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tv   [untitled]    June 18, 2013 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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singapore. i ran the operations and i moved here to start work on the battery. and i've been involved in the process ever since then and making sure what we're doing it the right thing for the city >> i have a couple of questions why did you choose to open it as a private club? >> because the clubs in san francisco are fairly outdated. the battery is like a house model this is popular in no obligation i'm british and so is michael birch. so i was opening a british style club in the city with a different approach. no rules that really are from
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the old school. a lot more about people be able to imagination with a dive - >> there's a big dference from singapore and new york. i i mention you have a lot of experience. our law says no establishment may allow the premises to be sole legal for the private club between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. would you be willing to not conduct a private club >> i have no intention of
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opening during those hours we have hotel rooms in the building. for me a lot of the balance is i don't want the guests waking up me in the middle of the morning >> do you participate completely in the club. >> you can be a member of the public to rent a room and you become a member for the time in the establishment. so outside people can get the participation in the club >> and your attorney said something to the effect they'll be no cash exchange. >> there will be cash exchange by to open a account at the bar you have to have a reference
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number. there will be event spaces that will be available for outside groups >> so you allow people to rent from weddings to other events. >> so what kind of events are you going to do in you're up scale club? >> corporate events with are corporate event planners that know what a beer looks like and don't change the decorations. >> looking at the map i provided i'm you wondering chase this building adjacent to our property. >> it holds let's starbuck's and to take out japanese and so
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on your permit i said i plan to have sound proofing and i can't find that what's the plans? >> we're charles and associates and well known sound company. we're about 7 weeks away from c p to sound testing the places without people in it. when people are in it they're to hear some of the sound >> so it will be limited to the first floor. >> right and i have a question
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about sound proofing so - have they made a recommendation. >> the sound like proofing has been done to they'll be specifications and a can you tell me
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. >> i can't have people shouting about what they want. the club is for people to socialize for the lodge >> you're going to have a dance floor there. >> we don't have a specified dance floor so we have background music that's not invasive. once the fin diane is done maybe we'll crank it up a little bit.
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i live on broadway which is next to recess and house club and i know what it's like i have no intention of adding to the - >> i've been in the industry a long time and the high-end clubs last for a few years and they get tiring. i've been to singapore and they have the singapore fling but that district slows down at night so what attracts people to that area. i think primarily the membership is 5 hundred and 50 people so it's a board array of people >> so you're starting with a 5 hundred base and we have a
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membership of 15 and we got up to one-hundred and 20. we ask people to think about who they want to invite. in the long term we've invested a lot of money and hopefully it will stay alive >> okay. i'll be dead by then. i have a couple of questions the acoustics has to do with ceiling tile are they going to surface those? >> yes, it's between floor 2 and 3 to sound proof the room upstairs. there's a floating element above
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that and you have acoustic plastic ceilings above that to stop the noise >> okay commissioner. >> yes. so is the lodge not separate from the restaurants? >> it's a very large open space on the ground floor so it's not separate. >>
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>> the noise out there will be controlled by management
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everything a - >> and there's no residents or neighbors around there it sounds like it's a closed space and the noise is amplified. are there neighbors in that area? >> not adjacent to us no plus i have 8 guest rooms that look out at the garden. >> at any time in my interest to not have it initial side i didn't because the people are immediately on site. >> okay. >> you sounds like it's cool. is your membership expensive >> no, it's xhashl to the bay
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club and a regarding our public comment i know that you have a letter here from the so cal neighbors. so what's the extent to the other two organizations >> i went to the barbie coast apartme apartments. it was the bar code of the barbie coast association. this was a meeting we had in september >> so you made a presentation. >> it was the technicians and the contradiction folks there and a okay. thank you. >> the only comment above the starbuck's their condo apartment buildings and i know that cross the street is 585 and when the
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doors are open there's somebody that's claiming up there. >> the open space above the starbuck's. >> well, it's the b of a. >> this is opposite the old chip in. >> it's a block down oh, right jackson you're quite far away from that. >> we have two large car parks. the old chip is on the opposite corn >> so there's a park across from you. >> and there's a fed x building. >> thank you very much. so this is central station? >> yes, it is central station and officer sent to you some conditions that are in your binder. >> where are the -
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>> they're here. >> thank you so much. oh. okay. all righty i'd like to open the floor to public comment to the battery 717 battery street. is there public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners >> well, i motion to approve it. with the police conditions and, of course, our good neighborhood policies. >> we have a motion to approve. >> second. >> we have a motion and a second is there further discussion. >> plus add the neighbor policy that's the motion
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(calling names) >> good luck to you it sounds interesting i'll wonder by someday. >> all righty next item. item 5 c running loud doing business as as the place of entertainment and extended hours permit >> i have to recuse myself on this one. >> we'll see you when you came back in. >> this is a new lounge a mid scale oh, jazz and blues. this southern station has submitted the recommendations. they have a certain about the hours permit >> thank you.
