tv [untitled] July 5, 2013 4:30am-5:01am PDT
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>> we have ron from craft foods, ron are you here? >> katherine, high. >> thank you, i am here on behalf of ron who is not feeling well this morning and so on behalf of craft foods group, it is our pleasure to be here celebrating the apa heritage month. craft foods and its tens of thousands of employees nationwide are excited about this event in san francisco. because asian pacific americans have made a large contribution in this country in this state and of course in this city. and at all levels of government, business, and society, the product of all of the work of our immigrant father and mothers are evidenced by the people, standing in this room, the various elected officials.
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the company representatives who have strived and made their way up in their respective positions and all around us in our daily lives. >> this month is to celebrate all of those particular achievements and more importantly from craft's perspective and all of the programs that it does with the community and the employees is the opportunity to be able to show our future generations of asian pacific americans, the impact that they too can make as they are in school, in the arts, in government, and you are at craft foods, so, so pleased and so, so privileged to be able to celebrate this very special occasion and we look forward to being a part of this month. thank you, claudine. >> thank you. this is my pleasure to be here this afternoon. to share with you tho celebrating diversity and
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cultural celebrations is a key value, at wells fargo. and we celebrated not just in this month but every month. and it is the true, people that contribute that are the contributers or the finalists that are going to be honored in the area of arts that we want to acknowledge every day of the year. they go every noticed and thes just a wonderful opportunity to renew the support of the foundation and celebrate the achievements that sometimes go unnoticed and so i hope that we are all here together as a family, to really celebrate what they have to offer. and we can support them in any way that we can going forward. thank you. [ applause ] >> so this product, the program i want to make sure that it is important that fat they are as we know him, he is the grandfather always has the last word. the founder of the organization and we know him as the god
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fathers and we are happy for his support today. >> thank you. >> i am not that old yet. >> you are so beautiful. thank you. >> your personal leadership and sacrifices, so many years to help us celebrate tom and the api's heritage along with the other diversities, on behalf of mcdonalds and the corporation and the franchises. i also wanted to introduce the colleague at jack where are you? and oh, yeah, the two beautiful ladies in the back here, give them a good hand. along with me, lee as you can see, can see on boepgt sides of the asian, right? i come to san francisco, in my first job was engineer, and was that company what is i forgot
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it. i was anger an, engineer, and to talk about ours and the knowledge and everybody get hungry every day. that is why food is a big part of asian culture and big arts as well. as engineer, i really don't understand much of that and my wife is willing to teach me how to dress. and how to cut the hairs. and i am really proud to be part of the asian heritage and the history and the pride in building san francisco and the california, and the workforce. not only the building of this beautiful city, but the beautiful space and the country as well. and what my family owned four mcdonalds here in san francisco along with a few others in
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northern california. and but, so when you guys are hungry you know where to go. i think that our 19 locations here, right, jackie? >> so, we are here to serve everybody and we do our part here and we are very happy to be a big part of this celebration, thank you very much for the mcdonalds and so if you have any problem, don't call me, call jackie. thank you. [ applause ] >> thank you. >> so, i i hope that we will have sandwiches waiting for you at the end of this press conference and i just wanted to take the opportunity to thank the many food and beverage. and without them we will not have the great reception that we are going to have. we have been here for 8 years.
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with us. and mayor lee for six years. and those are for two years or the newest addition this year, and so i hope that you have a great lunch and before that it is the most important business is to turn this over to our co-chair, who will make the announcement for the apa heritage awards this year, mary? >> okay, did i do this right? >> okay. >> okay, so thank you, all for being here today, and i am really very excited to be able to announce the finalist for this year's performing arts award. and many of them did not know who their competition was, as we were going to say, and so this is going to be a surprise for them as carmen said earlier i was one of those people who
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stopped playing violin in the second grade and really can't sing or do anything so the power forming arts for me i am just awestruck and so privileged to be able to meet the people of this caliber and we have so many fantastic nominations this year. in the area of inspirational leadership and community impact and lifetime achievement. so, my first category for nominations and if you will stand when i say your name, please do so. inspirational leadership. we have brenda wong aoki. >> we have malu peeples. [ applause ] >> and our nominee could not be here today so representing her is her daughter. >> hopefully i hope that your mother was doing well.
