tv [untitled] June 14, 2013 8:00pm-8:31pm PDT
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shades as they make their way to the baggage area. they can access behind-the- scenes information and interviews with the artist through an audio to work. it features archival audio as well as interviews with living artists. he can be accessed on site by dialing the telephone numbers located near the artwork or by visiting the commission's web site. the public art speaks volumes of san francisco as a world-class city with world-class art and culture. for more information, visit >> buenos dias. my name is larissa dugancuadra,
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executive director of carece, in the mission district and we are happy to be here with all of you to have a discussion today about the city's budget. i will be your moderator and going over the agenda in a minute but first i want to welcome mayor lee. apl (applause)>> mayor lee: thank you. good morning everybody. i am very thankful for all of you to be coming out on an early sunny saturday to talk with government officials. as perhaps unexcitedly as that may sound i am excited because it is about a topic that all of us engage any critical hours with you to make big, important decisions. they are decisions that often times some of you say
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reflect the values of the city. i take it seriously because not only is it a legal responsibility for us to balance the budget. it is reflective of what we want the city to do by way of being a sound, sound the economic city; a safe city, and a city that invests in our success and i mean success for everyone. this is a city where everyone who has come here either by immigrant families or by their own economic success, they want to start a family here, invest in a small business or invest in somebody else's business. everyone deserves to be successful in our city and we tried very hard to also break down barriers that prevent people from the successful. and so these are very broad things that i have learned in
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working with the government of san francisco for over 23 years; i am privileged to work with members of the board of supervisors who are very enlightened about our communities and today we focus on district 8 and 9, supervisor wiener and supervisor campos have enclosed polly some love issues that arise not just within their districts but for the whole citywide effort. and of course i want to give the victim was a supervisor mark farrel who is chairing the budget meetings this year we will cover .all the different districts. i want to express my appreciation to all the department heads that are here today, you can see quite a number of them and cover all the spectrums. clearly many of the department heads are extra sensitive to some of the issues that arise in district eight and nine; they are here to help listen
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and address them. the bulk of today's meeting will be to lay the groundwork and understand what we are faced with in the budget, i know kate howard my budget director will do so. all of us are going to spend the majority of time listening carefully to what you have to say. we may not have the answers for your concerns are your priorities today at this moment, but what these hearings do is set us the right attitude to pay attention to what you believe is the most important things that we ought to be paying attention to. i know that there have been some department's budget that have already been initiated; many of you might be here to react to that. we are going to of course take all of your concerns to make sure we balance it. at the same time, we will also present some priorities for our city. i kind of give you an indication.
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i want to have a city that is safe for everyone; a city that has an economically sound budget. we are not doing this any longer with a single year budget; all of us have been listening to the economic disciplines that have faced us as cities across the country. that is why we have it two year budget first year we identified about 125 but in dollars of deficit which means we don't have to have money to cover and balance a budget for this next fiscal year. and the next year we are faced with an even larger 256 bit in dollar budget deficit for the second year so we have to figure out how we are going to get revenues or cut costs or reorganized ourselves and determine what our priorities are. we do the budget together with the board of supervisors.
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there have been years in the past where there's been a lot of tension between the executive branch and the legislative branch over what are the city's priorities. instituting more upfront meetings with them and with all of you gives us the grounds to make agreements early on so there's less tension. often we have been saying that it's kind of like the board is one spouse and the mayor is another spouse. we are part of the city family. if we're not planning and working together in the early stage it is kind of like two spouses of don't talk to each other over the most important things covering their kids. kids whose names begin like, the kid called pothole; the kid called education; the kid called muny which cries a lot;
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the kid called public health. if the spouses are not working really strongly in the beginning we are going to be arguing over which kid we want to favor every single year. you are here to let us know what those priorities are. .will be listening very carefully i want to thank you and get on with less features and more about listening to you. thank you. (applause) >> welcome, good morning, buenos dias. welcome to district 9. let's give the mayor a big round of applause. apl (applause) i thank my colleagues,
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supervisor scott wiener - apl (applause)and of course our budget chair from district two, supervisor mark farrell. also want to acknowledge all the department heads and their staff who are here; they work for all of us. they work for you. it is important to see the faces of the people who make the city run. out also want to acknowledge in my office -- where is she -- stephanie ashley. where is stephanie? i want to identify her because if there are specific issues you want us to know please make sure you get stephanie the information. you were talking about kids and to the extent that we are describing departments and agencies as kids and children, i want to know that there are no spoiled children in san francisco. let me say this.
