tv [untitled] May 28, 2013 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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>> good evening, the regular meeting of the board of education and unified school district, do you want to announce the translation? >> we will go ahead and do that. >> >> good evening, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the board of the meeting of board of education, san francisco unified school district provides free interpretation services in spanish and cantonese for tonight's meeting, i don't see my spanish co-worker yet because we are working and i think that they are coming any time. so if you know anyone who needs this interpretation service, please send him or her to us and my co-worker at the back of this hall will be leaving them for the parents and this message will be repeated in cantonese right now.
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>> mendoza. >> ly. >> and all right, i need an approval of bore%backer board members. we have minutes from may 18th, may have are hear and motion and a second. >> moved. >> good. noe. now could i hear a second? >> thank you. >> are there any corrections. >> roll call? >> ly. >> thank you. >> fewer? >> thank you. >> yes. >> thank you. >> mr. hainy. >> yes. >> maufas. >> mendoza. >> murase. >> wynns. >> yes. >> five ayes. >> item b, presentation for the board of he had daysing, supervisor carranza. >> thank you, mr. norton, good evening before i their my
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thoughts for the ink [ speaking in a foreign language ] >> he just announced that if you need spanish translation services the translator are in another meeting and they will be here shortly and so despair and until then you have got me. >> thank you. well you rolled the rs so beautifully. >> so good evening, everyone, i just have to say that we did it. this weekend is a remarkable school year, and i cannot tell you how much i have enjoyed serving as your superintendent, for those of you finishing the first year in high school i am finishing my first year, i am looking forward to an exciting 2013, 14 school year, to all of
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the administrators or staff and brothers and sister and neighbors and, grand parents, all of us it takes a village and i want to thank you all for your work this year and hope that you have a restful and reflective and enjoyable summer. to all of our parents and students, thank you for all of your diligence and for dedicating yourself to your studies and to all of our high school graduates and to all of our fifth grade graduates and kindergarten graduates i say to yukon grad you lacings and those of you graduating from high school, i say welcome to adulthood. it is a good thing. the control's office in the city of san francisco released a report that he lights the san francisco residents about public services that they experience. this includes our public schools. i would like to take a moment to highlight the key insights from this report which i think
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are very good barometers about how the public is perceiving our public schools. >> the percentage of respondents with school aged children attending schools have increased in the past five years from 66 percent to 71 percent. we find that many of our colleagues and school districts across the nation are experiencing decreasing enront are having increasing. the percentage that rates it as excellent, have increased by 8 percent in the past two years from 18 to 26 percent, the percentage of respondents at schools are good or excellent and increased in the last two years from 66 to 74 percent and the percentage that rated our schools as average or poor has decreased by 8 percent in the past two years. from 34 to 26 percent and the percentage of respondents with young children indicating an intention to move out of the
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city has decreased by 6 percent in the past four years from 31 to 45 percent and ten percent in the past eight years from 45 to 35 percent, all of the numbers should be going up are going up and all that should be going down are going down. >> i think that deserves a round of applause. >> and i would like to thank everyone, because the public is validating the exciting work that is taking place in our schools and we look forward to you learning more about what we have to offer in our school district. >> i also would like to end my comments for the evening taking a little point of personal privilege. mayor ed lee and president and ceo of the san francisco chamber of commerce, bob and myself, wrote a joint letter to the california state legislature offering our support for the local control funding formula that is being proposed by our governor brown
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and with the responsibility for over 55,000 children in the city and county of san francisco, we all know all too well, and we have struggled to balance the increasing demands for vital services with decreasing vaoe sources from the state. the governor's proposed policy while not perfect, does increase the resources and is a policy that will be an enormous gain and prove accountability to make sure that we can provide these services and keep our promises in the most efficient and effective way to the students that we in san francisco have identified as needing our services and we require great resources to continue doing the amazing work on behalf of our families and urge the legislature to continue to work with the administration to pass and enact local control form law and as you know in san francisco, we have been way ahead of this with our own weighted student form law and so we know what it takes to
