tv [untitled] June 16, 2013 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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mental health services not just for the richmond but throughout the city. also i really appreciate all the senior and youth and family service agencies and child care and organizations that have spoken today. lastly, i wanted to thank the city department heads and reps from all of our departments for spending their beautiful saturday morning in this dark but great auditorium of the washington eagles. and i wanted to say that i hope you have a great weekend and a beautiful saturday and sunday and earth day as well on monday. and thanks so much to victor lim, [speaker not understood] and peter from my staff and supervisor tang's staff as well. but also our mayor's office of neighborhood service staff and our office of civic engaged immigrant and civic engagement and the mayor's budget office for making this first of our series of budget hearings a great one. so, now i'll let mayor ed lee wrap us up. (applause) >> thank you, supervisors. again, and department heads.
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this is the first of many town halls. i've given up pretty much my saturday rounds of golf to make sure that we listen, even though my doctor says i need more exercise. but anyway, i'm glad to do it. so, some of you who may have just participated here but didn't really know what question you wanted to ask but you got an issue, you're definitely invited to the other town halls. we have a full schedule. just because we hold it in other districts doesn't mean anyone from anyplace else can join as well. so, please, again, feel comfortable in talking with your elected representatives, your city wide officials as well as your department heads. this is all for you to get us the feedback in a direction for what we prioritize in the budget. i've heard a lot of things today. we're definitely taking them to heart. i want to note that one of our
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summer youth job seekers who was very successful in real estate. i'm going to assign him to work with your senior centers rent reduction issue so we have that instantaneous service right there. (applause) >> but i also want to say that with the question that was directed at me for the undocumented youth, first of all, what came to my mind immediately is we have a municipal id card to make sure that those who are undocumented get an official card from city hall. so, please make sure you're aware of that because something that i had worked on with a number of supervisors throughout so many years as our city administrator, and i want to make sure that works for everybody. having said that, we also fund a lot of community-based nonprofits to help us with the employers in the city. and this is why we have focused our effort with united way of
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the bay area because we do have nonprofits who can bridge the child's undocumented status to their ability to get a job. and we specifically fund groups to do that. so, please, if you have those issues, make sure that they talk with our family youth and children services centers as well as united way. as eric said, and i'm going to be very excited about this, because this year we're focused on 6,000 jobs for our youth, focused on the most disadvantaged kids of all different backgrounds, want to get everybody employed. as supervisor farrell says, it's moving even faster down to 6%. so, maybe we'll get down to that 5% pretty soon with the help of united way. and it's going to be a shared responsibility of departments, but we're going to push really hard on private sector because they're the ones that are experiencing the most success in our city right now. so, we're going to ask them to
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help pick up this great opportunity to work with our kids. i can't think of anything better than to have our youth experience the summer jobs because it pays for year after year after year if you get an individual to be focused on their careers. and that's going to help all of us focus on a better city. there's a lot of issues that we have documented here. we'll make sure they're incorporated into the priorities that we have. we've heard from seniors, we've heard from ihh -- from your work force, from the experience that you've had. we heard from youth. we've heard from people that need our help and all the gaps that we have and we'll definitely pay attention to that. so, again, thank you for giving up your saturday to join us. i look forward to seeing some of you in the other hearings. and, again, we appreciate your input and your guidance for our priorities.
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we have some questions? mr. hal? mr. mayor, i wanted to thank you for being here. [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood]. >> okay. i'm sorry if we missed some cards. we meant to get to every single card that was submitted. so, our apologies if that happened. but i will say, david, if
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there's any question about our commitment to small businesses, you hear from me directly that we are investing in neighborhoods in a very large amount. my budget from last year and this year reflect a very strong consideration for neighborhood small businesses in our city. and i know of not only your leadership, but mr. carnilowitz's leadership. this is why we have an abundance invested in the leadership program. maybe if you have particular issues off line, we can do that after this, or if you want to have one more question, that's fine. [speaker not understood].