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her mother is in korea right now. >> so the next category is in the area of community impact and these finalists organizations and we have this diverse amazing community that we live in with so many organizations that do so much to try and bridge the gap and support our young apa and not so young apa performing artist who can't seem to sometimes break through into the main stream. but also not break through our own cultural groups. in our own, we are such a diverse community as claudine had said, i can't think to name how many ethnicity and cultures and countries are in the apa community. so these particular organizations have done a fantastic job of trying to bridge these cultural gaps and support the artist. so those organizations are asian american theater company,
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are they here? >> is someone from asian? hi. >> that is pearl, and i end up in her junk mail a lot and so we have to fix our e-mail for that. >> we have asian improv, arts. [ applause ] >> we have the asian league foundation heritage street fair. and i don't know if ted is still here and as the mayor said a fantastic organization that has been bridging these cultural divides and bringing the apa heritage and the apa celebration to all of us. and san francisco, pristine. >> one of the things that we foubd during the no, ma'am that ising selection process is how much we as a committee learned about the organizations in our own communities that we did not know about, and this has been a
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wonderful learning experience for all of us and i hope that this is a and we will bring more attention to these fantastic artists that were out there and so our last category is for the lifetime achievement and this is for the individual whose have about, for at least 25 years had some impact in our apa community, and have used this amazing performance ability themselves to share their culture and also give back to their communities as well. and so i am really honored to be able to do it now. and we have robert tamakabailey. [ applause ] >> we have the team of john gang and francis wong. [ applause ] >> and once again, i am really thrilled to be able to announce, a double nominee malo
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ravera people. [ applause ] >> congratulations to all of you for being nominated and for being selected as finalists and looking forward to see who our judges have selected on may 6th at the jazz center, thank you. >> thank you, mary, and all of your work. >> thank you. >> so, i want to take a moment to say and the committees that are here but those who have done the committees and this is all about the people that come, and i want to thank carmen from the community and irene, (inaudible) and all of your friends and the whole city. and san francisco communities somewhere along here. thank you so much. hi. so, about next month, may 6th,
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the program is before 5:30, and 5:00, and (inaudible) the registration for ten days and over capacity. and that is great entertainment and i can't wait to see who the winners are, and they are just saying thank you again for your work and so please to arrive early at the center for the ceremony on next month and then after that, we will all be back here for our reception and again, thank you for the company, i understand that there are shuttles for those that feel that they do not want to walk and so that is great. and i want to thank you all for coming and thank you for the mayor's office without everybody and talked to and make things happen, and from just (inaudible) the mayor's office of labor and services. and so i want to thank them. so, at this point, i think that
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we are adjourned and please join us and enjoy your lunch. >> ladies and gentlemen, let's give a warm welcome to district 10 supervisor and acting mayor malia cohen. cheers cheers >> mayor's education advisor and school board member hydra mendoza, san francisco unified school district superintendent richard carenza. united educators of san francisco president dennis kelly. and the mayor's 23rd team teacher of the award winners who are joining us tonight. and now please welcome superintendent carenza. >> thank you, anel. you are such a len r community.
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and thank you to the san francisco giants and to all of you for your support of our fabulous teachers. cheers cheers >> although our mayor, mayor lee could not be here tonight to celebrate and honor our very special awardees, i'd like to thank him for being such a great partner and advocate for our teachers and students. i also want to thank all of our amazing sponsors and supporters and the 300 plus teachers in the stands for joining us tonight to honor the mayor's teacher of the year award winners. [cheers] >> it is my distinct pleasure to honor and acknowledge the dedication of our superb public school teachers in san francisco. the five teachers honored tonight were nominated by parents, students, peers and community members who understand the value of an excellent teacher. these teachers standing here have exceeded all standards. they have dedicated themselves to creating a classroom
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environment that fosters learning, diversity, and character development. they have one of the most important jobs in america. and this award is a symbol of our immense gratitude for all of their tireless work. they represent the best in san francisco. in collaboration with the san francisco education funds bank thank a teacher campaign, it is my privilege and honor to present this year's teacher of award winners to all of you, the best baseball fans in america. (applause) >> so, i'd like to ask the acting mayor, supervisor malia cohen, to help me in congratulating our teachers of the year from the presidio early education school, andrew young. [cheers] >> for marshal elementary
