tv [untitled] June 2, 2013 6:30am-7:01am PDT
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called explainers who will be warmly greeting you in front of the brand new station of the exporatorium of muni. [ applause ] >> so that is the function and the purpose of the exporatorium and let me tell you a little bit about how this place does even more than that. it provides public new access, public access to water-front sites for the first time in over 50 years. two, brand new acres of public accessible open space. access to our historic bulkhead at pier 15 and the bay history walk. links to the urban and marine environment with two new, brand new pedestrian bridges. and public access to a spectacular water way, between the piers. and so you know that it is not surprising that the exporatorium is called san francisco our innovation capitol of the world home for over four decades, because the
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world can see that the spirit of innovation permeating from every exhibit in the exporatorium and again through this brand new facility. now this facility is built with a net zero energy, and solar panels that will provide 1.2 megawatts of power and a function for the bay water to be used to provide radiant heat and 3,000 gallons of water will circulate throughout the building for non-portable uses. >> that is an incredible contribution to our environment. [ applause ] we know given the leadership here, this building, this world gas facility that we invested in with the city and our
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stiets's residents, local hiring to build it, we put them back to work during a time in which it was so challenging for the country and for the bay area. 900 jobs in construction alone and while the facility is running, 540 jobs will result in running this facility on a daily basis. another wonderful, wonderful contribution. >> so, you look at this extraordinary success and literally all of the different fronts from design to environment and to the purpose to the youth and families to the way that it was built and function and you add this. monique to our new cruise ship terminal that we just opened in february, to lieutenant governor and i and so many others on that rainy day of celebrating the bay lights that just happened, to now, on the eve of 55 days of wonderful sailing on our bay. the america's cup the 34th
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america's cup, this simply demonstrates what the exporatorium how our commitment to a 21st century san francisco will be forever successful for all of our residents. so thank you to the exporatorium director, dennis martels to your wonderful board and leadership. lieutenant governor newsom and the port and commissioners and president david chiu and the entire board of supervisors and the elected officials for being part of this extraordinary effort. and thank you for making this a dream, making this dream a reality for children and adults in our city and around the world. and before i lay my part of the ring on this bell, i will proclaim this to be april 17, 2013, exporatorium day in san francisco. all right.
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and with that, my contribution on the ring is the third ring, which is called the catalyst ring. and it represents the contributions of civic leadership and public agencies working altogether to make this dream a reality. another hand for mayor ed lee, please? >> our next speaker was mayor of this great city from 2003, to 2011 and his support was crucial to its success. and he is also a proud native san franciscoan who grew up with the appreciation for the exporatorium and the role of
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education in our civic life. >> i would like to introduce newsom who is a passionate for transforming that into the future of our society and works tirelessly behind the scenes to be sure that we are standing where we are today. and first, i can't help myself because i love the fact that nikki heart is part of this and you don't get a chance to quote people from the grateful dead. but it was not mixky who said this, but he may claim credit. but it was jerry garcia who said that you don't want to be the best of the best you want to be the only one that does what you do. >> i think of that quote in the context of today. this is unique in every capacity. [ applause ] this is special in every way. and you heat our heart out and
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it does not exist anywhere else not only in this state or in the state or the rest of the world. mr. mayor, congratulations, mr. president, the city attorney, and members of the board. and treasurer, others, this is a glorious and gracious day and it is a day, frankly that i was not necessarily looking forward to be candid to you when this started. because i grew up in the marina district and i remember falling into the old lagoon there thinking that i would drawn only to find out that it was one inch deep. loving my days at the palace. no one gave me the memo. this is what happens when you are the ex-memo, i came down on a sunday and you guys were closed. and i had a crying kid in the back devastated she could not come back to the exporatorium. she had been waiting for this day, unfortunately she is in preschool and i could not get her out. so this is spectacular. and i am just grateful to all
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of you. one things that is not lost on any of us, we are not completing with cheap labor, we are competing with cheap genius and i say that to say this, the three c is not just the three rs, this notion as dan was saying of collaboration, curiosity and creativity and become the dominate themes of the world now that we are living in. what world are we living in? that is the question that we should be asking ourselves every single day. and in so many ways, that will be answered within these walls and throughout this community, and so i'm just gateful to all of you to the extraordinary staff and dare i do this, to the board of directors, could you stand up? all of you deserve recognition. this is an amazing board. it is and a world class board, 300 million dollars. and counting. they are still raising money, and they are just five percent from their goal. if you have got a billionaire inside of you.