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>> okay. [speaker not understood]. >> all right. if everybody didn't hear, the question is some businesses that want to operate mobile and that's coming from the mayor's office what the rumor is. i can correct that's not true, but i do believe that people are submitting their ideas for whether or not mobile businesses can be successful here. i think it's a big challenge, to be quite candid with you, because we have a lot of people investing in the brick and mortar along our neighborhoods. we certainly feel that our investment right now, our priority has been to help them and to help them deal with those vacancies. in fact, i think we have an
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idea about making sure we, if anything, policy wise, we push ideas into the vacancies. that would be even better than try to operate on that basis. but anyway, we'll pay attention to thaas well. again, i'm sorry if there are cards that were submitted that didn't get attention. we meant to get everybody covered. all right. thank you very much, everybody, appreciate it. (applause)
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>> hello, welcome to meet your district supervisor. i'm linda melkonian and we're here with supervisor london breed from district 5 which includes the inner sunset, haight/ashbury, lower hate, japantown and part of hayes valley. she was one of two supervisors in 2012. we'll talk to her about the tougher issues facing the city. welcome, supervisor. thank you for joining us today. >> thank you for having me. >> let's start by talking a little about your background, where you grew up, went to school and what of jobs you've had in the past. >> i grew up in the heart of the western addition, i grew up in public housing. my grandmother raised me and my brothers and i went to public schools here in the city. ended up at u.c. davis and graduated and immediately returned back to the community and started working for the mayor's office of neighborhood services and worked on treasure island and eventually became the executive director of the african-american art and
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culture complex located in the western addition community, a place that i participated in programs in the arts as a kid. and, so, it was really an honor to be able to work directly in the community to impact so many lives. and i really thoroughly enjoy that experience. >> you lived most of your life in san francisco. why did you choose to live in the city? >> i chose because it's my home. it's just a place i love the most. i pretty much only lived outside the city when i went to college, and i came home almost every weekend on the greyhound bus. i just love san francisco. it's an amazing place. it's a beautiful city. it's nothing like coming across that bridge and seeing the city and feeling like, i'm home. or coming from any part of anywhere, whether you're on a plane, whether you're on a bus, whether you're in a car, just to see the skyline of the city, it's just always made me feel at peace. and, so, i can't imagine myself living anyplace else. >> what motivated you to get
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involved in politics? >> well, as i said, i grew up in public housing and i experienced a lot of sad times, as some people are still experiencing. whether it's crime and violence, issues of despair, issues of hopelessness. i mean, that still continues to plague many of our public housing residents today. and, so, it's really challenging when this is the way that i pretty much spent most of my life. and when i think about the challenges people are still going through, i know that the only way to make changes to those type of issues is to actually be a part of the decision making body of this city. and, so, what motivated me in the past has always been about making sure that i wasn't the only one that had an incredible opportunity to participate in the city, to have a great life in the city. i felt like there were too many of my peers that should have
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had the same opportunity. and, so, it's a big reason why i decided to participate in politics. >> you mentioned you were the executive director of the african-american arts and culture complex. how has that experience as well as the experience of serving on two commissions prepared you for the board of supervisors? >> well, i did serve on the san francisco redevelopment agency commission and the fire commission, and i was really fortunate to run this great center. and all of those experiences, running a nonprofit, being on a commission, working for the city, responding to constituents, doing the kinds of things that many folks are doing every single day to make our city better, i mean, i don't see a better preparation than that for becoming a city supervisor. the nonprofit world is a very challenging community to work in because of the fund-raising involved, because of the needs for such great programs. so, to be in the middle of that and to advocate for an incredible community asset, to work with city departments, to
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obtain funding, i mean, the list goes on and on. so, over the years i've been fortunate to develop some incredible relationships with city department heads and other city commissioners who helped me to do some of the great work i've been able to do in the community. so, it's somewhat of a natural progression and i think all of that entails -- really helped me to be -- it's going to help me in my role as supervisor and it help me to actually get here. >> district 5 race for supervisor was an especially eventful one this time around. what did you learn amidst all that controversy and all that competition? >> i think that what i learned is that we have an incredible district of people who can see what's genuine, who can see when someone really cares and has the heart for the community. and i think that was demonstrated in who they decided to elect. regardless of personalitieses or ideology, or what have you, people know when you really care. and i think that came across in my campaign.
