tv [untitled] July 13, 2013 4:30am-5:01am PDT
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under the fire department and is now under the puc. so, just to assure you we're working very closely with our partner the puc to make sure the awss funding is getting managed very well, which it is. also like to highlight that it's not in the slide, but there will be several new sis teshvxes to augment our current water supply system in the event of a large-scale emergency, particularly residents that are not as well served with scaling points of water will have new sis terns built. we'll see a lot of that construction beginning next month. that concludes my formal presentation. with regard to the budget analyst report, i'd like to report that we will continue to work with the budget analyst. there is some work to be done, and we're doing some further analysis. i also and i should have at the beginning of the presentation acknowledged the great work of everyone working as a team and i'd like to personally
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acknowledge mark [speaker not understood], stand up, who has done a great job in assisting me with the presentation of the budget and has -- is a really important member of our team. i'd also like to acknowledge carol lu who is our person that we work with in the budget office as well as kate howard and her staff, they do a great job, controller's office, of course. and we've been working with [speaker not understood] and the budget analyst. so, we have some work to do and i just wanted to comment on that. >> thanks. for those watching on tv, mr. course is actually kneeling down right now. he's one of the taller members of the fire department if he stands up. >> the tallest. >> supervisor mar. >> thank you. >> thank you, chief hayes white. i really appreciate the presentation and keeping it to 10 slides as well. i know that for each of the departments we're asking questions about how you have strategies to address the disparities and to make your department as accessible,
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especially to vulnerable populations. and i'm wondering if you got those four questions. and if you can address some of them. what are is your department doing to make sure it is culturally appropriate to the broadest number of san franciscanses, especially those who need your services most. ~ that's one question. mickey callahan from dhr reported how the applicant pools for new hires for police and fire, it's been an uphill battle to make sure that women and under represented groups like people of color have access and that the applicant pools are as diverse as the populations are so that there is an ongoing effort to make sure that our fire departments and police departments are representative neighborhoods we serve and i wonder if you can address some of those issues as well. ~ representative of the >> your last question first regarding recruitment. years ago when i was part of the recruitment committee that
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actively was a unit to assist with maintaining the diversity in our department. as everyone knows, particularly in public safety or any position where you're dealing with the public; a department that truly reflects the workforce or the community we're serving is value added. proud to say we have a very difficult verse department. we no longer have that recruitment unit it was a funding issue. but i think in a lot of ways the men and women that work for the fire department in uniform are our best advertisements. so, growing up in the '60s and '70s, i what increased by the fire engines and trucks that passed by but there were no role models for me. it wasn't something i considered as a career. it's much different knoy. i love young people can see people they relate to and say this is a career i'd likev to do some day. so, having said that, we were very proud, and i don't have the numbers off the top of my head. we have a bilingual workforce. many of our members speak
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different languages, mostly spanish and cantonese. [speaker not understood] really important when we're responding to medical emergencies. being able to calm the person down in their native language is helpful. we're continuing to have a diverse department. i would like to say we're probably in the top 3 to 5 in the nation in territorixv of diversity of our workforce of our uniformed members. ~ terms that is a priority for me because having worked out in the stations, all 43 stations in the city, it is helpful to have a blended team of people when we're responding to emergencies. so, we will continue to strive for that diversity because i think it's very, very important. in terms of recruiting from a gender perspective, i don't think we'll ever have the number of women -- let's say we have percentage-wise in our
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community in our workforce because i think this type of work is not always of interest to a certain population of women. so, i don't see that would be like a 50/50% sort of like the general population. but to have 16% of women in uniform in our department, again, i think is in the top 3 in the nation and i'm very proud of that. we are years post the consent decree. i think there was some concern in the day that when that went away, that diversity would then shrink back. that is not the case. we've maintained the diversity and grown it to a greater capacity. so, i'm very hopeful that we will continue to embrace the rich diversity of our department and how valuable that is when we respond to day to day emergencies. we'll continue to -- even though we don't have a recruitment unit, we're working closely with dhr looking at a different type of testing. [speaker not understood] list is due to expire in april of 2014. dhr has recommended for both
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police and fire a different type of entry level testing which they have presented and they're analyzing and looking to replace the traditional type of testing in the fire department. and i'm assured from the director of dhr that it is very helpful in terms of recruiting a lot of different diverse backgrounds. >> yeah, one thing that struck me by looking at the police department applicant pool versus the fire department's is how much fewer african americans and latinos were in the applicant pool for the fire department. and to me, role models are very important, but proactive recruitment strategies and anything else that we can do short of violating prop 209 or any other policies is really critical. so, i guess i want to know more of any new efforts your department is making and also what new or needed strategies you're taking to really diminish historic inequalities and existing inequalities that exist in your department, and
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to make you even more accessible to, you mentioned language minority communities or others, but what are new strategies that you're looking at? >> okay. the other thing i should mention is that we rely heavily and are grateful for the support of our employee organization. so, there is the main bargaining unit as you know local 798 that we have employed groups that have all stepped up and will continue to step up when it comes to recruitment. we have a very active asian firefighters association, black firefighters association, united fire service women as well as [speaker not understood] for hispanics. so, to partly answer your question, we will continue to rely on their assistance with recruitment. from a community perspective, less by the recruitment perspective, we're proud of our neighborhood 49ers is training response program. ~. [speaker not understood].