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we are ready for that complete check. but what an incredible board and what you should be very proud. and we are proud of you, george. thank you for your leadership. and you deserve extraordinary amount of credit and dennis, you know, second to being mayor, you got the best job? san francisco. thank you all. >> [ applause ] >> i have no idea what this represents, it is on the... it is for all of the great people of the great city, and county of san francisco. lieutenant government newsom. i always wish that he was a more exciting speaker. in its move to this exciting new location, the new exporatorium becomes part of
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san francisco third district which includes china town, and fisherman's wrap and a water front under going a remarkable rebirth and civic transformation, supervisor chiu who represents this district and led at proval process publicly and behind the scenes for unanimous support as we talked about, that is rare of this project is a leader in this transformation and president of san francisco's board of supervisors that his vision has been crucial to bringing us to this point, please welcome supervisor david chiu. >> thank you. >> the sun is shining on the exporatorium today. [ applause ] >> on behalf of my constituents in the north east neighborhoods i want to welcome the neighborhood to the best district in staoet with the exception of any other district represented here. we all know the saying that it takes a village to raise a child and i want to thank each and every one of you that you
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look around this crowd today. we are the diverse crowd and the diverse village of san francisco that is going to bring in half a million people a year to this site, that is going to bring in 50 million people over the next 21st century, tens of millions of kids are going to be raised right here on this spot. thank you for that. >> they say that victory and successes have many parents and i want to take a moment to add my thanks not just to the dreamers and the architects and the engineers and the builders, the donors and the exporatorium staff but i want to thank my neighborhood associations, the environmental groups and the transit organizations that worked together for many months for my aid and myself to make sure that we negotiated with city staff and i think six commission ss what i understand to balance all of the needs that we need to move this
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through unanimously. and i also want to say when i came at office five years ago, the piers that we are on today and many of the piers along the bay were crumbling into the sea and the fact that we opened up today and opened up and did a ribbon cutting on the cruise ship terminal and we will be opening up the america's cup we are truly building a 21st gem of a water front that is the envy to every city in the world. [ applause ] let me tell you, part of the reason i am so excited about this exporatorium is that i know that we are going to be educating the next generation of city leaders. we are going to be seeing kids who are coming out of these doors who are going to be the next supervisor scott weiner, and our next lieutenant governor, there is going to be some 8-year-old chinese boy who is going to walk out of here and be the next ed lee, once he figures out how to grow a
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mustache. >> and with that, it is my honor to lay on the fifth ring and this is a ring that honors our city's innovation. what makes our city so special, is that we are forever inventing ourselves. we are forever thinking about not only who we are, but who we can be. whether it be our tech start ups our healthcare researchers and manufacturers, a artists or poets or pioneers we are innovating when it comes to arts and science and today we honor the exporatorium who represents and only an san francisco institution that is continuing these tradition and so i am honored to add the fifth ring that will rule them all. that represents the makers and inventers that provide the exhibits, the programs and the experiences not just for this museum but really represents
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the very, very best of who we are as a city in our 21st century, thank you so much. >> you don't think that david is proud of his third district, do you? >> mr. mayor, don't take any grief about that mustache it is your signature, it would take me as long to grow one as it took to grew this exporatorium. a few interesting facts of the port of san francisco, it is 7 and a half miles long, home to fishing fleet, cruise ships and the san francisco giant's ballpark, pier 39, america's cup, a new cruise terminal that david just mentioned and many entrepreneurials business and of course this wonderful place the exporatorium the person who manages this incredible city asset is port director monique who led us to this site and
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along with the staff of 235 people managing this ongoing and very important asset for the city which is about to celebrate its 150th anniversary. so please welcome monique moyer. >> well, good morning, everyone. and welcome to the most amazing water front in the world. it is always sunny and clear when we are celebrating at the water front. and as mr. ashley said, one week from today, the port of san francisco will mark the 150 anniversary and i could not think of a better birthday present than the new exporatorium. so it is my honor and also my thrill to be here today to not just to celebrate this grand achievement but to mark this historic moment for the port wr, we have once guinea
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involved ourselves both architecturally, scientifically, socially, and environmentally, and economically. and the port as you know, was the beginning of our city, just a few blocks here and it is the basic of the tell graph hill and it started as agricultural and fishing village, right there where down's offices are was the first fisherman's wharf. >> and it is just amazing to see how it has transformed. of course, the thing that really set the city on fire was the gold rush and in the words of one historian, the gold rush catapulted our little city of san francisco into a far greater world ride prestige and enviable position than the tiny population really deserved and we have been in that role ever
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since and our port has evolved with the city as we welcomed new and improved ways of moving not from what used to be a pier for substanence but something that is important to the city as food was and that is innovation and quality of life. and so i can't think of a project that epitomizes that more than the exporatorium like our city and port has continuously evolved and expand and rebuilt and on behave of the port commissioners who will raise their hands and be recognized. >> it is my honor to welcome the exporatorium as the ports newest coldest nugget to the world renoun catapulted water front and we look forward to