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so, what i learned is to respect the voters and respect how they feel about candidates, whether it's me or anyone else. i want to make sure that they are given the options and they are able to make the choice that they choose. and that once the election is over, we move on and do what we need to do to make our city better. >> where do you place yourself on the political spectrum? are you more progressive, centrist or on the conservative side? >> that's a really challenging question because, i mean, throughout the campaign i made sure that i didn't define myself as either because i think that what it does is in a lot of ways it divides our city. i think clearly when you have a desire to run, you have a desire to serve. you really care about what happens in san francisco. you just have a different way in which you believe we should go about doing that. and i just think that i don't necessarily see myself in one particular category because i have different feelings about different situations based on
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my various experiences of growing up in the city. and, so, my, my, my commitment to san francisco trumps any ideaology i might have. i mean, i'm going to need to make decisions that impact people's lives so i have to make sure that i'm being responsible in those decisions. i can't let ideology get in the way of that. >> i think the city is always dealing with complicated issues as you mentioned. what do you feel are some of the biggest issues facing san francisco right now? >> i think there are a few big issues, but in particular, my priority is public housing. the fact that it's a neglected community is really a problem for me. the fact that they're still dealing with rodent infestation and some of the challenges of job opportunities. i think this city is a wealthy city. we spend a lot of money on social services in our city, but why are these social services not impacting people's lives in the way that it's changing people's lives for the better? so, i want to make sure that we
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work with residents and we work to help them grow within public housing and to not be priced out of the city as a result. i think that's one of the big issues. the other issue is connecting people to job opportunities, long-term employment, stable employment, employment that gives people dignity, that gives them pride. i mean, everyone wants to take care of their family. and sadly, people are sometimes pushed into a life of crime because that's the easy route to obtaining money. i mean, it was really easy for me as a kid to choose to sell drugs because everyone around me was selling drugs. wasn't easy for me to get a job because i didn't have a lot of examples of people working other than my grandmother who was working as a maid, or other folks i saw working at the grocery store. for me, i felt like well, drugs is easier, you can easily go out on the corner and stand and sell drugs. but luckily, because of the mayor's youth employment and training program, i got a job at age 14, started work at the
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family school, working with some incredible people and because of that opportunity i'm here today. and i think we need to make these opportunities more readily available to folks in public housing. >> you mentioned working on the redevelopment commission for five years. now that the state has eliminated redevelopment agency, do you think the mayor and the board of supervisors is doing enough to serve the city's housing needs? >> well, i think you can never do enough. there are still a lot of folks who are homeless. but i do think that san francisco is leading the way to innovative policies that can really help change things for the better post redevelopment. i think the affordable housing trust fund is a step in the right direction. and it's something that no one else is doing all over the state. i think that the fact that san francisco is so committed to affordable housing, we already had resources where we were invested in affordable housing in the city, but more importantly, we're looking at revamping public housing and
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how that fits into the bigger picture of affordable housing long term for san francisco. we're looking at public-private partnerships. i just think san francisco is really leading the way. and could we do enough? you know, you can never do enough until everyone has a decent, clean, respectable place to live. but i think san francisco is clearly leading the way to that. >> oftentimes city issues and district issues are not one and the same. what are some of the biggest issues you feel are impacting your district? >> well, the challenges of homelessness, of folks that are in the kind of upper haight community, making sure that we are providing resources to this population, more aggressively than we have, making sure that we are cracking down on folks who might be breaking the law and making it really challenging for not just other homeless people, but for folks who live in the community, making sure they're activating
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that area so families feel safe being a part of that community. i think that's a huge challenge. the other challenge, one that i dealt with even before i became supervisor, are the access to job opportunities, access to long-term job opportunities, and how do we prepare people who have never worked a job before in their entire lives for a long-term job opportunity? what does it mean to show up on time? what does it mean to keep your pants pulled up and take off your hat and not talk back to your boss? what does all that mean? i think what we have done as a city is focus too much on, okay, where the opportunities, local hire, which are all great programs, but the part that's missing is how do we get people prepared and how do we keep them employed. what is the long-term plan of job opportunities in san francisco look like for local san franciscans. so, i think those are probably two of the most pressing issues. and the city overall of course is housing and it's one that we've all taken a lot of steps to try and deal with.
