tv [untitled] July 1, 2013 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT
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we have a packed agenda tonight. first we want to thank the southeast community facility commission for opening their doors tonight and their executive director, moses. thank you for opening the doors tonight. we have a very, very tight agenda. the goal here is for the community to be heard. this is not a question and answer time, but the goal is for the community to be heard. when we get to public comment, and you make your statements.
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remember we want you to be as concise as possible, because the department heads and the mayor are here to hear you. without further ado, i want to introduce mayor lee and he will open us up. thank you. good evening everybody. as stated eloquent ly, this is time for all of you in the community particularly focused residents of 10 and 11, to tell us in government what you feel passionate about. i want to thank supervisor avalos and supervisor cohen that it will be here in a minute. your budget chair is supervisor farrell, i want to thank him as he will have a lot of meetings. and i want to thank the different departments represented here. you can see them, e will havea
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minute. again we will give priority of time to the residents, to the nonprofits, to people who work here in the community in district 10/11, to express what you think our budget should reflect. this is an important part. this is the second of at least five or six we are doing throughout the city. to give people the opportunity to tell us what their priorities are. and then we will work those into how we make decisions about our budget in the city. i wanted to begin by saying we are better and better each year. doesn't mean we don't have a deficit. we still have a deficit in the budget. this year coming $123 million, and the second year in the budget covering 2014/15 has 56
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million deficit. we are not out of woods. but these numbers are better than $500 million and $700 million budget deficits that we used to have a few years ago. our city is doing better. we are concerned about how to fulfill that deficit. but we are also concerned about what is happening to seniors, what is happening to youth. what is happening to families. our open space. our small businesses. our environment. we are all concerned about that as well. of course i must say about our housing authority as well. so we are taking on a lot of responsibility and because we are and because we are very busy doing the work we are. sometimes we need your input to steer us in the right direction for what things you think are important. so we are open to that.
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and we want to hear from you tonight. enough speeches. let's get on with it. may i have a couple words from supervisor avalos and farrell. >> thank you. thank you mayor lee, and yes, i get to make a speech too. i am supervisor john avalos, i represent district 11, just over the hill. i want to thank the mayor and the department staff for being here. and i want to thank supervisor farrell, the chair of the budget committee to be here. he's got a very difficult task. but one that he will have help with colleagues on the budget committee and we will be joined by supervisor cohen as well. i have talked incessantly of needing a budget based on equity, on neighborhoods and their needs. in district 10 and 11, we have
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the most unique neighborhoods. we have a large senior population and youth population. and we have to look at our budget to support seniors and young people as best we can. we have growing disparities in san francisco and as the economy is growing and we lift all through the economy. and ways to have programs that reach into the community that provide opportunity for young people. and to have appropriate housing, that's something i am committed to. i want to hear your ideas of how to do that and strengthen the efforts. last year in district 11 we were able to fund projects for the parks and safety and to beautify the environment. and we had projects for young
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people as well. i want to grow in the commitments we made last year. we know the best way to support our young people with opportunity is to provide jobs for them. i am looking forward to see how to accomplish that with the mayor and my colleagues from the board of supervisors, thank you. >> thank you, supervisor avalos. i am mark farrell, i am the supervisor from district 2 and i am the chair of the budget committee. and it's an honor to be here with the mayor and supervisors. my priorities is to have an open and transparent budget process, that's why we are here. we are doing six of these town halls and we want to hear from each of you. and secondly to manage our budget in a fiscal and
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responsible manner. and lastly having a budget that reflects the priorities of all san franciscans, there are so many things needed in our neighborhoods and communities. and we want to address that in the budget. thank you for being here, and i want to be this night is about hearing you. i will turn it over to supervisor cohen. >> good evening, everyone, it's good to see you. the number one thing we need to keep in mind here, that the budget is one of the most single pieces of legislation that the board of supervisors pass. our budget is $7.4 million -- excuse me, billion -- that's what i said, billion, people. clean out your ears. i would never short change san francisco and say million [laughter] so you know what, i want to thank you for having such a
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healthy turn-out. this audience looks look and we have a good moderator. thank you for leading this discussion. last year we made significant investments in public safety back-filling investments that were previously made by the redevelopment agency, economic development and support for small business. this year i would like our city to make changes in education, and transportation and lighting and other quality of life issues that have a significant impact in district 10. i am looking forward to hear from each of you, those unable to get an opportunity to speak to the mic. you are more than welcome to call our office or e-mail the office with your suggestions for the budget priorities. thank you. >> mayor lee, and supervisor avalos and s farrell.
