tv [untitled] June 20, 2013 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT
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regardless of whether the neighbors want them or not, what are we going to do the other 25,000? this is similar to starbucks, which you denied the permit. we have cvs which is a good use of that space and you approved that project. and this is another blieted building and it has been vacant for two years and it smells, and it is filthy, and there are people sleeping in the doorway. and that was not the landlord's fault, i know that. >> they have done nothing to clean the building, they are holding the land hostage because they want formula retail. we know that supervisor weiner
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introduced the look out at 16 and this market and very successful business and they called the landlord and the landlord barely wanted to talk to them. we know that star bellies and i have an e-mail here and i will read you what they say. yes, we wanted to come to the neighborhood for its unique character and we already have business theres and it has been a good relationship with the neighborhood. we wanted to offer a proven type of road house cuisine that we thought would be a good addition and not available in the neighborhood. the only answer we got is that they decided to go somewhere else we were actually willing to pay what they asked but we still did not get it and i would like to submit this so that you understand. i also know that another restauranteer tried to rent it and there were 34 letters in
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your packet that it said were sent from merchants who were in support of this. and i called planning to say who are these 34 merchants because i talked to many of the merchants on church street and there is like a land full, not 34. and we don't work with that neighborhood or know that neighborhood. they are not in support of this project and some of those merchants, could not be here today, some of the merchants who could not come here, they do not stand to win anything,
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attractive to the small businesses and grassroots small businesses and the corporation... and just, make this unappealing to those kinds of people that will make this neighborhood thrive. i have been here, a long, long, time, and i know what works in the neighborhood and i know what doesn't. and so i saw the boston market attempt. and they failed miserably and i feel that chipotle will support it and i think that we need to support it. and it is approved all over the city and we really don't need (inaudible) government.
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>> so, i ask you to deny this project. i don't think that when we worked with the planning, and the commission to put a policy in place to make sure that we have controls, the goal of that was not to pass a parcel that would take up to 36 percent formula retail and i hope that this is not your vision for upper market. and i'm going to turn it over to wendy. >> i'm wendy and i am a member of the san francisco locally owned merchant's alliance. and i have been a local business owner for 20 years and for the last two years a
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merchant within two blocks of this as co-owner of sweet inspiration and i am strongly opposed to the idea of chipotle taking this spot for several reasons and the first being the locally owned mexican restaurants that are right there and again as pat stated, it is not going to draw anyone new in the neighborhood. i really don't think that at the believes that. it a high level place. they are drawing business that is already there away from what is going to be there, if more people come into the neighborhood, it is not for the chipotle and those people should they want mexican food should go to the businesses that have been there for a long time and hanging on a small families. my business partner and i took our family savings and invested in the neighborhood because of
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the unique character of the neighborhood and because of the future vision layed out in the upper market place and in recent policies like the one that we are talking about the 20 percent adopted by you. we see, the in-coming residents and the in-coming smaller business fronts bringing more and more opportunitis for small businesses and for it to be a thriving neighborhood. and the neighborhood is booming. in yesterday's examiner, they talked about nine vacantcies that were reported in the district, in the short time that i had a business in the single block where i am, the 2200 block, i can name nine new businesss that have come in. and there is the title, and canel, san francisco collective, and high topps and slider bar and eight of those nine are locally owned. the locally owned businesses, the small business people are identifying the space and they
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are coming in, so the fear around the vacantcy and what do we do? it kind of start to sell it off to formula retail is actually baseless and there are people looking at this space in particular saying that it has been empty for two years what is going to change? all that we have to do is turn to the development that is coming in the neighborhood and say this is what is changing, the business is coming, and the people are coming, and the money is coming, and the small businesses will follow, in fact, as pat told you, we have evidence of several offers of small businesses on this fight in particular, whether or not those deals ever come through, the offers will keep coming, a restaurant space, in san francisco near the castro, near all of the foot traffic and there is no reason to expect that this can't be rented. >> now, when we are talking about the numbers, the 29 percent, the 20 percent and the 36 percent and do you include
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the parking lot and do you include the entire district, it is all kind of moot. if you don't include the safeway which is parently you don't in the 300 foot radius you are ignoring the obvious, if the argument is then let's ignore the safeway and therefore the parking lot, and take that out of the picture, and let's look at the entire district, in fact, in our last discussion, commission antonini when we were talking about the starbucks you were talking about 300 feet being such a very small area to look at and we ought to look at the entire district and take a broader view. if we do that, the formula retail concentration right now, it is closer to 43 percent and so we are talking about establishing a balance. and setting a balance and this point that we established of 20 percent, we ought to be saying, no to a lot of formula retail for a while and getting the small businesses in to establish that balance. right now, we are out of balance and it is not time to consider giving away, this prime corner to yet another