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as the mayor indicated, the budget is the most important policy document we have. it really is a reflection of all of our priorities and values. that is why it is so important and one of the things that i want to commend mayor lee on is that i do think that since he became mayor this process has changed, it has changed in the way that you have seen both the executive and legislative working together. and my hope is that we will continue to do that and you will see this is a process so that many of the issues that are raised here can be taking care of before this matter in a goes before the board of supervisors, that is what has happened in the past and that is the hope that we have. i represent a very amazing district. it has incredible neighborhoods and i want to begin by saying little bit in identifying them of course portola -
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and i see some folks here - the portola is under one district, it is important to make sure that there is a unified voice. of course we are here in the mission, one of the most vibrant and happening neighborhoods in the city but at the same time challenges that we face here in the nation. of course myrtle heights, we have a number of folks in myrtle. we have these three neighbors working together to identify priorities. i want to highlight a couple of points is really important as we think about this budget. i think a big issue for us is clearly what is happening with the dept. of pub. health and i see barbara garcia who is here. there are significant cuts to the dept. of pub. health and these cats unfortunately have the potential to impact some of the most vulnerable people in our community.
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even though this in an effort to make sure that we don't cut homeless services, some of the largest cuts focus on residential treatment programs which are receiving a reduction of about 3.1 million. because of that we are talking about many residential treatment beds that are currently occupied that will no longer be available and we need to make sure that we address that issue. cuts are especially likely to impact some communities; the latino community, women, transgender community are going to be impacted. we want to make sure that is addressed. the dept. of children youth and families; we have seen a lot of new programs being funded but we also have concerns about some of the cuts in some programs and i want to thank director maria sou (so for working with us to identify ways in which s like)can address those issues. i also want to talk little bit about a very important community for me because we
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have seen a growing need in terms of the needs of that community and that is our transgender community. we have had here in the mission, mr. mayor, colleagues, a number of incidents of violence. we want to see in his budget that there are added resources; they for instance have not received funding, many of these transgender women who are the victims of these crimes, hate crimes, have not seen funding from the commission on the status of women. we are having conversations - have had conversations with director morassi (sounds like)- so that when we think about women would also think about transgender women in the process was in the clear message that we are not going to tolerate violence against any group of individuals. (applause)
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i also want to talk a little bit about our monolingual speaking communities. we have a large segment of the population that speaks primarily spanish, primarily chinese, and we want to make sure that their needs are addressed, and that they are taking care of and whatever services are provided are provided in the culturally competent way and i know that is a priority for you. the last thing that i would say -- families, i know that's been your top priority, how do we keep families in san francisco, but there are many who are struggling and focusing on children can never be a bad thing. i think that we can always do more for our kids and that is one of the things that we want to see happen in his budget. so mr. mayor, we look forward to the discussion.
