tv [untitled] June 10, 2013 7:30am-8:01am PDT
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second. we greatly value this partnership. and as you say, it has coinsided. we have partnered for three years and sorry about 2011. >> there was nothing wrong with our beer that year. >> and so just a small token of our great appreciation for the partnership and this new venture that will be for decades and decades long or maybe a century or more. as you have been around for greater than a century. this giant's jersey. if we put 48, you may get confused with pablo sandoval. so it's anchor 48. please wear it proudly. we are thrilled to have you as part of our team. [applause] >> thank you very much. >> thank you, keith. we appreciate everyone coming out today. and i would like to in addition to thanking keith and the great
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team at anchor. i would like especially join with anchor and keith in thanking the mayor. mayor lee and his office. and the port of san francisco. and everybody who has conspired with us to make this happen. it's a great day for san francisco. i think often about the fact that one of the things that makes san francisco unique is that we can have a wonderful manufacturing company here making real products. tied to being the center of innovation. and they do it in a way that is very innovative. and here we are in a neighborhood that is a bustling neighborhood of technology and biotech with ucsf up the street. it's a pleasure to be a san franciscans in this day and age. in terms of our project, we are very excited about the fact that
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anchor represents the first major tenant and the kick-start to our mission rock project. to us it's the perfect partnership. we have been around a while, 1958. but that pales in comparison to anchor. 1896. as keith mentioned they are long-time partners with the giants back to candlestick park days. and anchor plaza was launched in 2010. and we won that year. and so we are going with a team that helps us win baseball games as well. this project is interesting in that it's about 20% of the total square footage. 20% of the total size of the project and 5% of the total square footage of mission rock. it will serve in many ways as the front door to the mission rock project.
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people will see it as they come to games and the neighborhood. just a reminder that the mission rock project is something that we feel will be a major asset to this city. and to this neighborhood of which we have a very, very long-term thankfully lease with the city at at&t park. when fully built out we see this including more than eight acres of parks and open space. sort of this side of town, mini-version of crissy field. between 1600 residential units. and 1.47 million square feet of office. and a parking structure to accommodate ballpark visitors. and between the retail restaurants and the public aminities, and they will present
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a restaurant to folks that come to visit before and after ballgames. we see this as our newest neighborhood in san francisco and to the city. we are thrilled to have anchor going forward with us for, i don't know it's decades, but maybe another century. at least a century to come, right, keith. with that i would like to bring up a man very responsible for the wonderful growth of these businesses and these neighborhoods in san francisco. and somebody that we are indebted to for all of his leadership in the city. the mayor, ed lee. [applause] >> thank you, larry. good morning, everybody. you know it's really exciting to be here this morning. i know our city administrator and the project director are
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here to join doreen and monique and supervisors for the free samples, keith. on this kind of day, we were actually looking forward to the old distillery, the potrero ride, that will keep us warm. but it's unique. when you look at the history of those years with fritz maytag in the 70s. and i was in law school during that time. i won't tell you how much beer i drank, being a cal-berkeley guy. but larry, i compare what the giants went through in their history and anchor, and you see similarities. we almost lost both companies and then that he:-- then they
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rebounded. and they are in fantastic growth. and they are both in my opinion, you are made in san francisco, you are the anchor of this. a large manufacturer. but i also associate with you giants. because they are the manufacturer of the world series championship. that's a great combination. you will be able to create additional jobs here in the shed and pier. and again monique and i talked about how to get investments on the piers. if you know the history of this pier and along with the other piers. we had to kind of settle for warehouse of different companies or government agencies. they were the warehouses. and that's what president ho has been struggling with. how do we get our real estate on
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the port to be activated and bringing down people. and that's what our movement in the city has been all about with our public/private partnerships and the business relations. and of course giant the led it in the at&t waterfront, and it's been exciting to see that. and all the avenue electrified on that. and to see that on the waterfront. and to have have that complim t complimented. and it will be a huge part of pier 70. so this is all part of a master plan. i have to admit that was over a year-and-a-half ago that larry told me in confidence. and i couldn't say anything. may come down to the pier. but you can't jinx it, you can't say anything about it. and we were together in 2010