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formula retailer. so for all of these reasons, i do hope that you will follow the recommendation and deny this request. >> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is michael and i am a member of the emta and the sf nono and all in the upper market district and i am also the business business church hill, adjacent to this project at 2100 market. vy been in this location for two years, and so 15 people and support my wife and two children and all from this business. not only do i own the busy own the building as well and, but i am speaking by your decisions today. >> i will ask to deny the approval. and super market and castro so unique are the locally owned
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locally operated. i hear every day how people love this neighborhood because of the uniqueness and originality but those rare features are threatened very threatened very severely by large businesses with almost 30 percent of the street frontage occupied the local flare is quickly getting stepped over, by allowing them to occupy another prominent location, it threatens this fabric that is wo ven through the neighborhood and the integrity of the community and the back bone of the city and we quickly will give you an example of why i disapprove of this project. is there an issue or a program that comes up on the block, vandalism, threat, violence, noise, you can call me, and you can call my cell phone and you can call me house and i will answer the phone >> your time is up. >> one sentence. >> what do we do if this issue comes up? do i come and talk to the ten
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dollar an hour. >> your time is up. >> thanks a lot. >> you can be done if you want. >> you can leave your notes if you want to submit your notes. >> okay. >> great. >> leave them there on the counter, thank you. >> okay, so that concludes the 15 minute correct? yes. >> so i am going to call some names if you want to line up on that side of the room and come on up in the order that i have called them. victor haviez, daniel ceser, seria, jay davidson, sean burgen and demetrius margin, silvia agar come up if i called your name. >> good afternoon. i'm president of the castro up power market community benefit district and i am also on the
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rainbow honor board and i am vice president of the san francisco commission on aging and adult services and i am a pass president of the neighborhood association. and the castro market community benefits the application, to open a restaurant at 2100 market street. so do the merchants of upper market and castro. let's learn from the past. the last two occupants of 2100 market street were independent restaurants, both failed, one was the moderately priced home and the other was the high priced john frank. >> that is why no independent restaurant has made a viable offer to rent this property. chipotle has made such an offer. it is a building that once housed formula retail and it was a bust in the market years ago. i have lived in the neighborhood for 35 years andvy seen how the things have changed. >> this situation is different
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from starbucks, and because starbucks was going to remove an existing business, this location has been empty for two years. and the alternative to this is an empty building in an area that currently is a magnet for inappropriate budget behavior. sleeping on the streets, and public defication and urination and substance abuse and general litter. let's not let the ideal get in the way of the good. it will bring a healthy foot traffic to the neighborhood, and employ individuals, and thus, enhance the area. this cbd will request you to support this project, thank you. >> hi, my name is pj put and i will keep it under 3 minutes. i leave in that neighborhood,
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and i'm definitely, for chipotle to go in there, they have a limited menu and so they are not a competition for the smaller mexican restaurants. besides there are so many vacantcis in that whole neighborhood it would be nice to bring life to that spot again. thank you. >> commissioners? my name is victor and i own (inaudible) and a mexican restaurant located at 235 church street and about 70 feet away from the proposed mexican. and my restaurant just closed in the street and i have the mexican restaurant in the same location for more than 23 years.
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and my specialty is mexican food and the same as chipotle. i have 12 employees and some of them have been working with me for more than ten years, i am married and i have my only daughter, she is 4 years old and for the past 34 years i have worked almost every day to support myself and my family. i am with the san francisco market. and i buy my meats from (inaudible) in order to obtain (inaudible) which is a (inaudible) technique. and i make the tortillas by hand and i am one of the locals and i always use the local to help me, impart part of the community. and my way to help with the healthy way as possible. the restaurant owns their own meat at chipotle and they
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produce their own produce and they have ranch and farms and we went to one of the presentations in which they probably set that they owned thousands of restaurant around the world and of the united states. when we went back to try their food, we asked the chef and the manager, what do they give on the meats and i said, could you please show me the... (inaudible) they say that we don't have that we own our own ranch and farms that is what they answered to me. this is one of the many reasons that this why they lower their prices i cannot compete with them. it is impossible for me to be alive there. what they do is exterminate the local businesses. what we are three mexican restaurant in a 17 foot radius already. and i sell the same food that they sell and i invite you to try my food. it is very hel ygt and it is the same food that they sell.