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school, andreas tobar. (applause) >> from el dorado elementary school, jennifer mullis. (applause) >> from roosevelt middle school, mr. joe austin. (applause) >> and from woodside learning center, constance walker. (applause) >> congratulations to our teachers of the year. and at this time i'd like to turn the mic over to the president of the united educators of san francisco, president dennis kelly. (applause) >> thank you. these five teachers standing on the field with us today are incredible. they are dedicated. they are hard working. they are innovative. they are exactly what we need
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in every classroom. i am privileged and proud to be here and to honor them tonight. to the teachers who are with us in the crowd, all 300 of you, to all of our hard working san francisco unified school district teachers and paraprofessionals, we thank you for your dedication to san francisco and to our young people. on behalf of the united educators of san francisco, all of the teachers, all of the paraprofessionals in san francisco, thank you to the giants, and to all of you for your support of the students and our schools. go giants! (applause) >> thank you all so much. ladies and gentlemen, a round of applause as we celebrate our teachers tonight. thank you. congratulations again. ♪ ♪
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as well as mayor lee from san francisco and mayor mathews from santa clara. as bob said, we'll make a couple of quick remarks, each one of us, and then we'll open the floor up for questions and then be available afterwards. first of all, welcome you all here to levi's plaza, the headquarters of levi straus and company. as you probably saw walking through the lobby this morning, we've got a lot going on here today. today is our annual community day. it's a day every year when our employees step away from their day job and volunteer in their local communities. today we have nearly 170 projects in 46 different countries around the world, and more than 3,000 employees giving back tens of thousands of hours in community service. and we felt it was a very appropriate day, given the importance of community, that we make a big community announcement today. jed was with me this morning as
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we participated -- we actually built a few skateboards for a program called board rescue, and it was great for us to be able to partner together on that. but that's really not the reason why we called you all here today. the news you really want to hear about is the partnership of two great bay area iconic brands, the san francisco 49ers and levi's. levi straus is thrilled to announce that we have come to agreement on a 20-year $220 million naming rights partnership for the new stadium in santa clara which will be called levi stadium. the santa clara stadium authority will vote tomorrow night on the final package, but we're confident that this partnership is a perfect fit for santa clara, the 49ers, and levi straus and company. this partnership makes sense for a lot of reasons. santa clara and levi straus and company are both 160 years old this year.
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our founder, levi straus created the original blue jean 140 years ago for the needs of the original 49ers of the gold rush era. the pat entitled copper rivet solved the problems of workers pants ripping and from this a famous global brand was born. so, it's historic for the leading denim brand in the world to partner with the legendary football championship team, the san francisco 49ers of today. jed and i have a shared vision of two iconic brands coming together with similar values, the a very rich heritage, and the pioneering spirit. and we're both looking forward to watching sour dough sam rush out onto the football field wearing a pair of levi's jeans. from levi's perspective, this partnership creates a huge opportunity to engage with loyal fans we've had for years and to connect with new fans of all ages around the world. to engage with fans who attend
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games, concerts, and events at levi stadium, with millions of football fans in their living rooms, and digitally with fans online, and dare i say, the super bowl. we're also very proud to be partnering with true champions. the 49ers have an incredible legacy of excellence, super bowl championships, winning players, and also sharing our values of giving back to the community. one of the things i've learned is the importance of great partnerships and getting to know jed and the leaders of the 49ers organization gives me great confidence in this partnership in the decades ahead. with that, i will turn it over to jed. >> thank you, chip. this is a huge day for the 49ers. it's a huge day for the bay area. it's a huge day for levi's. and i think chip said it very well, you know, levi's jeans were designed for the 49ers
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during the gold rush. you know, it was a really good fit for them then and it's an even better fit today, bringing levi's and the 49ers together. and i have the privilege this morning to be here for the kickoff of community day and, you know, the theme was sustainability. and you get to see, you know, chip announce to his staff -- and i'm guessing there were a thousand people -- a thousand people there today. >> which none of them tweeted or put anything out there, which i want to give the levi staff a big round of applause for that. but when you announced that it's going to be levi stadium, out there in levi's plaza, just the cheer was great. and then it sort of settled down and then they sort of realized what chip just said. and then the roar came and it was so cool to just see everything that they were doing in the community and knowing that the 49ers try to win with class in the community. you know, we try to give back