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we're grateful for the people that have stepped up and continue to take the training and work shoed doer to shoulder with us in the event that they're needed for a large scale emergency. ~ shoulder. we do have and expand -- mayor lee's initiative is to expand -- it's a free program, but to expand the outreach to some of the populations that do not speak english. we have [speaker not understood] in spanish and cantonese, but the number of classes that we've been able to offer in those languages is probably lesser than i would like to see. so, we want to grow that program because we think that not only does it make for a safer city overall, not just in the event of a large scale emergency, but on a day-to-day basis, getting to know your neighbors, feeling confident about what to do if there is, you know, slight medical emergency. utility shut off, all of that is important. large scale merge sill, but also day to day living. and we hope to increase that. and we appreciate over the past
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few years especially the support collectv i havely from all board members of our nert program. there were days since this is the 10th time i'm presenting the budget that it was questioned, frankly. and we're happy to see that there is an investment. and albeit a small investment, i believe it's 400,000 or so and is a line item. something next year we'd like to do is increase that, like i said, with greater outreach to different communities. >> supervisor breed. >> thank you. thanks for your presentation, chief. i'm ag actually very excited we're going to have an additional class in year. the mayor has put this in his budget. i know one of the biggest complaints most recently with the department has been the mandatory overtime. and i know it's been frustrating for the chief and it's been frustrating for the membership and i really want -- i'm really excited about that because i want to make sure that in the department there is really high morale. and if you're forcing someone
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to work, and some of the stories i've heard from members of the station, we have definitely -- we're heading in the right direction and i think we're going to have to also look at next fiscal year and doing more, reevaluating once we get those two academy classes going. i do want to ask about station 5 in particular. i know we have plans to -- i think 2016 to do work there. i know that in the bond it's only for construction, but at the time i know one of the challenges we dealt with with station 5 was the need for fixtures, the need for equipment and other things in order to make sure that the station was made whole. and, so, i'm assuming that that's something that you're going to be anticipating down the line within the next couple of fiscal years because we are going to need -- it's going to be a brand-new station that may not be able to accommodate some of the old equipment or old materials, that we are going to
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have to look at possibly spending a significant amount of money to make sure that we have what we need in order to make that station completely operable. >> it's an excellent point, supervisor breed. and it is something that is on our mind. we are very good about salvaging what we can to put into the new stations. case in point. when we moved from third and howard, station 1 over to folsom between fifth and sixth, we brought a lot of equipment and furnishings over to the point that it would fit and it would work. but we did need to invest some additional dollars because of sort of the different set up and layout of the station. so, similarly particularly for station 16 on greenwich which will be under construction, i believe beginning next june of '14, the completion about june of '15, and you're right, about roughly the 16ing time for station 5, we will have to account for that in future budget cycle. >> okay. i wanted to also ask what the
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marine earthquake -- marina earthquake memorial was, a recommendation to decrease the allocation in the budget analyst report. >> yes, that is something that we were approached by members of the community to consider a memorial which would be primarily funded through the community to commemorate all that happened october 17th of 1989 related to the loma-prieta earthquake and the fires that followed in the marina district. it's a project i believe that's nearing three quarters of a million dollars, community funded, but also something that is near and dear to the department. and it's something that we want to partner with the community out there to build and to see as a commemorative aspect to what occurred in december of 1989 -- sorry, october of 1989. >> to add to the chief's
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comments, this is something that's been brewing in the community for about a decade at this point in time. we've done some fund-raising around it and we're compiling other resources as well. but the idea is given that the firefighters and certainly the fire boat in phoenix and the books have been literally written about it really saved that area in town is to build a memorial for the firefighters who did it that day. that's the entire project. >> okay, thank you. i just wanted to ask a question about the equipment. i'm actually very excited to see that there is purchasing of new ambulances and fire prevention vehicles and other things. and i think supervisor wiener or one of my colleagues had a hearing or there were discussions around the concern of vehicles in the department, and i just wanted to know more specifically how this decision was made and what does it do in
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terms of helping with the department, and is it enough and how far do we need to go? >> supervisor breed, just so i can confirm the question, you're asking me about the new equipment that we're getting or about supervisor wiener's legislation? >> i'm asking about the new equipment and the -- because there is -- i think we had a discussion about this previously, that there were some real challenges with some of the older equipment and you answered some questions about the ambulances in particular and i don't remember the exact number that we needed to replace. but i see here there's nine. so, i wanted maybe a comparison of exactly, based on what needs to be replaced -- i don't know if you have that now, but exactly what you're replacing based on what you actually need to replace. >> okay, thank you. long ago or about 6, 7 years ago the fire commission, we had put before them a resolution
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which we passed about a fleet replacement program. one of the things we want to try and get past and we have sort of experienced stops and starts, instead of ordering a whole bunch in a fiscal year or two, it's not the most efficient way. it's better to order, say, 3, 4, 5 apparatus at a time so when you come to replacing them, it's more equitably distributed. so, we have very aging fleet, particularly our ambulances. and of all things, our members travel in engines and trucks and it's just our members. but the ambulances are where we're transporting very sick people in addition to our members. so, we have ambulances that candidly are over 200,000 miles in this hilly city. so, long overdue. we just took delivery of five ambulances and then in fiscal 13-14 another five ambulances are coming on board. and then i believe another five.