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i want to thank all of my constituents from district 9, from portola, from mission, myrtle heights, this is a process. your input will be heard. thank you very much. now it is my honor to give the microphone to my friend for more than 20 years, my colleague from law school, supervisor scott wiener. >> supervisor wiener: thank you supervisor campos, mr. mayor. supervisor farrell welcome to our neck of the woods. as david mentioned, i am scott wiener, i represent district 8, and i have the honor for the third year that i have been on the budget committee. i am always weekly appreciative of that assignment because
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as supervisor campos mentioned the budget is at the heart of what we do with the city and the board of supervisors and it really does represent our values and our priorities as a city. we have some real challenges; our budget picture is better than it was a few years ago. what that means is that so many of those years that we were cutting in different areas we are now figuring out of the ways that we can actually get back to some of the things that we have been doing in the past and we stopped doing it is our budget problems. we know that our social safety net, our health and human services function ; are so important in the city is a key priority for all of us and i really want to focus everyone on one particular aspect of our healthcare system. that is once again, because of the extreme craziness and neglect in
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washington dc, we are going to be taking yet another huge cut to hiv/aids services and prevention in san francisco perhaps up to 7 million dollars. years ago when the federal government was nowhere to be found with this epidemic we went it alone and created our own system of care and prevention and making sure we were addressing the epidemic. now as the federal government continues to retreat and to treat, we are in a way having to go added somewhat alone again in last year mr. mayor the district i represent which is so heavily impacted, you backfilled every single penny of those cuts and mr. mayor, i am so appreciative of that. we are working together with
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the community and we'll hear from some organizations who work with hiv issues to make sure we don't backslide, that we don't see increasing infection rate, that we don't see people getting sick. that is going to be a key priority. also in matthew we need to refocus on what i call the bones of our city. the very, very basic in civil services that people, everyone across the spectrum relies on an needs and that at times we have been little shaky in terms of funding. we are now thankfully fully funding three police academy classes every year; we will stop the slide in terms of the number of police officers down i think about 15% from its peak; we just had a police academy graduation last night which was amazing. we are getting new officers onto the street which will benefit everyone. we're finally having fire
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academy classes again and that is important because we have seen the shrinkage in our fire department. we are way, way down in our recreation and parks dept. in terms of the number of gardeners, the number of park patrol officers; it is almost embarrassing how few park patrol officers we have in our parks and those are parts that all of us rely on. we don't have enough capacity to take care of them, to protect them, that is a problem for everyone. we have allowed over many years a department of public works to atrophy in terms of the number of gardeners and cleaning crews that that department has, again that has impacted all those everyday when we don't have the capacity to do what everyone expects. gpw does a great job with the limited resources it has that it's not enough. again the mayor referred to muny; while muny may cry from time to time it's the writers
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who cry a lot, pretty much every day. we have is other transit systems dramatically underinvested for decades and we are paying the piper, as vehicles breaks down, not doing midlife rehabilitation. wealthy people if they need to get around in different ways -- there's other ways to get around. if you are working class, muny maybe the only way that you have to get around and went muny fails that is an economic injustice for our city. we all need to support and make sure that we are investing in the basic muny infrastructure
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so that the system is working or all of us. so i will leave it at that. i look forward to the dialogue today. i was hand it back, supervisor farrell. >> supervisor farrell: thank you supervisor wiener; it is great to be here today on a beautiful morning. my name is mark ferrell, supervisor of district two, you're very lucky, you have two of the most amazing supervisors representing your district and supervisor wiener, supervisor campos. consider yourself lucky. we also have a number of great department heads; thank you all for being here. mayor lee also mentioned that we have been going around having town halls in san francisco. mayor lee yesterday when we did have a townhall did surprise me;
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i want to have some fun with it. the one thing i thought that we would do as well -- does anyone know that tomorrow is mayor lee's birthday? who here wants to saying happy birthday? (singing happy birthday) (applause) >> supervisor farrell: all right, we are going to have an informative meeting today; i want to tell you as the chair of your budget committee three priorities from my point of view. will continue to have an open an inclusive budget that is very transparent, these are dialogues that happen and we want to make sure i knows exactly what we are thinking and what he doing city hall. number two,
