tv [untitled] August 6, 2013 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT
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>> please welcome them and we'll learn more about them and their work as what they will deliver to this commission as the eaglev goes. but thank you for joining. please welcome them to this commission. (applause) >> if we can call the roll, monica. thanks. >> this is the meeting of the commission on the environment. today is tuesday, august 6. it is 5: p.m. first item on the agenda roll call. vice president d'arcy? >> here. >> [speaker not understood]. commissioner heather stephenson
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is excused. commissioner johanna walled? >> here. >> [speaker not understood]. >> here. >> next item is the approval of the minutes. [speaker not understood]. this is a discussion and action item. >> commission colleagues, any discussion on the minutes? do we have any public comment on the minutes? seeing no public speakers, public comment is closed. could i get a motion to approve, colleagues? >> i move to approve the minutes. >> i second. >> can all those in favor please signify by saying aye? >> aye. >> the minutes a approved. next item. >> public comment on the meeting minutes? minutes? it has been approved. i would ask someone in the audience to turn their cell phones off. and the next item on the japed is public comment. members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction and not on today's agenda.
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>> if i can. thank you, monica. if we can before mr. bryant speaks, we have a lot of new introductions today and this introduction is new as of yesterday. mayor lee has appointed a new senior advisor on the environment. he is with us. he is a leader from the community, environmental justice, has an amazing body of work he has done and is going to contribute a lot to the environmental policy of the sdi f. it's appropriate we would like to start off the public comment by introducing roger kim. (applause) >> an honor and pleasure to be on the mayor's staff and working with him to extend sf's leadership on the environment and to work with all of you doing that as well. as joshua mentioned, i come from the community, spent eight years working at the asia pacific environmental based in oakland organizing low-income people of color, asian immigrants and refugees to be champions on the environment.
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and working on environmental policy from climate change to energy too big fossil fuel facilities like the refinery in richmond, and looking forward to bringing that experience and work to san francisco and really broadening our scope of who is involved in making environmental policy in the city and also really helping to advance the city's leadership in this area. so, thank you to the president and looking forward to meeting all of you and working with all of you in the future. >> thank you. thank you very much, roger. >> excuse me. >> yes. >> what was the correct spelling of his name? is it kim, k-i-m? >> yes. >> thank you. >> so, if we can -- yes. >> i want to make a note roger has promised when he gets his contact information he will make it available to monica and we'll circulate it to all of us. >> thank you very much. if we can now go to public comment. let's go with three minutes.
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and remember tonight and another night a first, is the first time the environment commission is being televised. so, remember, speakers, you're on tv for the first time. thank you, mr. arce, mr. president. it's not the first time i've been on tv. this is ~ nor is it the first time i've been to this commission. i want to welcome the new commissioners. i am james bryant. i am the western regional director of the randolph institute. i am looking forward to having a barrel full of conversations with this commission about activities that happen out in areas such as hunters point bayview area. and the reason i want to
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hopefully have these many conversations is that you probably all know that the bayview hunters point area is probably one of the, you know, more difficult toxic low-income, et cetera, et cetera. there i did see a piece in the paper today that spun us somewhat positive. i come to you all because we've come to you before and we talked about, you know, a topic about the new greenway. and in those conversations that we've had with you all, we'd like to let you know we have made several attempts to talk to folks and the clients, then to have none of those conversations be returned. i know people have busy schedules, but i do want to make this perfectly clear.
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the outreach in the bayview hunters point is a very sensitive issue for our community. i would hope that this commission continues to understand the sensitivity of the inland area that folks may not be accustomed to going door to door in public housing sites that, you know, have high crime and low-incomes. but i ask that you all consider that when you make decisions about how you communicate with our community and i hope that you all are, you know, aware that there has been some very successful organizations that have made communications in the bayview hunters point, a special point including the
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april randolph institute who actually was the initiater of the closure and demolition of the hunters point power platectionv. ~ plant. i want to thank you for your time and hope to see you in the bayview when you change your meetings. thank you. >> thank you. and i neglected to call a couple of comment cards that we have from steve nakajo, evan motoshige and karen huggins. good evening, mr. president, commissioners, and particularly congratulations to the new commissioners. it is really delightful that we see an asian pacific islander commissioner, mr. president and commissioners and commissioner whackv. part of this public comment in terms of being part of this experience is something that i'm really, really grateful for. in disclosure, this is the first time i've been to the
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environmental commission. i'm vice president of the san francisco fire commission, and you would think that sometimes we would share various attendance, but our jurisdictions and interests are. certainly as an asian american, asian pacific islander, i'm the executive director of [speaker not understood] located in japantown [speaker not understood] some call it lower pacific heights depending what part of district 5 that you're part of. it's really important and i'm delighted that we have an opportunity to bring the asian american perspective, pacific islanders. i plan to be here more than once from this point forward. we are one of the largest populations in san francisco. even though there is some recovery to economy, i'm always about job training, jobs, job training, jobs for folks of color.
