tv [untitled] June 7, 2013 9:30pm-10:01pm PDT
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stimulus, we spent our money but in districts eight and nine, we are not taking it very far. >> the amount that came into the city was 4.3 million dollars. i want to make that point. >> moderator: nathan from the bike club coalition. okay. move on to our final comment, mia too much. (applause) >> howdy. my name is mia too much i am the youth commissioner; i work at lyric but i am representing myself. i have two important issues i want to bring up, lgbt --
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we still don't have an lgbt (indiscernible) i would really like to see that coming to fruition. i would like the 400-unit goal to be met and exceeded, to have no homeless gay youths. we have 5000 homeless youth. if we are setting goals here, we need to meet that. i'm shaking, life or death thing. i live in the mission. i survived a hate crime. i want to have affordable housing. i live in the mission. if i could live in supervisor
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farrell's district i would love to. but the mission is my home. please continue violence prevention dollars. thank you. (applause) >> moderator: we are coming to wrap up. i want to point out that if you have one information about the budget hearing process, go to the front, the mayor's office staff will give information about what the plan is for the upcoming hearings and how you can be engaged. now we will have closing remarks. i want to welcome supervisor campos, that supervisor wiener, and then the mayor.
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so he can make a final closing remarks. >> scott wiener. we heard all of you. all of the comments will make an impact and we appreciate the fact that everyone came out. i want to highlight a couple of communities that were heard loud and clear, the transgender community, this is something that we have to deal with and i also want to speak to the chinese speaking unity and parts of the city like the portola, i do believe that we need to do more of that population, we need some funding already that we need to do more. thank you very much enjoy your weekend. >> i want to thank everyone for coming out today. this is the beginning. we'll be having budget hearings. i talk to people, e-mail, on the street, many ways to
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understand what people' parties are. thank you. >> if we could give a big round of applause to our moderator, larissa. thank you larissa, a great leader in our community. >> i too want to thank larissa and -- and thakn the cesar chavez school, and the community ambassadors for keeping us safe and the group of people coming in to help us establish a high level of safety and working closely with the law enforcement; i want to thank the departments for being here. because of you we'll work extra hard to make sure we balance the budget in a way that it earns you respect. this is why we do our jobs and we are always constantly earning it. i want to be the first one to
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apologize if someone did not get chance to speak. please know that we will hold these throughout the city and you're welcome to come and join us in the other budget town halls but again thank you very much not only for the birthday call-out but to know that i am or carefully listening to all of you. i will say this. we are invested in our city they time. we want everybody to succeed. you know that i always use sport analogies. i will and with sports. this week we saw panda hit a home run, in the ninth inning we saw belt hit home run, in the eighth inning -- last night we saw posey hit a home run. all of us, when we start off the budget, we start with the
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deficit, down a few points, down a few home runs, but then we get even, and pretty soon we will hit a homerun with all of you; we will see three pointers, and some game changers. one of the big three points and big home run since when we say we are going to make 6000 kids in our city get paid intern summer job; that sets the success of the city. thank you very much for coming out. we are going to work on everything from health to anti-violence with you and make sure we have a really healthy and successful city. thank you very much. >> moderator: please return the translation equipment. --
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>> sometimes people get half way across the intersection. >> you have to be alert because there is always something coming up that you need to know about. >> i learned to listen to the traffic patterns. sometimes i notice the other pedestrians, they are crossing, on occasion, i have decided i'm going to cross, too. i get to the middle of the intersection, and i find out that the light has changed. >> we need to be able to work and go from one place to the other and have public transportation. the world needs to be open. >> people on disability has the
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task of addressing all the disability. when we are talk about the sidewalks, ramps, we have very specific issues. for people blind and low vision, we have the issue of knowing where they are and when the cross. it can be hit or miss. >> at hulk and grove, that sound the the automatic -- it helps people cross the street safely. >> now we have a successful pedestrian signal. >> i push the button, i get an audible message letting me know that i need to wait.