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celebrating our world series. and already whispering about the possibility. and will to see it happen is fantastic. and with a home-grown company and to have your iconic symbol to be in play with the port is fantastic as well. i see all of that happening. and again i have to say to larry and keith and to the port and to all of our project managers. we are still very lucky as a city. and even the board of supervisors know how lucky we are. not only to gain the attraction of world status with our championship baseball. and also, you have to understand anchorstein is no longer a manufacturer beer like micro-breweries. they are requested and i brought a friend that wants to send containers of your beer to china
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tomorrow. and i said, you have to stand in line. i have 17 countries that want that beer as well. we have a great market. it's not just local san francisco. it's about where we are in our place today. and that anchor and the world series giant and our port of san francisco are on the map. but they are the international hub for everything that happened. and when we make things in san francisco, and this is the real pitch. that we make it for the whole world. we just don't make it for local consumption. whether clothing or confection or food. everyone is asking what do you have made in san francisco. because we want it in china and india and japan and europe, all over the place. because it means quality. it means well-manufactured products. it means people that enjoy their craft and what they do. and it also means a lot of local
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people get a lot of jobs out of it as well. with this, i will go quickly to the samples. and enjoy the day properly. and if i can be joined by the cameramen and women, i am sure that the media will enjoy the samples as well. thank you very much. and congratulations. [applause] >> thank you very much, mr. mayor and mr. behar and mr. gregor. thank you for your work and vision. and before i introduce the next speakers. i want to take a moment to introduce two fabulous city heads. first and foremost, our city administrator, naomi kelly. and our head of waterfront development in the office of economic and workforce
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development, jennifer maps in the back of the room. thank you all for joining us. it's my honor to introduce two more very partners. we would not be able to move forward here at the port of san francisco without the support of our board of supervisors. and particularly those supervisors whose districts that adjoin our waterfront. it's my honor to work with these two ladies on a regular basis. they are committed to the districts they serve and the broader san francisco. they both come at their jobs from different perspectives. but with the common goal that there something here in san francisco for everyone. and with their guidance and input they help make us great. just like we have the opportunity to do so today. please join me in welcoming supervisor jane kim and supervisor malia cohen from
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districts six and 10 respecti respectively. [applause] >> good morning. i was reminded this morning as the mayor was announcing different members of the city family that are here, naomi kelly, and those others, the mayor likes to travel with the ladies. but in all honestly it's great to be here. and anchorstein is my favorite san francisco beer. and it's a beer that i grab for when i go to a friends' house. not that it's a plug, but it's important to support san francisco products. and it's amazing that this company has been committed to san francisco and as an ambassador throughout the world.
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and important to partner with another great ambassador, and that's the san francisco giants. as we look at district 6, that includes mission bay. we have to recognize the history that was here before much of the development came. and that was the development and warehouses. and i came here to shop for furniture and other local wares. and it's exciting as we develop this part of the city, that can manage a lot of density. and sf-made is an incredible collaborative here that is working to keep local manufacturing. and increase that part of the sector, which is also a different type of coming of jobs for san francisco. that we greatly need. i am excited to in a short amount of time to welcome this development to this part of the district. and i was reminded it wasn't
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that long ago on a nice and sunny day, that we also were able to be here with the giants to announce this new development here on seawall lot 337. i am excited for this partnership. and excited to work with supervisor cohen that borders this part of mission bay. and that we are able to develop this complete and exciting new neighborhood. thank you. >> good morning, i am so excited to be here, and this is district 6, and if we were in district 10, there will be sun. but at pier 70, district 10, there will be sunshine, i promise. i too share the ports excitement and supervisor kim's excitement.
