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tv   [untitled]    May 31, 2013 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT

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association. and i wish to also echo the many comments in regards to the quality of life in our streets and the sunset. and we were engaged in the process of designing prototype street scaped signs within our own local community and we are here not to ask for something but to offer our services of my architectural firm to anyone in the audience that is interested in these sorts of problems. the city has a wonderful document, called the better streets of san francisco and there are many, wonderful things in that document that we should also learn from and implement. and we would like to help offer our services to help anyone in the community that is in need of this. i will be available after the meeting if anyone wishes to talk with me. thank you. [ applause ]
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>> good morning, supervisors, and department heads, my name is (inaudible), and i have been a resident in district 7, supervisor yee's district for over 34 years and i am here, this morning to speak really as a citizen, but as some of you know i have served as president of the woman's commission and also 12 years as at airport commission and spending time trying to get small local businesses access our big business at the airport. so i have three points to make, first on the pedestrian an safety issue which has been discussed quite a bit this morning. is the way that it effects both youth and seniors. but also i think that there needs to be adjusting and supervisor yee has been having the public hearings on this matter and it is not just the main thorough fairs, ocean avenue is going through a positive development these days and there say lot of threw traffic, and near here to (inaudible) and it is actually waiting to happen and so i hope that in your over all plan that
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you look at within districts that within the neighborhoods that there is some safety issues on some of these major thoroughfares and my second point is about the small business development here and i know that there is an effort to balance the big box, the targets coming into our world but i hope that you will give the small business administration and whoever else, the department needs help to protect the small business interest because there needs to be a balance and there are serious problems going on in supervisor ferrill's district and (inaudible). and the third point that i would like to make is that we don't need any more cuts for the woman's commission, i think that chief sur understands the impact of the violence in the city and the work that the district attorney has been taking lead on and also in our neighborhood in west portal, there is the neighbors making for vigilence and the human trafficking in district four has been identified of the problems and from time-to-time i think that they are
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suspicious behavior and i hope that the police are doing the right thing and investigating. thank you. >> thank you, we actually have time for about four more speakers so i am going to call the last four speakers here. hastings, (inaudible) glikston and john ferrill. >> >> my name is (inaudible) freeman and i live in district seven and i am happy to live in district seven and i am also a (inaudible) party of san francisco and we are interested in making sure that the taxpayers get their money's worth. and so, what i want to mention is that kind of basic over the government services, like roads, and they are not in very good shape and every town, driver, fills up their car with a gallon of however many gallons of gas and a certain
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percentage of every gallon comes back to the city and the county of san francisco, for the roads. where is that money going? so, i don't see any improvement. there was a measure which we opposed but regardless it has been passed and i don't see it improving in the roads they are still bumpy, lumpy, pot holes, and i would like to see a basic improvement in that, that is just something that people paid for automatically every time that you buy gas. and the other thing. while are there so many street lightses out? someone mentioned ocean avenue, occasionally going down and there are numerous street lights out. why aren't they being fixed. i actually have called the 311 and they are good actually, and if you record it they will come back and get somebody out there
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within a couple of days and it is fixed. and so that is good, actually. but, why are there so many other street lights out? i mean that residents should report them in the neighborhood, but if they don't, they will (inaudible) government placed the lights out and they could report it. and just (inaudible) and i think that i am almost out of time. where you can park, you know the painting and red and the white and all of the different things, you cannot paint them and you cannot see these, they are so faded. thank you. >> good morning, mr. mayor, and supervisors, and department representatives, and especially good morning to all of the activated citizens here. i am coming to you from the san francisco foundation, and to our five program areas. we do branch for non-profit organizations all over the city and in the five bay area
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counties. i wanted to come together to especially emphasize the importance of ongoing support to the arts and the arts and non-profits in the city and in these districts. i also like the one before me, i do have a lot of concerns about the cut backs that have happened in the various departments and yes, within the arts, and grants for the arts in the cultural grants commission and i hope that in the future we will be able to restate these and i want to draw attention to the fine work that is happening in the districts like the cultural center which provide a secular place for gathering of the cross cultures and in that organization, we do all kinds of programs and including the annual cultural festival and they have a gathering for about a women from those cultures. and it is really wonderful work that is happening and the immigrant immigration and cultural expression and i also want to call attention to the
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(inaudible) that uses theater arts to teach them art skills and how to cooperate with their peers and develop the organized project and to build their self-esteem and wonderful things happen and i hope to see ongoing support for them. thank you. [ applause ] >> hi, good morning, city family, i'm john (inaudible) and i have a real estate company, and the 5th generation san franciscoan and for the city i was a former assess or, and the mayor's budget analyst and the analyst for (inaudible) for years. my father was former controller who (inaudible). and let us see the integrity of the city revenues, and our revenues generating the departments should be audited for potential revenues, for example the city is losing a minimum of 10 million annually
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this does not include the other loss such as the transfer tax of 12 and a half million from the recent sale of lucas to disney in 2012, due to the unconstitutional loophole in the trust act. for example, the giants are a high profile assessment, we love the giants they built their ballpark for $355 million and leased for $400 million in 2000. the current assessment is $180 million, at least 200 million under assessed and a loss of 2 million annually. did you know that the giants were the only (inaudible) in the city that has depreciated while other ups two percent. if the giants getting a two million dollar break what are the (inaudible) expecting. i get upset when i see the people in the trench woresried about keeping their jobs and being fired when we are not looking at all of the revenues that we should be taking in. it is our city and we are here
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to work together and we need to ramp up the revenues, after the (inaudible) and rose recommendations been implemented i could go on all day. thank you very much for your time. >> [ applause ] >> (inaudible) former city garden ner for 14 years. i am disgraced at what happened at (inaudible) it should be grass and it is ridiculous what happened in (inaudible) and other places. we have 200 gardeners compared to what we used to have over 14 years in the department and this time, which i knew, and i need to take it is a disgrace when the standard (inaudible) has a f, and gardeners last year and it is a disgrace when i have to (inaudible). it is dirty and the streets look like a third world country and it is unacceptable. yesterday, the grass got mowed. (inaudible) and like we saw
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this morning, to claim to get to... why don't we have a meeting and a great photo op, and visit reality. and the hotels have been torn down years ago and still stands. and 47,000 to cut ler and it is a dump and we are told that it needs to be fixed and still not fixed after a year. and so the people in wheelchairs, and (inaudible) on the east side of 9th avenue between south and (inaudible) it is a beautiful, i think that the water department building falling apart that should be torn down and made condos or something out of it. the sand going all over the beat, i mean, (inaudible) it is still does not get taken care of very well. (inaudible) outside looks terrible and we also know that... the restaurants over in lake (inaudible) which i used to be (inaudible) complex where it still stands and it needs to be fixed. i wish that i could say more positive things but if these things don't get done all that rhetoric means nothing unless it happens, thank you.
