tv [untitled] June 17, 2013 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT
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health west bay region. i want to thank you for your kind words earlier today. all of you, and supervisor kim, i'm here to specifically address the psychiatric services issue. i spoke last week with director garcia about this issue. we certainly recognize that it's an important issuehe community. psychiatry is an important component of cpmc's delivery system. we have 18 in-patient beds at our pacific campus and extensive set of outpatient mental health services and a psychiatry residency program. we're committed to be a part of the mental health solution for san francisco now and into the future. we also expect to continue our dialogue with director garcia about how we can work together to address the mental health challenges in the city. in fact, the development
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agreement, we have provided for new outpatient mental health programs which [speaker not understood] has discussed or will discuss discuss in more depth. we all agree inpatient is important. outpatient community based programs are critical to psych services in san francisco. i'll be happy to answer any questions. thank you. >> i just wanted to ask one question. i want to be very sensitive to the fact that a lot of work was being put in order to bring this forward before us. so, this may not have come up during the negotiations and i completely agree that outpatient services are incredibly important and probably an affordable way of addressing psychiatric needs. but there is clearly a need for some, you know, in-patient psych beds. and, so, i was wondering if cpmc is committed to these 18 beds, if there is some sort of thinking long term. i know the innovation fund could also possibly be utilized for. this but i was wondering in terms of cpmc's commitments or thoughts around this issue what
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they would be. i'm certainly not asking for an increase. i'm just wondering about the existing beds. >> well, we have no plan to change the current delivery of psychiatric services at cpmc. >> okay. >> any further questions, supervisor kim? >> thank you. >> okay, thank you very much. colleagues, any additional questions or comments tilt? ~ at this time? mr. rich, is there any other city staff presentation before we go to public comment? no. okay, we'll open up to public comment. public comment will be two minutes. i will note that there is an overflow room in room 400. and, so, we will be bringing down -- if your name is called and you're in room 400, you can come down. okay, i'll call the first batch of names. warren browner, tony rodriguez. terrance dunegan. linda chatman. jim lazarus. vivian imperial. michael mckenna.
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luis [speaker not understood]. gina lynn luna. bernie crow den. [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood]. gordon mar. james tracy. and carol kumar. dr. bronner. good afternoon, supervisors wiener, kim, and chiu. it is nice to meet in the afternoon rather than the morning, president chiu. we're pleased to be in front of you again and hopeful with your support we will 1850sly ~ finally be able to break ground and build two new hospitals for san francisco. it's been nearly a year before we were last before the committee with our rebuild cpmc project. as you all know it has been a long road. we have worked diligently with you and your colleagues on the board of supervisors, the mayor's office, the department of public health and other key stakeholders to present the project that fits the needs of san francisco's today and into the future.
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we're proud that cpmc has been serving san franciscans for more than 150 years. with the implementation of the affordable care act health care will change markedly over the next several years and we understand we must adapt to the changing health care landscape if we are to continue providing health care services in san francisco for the next 150 years. more patients will have access to quality health care through insurance exchanges and expansion of the medi-cal program. hospitals like ours must find ways to reduce the cost of delivering care by focusing on prevention and outpatient services in a comprehensive network of care. if we are approved by the full board of supervisors, we will immediately -- emphasis, immediately begin the construction of our new facilities. that will mean 1500 construction jobs for the hard working trades men and women who have been some of the most steadfast supporters from the very beginning. it will also mean that over 6,000 of our employees will be able to work in modern
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earthquake safe facilities. as you know, the proposal differs from what we presented last year. these new facilities are a good fit for the future of health care and the future population growth in san francisco. we recognize the demographics of san francisco are changing and that more families are living and working south of market. our revised plan of the larger hospital of st. luke's reflects those changes. we believe that our sustainably designed facilities will improve the quality of care while reducing costs. in closing, i urge you to support our rebuild cpmc project and vote for our plan to build more than 400 new earthquake safe beds in two new hospitals and three new medical office buildings. thank you again for your time today. i look forward to your comments and to moving this very important project forward. >> that was quite good timing there. [laughter] good timing.