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>> just reese entitlesly enacted a two-year budget. it seems the city is always dealing with a lot of complicated issues whether or not to raise fees and taxes and where to make cuts. how would you approach these tough choices? >> well, fortunately i've been in the nonprofit world. i've been actively engaged in the community. i know the programs that are actually effective in serving residents. i understand what the need is from firsthand experience. and, so, i just would want to make sure that i'm paying very close attention to detail, knowing exactly what these programs provide, knowing exactly what city department, where is the wasteful spending, how we can cutback so we can make sure we are funding the programs and the departments that need the money the most. so, it's going to be a really delicate balance. i know i have a really challenging job ahead of me, but fortunately there are other supervisors on the budget committee that also have firsthand experience. so, i think it's going to be a tough budget process, but i
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think working together and looking at everything, will it be visits, visits to programs, digging deep into folk's budget and talking to their -- the people that they serve and a number of other things. it's going to take a well rounded approach at making these kinds of decision. and, so, i'm up for the challenge. >> speaking of well rounded approaches, do you attempt to balance the needs of the district versus the needs of the city as a whole? >> for me that's easy because san francisco, the entire city is my home. i grew up here. i know -- i went to galileo in the marina, hung out at bayview hunters point, my family lives all over the city. i mean, i can't do something that positively impacts district 5, but also negatively impacts san francisco as a whole. so, whatever decisions i make, i mean, it's a no-brainer. i have to make sure that it's going to positively impact the city as a whole and that's just how i view every decision that
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i make through that particular lens. >> let's talk a little about your district in particular. what do you hear about transportation from your constituents? is there adequate muni service? >> well, it's funny that you mention muni. [laughter] >> and let me just say this. as someone who -- i mean, we caught muni -- when i was growing up in the city, that's how you got around. and there were some real problems with muni. i'm talking about just -- i mean, the buses were always dirty. they were always packed. there was just always some challenges and the city is growing clearly. and we need to look at all modes of transportation and how we allow people to move around the city safely. and part of that is making sure that muni is running well. and i know in particular the m-judah has been a real challenge. and we have come very close to securing revenue for an additional in judah train as well as looking at express options and place where the
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most heavily used bus stops are. ~ so, looking at express trains and other alternatives to make sure that we're moving people around in a more efficient way, so that they feel comfortable with using public transportation as their source of transportation. i think everyone in this city is prepared to bike, to use public transportation, to walk, to ride share, but we have to make it a lot more convenient for people. and it's going to be an ongoing improvement process because we're building more housing units. we're bringing more people into the city for job opportunities. but we're not increasing the needs around public transportation and transportation in general as significantly as we are doing those other things. so, we're going to have to take a really hard look at our priorities around transportation and really aggressively deal with those things. >> and speaking of safety, what do you hear about crime in your district? and are you happy with what the police department is doing and how the city is dealing with crime? >> well, fortunately, because of the new academy classes, we
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actually got a number of additional officers in district 5. that has definitely had -- it's had a big impact on the district. i mean, we are way past the point of what we used to be, and that is a place where homicides were happening regularly. sometimes daily, sometimes weekly. and sadly, we've lost a lot of young people not only to that sort of violence, but to the criminal justice system. and it's a different district. and now we're dealing with iphone thefts and other quality of life issues, home invasions and things like that. and i think with the additional police officers and also the foot patrols and some of the things that seem to be happening, especially in the high-crime areas like the lower haight, it's really changed things. it's more of a deterrent when you see police officers walking
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around, engaged with residents, engaged with business owners. it really helps to change the environment overall. so, yes, we do have issues of crime just like any part -- any other part of the city. i'm just really happy that it's not what it used to be and i think it's a manageable thing. and we just have to deal with it more and add some more academy classes, but also look at programs like s.f. faith which helps people learn to take care of themselves and as neighbors. we have to make sure we're providing opportunities to the perpetrators of these crimes and making sure, of course, we're prosecuting people who are committing crimes. but more importantly, that we provide these opportunities before they get to the point where they are committing crimes. >> you mentioned the issue of homelessness as a big issue in your district. how will you deal with the folks that hang out on haight street and the issue of homelessness? >> well, i think that's a real -- it's a city-wide issue and i think part of what we have to do is work together to deal with it, just like public