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madam chair i'm here with the person in charge of this particular establishment. i'd like to first state i've been in talks with southern station and we have - we would request that the after hours portion of this application be continued. until the next meeting. the police feels officer chan feels we have to have more discussed this is 6th street. we would like to have more discussions with the police department. >> our next meeting will not be until the first day of august and you're just like 16 accounting is off-site so i want to tell you that.
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and so is that okay >> we're fine with that. there's going to be some rehab >> why don't you stop for a second and let's take care of that first. >> okay. so let's move for a continuance of the extended hours permit to the first meeting no august. is there a public comment on that? >> seeing none, can i have a second to my motion somebody. >> second and we have a second. come on up >> good evening. we would like to revisit this 6 months into the operation >> because of the location of
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the premises and because it's historically had an extended hours permit i i'm not sure how long we can continue on extended hours application before they would lose it. they may lose it and because of the nature of the neighborhood it wouldn't be permissible for them to get it again, i believe it's not permitted in that area but i may be wrong. and so why don't we indirect staff to look into that as well >> that's fine. >> and we'll continue it until the first day of august to look at this again. >> thank you, sir. and so that's my motion we have a motion and a second >> so to continue the extended
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hours until tugging august 6th meeting (calling names) >> okay your up on your po e. >> if i could have the overhead and i'll be back and forth between the overhead. let me - actually, i do a smaller take. club 6 is in yellow. this is circuit 19 thirty something and you're looking at the corner of jessie and 6 street. 6 street was a little bit more upscale. this is the same sign. this was what's called the darkroom where my pen is.
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this was added to get the top floor extended called the darkroom. initially we're going to open the darkroom and this portion and the basement portion are are going to -- jocelyn king and i met with a non-profit group which is looking at the space to do some non-profit musician type of things. the group includes mr. law and duck who is partners with the grand it is the most successful northern california night club. the design is going to be that of a lodge. this is what the darkroom is
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going to look like. going to be designed by extremely prominent architect out of uc berkley and i think you'll agree the design looks pretty good. this is another sketch of it a lot of wood a lot of nature elements. and sort of modern design. the area historically been this is look at this tower is at the corner of sixth and market circle this is circle 1985 this was the largest night club outside of broadway in manhattan. and we seem to have a resurgence
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down there the warfare building is approximately 2 hundred feet away from this club. your business plan calls for marketing two. information technology workers after hours we see this primarily as an after hours and corporate space to start. obviously we have a ways to go before we're back to what the last picture shows which it was a exclusive night club district. we've done a lot of out reap on this so far. we presented to the board of urban seclusions on august 16th we have a letter and she's requested we go to the captains
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meeting tomorrow night. i've been in contract with gary at the lawrence hotel to see if there are any tense groups and there are not. the sunny side hotel across the street we've met with the howard garden group and contract o-m-g and pearls burgers up the street. we have a letter that we printed or presented before district 6 i believe they'll be sending a letter of support. this is going to be a great project. the group has fairly deep pockets and i think some of my conversation with officer chin
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has been if you don't have enough money to meet payroll and to keep the rent paid you start taking risks and this group can pay rent and never have people's no. one show. there have been no incidents in the night clubs expect a couple on broadway and that's because it was on broadway. i think it's going back going to be a great project and i request a conditional grant and if you have any questions we'll answer them >> do you contact the building dribble above you. >> yes, that's the lawrence hotel. >> we did have with club 6
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there was quite a bit of sound issues and charles came in and when the black room or the darkroom was done there was a bunch of work but through charles and associates there was a lot of sound done on this location whenever that was. but there's not been much - >> they weren't very successful because they weren't you opened much. >> i do have a couple of questions. you said that lou is part of this now. he has someplace on broadway and someplace on admission and he hearsay someplace in the bay view and is that it? and i believe the one in the mission in the last year has had
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some issues. i believe that the one think broadway has had some issues. it seems to me that he has a bunch of places and the one on broadway is not doing well, and i definitely heard places of his reported with issues at this point is it wise to continue to monopolize night life with duck lou here in the city >> well duck is an investor. the old city tavern we have the - >> the restaurants was separately successful.
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>> is he an active partner or investor? >> he leaves it to jay and steve to run it and duck seems to be able to raise large money and leaves it to part of his staff to run it. and ronnie law is in charge of that place >> what other clubs were you involved in. >> i was involved in
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>> i guess how is it going to be diffet