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oftentimes green environment, they're new to us and that term and also in those kind of semantics. what i'm trying to say is even though we're in different neighborhoods, chinatown japantown, the fillmore, it's real important because environment doesn't have neighborhood kinds of territory. we all breathe the same air. we drink the same water. we worry about the same toxins. so, it's really important for us to be able to be part of that. asian americans in my community, i'm a senior director organization, they're pretty much natural conservatives, environmentalists. they are good at saving. the whole trick is for us to educate our seniors. and again, i really applaud you that you're having an agenda item today and a community meeting at bayview hunters point. if i read this correctly, i would encourage you that if you wish to have meetings in the japantown, fillmore chinatown area, richmond, sunset, it just heart ens everybody. important today in term of the
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tv telecast, our community gets to share. with the education, with our community, we simply have to have them turn on, see the issues in froth of you, and we really want to be parrth of that. thank you very much, commissioners, for all your support. thank you for your work, thank you for your dedication to san francisco. thank you. >> thank you, commissioner. >> thank you. next up we had a card, see, if i called your name, go ahead and come on up. but a card isn't necessary. so, feel free to come up. hi, commission. my name is evan motoshigi. i volunteer at senior center in japantown in my free time. i'm a college student at college of san mateo hopefully majoring in environmental science. so, i just wanted to come here and see what the commission is like. i live in san francisco. i'm a resident in the sunset district, district 4, i believe.
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and i believe that the environment -- environmental impacts affect everybody, especially the asian community. there are a lot of asian immigrants that come to san francisco from all the different places in asia and they have to live in lower income places because of their immigration whatever -- whatever difficulties they face. those are usually affected more by environmental injustices. i learned in class there are toxic release, inventories i've read about in hunters point where a lot of asian americans live and i think that that should be something that is -- something that the commission should take to -- take -- sorry, i'm nervous.
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and i think that it's good that something like this is on tv because a lot of asian americans watch television, too, so, they'll learn that they're being supported. and these practices of sustainability should be more -- should be brought up more around the asian communities and i hope that the asian community can benefit from this, from the outreach that you could hopefully provide. so, that's p it. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. and please come back. >> and, we have karen huggins, ted fang, and richard oh. yes, thank you, commissioners. my name is karen huggins and congratulations to your new seats. i'm here as president of [speaker not understood] resident council, also a member
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of the black leadership coalition that is headed up by espinola jackson, dr. espinola jackson. i'm here in her regards. as you know, 3450 3rd street, i believe is slated for a wellness center. we would like to see that that be given an eih because of the toxic problems that's been occurring there for years and years. ~ e-i-r so, before we put that wellness center there, we would like to see that e-i-r be instrumented. also, as you know, hunters point residents will be coming down to that wellness center and they already have been suffering with a lot of toxic problems in itself. so, we want it clean where they're coming to get help for, okay. also i was reading your agenda kind of late. your number 10 on the agenda, i see where you're going to commend the laborers 261, i am
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a ceo and founder of the san francisco tenants union. we are union supporters. in this resolution number 10, public housing was not given the privy of this and why is that? why aren't our youth included in on this apprenticeship program? that should be looked into. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. mr. chairman and commissioners, my name is richard oh. about 20 years ago, the first batch of environmental commissioners -- one of it was eric mar. he invited me to speak to the environmental commission and subsequently he become supervisor. i would see some of you if not all of you will be sitting on the supervisors chair sooner --
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it will not take 20 years for some of you to become supervisors. anyway, at that time the city was starting the environmental on the collection waste, three containers. and chinatown was not included. and bunch of us went to environmental commission and raised hell. and then we don't have enough muscle to get that. it takes tom shea -- tom shea supervisor at that time, you know, he take up the message and get the ball rolling, ask the city department, you know, what's going on. and soon we have the environmental waste connection and bring it down into so many pins. not only that, the environmental commission had some money to hire lots of
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young people, high school kids to teach the people. it takes, you know, education -- the operation of the three pins. and i know those kids. most of them went to college. now they are become lawyers, doctors, dentists and -- you know, they got little bit of money. so, i heard that you're going to have a community meeting and, please, maybe i should say after hunters point, make it chinatown. you know, ryan, he always want to be the first. [laughter] so, you know, after you come to chinatown, hear what we need. well, it's a very old town and there's lot s-r-o, single room occupancy, you know, one family with four people staying in one room and, you know, it's very