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safety. it's a work in progress. it's not something that you fix and you move on. it's something that you continue to work with. i mean, san francisco is an attractive place to people in general, so, we are going to get folks from all over, homeless, nonhomeless, and i think part of the balance is making sure that social service agencies that provide support to homeless individuals are available, that they have the resources they need, but they're held accountable to working and talking to folks who are interested in services. and the other issue is that, you know, we do have, sadly, an increase in crime in the area as a result of an increase in the homeless population. and, so, having a police presence, which we've had, park station has been really active in not only being out there and enforcing the law, but doing what police are not required to do, offering opportunities for services. and, so, i think san francisco is an incredibly compassionate city and i think our police
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department has been compassionate. i think our fire department has been compassionate. but also we have to make sure that we are really aggressively making sure that folks are not breaking the law in terms of selling drugs, in terms of using drugs, in terms of just the kinds of things that happen when you break the law. i mean, people who are hanging out, they're just hanging out. there's nothing wrong with hanging out. i hung out a lot. kids hang out. young people hang out. homeless people hang out. the question is when someone makes it more than just hanging out and it messes it up for everyone else. and, so, we have to make sure the city that we deal with those things appropriately, but we also offer alternatives so that we're not just pushing the homeless issue from one place to the next, but we're actually making sure we're taking care of people and offering them alternatives. so, it's going to be a challenging issue and an ongoing issue and one that i'm committed to working with the mayor's office to help address and manage. >> what are your thoughts on the city's economic development?
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do you think we're on the right track? >> i think we're on the right track, but i think that unfortunately it allows the rich to get richer and it doesn't have a place for the middle class and the poor in our city. and i think that part of what we have to do as a city when people are interested in economic development opportunities in our city, we need to be a part of our city. and it's not just about giving out free gifts or giving out free turkeys or giving out free anything. it's about what type of job opportunities, what type of internships, what type of commitment are you going to have to the most vulnerable residents of our city? how are we going to impact lives? you're basically -- this is a great economic opportunity maybe for you and the city, but how does this directly impact residents of the city? so, i think we have to do a better job in making those connections. >> let's talk a little about the issue of sports, the role of sports in the city's economic future. are you supportive of the plans
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for the new warriors stadium? >> i'm supportive of a plan that includes the residents of this city. specifically with the warriors stadium, i think it could be a great opportunity for san francisco, but i want to make sure that in the agreement that there are some requirements that make sure that people are not just employed for construction opportunities. they're employed for management opportunities, they're employed for concession opportunities, they're employed with the warriors team. i mean, there's a whole 'nother franchise of opportunities that exist as a result of this particular team. and who are they going after? what folks are they mentoring, or what -- who are the people that are going to be long-time working with the establishment? so, i'm more interested in what the long-term relationship is between the warriors and the community ~ and not just we're going to build a stadium, we're going to be here, we're going to do our thing and everyone is
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going to go home. what does this mean long term and how do the residents benefit and how are they connected to this great opportunity? so -- >> to a degree, do you feel the city should subsidize the team? >> i don't see the city subsidizing the team from my speaker speculative from what i've seen in terms of the deal other than potentially the land which they will pay for eventually, maybe not the entire amount. but i don't think there are any plans for the city to give up anything financially from my perspective. other than potentially land that wasn't going to be used in the first place. but i appreciate the fact that the warriors are focusing on private fund-raisers and i prefer that they stick to that. i don't think the city should be -- with the situation we're in now, we should be really investing in that and the warriors seem to have a -- seem to be committed to privately fund-raising for it and
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