tv [untitled] August 8, 2013 4:30am-5:01am PDT
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you want to call it, how do you interact with kids who are more sensitive? just how do you do that? how do you recognize the signs when you're around somebody that does calibrate and has a different definition and what bothers them and what doesn't and if we can do that and i'm asking autistic kids and asperger's kids and normal kids and what are the things that trigger these things and what can we do and i want you to know what i am doing right now and i am working with boys and i finished the porn section and honest i'm doing all of it and why do girls send naked
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pictures and this week we're creating concrete strategies and scenarios so they can picture what to do when they are up either way against these dynamics and if we work together this way and really name it. sometimes kids with aspergers can do things that are off putting. i sat with a kid in a class that put his leg over class during the -- over the head during class and 17 years old and it's off putting. we can own it and now what do we do about it? it's not distracting to everybody fine but how do we do it in a way we're honest with everyone in the room and reaching out to each other appropriately. >> you have a project and working on a thing, a whole
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school based project. >> yeah, well -- anyways thank you guys. this is really a great conversation. just a little bit about where we're going. "bully" the movie is backed by a team, the bully project, and we have been bringing the film and educating, training professional development largely thriewr our partnership with them and provides that to school districts and classrooms across the country for free, so educators can sign up, and if they agree to do the training and to take it seriously and embed it with the kids and the adults in the community we provide them with oftentimes busing, but often free tickets so they can see the film outside of school and make it an event and that is our project "1 million kids". we're doing
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it in a big way here in the bay area thanks to the leadership in this community. yep and oakland and all over. it's just awesome and in cleveland and right now we have 13,000 students across the basin in salt lake city are seeing it, and does have impact and the impact is largely i would say it creates a sense of agreement. the biggest thing that bully does or the big service the film has is gives everyone a unified collective science of agreement to which they roll up the sleeves and get busy creating change and has been really exciting. i building we already i believe kroshed the threshold of 140,000 students nationwide and we are working to get to the million and the idea is a million is a
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tipping point . a million kids in america. that's like one in ten basically in public schools. that gets embedded so over time every september schools are starting with that method to have that agreement, and along the way we're also trying to deliver youth action and educate ideas and teach the schools and districts about social emotional learning because after they see the film they want to know what do we do next? how do we impact that? and that's what i am up to and it's great to be here. >> thanks so much for coming here. we appreciate it. [applause] >> good afternoon everyone. i am rachel smith falls and a senior vice president here of futures without violence i wanted to thank you all for
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being here and formally welcome to futures without violence. as many of you know of the former name had that for close to 30 years and when we moved to this building we changed our name to futures without violence and for many reasons and it really does reflect the work that we do in the mission. we are here to create futures without violence and we believe it's possibility when we stand in solidity with people like yourself and i want to thank you for being here. you are one of the first groups to hold a all day conference in this space. we are open to suggestions if you have ideas or using the space for your own organizations. we are up and running in this part of the conference center and in a year and a half we will open the
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rest of the building and has a public exhibition that deals with the topics you're talking about today and bullying and education and creating the future we want for our families and children and if you for coming today. i think you are taking a short break and reconvening in this room at 2:15 o'clock and please come back in 2014 when we open to the public. >> before we start the panel i want to do the thank you's and i recognize when we're done everyone will leave and i wanted to exz press this. so this was a concept. i think about two and a half months ago and anne marie and brian and we were in my office talking about what we could do and what we could do
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to help and it went from that to this because of anne marie conroy so i want to give a big round of applause to anne marie. as everybody in the room knows she's a force of nature and that's all i have to say and to futures without violence and for this beautiful facility. we got support from the school district and various people and terrific from the mayor's office and of course the mayor and the bully project. we couldn't be more grateful. from the san francisco police department from greg sir to denise flair erty and cheryl jennings and the girl friday and kept us moving all day and to the communications that we got the word out
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through the media and laura who kept us moving today and financial support. if you read about the justice department in the paper you know we can't pay for anything. when people come to my office quite literally i can't give them coffee. people think the government is high flying and i am here to tell you it's not true. there was support for this event and we couldn't be more grateful to the people that made this possible and the rosenberg foundation and they are here, the san francisco foundation and dr. sander herself and a round of applause, the california endowment and others provided tremendous financial support so thank you very much for that. [applause] . we really do appreciate it and the cohost and mary lee and