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to stand here with the giants, and one of san francisco's oldest business, anchor breweries, to make this announcement. i can't make the bold statement that it's my favorite. i wasn't play favorites. because we have another brewery in bayview. but i want to key on when we talk about development of the city and the southeast neighborhood. they are talking about it in terms of attracting new businesses and new projects. what is unique about today, we are emphasizing the expansion of a san francisco business that is based here today. and already is growing and expanding. that makes this announcement more exciting. anchor has been a part of san francisco and potrero hill for decades. it's a great partnership to have have it here in pier 78 -- pier
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48, you are welcome. you sense the competition, maybe just on my part, i don't know. nonetheless it's very fortuitous that we are here today. i want to say thank you to keith gregor, and for the giants, larry, thank you for your leadership. and mayor, go giants. all right, thank you. >> aren't they great? thank you, supervisors to be here and huddle together to stay warm. and lastly i want to introduce the president of the port commission, maureen woo ho. join me in welcoming president
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woo ho. >> good morning, and since i am standing here before your tasting, i won't be here long. i have been on the port commission for two years. and i want to acknowledge that i had fellow commissioners working on this project in this part of san francisco. and in 20006 -- 2006 there was effort of the port and the community and with the mayor's office and the board of supervisors. to come up with a plan to make this today what is a reality. i think this is an extremely auspicious beginning. we are in the ninth or 10th day of chinese new years. and i think it's important to recognize this is a great beginning for mission rock and
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anchorstein. and as the mayor said, we are trying to activate the waterfront. and pier 48 and mission rock is what we are trying it do, to combine many disverse businesses. where it's maritime and with giants and anchorstein to bring forward the waterfront. it's a renaissance that we are seeing. i sometimes talk to the port staff, gosh another press conference. because we are always announcing something new on the waterfront. so exciting to be a part of this effort. i want to recognize the port staff in their hard work and the mayor's office and port staff to work on all the projects. and this one exemifies so many
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purposes, i can't wait to see when anchorstein is here, this is a tourist attraction. this is a great beginning. it's not the end. we have so many more things coming, the exploretorium will be coming soon. and i am happy to facilitate what we expect over the next decade. this wonderful waterfront for san francisco, the citizens and the world. thank you. >> thank you, i appreciate your remarks. ladies and gentlemen, the moment has arrived. where we get to raise a glass. and for those of you who don't mind the chill, we will actually taste a bit and be inspired --
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>> the public wants to access particular information about your house or neighborhood we point them to gis. gis is a combination of maps and data. not a graphic you see on a screen. you get the traffic for the streets the number of crimes for a police district in a period of time. if the idea of combining the different layerce of information and stacking them on top of each other to present to the public.
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>> other types of gis are web based mapping systems. like google earth, yahoo maps. microsoft. those are examples of on line mapping systems that can be used to find businesses or get driving directions or check on traffic conditions. all digital maps. >> gis is used in the city of san francisco to better support what departments do. >> you imagine all the various elements of a city including parcels and the critical infrastructure where the storm drains are. the city access like the traffic lights and fire hydrants. anything you is represent in a geo graphic space with be stored for retrieval and analysis. >> the department of public
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works they maintain what goes on in the right-of-way, looking to dig up the streets to put in a pipe. with the permit. with mapping you click on the map, click on the street and up will come up the nchgz that will help them make a decision. currently available is sf parcel the assessor's application. you can go to the assessor's website and bring up a map of san francisco you can search by address and get information about any place in san francisco. you can search by address and find incidents of crime in san francisco in the last 90 days. we have [inaudible] which allows
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you to click on a map and get nchldz like your supervisor or who your supervisor is. the nearest public facility. and through the sf applications we support from the mayor's office of neighborhood services. you can drill down in the neighborhood and get where the newest hospital or police or fire station. >> we are positive about gis not only people access it in the office but from home because we use the internet. what we used to do was carry the large maps and it took a long time to find the information. >> it saves the city time and money. you are not taking up the time of a particular employee at the assessor's office. you might be doing things more
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efficient. >> they have it ready to go and say, this is what i want. >> they are finding the same things happening on the phone where people call in and ask, how do i find this information? we say, go to this website and they go and get the information easily. >> a picture tells a thousand stories. some say a map
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>> hello and welcome to the department and building inspection lunch program. we are talking today about earthquakes and we are going to talk about the issues that make us particularly vulnerable in san francisco and talk about the policy issues and do earthquake response and hopefully in our earthquake recovery. pat, who is a structural engineer and a guy that has looked at earthquake building
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upgrades in san francisco, yeah. than anybody and he has his earthquake dog harvey. >> okay. that's enough. and john paxton who is a part of caps and it's a community action plan for seismic safety and sponsored by the department of building. and what are the significant impacts of earthquake and how can we mitigate that to meet the goals we want to make. one of the things we want to talk about are, what are your reasonable expectations? people have different goals about what they expect. a lot of people say, i live in
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a house, the city wouldn't let me live in a house that wasn't safe, would they? i live in a brand-new house and it's absolutely fine. those are unreasonable expectations and why they are. there's, for example. nothing that the earthquake proof. that's always stuff inside that is damaged and life line connections, telephone and water that make habitability a problem. san francisco's earthquake hazard has a whole over lay of problems. first is our location. by the 2 faults. the san andreas, which is off shore of san francisco, and is
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about how far off shore? maybe a mile. so it's very, very close to the city and runs up to marin, >> a million years of earthquake movement created. that used to be in southern california. it's an active fault and the other is the hay ward fault. geology and other people say this is a fault that is more likely to have slippage. and the hay ward fault runs through the university of california >> right through memorial stadium, i understand. >> it's one site moving relative to the other >>
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