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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2013 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT

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not at a place they couldn't see a staff report. so that's why i am on that. otherwise i would be supportive of a continuance by that also, we could deal with the traffic issue as well but i'm not sure where the truth lies in that whole scenario >> commissioner and so i too would be supportive of a continuance are i think nothing but good can come out of a dialog with the school. and the staff dialog too so see if there are any adjusts to the report. i agree that's a small neighborhood commercial district
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there would be a cafe that would come to us renting space that would raise concerns about people crossing the street so i think dialoging would be important so i'm supportive of the the continuance >> i'm inclined to hear the testimony and if the commission is inclined to suggest a continuance i would be open to a date in october. >> commissioner. >> yeah. to speak to some of the comments that were made about the project which we shouldn't deal with but it's part and parcel of continuance thing. i'm not sure i'm agreeing with
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the staff i don't know why their position. some of the reasons for opposition i don't understand. plus there's some miss recommendations they're not going to serve alcohol the hours are not as long as their proposed to be so some of the things that are being discussed and brought up for no continuance the project has been modified and some of the squeegee has been changed >> can u could you please explain where you have m that knowledge from. we have the data which is public has to any kinds of deals or mitigations proposed we're unaware of them.
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i feel slightly uncomfortable you have this >> i'm not sure that staff staff should be aware too. we've eliminated. maybe we could have someone explain. the liquor has been
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if you are looking for further support of your position you have mine. >> for whatever reason this project is not ready for prime time i support a continuance. i recognize the school is going out after this week. but the time for the two groups to get together and workout this i think would be beneficial. the commissioner see the
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recommendation not to deny an unusual position. and to the alcohol sales scope i think it needs to be revisited. i have a pretty good feeling this sponsor has done a good job reaching out. i have a hard time finding that the school has not been notified but but if theres i that's you're certain maybe other folks in the neighborhood have not been modified. >> i agree with president fong. i'd love to see a different project come back. i think the commission has made clear what the issues are and i would make a motion to continue
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to september 26th >> second. >> commissioner how are you going to get around the formula retail so we're not going to vote for that so i don't see what purpose a continuance does. >> it could come back with a recommendation to approve or deny. >> i don't think that's possible under the rules. >> okay. let's not get so what that. >> no, i will hold those items. >> there's a motion to continue 9 a to september 26th
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(calling names) so move commissioners that passes with the commissioner 3 voting against. >> consider the variance until september too so we can have one public hearing on both items. >> thank you. commissioners if there's nothing further under the items proposed for continuance we'll move one to our consent collapsed. all are considered to be remunerate there will be no separate discussion of those items unless the commission or the public or staff in which it will be removed and it will be considered for a future hearing.
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if those who are exiting the chambers ca can be quiet >> and at the 1147th street request for continuance authorization is the only item under your calendar and i do have one speaker card. >> okay calling for public comment rudy. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i am the executive director of a non-profit running a after
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school program on 7th street. when i was informed about this disappearing because they were indirectly across the street i attended a meeting called by at&t. i voiced my certain there were supposed to be four of them >> so what i like to take this item off the consent calendar. >> yeah. until there is a complete satisfaction. >> we'll take this off the consent and hear it as first on the consent calendar. >> commissioners that places us under the draft minutes for may
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23rd and draft minutes for regular hearing and any public comments on the draft minutes? public comment is closed. there a motion >> on the motion to approve the draft minutes special joint hearing and regular hearing (calling names) so
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model for real estate because it allows the folks in the local community to be investors.
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i know that there are some people looking at itlogically locally and in washington, d.c. there's some that raises $650,000 for a small marketing. i think that's an interesting idea to explore here in san francisco >> this week i read that the mayor's office of housing is trying to acquire has to its recipients for family housing. we have a lot of people in the city who are resident of having the priority to have the housing before someone coming into the area. it's a way to season the residents who are in need.
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i'm supportive of this policy. as another issue we were talking about how formula retail, you know, supports the monies come back in the community and they're not taken to other places. i happen to be at a sponsor the owner paraded was there. it's a bookstore i'm supportive of this extinct bookstore. the woman ahead of me asked if he'd seen the great goddaughters that i and he said i've spent no time in the city other than running my store. even independents there's no assurance that the folks are going to be patronizing other
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businesses i'd be interested in seeing this that locally independently owned businesses like fewer inlet's spend less money in the community than those with fewer outlets >> i got a e-mail from the e i a saying their sponsoring a competition and i want to know if it involves the planning department regarding the use and circulation will you be watching
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this? >> yes my understanding is that that's an idea competition to generate some thoughts and we're giving them the background information we have. so in extent that's a background resource >> commissioners if there's nothing you further item 6 directors announcements. the only announcement i want to make is that we are having a workshop on the central corridor draft plan on wednesday the 12th on pulling son street.