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celebrating the next 150 years, with all of you. and i would like to especially thank the exporatorium's board, staff, consultants, and supporters and friends. for with you all who were the innovators behind this vision, you all who had this dedication for too many years to count and you all who will make this all possible and so my ring, which i like to point out is going on top of david's ring. and that was a silly thing to say, david. only when you go last. my ring, back to the point, mr. mayor, thank god that i work for you. my ring symbolizes the conductors and the communicaters and it is representative of the planners, the collaborative ra tores and
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the producers who created this vision and those of you who will keep it fresh for the next 150 years, please take a big bow all of you here today and it is truly an achievement, thank you. [ applause ] >> thank you, monique very much. >> my team before you here is almost finished, we are going to ring the bell in just a few moments, let me just take a moment to say, that it has been a great privilege to be a part of this. terrific morning, but more than that, over the last many months to be reporting here, and one of the great privileges of my job is the opportunity to be a part of this community in such a unique way and i am grateful for that, abc 7 is proud, television partner of the exporatorium and let me acknowledge the president and general manager, william
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burton, raise your hand if you would, and i want to say that because he has donated just countless amounts of television time to promote this event and be a part of it and so we are very proud to serve in that community. and so we are around a tv anchor and a bunch of politicians that they talk so much that we have to switch interpreters and we have warn them out and thank you for being here. that is how bad it is, right? >> doctor rob stemp er is a renouned physicist and really is the thread that connects in so many ways, the history and the fundamentals and the core values of frank's mission with the new modern day advancements and discoveries of the new exporatorium. please welcome dr. rob semper. >> good morning, everyone. and welcome to the plaza, one of the wonderful things about
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the new exporatorium is that we have this wonderful outdoor space as well as in door space and would i like to think of us as an inside out museum and invite, and those that have come behind us outside of the plaza. >> when i first came in, 1977, i was privileged to join, a band of 35 people who already had been working for 8 years with frank in the palace of fine arts a place dedicated to the proposition that individuals need to be encouraged to ex-mror the world to ask the only questions and by learning and doing. it was an appropriate place, and over the years, the staff and volunteers in the palace of fine arts established exist and produced 500 programs and hired 5,000 high school kids to be
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the ex-plainers. we built exhibits for over 100 museums from around the world and we design the museums for places as diverse as china and turkey. we published hundreds of papers on the work that we were doing about learning. we are first the website that brought the total solar eclipse live to millions of people and launched the first museum apps for tablets and all of this work was done by thousands of staff members and volunteers. nine years ago we talked to project to date and, we took everything that we learned in those 43 years and brought it over here and ported it into this building. we are so excited to show it off to you today, and to show off this new, 21st century learning center and we really hope that you enjoy what is here. i think of this moment, not as a break, from the past, but a continuation of the work that
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was started by the pioneers in 1969. we are still a place dedicated to the proposition that individuals should be encouraged to explore the world by learning by doing and thinking for themselves. it was started in the cold war by frank for the idea that people need to think for themself and the world will be bet foreit. what we need now is just as much spirit and exporatorium will support that going forward. [ applause ] as i look around today, we are about to embark on this amazing new chapter, and i must say that i can't wait to see what happens over the next 40 years, with this wonderful facility. and to echo dennis, earlier we will not be here without the commitment and the support of our staff, board and donor and designers, and contractors and builders and civic leaders and it and we support our
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gratitude. and so today i am adding the 7th ring, and supporters and champion and members and volunteers and all of the staff, past and present who have helped to build this place and will live in it going forward. >> notice that it is, the last ring. but it is not the last. i want to invite, now, dennis bartel and our explainers up to place the final piece on top of the bell. as rob said, sorry, you were bitter as well and we have one
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more piece to go but i would like to invite all of the speakers on stage if you could please, and while they are coming up here, i wanted to also thank all of you, in particular, i know of a few of our pier colleague institutions from around the world from as far away as finland, and australia, costa rica and france have joined us here today and to all of our friends who come to share this moment with us, thank you so much. >> so, it is my honor to introduce the final piece through the future. our future. represented in our high school explainer gloria granatos,
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♪ so are you going out tonight? i can't. my parents say i have to be home right after work. ugh. that's so gay. totally gay. ugh. that is so emma and julia. why are you saying, "that's so emma and julia"? well, you know, when something is dumb or stupid, you say, "that's so emma and julia." who says that? everyone. announcer: imagine if who you are were used as an insult.
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with someone you louvre, wear sturdy shows to conquer the stone trails and denly inventory advantage gives you hikers the sensation of being in a rain forest it's quite a hike to the top here at mount davidson but the view come and experience lafayette park and enjoy the people, picnic and sunshine. this is a lovely place to take an afternoon stroll with your loved one hand in hand. located at got and sacramento street in the middle of pacific heights on top of the city's steep rolling hills, lafayette park offers a great place, peaceful beauty. comfortably spaced tables and benches, a playground, rest rooms and tips at the end of the park. plenty of flat areas for football, frisbee, and picnic. lafayette is very much a couples park.
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>> so, we're just going to take you through this really quickly. over 200 parks, over 1100 facilities are all contained within this. everything is based around you as a human being have your app. if you're looking for a park or if you're not familiar with any of the parks here in the city are, this app is a perfect accessory. so we're basically zooming in on the map right now. you can see the clustering 2 12 parks. as you get closer in, it lets you know where you're at. i'll zo
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