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before we continue on, i want to remind everyone if you wish to speak, get comment cards from the outside. they will come around to collect the comment cards. i will briefly run through the agenda, and everyone be mindful this is a district 10 and district 11 budget town hall meeti meeting. we would work hard to give equitab equitable priority to each, district 10 and 11. we will have a brief budget overview by kate howard, the mayor's budget director and we will have community organizations and then public comment. we will keep our comments to two minutes. and the cards will be collected. we will start with speaker 15, and if possible, we will try to give more people a chance to
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speak. but we will definitely allow for 15 speakers. and then hear from supervisor farrell, who is the chair of the board of supervisors budget committee and then closing remarks by district 10 and 11, supervisor cohen and supervisor avalos. a smooth process. first kate howard will give a presentation, mayor's budget director. >> good evening, everybody. how are you? nice to see you here tonight. i am kate howard, i am the mayor's budget director. i thought i would give you a brief overview of our city's budget. as supervisor cohen pointed out, the budget is one of the most important laws that san francisco passes.
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it's a law of our source and how we spend it. and it's a plan that sets our priority. so it's important for us to hear from you what those priorities ought to be. i have here on my right, your left, a series of charts that show you a little bit more about san francisco's budget. overall the city's budget is about $7.4 billion annually. that includes all the funds we have to spend. all the city functions and the county functions and the airport and our police department and fire department and human services agency and our health department. you can see the next chart shows you where we get most of our money. so we spend a lot of time in san francisco talking about how to balance the budget. and we tend to focus that balancing conversation on what
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we call the general fund. those are the funds that the city has discretion over. in terms of making policy choices on what to spend money on and what to cut. where do we get our money? the biggest resource for san francisco and property taxes, it's over $1 billion a year. and we receive significant revenues from the business taxes and sales tax and hotel tax as well as other local sources. also important to know that about one out of every five dollars that san francisco spends comes from the state and federal government. when the federal government does things like implement a federal sequester. that has an impact here on san franciscans. if the state budget changes, that has an effect here on us. it's important to know that we have control over some of our ou our but not all ofthem.
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five-year budget outlook. and mentioned the first two years. this is the fourth chart over with the red and black. the red bars show you how much our expenditures are projected to grow in the next five years and the black bars. we project over the five years we will have 13% more revenue, it's a strong economy. and at the same time our expenditures are expected to grow by 25%. so the gap between the growth in expenditures and revenue is what creates our budget short falls. a significant part of that pressure is related to pressure related to labor costs. including the cost of our health benefits, and retiree benefits. finally i wanted to share, we
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will hear from you about your experiences, your priorities and information that you think is important for these policy makers to hear. one of the ways we have to hear information directly from the community is through 3-1-1. we pulled together a chart that shows the most prominent calls from 3-1-1 from districts 10 and 11. we hear significant calls related to street and sidewalk cleaning. followed by graffiti and requests related to the housing authority. for district 10 the calls related to the housing authority were more significant. and for district 11 the calls related to abandoned vehicles were more significant. and it would be helpful to hear from you if those are consistent with your experience. and i want to let you know who else is up here today. we have -- i will name the
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departments, office of economic and workforce development. we have public library. city administrator's office. fire department. department of ageing and adult services. the human services agency. the department of child support services and adult probation department and controller's office. and we have elected officials that introduced them. the public utility commission and rec and park department, mta, department of building inspection, the health department. and san francisco public housing authority. department of emergency management. department of public works. office of small business and mayor's office of disability. we have a number of officials from the san francisco police department who are here as well. that's all i have. we look forward to hear from
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you. >> okay. if you have comment cards and they are ready, can you just hold them up. we have our team that will grab your cards. please hold them up. at this time we will have representatives from two district 10 organizations, daphne mcnowel and stacy bartnet and the asian community center, david chan. if you could come to the microphone. >> hi-- okay. good evening, my name ir daphne mcnowle, and this is stacy
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barltlet. we are parents at daniel webster and petrillo hill. we are here to talk to you about supporting efforts to keep families in san francisco. it's well documented that one of the san francisco's greatest challenges is retaining middle-class families. the two reasons for family flight is affordable housing and public schools. i would like start by telling you the story of our school. back in 2005 the san francisco school district slated daniel webster for closure. at the time it was underenrolled and in the dire need of repair and of being isolated. a group of parents, their kids just babies, rallied the neighborhood and convinced the board of education to keep the
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school open. today it's a magnet for families of our attendance area. it started with incredible capable parents, now daniel webster has a pre-school onsite, and emersion program and requests on the rise. it's integrated portraya al of petrillo hill. what a san francisco family success story, we have demonstrated how a high quality, integrated public school can overcome family flight. there are a couple of articles in the chronicle that document our success. we are here to tell you that the successful model is in jeopardy.