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>> thank you, dr. bronner. next speaker. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is tony rodriguez and i'm here representing local 43 [speaker not understood] local union. as was said before, so many of our members have lost their homes. they've lost so much during the last recession it's truly affected them. they're starting to go back to work. as you can see around the city there's a lot of projects. from one project they go to another project. i guess what i'm trying -- your job is to make sure these projects are good for the city and what i've heard here today, this is a project that the city needs and it will bring good to the city. i representative local 43. i'm also a resident of bernal heights. my friend and family lives in excelsior. my in-laws live in glenn park. most of the community that i deal with live in bernal heights and they've been waiting for a new hospital, a state-of-the-art hospital.
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and i guess the other thing is that we really need to look at why the hospitals are being redone. it's to retrofit them and make them safe for earthquakes. and i think the longer we roll the dice, the more chances there are of something going wrong. so, i just urge you, move this project forward and deal with the hospitals. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. next speaker. hello, my name is [speaker not understood]. i am past president of the natural alliance on mental illness, both in san francisco and at the state level. i have 35 years experience in the field. the corporation appears before you with a plan to care for san franciscans needing hospitalization where they have bed for the 8% of people with cancer? yes. will they have beds for 11-1/2% of people with heart disease? certainly.
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sounding good, but wait, will they have beds for the 26% of those with psychiatric illness? no. no? in this day and age when we finally use the words mental illness and recovery in the same sentence, are we, in fact, witnessing institutional sigma against mental illness? is this a deliberate omission or an oversight? the board of supervisors is charged with looking out for the good of our citizens. it makes no sense to approve a plan that is inexcusably exclusionary. we need a full-service hospital that shares in the responsibility for caring for all our citizens. quite simply, the brain is an organ. it, too, can get sick. >> thank you. next speaker.
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linda chatman. first, i want to say that the development agreement needs to be pulled because of the brown act violation and the violation of the sunshine act. there is nothing in any of the documentation or any agendas about the 2.46 million, i think it is, agreed on contract signed i was told or we were told at a meeting between cpmc and lower polk neighbors for cbd. now, in the last development agreement, 1.1 million was listed. okay, nothing is listed now. this is something that they asked for that the supervisor worked on and also would substitute for city money would that go toward cbd implementation. the last time that a cbd was attempted with city money, the property owners rejected it. and [speaker not understood] they actually approve it, it should be recognized by those concerned about affordable housing and there is a consensus what these fees they charge themselves would be pass throughs to rental tenants,
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whether they are covered by rent control or whether they have theyhappen to be commercial tenants. so, that's one thing that needs to come off and be reworked. [speaker not understood] there are some things that need to be refined still. one is the subway. the van ness plan, very important, its objective is investigate creating a muni metro line along van ness corridor that would connect with light rail line along the northeastern waterfront in pertinent park. a van ness subway would approve inter city and regional transit service and ease [speaker not understood] above ground, okay. well, we don't need to have a pedestrian tunnel interfering with the city's right-of-way and making it more difficult when we get the funding for that. right now we're focused on a different subway, but this would be the next one. it's highway 101. it's the most important boulevard than market street in the city. the other is the height. the height limit was 1230 feet. there was 50% reduction in beds.
