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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2013 3:30am-4:01am PDT

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attention. the first one is the library fees and fines. in the past we had a little bit of a disparity where we had a higher fee rate for dvds. it was a dollar compared to all the other materials that were 10 cents and 5 cents for seniors. we want to be consistent. we want to reduce that so all the materials are 10 cents a day or 5 cents for seniors. the other increases or the other fees are some historical photograph scanning and reproduction fees will go up slightly depending on the type and quality, and certainly a new fee for commercial photography of our sf history materials. there is some proposed legislation forted ordinance dealing with gift fund. we want to establish a gift fund. the library has not had one. any time we receive gifts, we want to make sure there is a mechanism for that.
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~ for the the other part of this amendment to the ordinance is asking an exception on the grant accept and expend. and we've had conversations certainly with harvey rose's office and we'll hear more about that, but we concur with what they're recommending on that. >> so, just to be clear, i think one of the ones was around not having to do accept and expend over $100,000. so, at this point you're in agreement that -- to insert that back in there? >> that is correct, that is correct. we still want to establish the gift fund, but in terms of meeting the requirements for $100,000 threshold and reporting back to the -- >> i'm glad to hear that. >> okay. so, now i want to close by talking a little about what the library does in terms of socioeconomic equity. there are quite a few areas here and if i can call to your attention, first of all, the area of literacy and learning. we take great pride in having had about 10,000 volunteer hours in tutoring adult
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learners to read. a project read program is one of the highlights, one of the hallmarks of our services. we also have great emphasis in early literacy, working with head start, with day care centers, child care providers, parents, to impress upon them how important it is to get youngsters into the five basic literacy skills. we have a multi-lingual website. i think one of the -- we're one of the departments that does very well in terms of the language access ordinance. we take that very seriously and, in fact, have a very robust website in multiple languages. just as an example, you see it on the screen. we had over 205,000 views of the library in chinese and spanish just as an example. we have about 340,000 books in a variety of languages from arabic to vietnamese. and, again, our staff not only the multi-lingual skills, but they make it a point of going
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out and identifying where we can get the best resources for our diverse community. last year we had 16,000 youngsters participate in a summer reading program. we're hoping to top that. we've also extended it beyond the school-age kids by teenagers and families as well. so, it runs the full gamut. and then we have a citizenship resource website that's available in eight languages. that's become a model nationally in terms of replicating the access and information that we provide. and especially as we look at information immigration reform, this is a very important tool our users definitely need. access to technology, laptop lending, 18,500 hours on that front. then the job and careers and workforce development, again, the library becomes a key partner everywhere from having a separate website and online
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training for jobs and careers. we've doubled the number of youth workers in our libraries. every single agency has at least one if not more youngsters. we also have a curriculum where we're providing technology skills for them in addition to having them, again, learn some of the skills involving library service. we have a tremendous job resources web page and we also virginia right of classes on job training and career opportunities. last year we had over 2,500 folks attend some of these classes. so, again, that's just to give us an opportunity to highlight what we're doing. i think the money is well spent and we very much appreciate the support you provided to the library. >> supervisor avalos? >> thank you for your presentation, and i'm a big fan of libraries. it's really great that san francisco, we have our library preservation fund and we've done great things with it. i just want to thank you for your service. i actually had some really great experiences in my
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district and we actually honored one of your librarians here, alise braid enwho did outreach into the oceanview neighborhood. ~ looking for how we can increase usage in the neighborhood at the library. it was actually a presentation at the rec center omi about it. we had all the librarians there. i thought it was exemplary the kind of work you're doing to make sure that you can make the library experience relevant and take the lessons that were learned in oceanview and share that with other librarians from around the city. i just want to thank you for that, for that work. my family is users. the school is big users of the library. happen to be very close, the excelsior branch library. i think what you have in terms of the library service has been really great and looking at how we can have a service that's really tailored to neighborhoods and really to push the kind of academic nutrients our young people need in the city. i just want to say thank you for that.