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so, that is -- they're overdue. they're really needed and we hope to in future years continue that level of purchasing, but we're also very proud because it's been awhile since we've been able to purchase. our fire prevention vehicles, we had some issues that came up in the press regarding our unleaded vehicles prior to 2000. they don't have what's called a vehicle recovery system. 90% of our vehicles in the department are diesel fuel vehicles, but for the unleaded prior to 2000, we've been able to now get rid of most of those. they have heavy mileage, well over 150,000. so, we replaced eight of those vehicles with hybrids, smaller vehicles, i believe they're ford focuses. that's great. and we're going to do some more of that in 13-14. and then we're also going to order i believe 10 engines. we have on order 10 fire engines and then there will be six trucks, aerial trucks coming in 2, 2 and 2.
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so, it's a good time in terms of replacing some of our fleet and we're very pleased to see that. >> i just want to, of course, stress the importance of a need to, and i know you know this of all people, but the ambulances that we have in the city clearly need to be replaced, probably even more of a rapid pace than they currently are. so, i'm really happy to see we're moving in that direction. thank you. >> thank you. >> colleagues, any other questions at this point in time? okay, thank you, chief. why don't we go, mr. rose, to your budget analyst report for item number 7 as well as to the budget. >> mr. chairman, members of the committee, on page 40 of our report, we make reference to the legislation item 7 file 05 46 relative to some fee increases and we have a table on that page. and we do recommend that you approve that resolution. we note that the proposed fire department budget is balanced based on the assumption that
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the fee legislation will be approved. regarding our recommended reductions, we recommend 1.3 million 408 in 13-14. of that amount a million 249,7 88 and 50,000 one-time savings. these reductions would still allow an increase of 6,93 2,883, 2% in the department's 13-14 budget. we recommend closing out also prior year unexpended general fund encumbrances which would allow the return of 15,339 to the agenda fund. so, those two amounts combined result in a savings of 1,315,747 to the general fund in 13-14. and on page 41 i recommend the rep roeducks total a million 664,7 78.14 50 of that amount, [speaker not understood] are
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ongoing savings and 210,90 4 ongoing savings. these reductions would still allow an increase of 10,2 41,733, or 3% of the department's 14-15 budget. and we will certainly work with the department in the ensuing week and report back to the committee. ~ >> thank you very much. chief, anything else to add at this time? >> no, thank you very much. >> okay, thank you. up next we have department of emergency management, ann crone enberg. thank you for your patience here. ann is not next in line, went to pick up her grandson. so, we're going to get moving. >> also included would be item number 9. >> could you call item 9, thank you? >> item 9, ordinance amending the police code to transfer administration of the police emergency alarm ordinance from the department of emergency management to the tax collector and clarify license renewal and appeal procedures.
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>> good afternoon, chair farrell, members of the budget and finance committee. thank you very much for having us today. my name is ann crone enberg, i'm executive director of the emergency management. we prepared a very brief presentation for you today. hopefully we have covered the issues that you put forward. you wanted, chair farrell, and also supervisor mar. functionally -- you did, okay, thanks. functionally, dem is comprised of three operating divisions. division of emergency services, division of emergency communication, and administration. in addition to this you'll see the dotted line on the slide,
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the bay area uasi management team reports to me because san francisco is the fiscal agent for the region's uasi funding. all homeland security funding that comes to the bay area comes through san francisco. the mission of the department of emergency management is to leave the city in planning, preparing, communicating, responding and recovering for daily emergencies, large scale city-wide events, and major disasters. dem is the vital link in emergency communication between the public and first responders and provides key coordination to city leadership departments, stakeholders, residents and visitors. so, again, touching very briefly on our core services, emergency services, we develop and coordinate a comprehensive city-wide emergency management program. we develop and maintain a comprehensive training and exercise program.