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and i am here today to ask you to deny the permit and the company. and i appreciate that and all the way, i will have to close my business, and the families will also be away from work, thank you. >> thank you, sir. >> next speaker please? >> my name is daniel and i live a half a block from the proposed site. and the previous speaker was right, his restaurant serves delicious food. but that is the basic point is that i understand that you can grant this conditional use permit if it is necessary and desirable to the neighborhood. it is not necessary, as you heard from many people, but that there are two restaurant and there is chilango which is
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a step up and it is not desirable simply because it would make us look like something else, and actually i have been to chipotle, and very nice, but i live in san francisco. and i want it to be a unique san francisco thing, and i am very well aware of how seedy that corner is and as a resident i have live there for 25 years on that block i am willing to take the chance that if the commission does not approve this formula retail that there is a good local merchant that can come in and whether it is a restaurant or anything else that will preserve the unique local character of our neighborhood thanks. >> next speaker, please? >> hello, commissioners, my name is sean, and i am the owner of black bird bar on 2124 market street and just two doors down from the proposed location. first off i want to state that
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i am against another chain business from opening in the neighborhood. and i do agree that it is an eye sore to have a blieted building at such a visible location. however, scrambling to fill a vacant building with chipotle is a bad decision that will only create a domino effect, allowing other formula businesses down the road. we already have three thriving tacos, restaurant, la taco, and others, it is obviously the majority of the community that chipotle does not care about the livelihood of the smaller businesses that cannot compete with the buying power of the larger chain stores. i ask with these three mom and pop businesses continue to thrive? we do not want to see the church street corner to become another strip mall and i ask you to deny chipotle from moving in, thank you very much. >> call a few names and keep
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coming up. >> cristina calera, john calera, scott, marrlo, peter gunned, edward, michael brisben and katherine burns. >> my name is jay davidson and i have lived in the neighborhood for 41 years and i recognize that it is not a simple situation. that there are indeed, many vacantcies in the neighborhood. the storefronts will be better filled and empty, but we have to ask ourselves, with what do we want to fill them. just as you decide when you purchase a burrito what are you going to put inside of it, we have to make the same consideration with the storefronts. downtown san francisco already looks like anywhere usa.
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our neighborhoods are different. take a look at haze valley, eureka valley, and the volunteer corridor and you can see the thriving neighborhoods there, made so partly because of the individualization of the restaurants and the other businesses there. you look outside of san francisco to see what kind of an impact, large chains such as wal-mart have done in driving out the local businesses. in this corner has been said there are three other mexican restaurant. i am not anti-change, i am excited that the corridor right within view of this location, there are so many residences being built that will help to revitalize the neighborhood. a message that i would like to see you deliver to the owners
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of this building, is yes, you are entitled to a fair return on your investment of the building. but, formula retail, is not the means for you to enrich your bank account at the expense of the neighborhood. i noted on your calendar, that you have already given the preliminary recommendation to disapprove this project, and i believe that the people of san francisco are looking to your leadership to do the same as after you have heard all of these arguments, thank you. >> wait a second, i am going to make a combination with this little girl, did you want to speak? >> i know that you seemed like a family, do you want to speak next? >> thank you. >> commissioners, thank you.
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my name is silvia and my husband own chilango restaurant at 325 church street. and as you can see this is something very emotional for me. this is our life, our livelihood, my husband is so passionate about mexican food and all that he knows about his culture and the cuisine and mexico to here in san francisco. we are here, we are not employees, this matters to us. this is our life. i have my daughter, and we want to continue being a part of this community and we have something to offer. i am here today to ask you to deny chipotle a formula retail restaurant a permit to do business at the corner of church and market if they get
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this permit we will have to close our business and the people that we employ will also have many sacrifices to face. thank you very much for your time. >> thank you. >> my name is john and i went to grammar school and school here, we bought this property at 2100 market there was an existing tenant and lease in place we did not select a tenant it was burk's drive-in and they lasted four years and went bankrupt, they were a small, locally owned company. >> the next tenant bought the business out of the bankruptcy and we also did not select that tenant. >> i am sorry sure, are you the owner of the building? >> one of. >> that will make you part of the project team, sir.
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>> no. >> thanks. thanks for pointing it out and go ahead and continue. >> the next tenant john frank was involved and a spin off of a company called aden sandal which was also a locally owned business and they were doing well and paying their rent in 1985, we extended their lease. they went bankrupt. and after that, the business was purchased from the bankruptcy, also we did not select this person, but a peter herimus bought the lease and the business he was a successful and he owned greek and he had a karls junior and highly regarded individual in the restaurant field. he personally told me that for five years in a row, he lost $100,000 a year, locally owned
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small business. he asked that we would sublease it to boston chicken that they would upgrade the building and they did, they took it down to the studs and redid the building according to code and permit it. the boston chicken became boston market. and i believe that they had about 400 locations, and they were in the chapter eleven bankruptcy, and they closed 200 of their non-performing locations one of which was 2100 market. and they went into bankruptcy and the business and the lease were sold then, to home restaurant, which lasted about five or six years, i believe, maybe a little more. and they did well, until the recession hit. and they went bankrupt.
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and it has been vacant since. what i am trying to say is that a locally owned business, except for boston market has been unable to make this location work. and we look forward to and ask that you grant the conditional use permit so that a strong financial operator can go in and maintain that property >> i am going to ask that whoever is making the whisper sounds to cool it, next speaker please? >> good afternoon and i along with
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