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>> thank you very much. if i can add, we replicated four other neighborhood branches including the western addition. there were five different neighborhoods where we had the staff literally engage with community to look at a community analysis and where there were any gaps in service. and i'm very proud to announce that that's become a top winner award at the national level for the urban council. we got of notification of about that so we're very plixed about that as a model that can be replicated in other cities. >> that's great. you have internships for young people as well at the library? >> we always welcome to the internships. certainly we have some internships with the local library science at san jose state. any time there are opportunities we would welcome that. >> okay, thank you. >> i beg your pardon. i want to say we concur with the analyst's recommendations on the reductions they're proposing. >> great, thank you. supervisor mar?
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>> thank you, mr. herrera, i really appreciate the focus on equity and consistency within the new number of hours that are being allocated. and i know the library commission made those allocations for those reasons, to have a baseline, but also for equity purposes especially in bran etches that really need it. ~ branches i did want to ask since some of the library user groups [speaker not understood] and others raised a concern about the need for more locations open later. and i know that your driving concerns by the commission was equity and consistency. but if you could just address the later night hours and how you came abt to this cured baseline. >> sure, i appreciate the question. we are looking at striking a balance between what the data informed us, which was we wanted more early hours in addition to some evening hours. so, we're actually pleased to report that 17 of the neighborhood branches will have
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extended hours beyond 8 o'clock so those 17 will be open until 9 o'clock. so, we do have evening hours in many of our neighborhood branches. the other thing i forgot to mention which is really important is that the main library, we have 60 hours of service and we also are having all the other units come up to that same level so the library for the blind, the deaf services center as well as a history center. they'll all have the same number of units. but in particular the neighborhood branches, we are pleased at the additional 36 hours provides that equity across the city and just within the last two weeks three of our neighborhood branches opened an additional day. if you add those it's actually 56 hours. that was because you supported the additional dollars in this current year's budget. >> and i know that within my district the milton mark main district branch is open 6 days a week but the [speaker not understood] branch is not. i know the commission looked at other neighborhoods and that's why additional hours are being added.
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i hope some time in the future the [speaker not understood] branch can be increased. i wanted to ask about the main branch. my understanding is 56 additional hours per week or something like that is being added and how late is the main branch open and is there any way of extending the hours to later given that some people might be using it for resume writing or using the database services, for example, later than 8 o'clock, for example? >> yeah, right now it is open till 8 o'clock. it is 60 hours, which is more than any of the other neighborhood branches. in a perfect world we would definitely be looking at extra hours. it requires membership. we have to weigh that with all the other neighborhood needs. it's not a proposition that we would be unwilling to explore. we'll look at that in future years. right now we have some obligations in terms of the current year funding and also some other -- found? other fiscal needs.
