so many of us who get into office and want to be a consultant. we need to talk about what's going on the ground you have to listen to the people's voice. that's important (clapping) >> thank you. i want to remind everyone that even if our card is not called your cards are going to make it to the supervisors and the mayors is taking notes. and the people that we're calling when you filled in our
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commitment card you wrote districts 5 and districts 6 on your card. >> i'm a volunteer organizer and i'm a resident of districts 5 we're here with representatives of mental illness board among others. we're here to ask the mayor if i could. speak to the medical reboard their knowledge a one hundred 20 bid hospital, however, they're still no mention of any mental health beds not a single psych bed. and we're very concerned about that. we understand what it means for
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the people in our community for fire and please and other personnel. the non profit gets 1 hundred and something thousands of dollars that we don't get they're the most provenl hospital in the state and that's money that we are spending for care on city workers who get to go to c pmc. we thank our supervisor and if the mayor and staff and public health could please speak to that >> we have two doctors that made it to the overflow room but one-hundred million dollars is a lot of money when that patient
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it being dumped in the community if the mayor could speak to that. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker. >> i want to speak up for one of the doctors. >> hi good afternoon. it's a privilege to be able to stand here before you i work with the program that addresses the specific needs of the every growing population in the latino population in the tenderloin. and keith williams. it's a great program