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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2013 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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we're now back in open session. >> the board authorizes the executive director and that the board authorizes the dismissal and the memorandum regarding the value of these condo
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minium s. >> thank you so are there any other items for this meeting? >> that concludes the agenda for today. the meeting is your honored. >> thank you. >> thank you. proposed for
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continuance for september 25th. that's all the items i have to continue and i don't have any speaker cards. >> thank you. any public comments? seeing none, public comment -- continuance calendar. we have not reached item 3 on the calendar. public comment is closed. >> commissioner antonini? >> move to continue item 1 to august 15, 2013, and items 18 a and b to september 26, 2013. >> second. >> on that motion to continue
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items as proposed commissioner antonini. commissioner moore, commissioner sugaya? >> don't we have to continue a and b? >> they weren't called. >> i'm sorry. they were called. since it was indefinite continuance. i would move in that to include items 2 a and b for indefinite continuance. on that motion to continue items 1, 2 a and b. commissioner sugaya, wu, moore, that passes unanimously 5-0. places you on your consent
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calendar. all matters are considered to be routine by the commission and will be called by a single call. there will be no discussion of these items. unless it's requested. which should be removed from the calendar and be considered a separate item at this or future hearing. i have speaker cards for item three to be pulled off for consent. should we hear the request for continuance or just continue the item? >> i think we can pull it off consent and we can hear the item at the beginning of the regular calendar. >> great. any public comments for items 4, 5,; 5 a and b and 6, 7. >> i move to prove items 4, 5,
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a and b, 6 and 7. >> second. >> commissioner antonini, borden, moore, wu. that motion passes unanimously 5-0. on the items 5 b which is a variance b closing the public hearing would be to grant the variance. commissioners that will put you under item matters. item 8 for draft of minutes for 2013. >> any public comment on draft minutes? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> commissioner border? >> i have a couple of changes to the draft and move to approve the amended minutes.
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>> second. >> on the motion to adopt the draft. commissioner antonini, borden, wu, sugaya: that motion passes unanimously 5-0 and places you under item 9. commission comments and questions. >> commissioner moore? >> on july 1st, i received an e-mail which you all received from the housing community partnership that they are opening a home for use and transition at age youth. that was i think extremely important on 5th and, butts it's with the commission. i was pleased
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to hear more about that particular project. >> commissioner antonini? >> a few items, first of all i think we are all very concerned with the situation regarding city college and i think it's, i would like to hear some, a report from staff if possible in the future regarding the issues because we constantly talk about the need to provide training for people with less in college education and public safety fields and many other fields that city has the largest community college in state of california does so an i think it's really important to know a little bit more so we can have an informed opinion when asked about the situation there and i refer to the other commissioners on their opinions as it regards to that. another item i did read in today's chronicle some proposed legislation and we might hear when we have on the board of
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supervisors. i believe it was supervisor kim to not only require a conditional use approval of any formula retail from 5th street to van ness to market but also have some sort of required economic impact report by the sponsor and as it might have an effect on business. without commenting on the advise ability of this legislation and not having seen it i would impose this article talk about the street cleaning is a problem in this part of market. and a woman attacked during the pride celebrations. to respect to the supervisor
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and legislation, i think small businesses are more impacted by the feeling of uneasiness and crime that occur in that sector an i think we should be concentrating on that and i think, i'm not saying that there may not have to be a look at the retail area, but there have been some problems there and most of the reasons the businesses struggle is the factor and the fact that there might be a walgreen's there. another issue, a man by the name of canaan, i think his comments while well written, i think he's miss informed the point he makes is the authority of local governments would be
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usurped by a bag and m t, tht not the case. this is recommendations by those agencies to provide incentives to build housing near transit centers rather than farm land distant locations that makes accessible. the other thing is he said there are no family homes available. the plan is against building them in areas that are far distant from areas where transit is frand from east sacramento where you drive for 45 minutes through empty fields before you come to
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housing. i don't think that gentleman understand the point of that. he does make a point that all affordable housing is necessary. that's a factor we have to look at. it's how we address the making housing more affordable an whether incentives to builders to bring prices of market rate housing down to explore. finally i was a little bit upset when i went on gouf street say a golfer hitting a golf ball, he said the good news it will burn off by october. telling people they should go to tahoe instead. i think first of all, our chambers should put a billboard up in tahoe showing traffic jammed up during snowfall and
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people taking 12 hours to get there and back. if they are going to go to that kind of advertising negative advertising, i don't really appreciate it. as the warm weather we had a week ago there wasn't fog in san francisco. >> commissioner sugaya? >> yes, it's more for the public than the commission because the commission will be getting their materials later today. but the long standing process of the japan town area has i think finally not concluded but the document, a document has been produced and has been released by the planning department at this point and is available to the public. it's the japan town cultural heritage and economic sustain ability strategy.