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>> and then on the balance between physical books versus digitized information and resources, i'm really happy about your report on socioeconomic equity and the language abilities of the library and even things like the citizenship resource. but i was just going to ask, could you talk a little about how we're balancing the needs to expand digital access, even the broadband technology versus our commitment to maintain the physical books to keep advancing with our physical collection as well? >> we do both. i think we actually have a -- strike a very good balance. right now our circulation is almost 50/50 in terms of print material and media. and by media, we're talking about dvds to audio books to e-books. the trend is definitely on the e-media so we're putting more dollars in there. again, i said that our collection overall is about 11% which is probably one of the
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strongest allocations in terms of dollars. but we have a very strong print collection that, again, side by side with the e-books and the e-learning, we have a lot of requests for training on how to use laptops, how to use tablets, and so, again, we need to position ourselves to be able to do that as well. >> and i just wanted to add that i'm very pleased about our goal for the future of the capital project for a teen center. i know that at the richmond branch it's wonderful the physical place. i know at the main branch when my daughter has taken up there to the teen area, it needs to be expanded because i think that's a middle school, especially is the time where kids stop reading and i think that age group from middle school to high school is critical. so, a teen center at a key place where they're not bothered by their parents and they have their own space is really critical for addressing the achievement and opportunity gap and really making sure that kids and even adults are
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lifelong readers and learners, too, but thank you for that. >> supervisor mar, i can't tell you how excited we are about that. we're staying out of the way in terms of the design. they're owning it and they are telling us exactly what they wadthv. so, we know it's going to happen because they are the ones that are really envisioning that. so, we're delighted it about that. >> my 13 year old had to add her 2 cents it would be age appropriate monga and anna may type stuff relevant to people but also have an educational value as well. that's what i'm saying. >> we welcome that feedback. >> okay, supervisor breed. >> thank you. i just wanted to ask a couple questions. i won't go back on the hour situation that supervisor mar mentioned, but i'm really proud of where we are with libraries, especially as someone who grew up in the city and went to a number of those libraries including the one at north beach, the one in western addition, and going now into the one at the western addition, it really fills me
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with pride because of the number of people that use the library. every time i walk in there it's really crowded, the main library. i'm so happy about the library in the bay view and oceanview. it's really amazing that we've come so far and have made these places really beautiful places, but more importantly from my experience, when i've entered in any of these libraries, they've been pretty packed and i actually use them quite frequently, including the one with the amazing view in the hill -- yeah, that one is really cool. but one of the challenges i know that i face, and then i see is the hours. part of the challenge is when you have a lot of [speaker not understood] there and at the end of the night when it's time to go, you have to get a lot of people out of there. i understand there are some budgetary challenges, but we're talking about, you know, in
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this particular fiscal year, an increase of your budget and about $8 million. so, i would just ask that we try and look at what the needs are of the communities that maybe utilize some of the library spaces a lot longer, especially in the evening time, and maybe figure out ways we could extend those hours especially during peak time during the school year and other ways because i do think it's important, especially myself being at the library close to the closing time and still being there with a large number of people who are, you know, using the library for various purposes. so, i'm really, really, like i said, appreciative of just all of the work the city has done overall with our libraries and i, too, am looking forward to the teen center. i wanted to ask in terms of the advisory board for the teen center, is that all teens or is
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that adults or -- >> all teens. >> okay, that's wonderful. and the second question, you mentioned writer's core as one of your programs. writer's core is primarily funded by the arts commission. i was wondering what role does the public library play? >> it's almost a 50/50 proposition. we provide significant funding for that through the librarian. we've done that for quite a few years. ~ library we work well in term of the programming, the marketing, working with the youngsters on that. so, it's one of those partnerships. >> that's great, that's great. writer's core is an amazing, amazing program and they actually publish a book and the proceeds from that book to go help support the program. so, that's pretty wonderful and it gets kids engaged in writing year round. they produce some amazing things. wanted to ask you for clarity
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around your budget for books versus e-books versus physical books. what have the changes been in those particular categories, increase, decrease? >> the e-books increase about 27%, but overall it still remits a considerably smaller percentage of our overall materials budget, 10.5 million. so, the bulk of that is still for print materials, the books. but there is an increase that we're proposing for in our budget for e-books, databases, which is high demand. i mentioned that there's almost a 65% increase in the demand for e-books. e-books now represent in terms of circulating like a given branch on a given month the same amount of material that go out if you would look at the e-books, that's what it would represent.