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when it is safe to cross, not only am i going to get an audible indicator, this button is going to vibrate. so it tells me it is safe. there is the driller sound and this trigger is vibrating. i am not relying on anything but the actual light change, the light cycle built into it. >> it brings san francisco from one of the major cities in the
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u.s. to what is going to be the lead city in the country. >> city working on all sorts of things. we are trying to be new and innovative and go beyond the ada says and make life more successful for people. >> disability rights movement, the city has the overall legal obligation to manage and maintain the accessibility and right of way. with regards to the curb ramps, bounded by a groove border, 12-inch wide border. for people with low vision to get the same information. the shape of the domes, flush
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transition between the bolt bottom of the ramp and gutter. >> we have a beveled transition on the change in level, tape on the surfaces, temporary asphalt to fill in level changes, flush transition to temporary wood platform and ramp down into the street under the scaffoldinging. detectable ramps. they are all detectable. nothing down below or protruding that people are going to get snagged up on. smooth clean that nobody is going get caught up on. >> our no. 1 issue is what we
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see here, the uplifting and shreufting to concrete due too street tree roots. here is another problem we have with street trees. if i have i was a person blind, this would be an uncomfortable way to find out. >> we don't want to create hazards. >> sometimes vendors put sidewalk cafes where people push the chairs too far out. >> sometimes it can be impassable. so much foot traffic that there is no room for a wheelchair or
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walker to go by. >> san francisco is a lively street life, it can be an issue with people with visual disabilities as well. they have these diverting barriers on other side of this tables and chairs area. if people can find thraeur way around it without getting tangled up, it is still fully accessible. >> we don't want anything special. we want people to basically adhere to the regulations and laws as they are on the books now. people can also, just be cognizant if they have stuff on the street, they thaoed to have 48 inches so we can pass, think
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outside your own spectrum of yourself that there are other people you need to share the sidewalk with. we will all get along better. >> although san francisco is a hilly place for a whraoel chair user, we seem to be better at most. that doesn't mean we can't continue to improve upon ourselves. >> the public has a clear are -- of travel. we can't be every to make sure that is the place. we have to rely on the place. call 311. give them your name. that goes into a data base. >> it is difficult, still, um to make the case that the disabled community isn't being
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represented. in some ways we are not. we have a long way to go. >> the city of san francisco is using the most innovative technology available. these devices allow people to remain out in their communities, doing things like shopping. it is great to be able to walk as a pedestrian in this city and cross streets safely. aye been in san francisco 20 years. i'm homeless. i got a good cup of coffee. i got a number. today i'm 359. >> you try to do the right
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thing and make a point to do what you have to to be at one place. they have all the services at one building. i can spend 4 hours touching each table ask and getting the information i need to get back on my feet. they are providing the services under one roof. you don't have to go here or there or wait until next week. >> at the time we opened we have folks waiting outside to come in. >> good morning. >> what we are doing is trying to find out what they want and need and getting them to their services as fast as possible. >> i came to the eye glasses program. making a couple of phone calls to my family at home. >> some housing, i'm here for employment. may be see about -- i've never been to one of these. i have not been homeless before.
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>> the scareiest are the people who are recently homeless who look like me. look like they could be my friend or family member. a few wrong choices and bad luck got them here. >> i was laid off 2-1/2 weeks ago and came to the project to -- >> i've been married to the same man, my childhood sweetheart he started doing drugs. we went from a nice out in texas to nothing. the next step in the process is they get linked up with a volunteer. this is the heart and soul of the public connect. we greet clients. shake their hands. ask them to follow us and talk to them as we bring them to the hall and lead them to the first station. you find they are humbling on
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both sides. humbling for me. it's a great opportunity to give the folks the respect they deserve and don't get enough of. >> these are the people we step over on the way to our jobs. i was thankful to the mayor. our jobs are about helping people. this is another way for us to give back to our community that treats us very well. i like the way they take you around to get you started. that's nice. they let you go and thoser the different things you need. >> are you with a program, now? >> i was a long time -- >> you want a job search? >> career planning [inaudible]. you are interested in getting
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into the trades? and that is where they will double check your trading skills you got and put you on a crew and you can do construction work or any kind of construction. >> okay. >> good. are you receiving food stamps? >> no. >> not medical or nothing. >> no. >> we got to get you hooked up. >> this the department of human searchss this is the benefit's section much the beauty on coming here today is that we brought all of our requirements to this place, this station. the assessment. the orientation, we have the screening propose, the finger imaging this helps people who are unable to tolerate going to different appointments on several days. >> i want to talk to people
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from housing and shelter. there are several jobs i have been given it's a matter of following up. >> i'm going to get my eye glasses, try to. when i got here they said 60 people. not everybody will get a pair. 8 million people in san francisco who are homeless. >> i volunteered for the eye screening. they are appreciative, they tell us that. and they have come back to say, thank you very much. we appreciate this. it's made a difference in my life. there was a guy today that couldn't see so near sighted he couldn't seebeyond 2 or 3 inches. everything is a blur. it's a miracle for him. >> they are not doing anymore screening for the day. i will go
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to health care, next. >> this is the medical section where they come and give us their names and we ask them to have a seat with the rn. there are 6 rn's that will find out what they need. it could be just to see a doctor. they will sit here, write an assessment and someone will escourt them to where the doctors are. we have 2 if not more licensed dentests that look at people's mouth. they get a card to a drop-in clinic. the only thing that holds us back is we don't have enough dentists to treat the number of people. we would treat more people. >> this is not an area that people deal with. it can be a significant barrier. we see 185 to 200 clients.