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i'd like to decide 3 of the ordinances p that would be a committee that is staffed from the mta and the department of public works the puc the office of workforce of economical
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development and the fire departme department. this would establish a policy. the second ordinance would create a public permit this would have the director administer and have the projects built in the third corridor right-of-way. this could be used for our in kind position of our impact fees and by a pass the encroachment permit. and we have an amendment that would allow what's called unobstructed curb election in this 20 feet clear up space. so at the hearing on monday the
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planning staff gave an overview of the plan and the controllers study of that plan. the controllers office study made some recommendations on the delivery of street improvements. the controllers office staff recommended a new design committee which is before our land use committee. the supervisor kim suggested adding another departments has necessary. and she felt this would benefit from the county transportation authority. supervisor wiener accepted the modification into the ordinance and there was the fire department folks who discussed their needs and a person from the safety department talked
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about the amendment of the fire code. at the end all the fire codes were passed and sent to the full board of supervisors. on wednesday there were the preapplication ordinance that you heard sponsored by supervisor cowen it was approved on first reading by the board. also approved by the board on first reading was the project on 11th street. you heard this item on april 25th and it would allow the education without the need of a hearing and a few other things. and on passed on finalrd was the
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district sponsored by the supervisor wiener. there were a couple of new introductions the first was the amendment to the planning code to change it when the krorlz are rid to issue various reports i don't know what those reports are but it will be before you. the second ordinance would amend the tax code and it would involve the landscapes and in the public realm including sidewalks parks etc., to authorize the purchase of real prompt where the property will be in the public realm area and the district would provided those improvements and maintenance. it's sponsored by supervisor cowen it's not a planning code
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ordinance. that concludes my report and unless there's any questions >> commissioner. >> thanks for your report. is any of the discussion on the board of supervisors talk about the signaling for traffic safety? >> not that i'm aware of. it was functions on a large coordination of large agencies and bigger improvements then just the signals >> whose leading this? >> supervisor wiener. >> yes he's interested in that topic. thank you >> thank you. >> he the board of appeals met last time and there was the appeal of 49 banks last month
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the board of appeals heard that and the hearing request was filed it was regretted. and the penalty on dlolz street that the commercial use include selling juice and having yoga classes there. the board unanimously especially upheld that it was originally scheduled for april 10th but they came to the hearing and they still didn't submit any briefing material and sideboard found they don't have enough time to grant the request but
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they have the appeal. >> good afternoon tim department staff here to share with you the results of yesterday's historic commission. they approved two certifies of restoration the dog patch land district was included. the commission addressed a few conditions of approval to the restoration of the residential property within the osmosis districts there would be more construction needed. the commission also approved a major permits for the work along the san francisco mark this is to as you know this is where
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twitter has it's office and to have the ground floor for tenants. the commission also approved a new lobby entrance on 71 market street. i bring this up because there was a glaefl opposition. the opposeers were concerned about traffic and congestion along stevenson and the analysis under sequa. staff did communicate to the commission that the sequa analysis was complete and appropriate for this project and based on this information the h p unanimously approved the construction of that new lobby
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on the stevenson alley market street. each puc also approved the renovation project. the upstairs is going to be redone. and commission approved that project with conditions as outlined by staff. and then 15 staff gave an update of the ship rights cottage it's been in the paper recently as a property that the city is interested in acquiring. it's a much larger project. the good news is the counter property owner has obtained a permit and is putting a new roof on the building.
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the planning department and recreation and parks is continuing to stay in touch with each other. we'll keep you update on the plans for that location once their developed. that concludes my comments. >> questions? >> commissioners. >> it will place you on the text item for 336 castro street. this is an phenomenal presentation >> i'm rick crawford. on august 2nd of 2012 the planning commission approved a project to demolish a gas station. and within the upper market and the 6th district.
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the combination or commission directed the vice president to work on the details. the sponsor has been working with local neighborhood groups and department and other interested folks since august and it here to 0 present the final design. project sponsor >> benjamin, benjamin architects. we've been working with the neighborhood groups actually, the neighborhood groups worked together to consolidate and form one last year group, if you will, to look at the project. and over the last year we've
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revised the elevations. most of the work was working on say elevations. i believe the only change on the tier is on the ground floor the space that the sponsor is giving to the community for the community to use as they wish councilmember on the castro side of the elevation. there's a store front entrance. but the big changes are the exterior materials when we presented it previously we sort of had a space holderer of concrete panels and after much discussion with the planning group people we decided to go
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with the terry cot tile. and the color range which is depicted here is burgundy red. we've decided to consolidate the colors and have less randomness >> a lot of other adjust and refinements took place. the corner glass was refined and the top where there's a wind-screen for the roof-deck we were concerned about the way it was meeting the more solid areas. on the castro side we - revised
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the residential entry piece and look at the aluminum glazing the bottle i didn't rails become glass instead of metal. and that's the major changes that we've gone through sins we've presented this project originally. okay. we'll open it up for public comment >> i have one speaker card. david >> president fong i'm new to this.