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so, we have to put some dollars on that. but it still represents a fraction. it's about 5% overall in terms of our circulation, but we are putting more money into it. >> and the other question i have is that for the actual physical books, was there a change or increase or decrease in the budget for -- >> there is an increase. >> okay, for this current fiscal year? >> that is correct. the increase if i'm not mistaken is about $500,000 overall for the materials budget from this current year. >> okay. the other question i have was are you able to -- because i don't think there is anyone standing at the door counting the number of people that are going into the libraries, but how do you keep track of that information? sometimes i don't always check out a book or interact with the folks at the desk or sign in. you just walk in, you're able to use the facility, sometimes you take things in, sometimes you take things out. are you able to capture all of those numbers of all of the people who are actually in the
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libraries, actually utilizing the space? >> in some cases yes, because literally we have counters as you go in and out of the facility. in other cases where we don't have that, we have certain times where we do a random sample. so, we keep those figures and they're pretty accurate in terms of the numbers that we have. we actually use that, those counts to determine our overall visitor count on an annual basis, but we did more than that in terms of determining the hours. we went back. as i said, we have surveys. we had the one on one interviews, et cetera. so, it wasn't just the number of users, but also broke it down by hours, peak hours. so, we have all that data gathered through the controller's office and through a consultant that actually helps us. ~ develop that. >> thank you. i'll just say that i really appreciate a lot of the initiatives the library has taken on including the literacy
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program for adults. and just -- there have been a lot of innovative programs over the years that didn't exist when i was a kid. and, so, i do think that with the changes, the capital improvements, the increase in programming, the increase in changes in technology that were definitely headed in the right direction. so, i'm really excited about the current status of our libraries in san francisco, but also the future. so, thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you, colleagues. any other questions or comments at this time? okay, why don't we go to our budget analyst report from mr. rose. >> mr. chairman and members of the committee, i would point out on page 28 of our report we have commented on file 1305 39, that's item 5 on your calendar. this ordinance would revise various fees as shown on page 28 of our report. we recommend that you approve that ordinance. and on the other related
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legislation, file 1305 44 on page 29, that's item 6, we also comment on that ordinance which establishes, as the librarian has mentioned, a public library gift fund. we do recommend that you amend the ordinance to require board of supervisors approval by resolution of donations in the cash or market value of $100,000 or more, and the lepa provision excluded grants to the librarian from nonprofit organizations from the requirement that the board of supervisors approve by resolution the acceptance and expenditure of such grants of $100,000 or more. and we recommend that you approve the ordinance as amended. and then on the budget recommendations on page 30 of our report, our recommended reductions total 485,420 in 13-14. of that amount, all of those are ongoing savings. it would allow an increase of slightly over $8 million or
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8.7% in the department's 13-14 budget. these are not general fund reductions. in addition, we recommend closing out prior year unexpended encumbrances which allow a return of 17,2 12 from the library preservation fund library special revenue fund and the etf request fund. together these recommendations would result in 557,83 2 savings in 13-14. our recommended reductions ~ total 5,7 34 in fiscal year 14-15. of that amount 497 34 are ongoing savings and 10,000 in one-time savings. that would still allow an increase of approximately 3.2 million or 3.2% and the department's 14-15 budget. and, again, they are not general fund reductions. as i understand it, the department concurses with our recommendations. >> thank you, mr. rose. colleagues, any questions for mr. rose on his report?
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supervisor breed. ~ >> the question i asked before, is it possible to use our general fund allocation and allow the budget -- allow the department to redistribute those reduction in funds to meet that particular need? >> is that a question for mr. rose? >> supervisor, if i understand your question, it's savings -- should the board make savings and reductions in this department's budget those flow back to the general fund, you can program them for other uses? if that is the question, in this case no. the voters have adopted two different charter formulas that allocate specific amounts of money to the libraries. those funds can only be used for library purposes as specified in the charter. so, reductions that mr. rose recommends here if made by the board will be retained within
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the library fund for those purposes only. >> so, based on the specific allocation that provided to the library through the general fund allocation asking about general fund allocation? >> is there a general fund allocation to the library? >> there are two allocations to the library. there's the library -- the library preservation fund itself which is a piece of the -- a portion of our property tax collection. and secondly there is a general fund baseline which flows into that fund as well. or flows to the library as well. on the revenue side those are both numbers that are calculated, that our office calculates for each year. and then the library programs those funds and expends them in the budget. if you make reductions in the department's expenditures, that money is retained within the library purpose and can be
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spent in future years or can be reprogrammed by the board of supervisors for library purposes within the year. but no, it doesn't flow back or reduce the amount of general fund money we are required to provide. >> okay. >> so, mr. chairman, members of the committee, supervisor breed, just to further clarify, i totally agree with mr. rosenfield that if you accept these recommendations, those monies cannot be expended by the library until the board of supervisors appropriates those funds. as mr. rosenfield stated, if the board of supervisors has any additional priorities for the library, those funds could be reallocated for library purposes during this budget process. >> any further questions, colleagues? comments? mr. herrera? >> do you need me to return next week, i guess is the question. >> not at this point, but we will be in contact with you if we do so. >> thank you.