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fund economickty, it is not just a promise, it is a strategy for actually educating all of our children and so we applaud the governor and support the governor's proposal and urge you to make your voices known as well as this will benefit the children in san francisco, so thank you with that i say, welcome to the last meeting of the last week of the school year. >> thank you, and board members, just for your information i will be bringing to the board a resolution suggesting that we take a support position on the local control funding formula at the next meeting. >> yes. >> it is not appropriately noticed for this meeting. >> item c, recognitions and resolutions of commendation. do you want to start with rave >> i would like to invite the
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associate superintendent to come forward to the microphone to present a rave distinguished service award to our very own voice of equity mr. martinez in the office of voice. >> good evening, superintendent and commissioners of the board of education as superintendents my name is kevin and from the family support department and it is my pleasure tonight to recognize possibly the most popular and complimented person in my entire department and for those of you who know my department is massive and huge. and ramone gets compliments all of the time, but publicly it is about time that i get a chance to actually say this in public and on television to recognize them. and here is one example of the
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rave that got him this nomination. and but multiply this at least a couple of hundred throughout the year. ramone has been a true partner to us in the bay view, facilitating conversations between us and the office to arrive at common agreements to hold what is best for students at the center always. >> he always offers to show up in person, to facilitate communication with family and follows up on communication to make sure that everyone has the information they need. he is willing to strategying. he is willing to go beyond the formal job description to make positive changes to the school. >> he is professional, compassionate, fair and equity, and champion for students, family and an ally. he showed up at school on a day
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of a very tremendous vandalism and break in, he helped to clean the classroom and repost the bulletin boards and he was out on the yard at lunchtime running a kick ball game with the students. and some people know, that when i was in elementary school principal, ramone was my elementary adviser and so i think that i have something to do with his amazing success. okay? he learned this from me. so ladies and gentlemen, the most popular man in the district ramone martinez and i love him with all of my heart he is amazing.
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>> i just got a twitter from obama and he can't make it, no parking. yeah, but he wants us to know that we do have the best looking superintendent in california. and thank you kevin, you should get one of these because everybody raised it but you. thank you for nominating me, i was doing my job and i love the kids thank you from the bottom of my heart. thank you. >> [ applause ] >> thank you, ramone and i would like at this point to
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call to the microphone teresa shift principal at james tellman middle school who will present the rave special service award. >> good evening superintendent and members of the board, i am so excited to be able to celebrate rosio soto she is amazing and he and so many people know her from being the parent liaison and also at cleveland elementary and mr. sanchez was not able to make it here and he wanted us to represent him and just raving about her. the assistant principal. miss soto just goes above and beyond every single day for our students and for our families. she helps to break down obstacles for our parents and assists them in gaining access to school, our community and their students' academic lives and sfg. >> she always has a smile on
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her face and consistently working to out reach to the under served community and meets the parents regularly and educates them on the high school enrollment process and how to support middle schoolers which is complicated and discussing all of their needs, without her, james and our community who would not have the support that it deserve and it needs and i am just so excited to be able to come and celebrate miss soto. so please give a round of applause for miss soto. [ applause ] >> congratulations, thank you so much. >> you are welcome. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> this is an honor.
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and i just want to say that as long as soto is every single family liaison here in the district this is our job working with the families every day. we are the liaison and we are the bridge between teachers, family and students. and brings it to the district and the community and ceo and we are here to help and support working as a team for the main goal of the students and thank you for everything and this is for all of the family liaisons in the district. thank you. [ applause ] >> thank you. >> for the next item this is one of our favorites the annual student scholarship and awards presentation. and what we are going to do is call up the organizations one by one so that you can present your students. we would like to get everybody and get you all out of here
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before 7:00, so i am going to ask that we keep our remarks to a minimum. but take the time that you need to celebrate your students. so i am going to start off with the filipino educaters of san francisco. if you can approach the podium with your students. >> right, we will skip them and move on. >> san francisco, alliance of black school educators? miss marshal, should we move on? >> one minute? >> we will pass. >> okay the next organization association of chinese teachers. >> yes, so as the students took to line up along the podium with you and you can announce them one by one, and maybe they can just tell us where they went to high school and where they are going to college.