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~ 130. it's still 100 feet over, too many cars, too much parking [inaudible]. >> thank you. [speaker not understood] again, i'm bernie [speaker not understood] regarding san francisco tomorrow. i have three issues which i wish to reiterate. the first is that for public/private partnership, the city has not carried its full load. you can't be pushing all the mitigation on the backs of cpmc. the first problem for the city is the probable existence of the 30-inch gas pipeline, a possible volatility that the city's puc [speaker not understood] and if necessary mitigation to protect the investment that we are proposing to go there. the second is the underpinning
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of the guarantees that it would be mitigated. we have proposed the city as a self-insured entity to take out a performance bond to ensure the full process [speaker not understood]. secondly, that the titles to the investors of that land be put into trust to under pin the process. the third is that sutter health be the final guarantee and mutual equity so we don't have a trade-off by an auditor between the two processes. we need to know whose processes. fourth, there needs to be an ombudsman that overrides and in effect oversees the process beyond what i consider a firewall that now exists in the city attorney's office and the planning department. it's got to be beyond it [speaker not understood] needs to be in the guarantee. we need to protect the
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investment. we also need to protect [speaker not understood] safety. i think the final thing is regard continued violations of the sunshine act. we've been amending this process without taking due note of the state law. it needs to be done. finally, i keep saying this is a cumulative environmental impact that has not been fully mitigated. therefore, the city needs to provide funding and means to do so. and thank you for your interest. >> thank you, mr. showden. good afternoon, supervisors. jim lazarus, san francisco chamber of commerce. also here for our 60-member alliance for jobs and sustainable growth to thank the supervisors, david chiu, and others that were involved in lengthy negotiations and the entire board for i think indications of support that we think are there for a unanimous approval of a project that's a long-time in coming, important not only to the local economy,
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but the delivery of health services to the residents ~ and to people in the region. san francisco i think is blessed with a very balanced delivery of health care services through a public structure of our own hospitals, the ucsf system and group of private nonprofit hospitals that really make us a destination for medical care that we benefit as residents of san francisco. clearly public safety requires new hospitals to be built up to current standard and we appreciate the fact that the city appears on the verge of approving an extensive group of pieces of legislation necessary to see this happen. as a long time in coming, we look forward to the next five years of construction and the opening of world class facilities both at st. luke's and on van ness avenue. thank you very much. >> thank you, mr. lazarus. good afternoon, supervisors. michael mckenna with electrical workers local 6 san francisco.
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and i also want to thank president chiu and supervisor campos and farrell and dr. bronner and lou girardo for all the work they did to come up with a project that is agreeable and amenable. i would echo supervisor campos' sentiments. i wish we were doing construction today on those. you know, i was born in old st. luke's and the middle of st. luke's is at its end of life and we're going to move towards a new st. luke's hospital and new cpmc hospital at cathedral hill which is a great use for that site, old [speaker not understood]. my father was one of the people that worked on building that hotel there. and to put to good use that area is an excellent opportunity for the city. besides the work that comes to my members, you know, our members also use these facilities for their own health care. and we need safe hospitals here for all of our residents and all of our people who work within the city and county of
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san francisco. so, i urge you to move this project forward. thank you. >> thank you, mr. mckenna. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is liz maria rodriguez, i'm with electrical workers local 6. i'd like to thank the city for working with the developer community in moving the project along. we look forward to getting our electrical workers who are also city residents to work on a project that is v-8al to our community. as a community member that uses st. luke's health care services, it is extremely important to have a clean and safe medical facility. [speaker not understood] will provide that. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. stop the cathedral hill. stop st. luke's because it's been [speaker not understood]. the campus is fine. why are they -- i never heard of [speaker not understood]
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involving [speaker not understood]. no, i'm in st. luke's. i'm on a referral from the doctor there. it's been done. david campos knows we've been fighting this and has to be stopped now. what about people with disabilities and wheelchairs? and that's not right. thank you. >> next speaker. actually before the next speaker, let me call some additional cards so people can line up. michael smith wick. chris poland, mike terio. [speaker not understood]. john mill sap. jeffery taner. tom christian. chuck garner. sarah pope. bethany low. jonathan travis. steve cavanagh. jennifer warberg. bob caplan. esther mcken egg. sorry if i mispronounce your name. ~ david liu which is. bonnie nelson and david korick. good afternoon, supervisors.