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better known as h s and will be before the commission for the hearing and the adoption hearing will be held later in the fall. >> i do have one request and sad to report that jessie collins passed away this morning. jessie was an amazing community advocate and really a strong woman who had been to planning commission many times and so i ask that we adjourn in her honor. >> i saw her 2 weeks ago. >> commissioners, if there is nothing further we can move on to department matters, item 10. directors announcements. >> thank you. good afternoon, commissioners. >> i wanted to first to
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announce that as commissioner sugaya said that japan town is released for comment. they are in your packet to the and the first informational hearing is on your calendar. secondly, there are a series of workshops coming up next week on the better market street plan. the dates are wednesday the 17th from 6-830 at the park hotel. there is a webinar from 12-1. i realize it's the first hour of the planning commission meeting. so you can't participate in that webinar. sunday july 20th, from 10-1230 there is a workshop there. again those are all on the better market street plan. i wanted to also let you know that per the recent discussion about legislation and
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notification, the department has gone live with a new posting system categorical and all system exceptions. it's a friendly user system. a map from all the exemptions from each week showing small icons on the map. by clicking on the icon you can be directed to the actual categorical exemption. those will be posted on weekly basis so people can look at the exemptions that have been created in their neighborhoods and they can look at those xemsz -- exemptions and the actual details. finally i wanted to take a few minutes to introduce some of the summer interns, many of whom are in the audience today. the department has developed quite a robust internship.
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there is 22 interns in the department and several of those are in the audience today. i might ask you to all stand up shortly to be recognized by the commission and the audience. i will just run through a quick list of names and tell you the kind of problgs they are working on. aiden tan, alexandria curby, casey hager man, david mitchell, forest chamber lan, has haun a clark and julie lieu. we have had over 300 applicants for the program. they come from all over the world with a broad range of experience. the broad range of projects they are working on in assisting the
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historic district and identifying potential districts and the build safe building grant and performing research and analysis for the design guidelines project and the alternative traffic impact studies project. working on eco districts in the central corridor and legislation with an marie and sophie and community outreach for the market street plan and continuing with the effort on the urban food systems project. it's a 12-week program. each intern works with a planner and supervisor that mentors them and we will have a presentation of their work in august on the final week of their program on the series of brown bag. you are welcome to join us. i would like to thank tina for
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organizing this effort. >> wonderful. thanks for your time and interest in the planning department. >> that concludes my report, thank you. >> commissioners, we can move on to item 11. the board of supervisors. >> good afternoon, i'm here to give you your report of activities for the board of supervisors this week. there is three items that were heard at the land use committee. first intern and zoning control for the upper market c t, this week supervisor wiener had a public hearing on interim controls that would require business or professional service to seek an contain conditional use
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operation for the upper market. these are interim controls, they did not come before this body for review and they will be in effect for 15 months. since they were not before the body i want to give you some information. supervisor wiener opened for comment indicated that there has been new ground floor commercial space coming online in the next few years with recent expansion. it has a potential to be a thriving pedestrian retail corridor or commercial spaces. the limited professional service uses tend to be seen by developers but a high concentration can impact the corridors viability. they do not trigger negotiation --
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notification requirement. also includes ncd and sacramento street ncd. approval of the interim control will allow the planning commission and nakd to consider these uses on a case by case according to the neighborhood character. these will automatically sunset after 18 months and could be amended into the planning code at that point. planning department staff commented at the hearing and noted the quick nature of interim controls do not allow for a planning commission hearing. that said, this proposal has been received by the department staff and the department staff shared the supervisors concern about this area. section 145.4 currently
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requires active uses for market street facades for certain side streets, but not other areas that are visible from market street. the staff is working with the department to work with controls for the upper market area. the committee unanimously recommended approval to the full board and will be introduced on tuesday of this week. there's an item concerning urban agriculture. discussed a resolution to the recommendations regarding the park for the location for the new agricultural program to coordinate the city's agricultural activity and urban goals related to agriculture. the committee recommended approval to the full board. and supeor