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we want to make sure we manage the finances in a responsible manner, it's about next years budget as well and making sure our children don't pay for our sins in the past and what we do this time around. and lastly making sure that our budget reflects the priorities of san francisco; as supervisor campos mentioned, our budget is the biggest documented we have , and we want to make sure it reflects the values of the entire city every single neighborhood and that is why we are here today, to hear from every single one of you. thank you. (applause) >> i want to take a minute to see who is in the house. the youth in the house, apl (applause)being here on a saturday morning. rise, raise your hands district
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8 residents who came out to the mission. mission district residents. apl (applause)any teachers in the house? apl (applause)i see -- is in the house today. seniors? apl (applause)latinos from latin america. apl (applause)queer community, queer youth. housing, homeless community. apl (applause)and anyone else who
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comes from our city. i want to acknowledge the translators; they have a hard job of keeping up with us and i want to put that out. keep in mind that we have translation going on. finally, i want to acknowledge the school that is housing the townhall today, cesar chavez elementary. thank you for having us. apl (applause)and again i will be your moderator, larissa -- mission district resident and executive director of carece. apl (applause)again we have question cards going around; please write down your questions and get them to the back where they will be gathering them so we can identify common topics. we all have lots of questions and comments but we want to make sure that we cover some
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of the key areas that our communities are facing so we also give our department heads and representatives the opportunity to give us more information about our priorities needs and opportunities. i also want to say that we'll have a presentation from our budget director, kate howard, from the mayors office, then we'll go into some community presentations, talk about some of the issues that are impacting our two districts. will also have a presentation about summer jobs testimonials. then we'll open it up to the public comment and we will be calling five questions at a time. we will have you guys line up; we will have you guys go to the questions, will have the discussion and get to the next question and get to as many of those as we can't with the goal of at least getting to 15-20 questions. after that, we will hear about
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the budget hearing process from supervisor farrell; and then we'll have closing remarks. let's hear from our budget director. >> hi everybody i am kate howard, the mayor's budget director. want to give you a brief overview but before i do that i want to make sure you know who is up here listening to you. i'm going to start from the back, representative from san francisco unified school district. i am now going to say the departments. aging and adult services, the fire department, police department, mayor's of as a disability, public works, mta, recreation and park, human services, department of health support services, building inspection,
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the office of small business, the office of economic and workforce development. the health department. the housing authority. the san francisco pub. library. starting at the far end, juvenile probation department, dept. of children youth and families, the arts commission and finally our planning director so we have a lot of folks who were listening eager to hear your comments so i will be brief. as you heard from the other spokespersons who talked this morning, the budget is a plan on how we will spend the revenues that we have. it should reflect the priorities of all the residents of san francisco. it's also a law. every year we have to pass a law in san francisco, this is how we will spend it.
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the budget is about 7.4 billion; we spent most of the time talking about how to spend the general fund and programs represented by many of the individuals here today, police and fire, health and human services all those kinds of programs. we spend about a third of our overall budget on public transportation and our enterprise department, mta, the port and the airport; we spend about 20 percent on health department and about another 15% on our public safety. sometimes people ask me, where do we get our money? the easy answer is we get it from you. you pay the taxes. more specifically we get about a third of all revenues every year, about 1 billion dollars for the general fund from the property taxes ;
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another 13 percent from business taxes, the other important thing is we get about 20 percent, one out of five dollars from the state or federal government; when they take action to cut things that has a direct impact on san francisco and our budget. the mayor mention that we are pursuing a pastor greater financial stability and we are doing planning around that. it is a chance to think carefully about what is going to change over the next five years and how to make sure we can afford all the services that are important. so what we are projecting is that over the next five years our expenditures are drawing to grow about 13 percent; revenue is going to grow about 13
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percent and expenditure about 25 percent, the gap is what creates a shortfall. this year the gap is 125 million next year it is 256 million dollars. will hear about your experiences questions and comments. i want to share a little commission with you. we get really important information from 311, our call center, i thought i would share that for both districts eight and nine the kinds of calls are very similar. about 32 percent of all calls into 311 are related to street and sidewalk cleaning issues; about 19 percent are related to graffiti. those numbers are consistent for both of the two districts, it would be great to hear those are issues important to you. we are also interested to hear about things that 311 we not be able to capture.with that i would
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