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good evening, superintendents, and board members, and everyone. my name is danny wong soeshs of chinese teachers president and i am honored to announce the winners this evening. so they each scholarship is... they received $2,000. and the process is select a base on the academic achievement involved in extracurricular leadership activity and other community services so i am actually going to turn it to them and they would just introduce themselves to the school they attend and what college they will be going
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to. >> my name is sidney i go to galile high school and in the fall i will be attending amhurst college. >> hello, everyone. my name is cicilia young and i attend briten high school and next semester i will be attending the university of california san diego. [ applause ] >> hi everyone, i'm vanessa chi i attend george washington high school and i will be attending uc berkeley. >> hi, my name is shaja and i am going to mission high school and i will go to uc irvine in the fall. >> hi my name is angel and i will be graduating from lowell high school and attending cornell university next year. >> my name is richard lee and i
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am from mission high school. and i am going to uc berkeley. >> >> hi, my name is (inaudible) and i attend galaleo academy and i will be attending uc irvine in the fall. >> good evening, everyone, my name is (inaudible) and i am attending galaleo high school and in the fall i am going to uc berkeley thank you. >> hi, my name is wendy and i am going to be graduating from mission high school tomorrow, and i am going to berkeley as well. >>
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>> okay. >> thank you. >> so are we ready for the san francisco alliance of black school educaters? >> yes. >> so please come to the podium and do you have students with you? >> yes. bring them with you. >> >> good evening to everyone and to our president and for the superintendent and all board president and to sister ester and to all present, we would
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like to thank you for this opportunity to announce that on may 9th we gave away, 13 scholarships. and we have one recipient that is here with us this afternoon that we would like to introduce her. hi, my name is anna and i am graduating mission as well tomorrow, and i am going to san francisco state. >> thank you. >> thank you. so much. >> thank you. >> wait. >> would you like to read the names of your other recipients, and the other, yes. >> president norton, vice president fewer, i just have
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a... superintendent carranza, it has been a wonderful day. and we are pleased to be before you this evening. on behalf of the san francisco alliance of blad school educators the following students received a $500. (inaudible) from independent high she will go to school college at san francisco. bianca (inaudible) she will go to dylan university neand pritny from isa and layton college and you just mish anna and soto will attend the city college of san francisco. and (inaudible) mission to remove and will attend hemp ton university and hall from mission will attend csu north ridge and andrew from independence will attend stand ford university, johan from mission will attend richmond
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community college. and grace (inaudible) science and technology will attend uc davis. >> thomas from mission will attend alabama aand m >> and and they will attend the college (inaudible) and city college of san francisco. thank you so much. >> i am going to back to the filipino educaters who are here now and do you have any students with you? >> i am not sthur. good evening to all of you,ed audience and the commissioners, and the superintendent and the other staff members, good evening. i am not sure but i did call them to see if they can make it
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and if they can't we still honor them. i do have the draft, actually of the program. so just pass it down. >> the filipino educators presented the high school seniors awards from recognition night last may 15th, 2013 at the manila town center at the international (inaudible) so we had actually 23 recipients scholarships but this is actually based on 152 high school seniors who are graduating with a gpa average, b and above, or a b. or a b plus and above. and beyond 4.0 and above. so, out of that 23 rerecipients
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we have daina, (inaudible) catriana (inaudible) and steven (inaudible) and alicia, (inaudible), and sean (inaudible) and clark reyes, from abraham, we have lauren (inaudible) and hannah (inaudible) and jessica (inaudible). from galeleo we have brent, avan (inaudible) and rosalegene vil la. and one more from balboa, kathleen (inaudible). from george washington we have angelica (inaudible) and from lowell we have poly (inaudible) and bernadet (inaudible).
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from sala britan, we have christina (inaudible) and this is actually not a, complete list and i may have not mentioned maybe two or three names and any way you have a view of what happened that night thank you very much. [ applause ] . >> thank you. >> all right, we will move on to the latin american teachers association, lata. are there any representatives from the audience? >> no. >> okay. they could not make it tonight. >> okay. >> then we will move on to the san francisco achievers and i know that we have san francisco achievers in the audience.
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>> >> my name is henry (inaudible) and i am here with the san francisco achievers, and i want to thank miss casco is the superintendent of the board for inviting us and we are very happy to be here, the achievers is a scholarship program that awards scholarship to african american male students from the san francisco public high schools and with gpas of 2.5 and up. with financial need. and we awarded 24 scholarships this year, the scholarships are worth 9 to $12,000 spread over a 4-year period. and tonight, we have eight of
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the 24 scholars here with us tonight and i would like to have them introduce themselves and i wanted to get hoover down here but he would not come. [ applause ] hoover, is the sort of the soul of this organization. and i just want to recognize his important participation in san francisco achievers. [ applause ] so, with that, let me have our students introduce themselves. >> hi everyone, my name is antoio and i am a senior at gateway high school and i will be attending san francisco state university. >> hello, my name is (inaudible) and i go to gateway high school and we will be graduating this saturday and in the
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