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daniel webster doesn't have a viable middle school and we don't have enough seats to follow us. the way to continue our success is to make daniel webster a pre-k to 8 school but we need your help. a year-and-a-half ago we made a request to expand daniel webster. and it's been two years since we raised this decision and a decision still has not been made. the district should be able to accommodate for growth. with mayor lee's support the
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city is experiencing a tech boom. we need family-friendly housing and schools nearby. the housing is coming online, more than 10,000 residential units are developed over the next five years. what we don't have is enough school seats for the right configuration. we are asking for the weight and the influence of the city and its leaders to urge sfusb to adopt our pre-k to 8 proposal. we all have a stake in this, it aligns with san francisco's racial and cultural mission and keeps families here. >> please forgive me for not keeping track of time. but we want to be equitable and everything we have to say is important, but working together is to be mindful of that moving
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forward. >> mr. chen. >> how time flies. i am david chen and i am representing the asian-american community city. we are a small community center, but we are here for the last 12 years. we see other cbo's come and go. but we stay. we are serving the underprivileged asian community immigrant communities. they don't have the means or language skills to do better in their life. so we are helping them in many other ways. and also have small business owners to enhance. and how to strive in a bad economic time.
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i am telling you that district 10 and bay-view hunter's point is the future. so i ask seeking your attention to come to this area and look for the future. here we are, we are not doing very good economically, but we are rich in spirit and we are rich in talent. thank you. >> thank you, mr. chen. and now district 11 community representative, rachel ebora and nicole agbiyone. and then we have omar community
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collaborative, gwen brown. >> good afternoon, i am the executive director of burnle heights. >> good evening, our organization works through the vitalized commission street in excelior planning collaboratives. 57% are foreign born. 74% of the households are considered family households. 18% of the residents live in linguistic isolation. 27% of the hispanic and 27% of the asian-speaking homes lack community services. there are few public plazas or places for all ages and
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ethnicities together. we have a lack of venues and clubs for all ages. and the poverty is 7.54%. >> with nicole i participate in the excelsior that is in the heart of the mission. in the collaborative one thing that we accomplished is putting together the process of strategic planning and envisioning for the community. and with various community meetings that involve over 15 organizations. and we put together with the help of supervisor avalos' office and the values of the community. and these are values that
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community members came to put together. i am going to continue for 15 more seconds. these were community engagement and empowerment, and neighborhood diversity and economic justice and healthy equality for all. all in all we got 23 proposals from committee members and we provided funding for 14 of those projects and we look forward to work together to keep the neighborhood vibrant. thank you. >> good evening, i am the executive director of inner city youth in district 11 and i represent the lake view (inaudible). the young people that we serve is 14-24. and are victims and perpetrates
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-- perpetrators of violence. they want us to bring up the focus in district 11 on jobs, and after-school programming for high school and middle school students. senior services. and revitalization of the broad randolph street and mission street corridor. district 11 is unique, we have been an under-resourced district and we need more from the city. we are committed and organized and have capacity. we are willing to work with the city to improve our district. and are asking for a meeting with the mayor, and workforce development and other city departments to set a plan of action in place. we want to make district 11 equally inviting and welcoming part of san francisco as other districts are. so i don't want to take up too much time. that's briefly what we are here
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-- the omic would like to present to the panel today. thank you. rrn fors fo they told me to stand in one place, i am use this mic. before i bring up eric mcdonald from the united way. raise your hands if you have comment cards, we will give you one more opportunity get those collected. now we will hear from eric mcdonald from united way and the summer job plus success in 2012. >> good evening, mayor and supervisors and department heads, eric mcdonald. summer jobs plus, briefly, a partnership between the mayor's office and work development and
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school district as well as department of children, youth and family. last summer the mayor stepped up to provide jobs for young people. success for over 5200 jobs. 39% started at summer jobs and became permanent jobs. our long-time vision is to create a pipeline for young people and to have jobs for school academies, and college and ultimately higher education. we have a growing workforce ready for the job as the economy continues to grow. this summer the goal is 6,000. we will be launching on april 30, launching at city hall at 11 a.m. may 11, for the young people, musconnie center west, we will have a youth resource fair for all jobs and resources working with you on soft skills around interview skills.
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we will have folks reviewing resumes and mock interviews. we want the young people to join us and we hit the ground running. let me end by saying thank you to the mayor and raising your hand. he continues to be the envy of many in the country. and secondly to the department heads that raised their hand to say we would step up. thank you to all department heads who stepped up to provide these wonderful opportunities of the young people. with that, let me call on a young person last summer that went from a summer job to a permanent job, welcome kae. >> thank you, my name is tomas, and last year i participated in the summer job program, and i
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got to learn about property management and accounts receivable and accounts payable. at the end of the six weeks i was asked from my supervisor to be a permanent hire. i immediately said yes, because i get to work in the financial district, get to suit up. and i get to learn about all types of real estate management stuff. i highly encourage all youth to continue with match bridge and go on in life. and i want to say that i want to emphasize on the youth for mayor ed lee. the youth is our future, and if we don't make our youth strong. how is our future going to be strong? and i would like to say thank you to mayor lee and department heads, and have
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