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on either mondays or tuesdays, our players are out in the community. we try to have a sustainable outlook on sports. and when you look at the sustainability message this morning and compare that to what we're trying to do in santa clara with the first lead certified nfl stadium, the first stadium that will be net neutral to the grid, that's sustainability that's functional, that's real. and i watched as we were making, you know, diaper bags and things like that out of old levi's today. that's sustainability that's real. so, we were part of something today that just -- it it was a great fit. our colors are not exactly the same, but they're pretty close. they're close enough to make sure that the red from the 9ers and the red from levi's can go hand in hand. and i've already read a lot of great things on twitter. i think the best thing that i've seen is welcome to the field of jeans. [laughter] >> i like that. i really like that one. >> or the coach in the locker room, win one for the ziper. [laughter]
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~ >> i think it's going to be so much fun to work together and, you know, hopefully have a few super bowls. obviously we're going to be, you know, bidding for super bowl 50 late they are month in boston. we hope it will help us in that effort. this is an entire community coming together. where we were in 2006-2007 is not an enviable position. and today we sit here with mayor mathews from santa clara, mayor lee from san francisco, and we're working together with a san francisco-based company to name a stadium for the san francisco 49ers that will that we'll be playing in and open hopefully hosting super bowls that will bring hundreds of millions of economic impact to the entire region. that's what a sports team is supposed to do. a sports team is supposed to bring a community together. hopefully the community that we bring together is wearing a lot
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of levis. i'm going to turn it over to mayor lee. thank you. >> thank you, jed. and chip. it's my pleasure to join jed and chip and mayor mathews on this very special occasion, announcing the naming of the santa clara stadium to be levi stadium. and i can't think of just a more iconic brand names that come together that have been our histories as a city for many, many years, with the history of levi's in this city, a headquarter company, with of course our san francisco 49ers being pre-imminent, elite team in nfl. i can't just think of any better name. i was having fun thinking what would have gone on in that room. for politicians like mayor mathews and i, short of naming a stadium after our name -- [laughter] >> you know, look at what they've brought together in this partnership. and i realizeyou realize that
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when people will watch this new team play in the stadium, ~ they'll see the best. when the people watch it on television and they go to the stadium, they'll see the best in sports, in entertainment, they'll see the best in business, and they'll see our hearts reflected in the philanthropy spirit that both of these very serious businesses do for our greater bay area. but i will say that when you look at the name levi's stadium, you'll have embedded in that, they started out with the first two letters close to my name, but i think that daniel lori must have stuck his head into the negotiation and said, hey, we have a bid going on for 50 51 super bowl. you see vi. that's how iconic this name brand is going to be because already embedded in that name you see the super bowl opportunities we're going to
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have. and we're very excited about our super bowl bid because that's just going to be another opportunity to display this wonderful partnership that's reflected here. and when we do have that opportunity, you're going to see every restaurant, every hotel between san francisco, santa clara and san jose totally filled with enthusiastic fans. you'll see the them excited, they hear we put on a serious, focused bid. and you'll see the nfl owners reward us with this very collaborative spirit that we have in the whole bay area. this is what sports and business and entertainment and philanthropy mean to all of us. i think it's embedded in this partnership. and i do feel quite happy with this arrangement, but also happy that for many, many years to come all of the best that we have orphan bears reflected in the naming of the stadium. so, thank you for doing this. ~
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>> thank you, mayor lee, and thank you, chip, thank you, jed. it's an amazing partnership. we're very excited about the fact that not only do we have these two iconic and long-standing companies and, of course, the san francisco 49ers are actually a storied icon. they've been wonderful in our community. it couldn't have really happened without the leadership of yesterday and i'd like to say that right up front. it may have taken a community to build a stadium but it's really built on the reputation of the 49ers. and being able to partner with levi straus is an amazing thing because it reflects our values. and people often ask me, what is it about silicon valley that's special? and i'll say it's the people and it's the entrepreneurial spirit. levi's was the spark of the entrepreneurial spirit. very early on had to be innovative and provide the needs to support a community of people, whether the 49ers or the people today. i'd like to personally thank them for casual fridays. [laughter] >> we're working on jed over there. [laughter] >>
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>> with casual fridays we got it. it will help us to find the area. i'd like to echo mayor lee's talking about the community that's coming together, really we are the san francisco bay region. we always have been, we always will be. the mission of santa clara was built in one year, the city built the next year to protect t. we have a long and deep history between san francisco, santa clara, the levi's brand and of course the san francisco 49ers. we're absolutely thrilled to have this announced today. it's a very large amount that's going to help us pay down the cost of the stadium. remember, not one public cent is going into it so that's only possible because of arrangements like this and the great corporate sponsorship stepping forward and we're very excited about the future of the santa clara stadium, now levi's. >> we're going to go ahead and open it up for questions. mr. york. >> some stadiums are having trouble getting money foreign vations. does today's announcement have
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