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i'm james tracy, community housing partnership. there's been a lot of blood, sweat and tears that have come to this day. folks at the full board, there have been accusations, counter accusations, [speaker not understood]. we support this development agreement. i preserve st. luke's. we have a groundbreaking local hire agreement. we have robust expanded health care access for san franciscans. we have nurses and health care workers who are being treated with the same dignity as our brothers and sisters in the trade. those are all wonderful, wonderful accomplishments. if there are any lessons for the battle of cathedral hill going forward, we know that many of the changes with affordable care act will all be good for san francisco. so, then we'll be quite challenging preserving the social safety net. and we have learned that many of the ideas that come from the process of bringing voices up from the grassroots and
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devising solutions from the grassroots when combined with some of the formidable technical expertise that is in this community, in these hospitals, we can solve these problems and we can move forward. we look forward to the day when all of us can actually have these dialogues about how to build the type of city and the type of health care system that every single san franciscan can enjoy, deserves, and hopefully we won't have to fight for it as hard as we did this last time. >> thank you. next speaker. calvin welch, council community housing organization, representative for san franciscans for housing, health care and justice. the community coalition. first of all, i want to congratulate us all. san francisco all too lobv is attacked for being process or yetctionved with no results.
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~ oriented with no results. i think supervisors, community planning, sensitive approach to major very many projects the last 40 commissioner william leerx, this is probably the best examples of all three. ~ 40 years this was all fought for, meaningful concessions, not only city-wide, a community coalition made up, community groups from several neighborhoods that fought not only for their individual interests, their individual neighborhoods, but for city-wide. and an institution sutter health that saw its best interests in meeting the broadest interests of as many san franciscans as possible. we've come up with a far better deal than where we started. i'm happy to endorse it. the council community housing organizations is happy to endorse it. and, supervisor wiener, you
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should rejoice. this is the closest we've ever come to getting exactions on a major development project that is almost equal twain transit and affordable housing and two issues i know are very dear to your heart. i just want to conclude by saying that the recent amendments including language in article 46 of the administrative code was necessary and sufficient and i want to thank city staff for seeing the wisdom of doing that. the language, special language that the city developed that took the place of article 56 was very good for as far as it went, but it took out a very important public notice requirement that's in article 56. we now have it back. we have the best of all worlds. thank you all. >> thank you. next speaker.
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for cpmc. if there comes a time where they need me to help advocate, i will support the hospital. thank you. [speaker not understood]. hi, good afternoon, supervisors. my name is michael smith wick. i am the executive director of my tree compassionate care which is the only exclusively -- only hospice exclusively for people with advanced aids in the state of california. we're a 15 bed facility on cpuc's [speaker not understood] campus. i'm also speaking a aery dent, nearby resident of that came pus. i live just a few blocks away on scott for 23 years. in both respects what i've seen is that cpmc has been an excellent neighbor. from my tree they've been
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extremely generous for the majority years of our existence, at least 15 years. both with the financial support, but also with programmatic support. they offered their facility for use of our facility or staff for evacuation in the event of a local emergency, allowed our facility to be used for volunteer training and a number of different things that just demonstrates that they really do know they can support our facility and our mission. as i neighbor i was very involved in the process they established with the local neighbors for the expansion of cpmc at the davis campus. it was very contentious and there were a lot of issues raidsed. they were very open and accommodating in some of the changes they put through to their original plans that i feel dramatically improve the front print work to the neighborhood and particularly for transit. they made it much more readily accessible that would be coming to the [speaker not understood] and muni. so for all of these reasons i strongly encourage you, please, to support the rebuild of cpmc. thank you.