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in the dmv area we see 300 to 350. >> it's overwhelming but helpful. there are a lot of people willing to help. >> at cafe connect we have volunteers that work as waiters. everyone who come here experiences a surprise that it's such an easy thing to relate to this group of people. when you are out of the street you ignore them. when you are here you treat them like human beings. people are gratified. >> you give back to people. you give back to our community and it makes the world a little less cruel. >> i heard people in line talking about the donation when they walked out. it was nice to see people come and get the things they want and
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leave. it's rewarding for our employees to help out. >> the feedback i have gotten from the employees today has been positive. they are encouraged that the fact the city is doing something like this for the homeless. >> i got involved, my son adam who's a teacher in san francisco participated and invited me. >> i got involved with a friend. i came a couple months ago and wanted to make it a priority to come again and invite my family and more friends. >> it's well organized. i'm impressed how organized it is. it feels wonderful to be a part of it. >> affords dignity to the people who affords the services. >> every service you can need or get you started is here under one roof.
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if you leave here you should have [inaudible]. the bottom line is you make >> just a little pack of pad located at the bottom of russian hill, the secret garden with an intimate and captivating appeal. carefully tucked away, at the bottom of lumbar street, the park makes the top of our list for the most intimate picnic setting. avoid all tourist cars by hopping on the cable car. or the 30, 45, 41 or 91 bus. this is the place to tell someone something special or the place to declare to friends and family the commitment you two share. reservations are available with rec and park for this adorable
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♪ >> welcome to hamilton recreation and aquatics center. it is the only facility that has an integrated swimming pool and recreation center combined. we have to pools, the city's water slide, for little kids and those of you that are more daring and want to try the rockslide, we have a drop slide. >> exercises for everybody. hi have a great time. the ladies and guys that come, it is for the community and we really make it fun. people think it is only for those that play basketball or swim. >> i have been coming to the pool for a long time now.
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it is nice, they are sweet. >> in the aquatics center, they are very committed to combining for people in san francisco. and also ensuring that they have public safety. >> there are a lot of different personalities that come through here and it makes it very exciting all the time. they, their family or teach their kids have a swim. >> of the gem is fantastic, there is an incredible program going on there, both of my girls have learned to swim there. it is a fantastic place, check it out. it is an incredible indication of what bonn dollars can do with
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our hearts and facilities. it is as good as anything you will find out why mca. parents come from all over. >> there are not too many pools that are still around, and this is one-stop shopping for kids. you can bring your kid here and have a cool summer. >> if you want to see some of the youth and young men throughout san francisco play some great pickup games, come wednesday night for midnight basketball. on saturdays, we have a senior lyons dance that has a great time getting exercise and a movement. we have all the music going, the generally have a good time.
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whether it is awkward camp or junior guard. >> from more information, visit >> it's great to see everyone here, on a saturday morning a little bit on the dark. i thank you coming to this joint district two, district 3 town hall. i want to thank our mayor as well as a department head standing behind us. i think all of you know that every year the mayor and the board of supervisors we approve the most important policy document in the city which is our annual document, the budget reflects our city's
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priorities and how we want to address activities or do want to engage in. i want to thank mayor lee, in 2011 when he came into the office and number of us asked him to engage more deeply in our neighborhoods and conduct town halls that solicit prospectives and feedback from all of you to us as a budget is being prepared as the budget is being proposed to our board of supervisors and is the board of supervisors considers it. let me briefly - actually i will do the agenda overview in just a second - with that i want to turn it over to my colleague supervisor mark farrell and i are blessed to not only share a border, the north south border of -- street ever-present russian hill and there are many projects that we work on together, it's been a pleasure to work
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