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congested. the toilet has to be shared by 30 people and then the kitchen has to be shared. we have the building inspectors. we have the health department. we need your help, too. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you for the invitation. good evening, president arce, director and commissioners. my name is ted fang. i am the executive director of the asian week foundation and also the founder of a new project that we're starting called the green initiative for asian families. i want to come out today as a first, this is my first time at an environmental commission meeting and to join in all the other firsts. and i want to kind of really recognize and to acknowledge the work of the environmental commission reaching out into
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the community. i think having these televised meetings helps to take environmental workout of the policy makers and policy and really bring it down to the people. and i'm hoping these kind of forums will inspire more folks to come out. i actually wanted to thank evan in particular for coming out there and hope other young asian americans will see him coming out and get more involved in this. you know, san francisco is a leader in sustainability and we also a leader in diversity and i think we have an excellent opportunity to bring those two together. environmental green work needs to be seen through a cultural lens, and we have that opportunity with all the diversity in san francisco to pioneer different ways of engaging diverse communities in the environment. it's only been recently that i started working with the department of environment and i can see that they are starting to reach out more and i hope that this is a trend.
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with the televised meetings and with the neighborhood meetings, i'd certainly want to congratulate the appointment of the new commissioners. you know, sarah yuan and cyc, we are starting to partner with them in projects in the environment. this is definitely moving in the right direction. now we have a new special advisor as well. and, so, it seems like the city is on the right track. i encourage you guys to continue to look at unique ways, in owe v-8 i have ways of reaching the diverse communities to make san francisco the greenest city, not just in the country, but in the world. thank you very much. >> any members of the public that want to speak, anyone else? going once. thank you very much, everyone. [gavel] >> next item. monica. >> presentation on examples of outreach messaging.
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speaker: donnie ol var a outreach program manager. >> if you want to set this up, this is an innovation. this is another first. >> i don't know about that, but i think all credit goes to the department and donnie oliveira who is just an absolute rock star. and as of -- and as a way to be able to enhance the fact that we were going to be on television, watching a meeting can be sometimes boring unless you're listening to that wonderful fellow that sings down at the supervisors meeting. [laughter] >> but i thought -- yeah, i don't know. i tried to get him here. you know. but i thought since, you know, we're going to be on television and we were going to start advertising an outreach, that we would take the time to do a little info taming. with that being said, i thought maybe at the beginning of the
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meeting it might be an opportunity for us to talk about some of the wonderful things that this department is doing, that is very user friendly and that people should know about because it benefits their lives. and it tells them how we're trying to reach our goals. with that, i will turn it over to our personal outreach rock star donnie oliveira. >> thank you, commissioner king. so, a mentioned, we have a great opportunity now that the commission meetings are being shown on sfgov-tv, not only share what is going on with the outreach, but do a little outreach 101 during the meetings. the concept of the two presentations you're about to witness are that we're actually giving you the messaging that we would give in the community. so, the first presentation will be the messaging that we give to restaurants around the new check back ordinance. and the following presentation will be the messaging we share in the sfha properties around
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the city, around healthy homes and integrated pest management. so, i'd like you to sit back for these two presentations and for the first one that's being presented by mr. clark hatchet, "pirates of picture yourself as a new owner of the city and you've been given a letter from us that says there is a new check out bag ordinance. you have some questions. ~ mr. hatch is going to share with you all the ins and outs of the new ordinance. when he's done, from the [speaker not understood] program is going to step up to give a presentation. and for that one i'd like you to sit back and picture yourself as a homeowner of san francisco or tenant in san francisco dealing with issues of what products to help -- to bring into the home to clean that are going to be less toxic to their families. so, because of that we're not here today to present on the campaign overall. this is really just about the messaging. i also do want to acknowledge that both the presentations of materials that come in multiple languages, these two are in english. but yo
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