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>> thank you. next speaker. good afternoon, supervisors. thank you for the opportunity to speak on behalf of rebuilding cpmc's hospital. my name is chris poland, structural engineer, chairman and senior engineer of [speaker not understood] and co-chair of the supporter resilient city initiative. i'm pleased the cpmc projects are now approaching approve. we certainly need these facilities so support the recovery of san francisco after the next great earthquake. we all know that that that earthquake will occur in california sometime in the next 30 years. and we've been talking about these projects for over 10 years. needless to say the risk is not getting smaller. we also know what happens this afternoon, near san francisco, we're expecting heavy damage to our city. casualties in the thousandses, injuries in the tens of thousands and a very slow recovery. the recovery of our city depends on san francisco being disaster resilient. we have a well organized and
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well exercised department of emergency management. that work will be greatly facilitated if we have the physical infrastructure available to support the emergency response. the seismic resilience, san francisco needs this hospital to be fully operational after a major earthquake. as you know, most of our hospitals were built prior to the '80s and most will not be usable. the a major earthquake today will leave san francisco with just a few beds to serve the injured. cpmc replacing hospitals would significantly change that picture. we're still years away from their availability. it takes three to four years to design one of these complex buildings and over 4 to 5 years to build t. if you approve these projects, we'll have these earthquake safe beds in four to five years. if you don't, it could be well over 15 years. i urge you to approve these projects now. >> thank you very much. next speaker. thank you, chair wiener, president chiu, and supervisor kim. my name is john mill sap.
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over 10 engineers ago i was cpmc's executive architect for this project. since that time i've been an independent consultant working with the california health care foundation and others. i was the facilities representative to the state of california hospital building safety board, led the best practices effort with ashe pot, california health facilities forum. i was responsible for the selection of the cathedral hill hotel site and i support rebuilding cpmc. from start to today, this has been a long process. i am so glad we're on the cusp of actually starting these incredibly important projects that we've been talking about for over a decade. since the start of planning health care has changed. san francisco has changed. ashe pot deadlines have changed and invariably the projects have changed. with the affordable care emphasis on ambulatory care [speaker not understood], volumes seem to have stabilized and allowed for change in scope of the rebuild. [speaker not understood] the
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redesign will require another massive [speaker not understood]. not unprecedented agreement has been reached which confers significant benefits to the residents of this city. while these are positive changes for both cpmc in the city, cpmc and its design team must be very nimble in preparing and securing rosh pot totals to meet the seismic deadlines that have not been made. fortunately, cpmc has a great project delivery team. we all need you to approve this project today so that redesign can begin in earnest and cpmc can move to the next phase of delivering care to all san franciscans. thank you. >> thank you. [speaker not understood]. supervisors, [speaker not understood], san francisco building construction trades council. the window of my office actually looks right out at the site of the future cathedral hill medical center.
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some others in the office have said they're not looking forward to the sounds of demolition and of construction. to me those will be music. it may be spayctionv and music i will have waited long time to lear. we thank you for your work and we look forward to ours. >> thank you. next speaker. hi, bob caplan. good afternoon, supervisors. i'm going to join the chorus thanking you for your diligent work to ensure [speaker not understood]. because of all the belief in the potential we've been investing in the tenderloin for many years. i've been a consistently strong supporter of the cpmc facility project. [speaker not understood]. the tenderloin is desperately in need of an economic engine and the ambitious plans for cpmc [speaker not understood] will impact surrounding neighborhoods and all who do business there. in addition, construction jobs for projects, cpmc pledge today
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include a local number of significant hires [speaker not understood]. this represents a significant opportunity for local residents to find permanent employment that is easily accessible and won't put additional strain on public transportation systems. cpmc has made a long-term commitment which includes underlying street light placement to enhance the hospital and surrounding community. sidewalks will be getting a facelift improving the appearance and availability of long vacant retail space. one issue consistently raised is increased traffic on van ness. i've heard from many sources traffic is the problem and inhibits economic growth. i disagree with that. it is essential for area businesses. [speaker not understood]. it is on a major artery designed to carry heavier traffic loads. my experience is traffic does not dissuade visitors or patrons from visiting our area.
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