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>> thank you. and thank you, to everyone who shared their comments with us. and i apologize that i could not get to everyone and we will be collecting your input and where do we go from here and i will be bringing up supervisor ferrill to talk about the process. >> and thank you all for being out here today and for all of your comments. i want to say very proud to have two colleagues on my board, supervisor tang and yee who are doing a great job for their districts and representing your ideas and concerns and so thank you to my colleagues. just to give you a quick perspective on the budget process over the next few weeks in may we are going to continue to hold hearings and we meet every wednesday at ten in the morning and one in the afternoon and so if you like to come by, feel free to hang out all day, on wednesday in city hall if you like it gets to be entertaining sometimes. >> at the end of may or early june, the mayor is going to transmit his budget to the
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board of supervisors and his budget, during this course is both the mayor and the budget director kate howard are going to be continuing to work very, very hard to put together a balanced budget during the month of june, the board of supervisor ss going to take a look at that budget and analyze that we have our own budget analyst that he knows very well and harvey rose mentioned and we are going to take a look at it and come back with the potential tweaks and maybe we agree with everything and maybe we don't. but the goal is by law we have to have a balanced budget and we want to do that and make sure that it gets passed through the board of supervisors by the middle of july. the next two months are busy in city hall and we do have budget and finance committee meetings every wednesday, twice every single wednesday, feel free to come by, but more importantly continue to make your voices be heard these are great comments today and we have gone through a number of town halls across the city and i want to say that today is some of the most diverse set of comments from throughout the districts thank you for being out here and i
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look forward to continuing to work together to make the city a better place, thank you. [ applause ] >> thank you, supervisor ferrill, in closing i want to thank all of the city department heads, representatives and mayor and, supervisor yee and ferrill and howard and all of you for coming out and sharing your concerns. and i want to thank the assistant principal here and thank you for helping with the logistics and making sure that the meeting goes smoothly, i want to thank everybody and if supervisor yee and mayor lee would like to have closing remarks. >> thank you, supervisor tang, i want to echo that, i am real happy to have you out here on saturday morning getting your opinions and it was good for us as supervisor and for mayor lee to hear what your concerns are and the issues of pedestrian safety and the quality *f life
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and district four and cutting across the city. and these issues are impacting from the youngest to the oldest. and we heard from the seniors what they need, we heard from the educator in terms of what impact and early education has in terms of the quality of our education system. and san francisco, so, thank you very much. and hopefully we will... the budget that we pass will reflect many of the issues that you brought up to date. thank you. [ applause ] >> everybody, thank you, again for your input, i want to thank all of the department representatives for their patience in listening to everybody. and it is what supervisor ferrill said, you have a lot of diversities. and i assure you each and every one of your comments is going to be repeated over and over again, as we deliberate among ourselves about what we need to invest in and i do want to say that overwhelmingly, all of you
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want a safer city. and we are going to work on those. because you can't do anything in the city, unless you feel safe. so, i heard that that is probably one of the highest priorities coming out of this meeting, but the other things that you said are just as important and i will want to thank the people that have supported the translation of your views, and to make sure that everyone here has a great weekend. but know that we are going to work hard to make our budget reflect all of what you need to make this city successful. thank you very much. [ applause ] >> all right. thank you everyone for coming.
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>> the annual celebration of hardly strictly bluegrass is always a hit now completing itself 12 year of music in the incredible golden gate park. >> this is just the best park to come to. it's safe. it's wonderful and such a fun time of the year. there is every kind of music you can imagine and can wander around and go from one stage to another and just have fun. >> 81 bands and six stages and no admission. this is hardly strictly bluegrass. >> i love music and peace. >> i think it represents what is great about the bay area. >> everyone is here for the music and the experience. this is why i live here. >> the culture out here is amazing. it's san francisco. >> this is a legacy of the old warren hel ment and receive necessary funding for ten years
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after his death. >> there is a legacy that started and it's cool and he's done something wonderful for the city and we're all grateful. hopefully we will keep this thing going on for years and years to come.
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