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so, colleagues, we have -- just to remind colleagues and members of the public, we'll be voting on items number a and 6 ~ 5 and 6 after we hear public comment on those items. this friday starting 10:00 a.m. here at our board chambers, so, we have a number of items before us. first we have our budget analyst recommendations on the budget for the library. do i have a motion to approve -- >> [speaker not understood]. >> can we do that without option? gulf of mexico >> so move. and we have [speaker not understood] i'm happy to hear they do from mr. rose to make sure their company and expend [speaker not understood]. can i have a motion? >> so moved. >> can we do that without option? gulf of mexico >> so moved. thank you, mr. herrera. so moved.
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~ gavel >> [speaker not understood] deputy city attorney. the motion that you adopted are just preliminary to indicate both to the controller and the mayor's office who are tracking these matters. and to the public what the committee's tentative plan is going forward, and it's all subject to the public comment that will be heard on friday and only after public comment the committee will finalize those [speaker not understood]. >> thank you for that clarification. absolutely. with that, let's call -- we have the law library up next. [speaker not understood]. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i'm going to see if this works. i've never done this before. >> mr. clerk, could we get some
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help with the machine? >> may we have the overhead display? thank you. >> there it goes, thank you. great. i just want to say that even though i think about myself, i shouldn't, this is my 23rd year of annual budget hearings. the law library budget is basically the same as it has been for a long time. there are no changes in positions. there's never any overtime. the only difference is what you're already familiar with which is the fact there will be a rent cost. but other than that, there are no adjustments of any note. i'm not going to go through all of the documents i gave you. i tried to make them easy to read, but i just am responding to the questions that you had. i just wanted to address them
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quickly and i will try to be short. so you have time for other people. but on the first page you can see that we discussed what our mission is of the law library. and the diverse groups that we assist. and we have been doing this since 1870. we are the first public county law library in the state of california. i'd like to address our key services. the first and probably most important is that we have sophisticated references that we provide. as it happens all of our librarians are attorneys. they are assisting everybody, people unrepresented in court, to people who are curious about learning about the legal system to very large sophisticated law firms that need assistance that our librarians can provide. we have a very tiny staff, but a very hard working dedicated staff. and as you can see on this
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sheet there is quite a number of things that we do for all of our constituents. the second very key service provided by the law library is our extensive -- lang on here. our extensive electronic collection. we provide access completely free to lexus and west law. we provide no charges to any kind of access to any of our electronic materials. and this particular sheet gives you an idea of some of those kinds of electronic resources that we have and what they're for. we provide them as comprehensive and extensive amount of legal internet database research to the public to our constituents than any of the other county law libraries
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in the state of california. in particular, people such as [speaker not understood] law firm practitioners, small business owners, they are not in a position that they can afford some of these very expensive databases and they are able to manage because they utilize our databases for free in the law library. another key service that we provide is particularly service for nonlawyers. i started working with the law library as a clerk when i was in law school. and at that time the demographics were such it was a very tiny percent of people that would walk in that were not in the legal profession. that has radically changed over the years. that's changed as people are unable to afford their own attorneys. that's changed as there is more media attention to the law. that's changed as the court has been cutback on their resources as well.