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we are the emergency medical services agency. we have grants management for federal and state programs and we manage the state of emergency operation center. the core functions of our emergency communications division, we process emergency calls from within san francisco for first responder dispatch. 80% of those calls are law enforcement, 14% are emergency medical response, and 6% are fire suppression. we receive approximately 18,000 calls per week on a 24/7 basis, and more than a million calls a year. we support police, fire and ems field operations through radio dispatch, and we also process nonemergency police related calls for service. in our administration and support functions, we have
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finance, the budget accounting procurement, i-t services including 24-7 maintenance of our 911 system infrastructure, administering vendor service agreements and supporting our public safety departments. human resource functions include recruitment, lead management, labor relations and payroll, and then, of course, the facility management for the 911 center and the eoc. i wanted to touch on the bay area uasi. as i mentioned to you, the management team is governed by a regional approval authority. but because san francisco is the fiscal agent, i chair the approval authority. the approval authority is made up of representatives from the three core cities, san francisco, san jose, and oakland, and the surrounding 12 counties. alameda, contra costa, marin, napa, san francisco, san mateo,
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santa clara, santa cruz, solana, san benito, and we have a representative from cal ema who is a nonvoting member. the approval authority provides the policy and direction for the decisions that are made regionally for funding for the uasi. so, while san francisco is the fiscal agent and this year we are getting about $22.9 million, 77% of that money goes out to the region for regional projects. it's subgranted to the other jurisdictions. this is done through a series of working groups that meet on a monthly basis, report back to the approval authority, again, make recommendations based on risk and threat assessments, and ultimately the projects are approved by the approval authority.
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in terms of our budget sources, in looking at our budget, this bar graph will reflect a primary reason for the change in the general fund support and the increased associated grant revenues. the reason that i so strongly wanted to put that $22.9 million in pass through grant money in our budget which we had never done before is that the federal government has changed the performance period on these grants from 36 months to 24 months. it's a very short time. so, what we wanted to do was make it easier to spend down the money in a more efficient manner rather than coming back to the board midway through the year to get approval and thus actually delaying the process, sometimes because the federal government has been late in getting the grant allocations to us by nine months into the performance cycle.
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the other remaining sources of the budget are work order recovery and emsa revenues. those are just small parts. our budget here, as you can see, we did a three-year comparison. very similar between 13-14 and what we project between 14-15. the difference you'll see is from this current year 12-13, and again primarily it's because of that pass through money. in terms of expense categories and our expenditures, primary expense of dem's budget is tied to salaries and mandatory fringes. other significant expenditure categories include work orders, debt service payments, nonpersonal expenses. given the revenue changes, dem serves as the fiscal agent for this $22.9 million and as i said, 77% of this are
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subgranted out to the region. we have a number of new initiatives i wanted to touch on in the dem's budget. the cab project is actually not a brand-new initiative. we're in our third year coming into our third year of this project. cad system went live in april 2000 ~. it's a reing the end of life. vendor indicated that the current cad system would not be supported after march 31st, so, we did go to port and get an allocation of money. we're in the third year -- third and final year of the project and we're excited that we're going to be turning over into the new cad early in the next calendar year. the other project i wanted to highlight was the bay web project. you've heard about this before. it's a regional data communications network that will allow first responders throughout the area to communicate data seamlessly
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during disaster as well as on a day-to-day basis. it's cutting edge technology. this project was on hold for approximately a year because the federal government was pretty much figuring out in d.c. what they wanted to -- what they wanted to do with the project. they set out -- they put together a group called first net, which has been meeting now since last august. project is going full steam ahead and we're very excited that we are one of the few areas that are going to be in the pilot of this national system. in terms of capital planning projects, things that were approved are going to be really adding to 10-11 turf, much needed kinds of repair work like the gutter replacement project, electrical improvements and the hvac improvements.
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dem's overtime budget is 1.1 million annually. our overtime is used primarily to fill backfill personnel absences and increase staffing for special events. our management strategies include daily monitoring and adjusting the minimum staffing levels for efficiencies and to ensure we don't go over our overtime budget. and i'm very pleased to say at the end of this year, we will be within our overtime budget. we are hiring, proposed to hire 11 new ftes this year. 10 of them are for 911 operations staffing, new dispatchers. we plan on having a class in january of 2014. we did not have a class this year. so, we're very pleased that we are going to be able to hire -- do a new post academy for 911. we've also requested -- these
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are existing positions. they just are not staffed at this point. we have the ftes rather. dem has also requested one new position related to the public safety radio project. so, the public safety radio project, this is a replacement of the city's public safety 800 megahertz land mobile radio system. through this initial funding this year, we are going to be doing a -- we hope to hire this individual early next year, by october certainly at the latest. also to skiv out what the project should look like, how we interface with other p-25 systems within the city. ~ scope out we think what the project planning phase will probably be about two years, and
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