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tom torque son and who you met this morning and our next panel is planning for student safety opportunity and success and planning for action around the bay. our moderator is jill tucker an education reporter at the san francisco kron cell. i told jill it's hard to find bios online for reporters. they can stay out of google. she's award winning reporter and covered california schools for 14 years and knows a lot about this subject and was honored by the california teacher association and received the highest award about the growing number of homeless students in the school system. she is a san francisco native and was in the peace corps and tout in west africa
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and please welcome jill tucker. [applause] >> thank you. she just dated me with that 9090 peace corps thing. okay. i want to say how great it is to be here. i have been looking at everyone's name tags and awed by the wide variety of people and i want you to in rolodex. email me. there are great stories i have been hearing today. we have amazing and large panel and it is an honor to moderate for them. real quickly you will have to take my word. i have read their full bios which are three pages here. i'm not going to read all of that but you have to my word these are award winning policy makers and leaders in our community. we will start with
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jeff rosen. [applause] he's the district attorney of santa clara county and the recognized leader in criminal justice reform. he oversees the largest prosecutor's office north of los angeles and prosecute about 40,000 cases each year, so he is on the ground. he sees it all. he is however a green bay packer fan but we will forgive him because they lost. >> you should be very happy. you won. >> next to him is richard carranza and the superintendent of san francisco unified, just started in the summer of july. prior to that he was the deputy superintendent of innovation and social justice. [applause] next to richard is nancy o'malley, district attorney for alameda county. she was
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appointed in 2009 and elected in 2010 and has an amazing background dealing dealing with violence against women and domestic violence, elder abuse, child abuse and threat management. she's a wonderful addition to our panel so thank you nancy. [applause] next to nancy is tony smith who i loved his biobest of all and started he's an oakland resident and parent of students in oakland public schools. he was -- became the superintendent in 2009. he's a local boy including university of california berkeley background where he was captain of the football team and he did not include this in the biobut i know it and he wrote his under graduate thesis on emily dickon
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son so he's kind of a renaissance dude and he's 6-foot something. next to him is -- [applause] and next to him is george gaston and elect to the district attorney of the city and county of san francisco in 2011 after winning more than 62% of the vote which in san francisco is very enviable and focused on reducing violent crime, protecting vulnerable victims and respecting with high school truancy and rel haven't to the conversation today. last is cheryl young and the chief executive director of
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gate path and oversees a large nonprofit in san mateo county and focus on turning disabilities into possibilities and she's a wonderful addition to the panel and it's an area that school districts have to deal with in terms of special needs and what we're talking about affects these children if not more than the other children so thank you cheryl. [applause] so we have a large panel and they can all tell you i sent them an email yesterday said you will have a brief time to say what you do, what your organization is doing, address the needs of the kids suffering or facing bullying and i told them they have two to three minutes, not 23 minutes and i'm going to hold them to it so jeff let's start with you. >> sure. thank you. i think
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one thing that a perspective that prosecutors can to this discussion is first of all the reason people become prosecutors generally they don't like it when other people are taken advantage of. it really offends the very core for a prosecutor. you know i often joke i don't even like when people cut in line but i recognize there is not necessarily a remedy to that, but so bullying is something that almost everybody has had an experience in their life of being bullied, and i think one perspective as prosecutors is if we don't address this today's bullies -- and if we don't address it are tomorrow's batters, and today's victims of bullying becomes tomorrow's victims. that is
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painting with a very broad brush, but it's something that encourages us to take action. i think in my prosecutors office there is hard and soft power. the hard power in a prosecutor's office, in a police department, it's arresting. it's putting in jail. it's going in court and find this person guilty and punish them. that's a kind of hard power and most of what is done in a prosecutor's office -- most of the resources are devoted to those hard power tasks, but although we devote less resources to soft power there are probably more important and soft power is where you change the hearts and minds of people. where you try to change cultures, try to change the norms in the community are and certainly in our office we devote
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significant resources to this. just a couple of examples. we have something called the parent project, and i am very grateful in a time of really reduced funding our board of supervisors stepped up and provided funding for otherwise what was run on a shoe string out of our office, and it's a program that teaches parents to be better parents and parents get referred this program through schools, through police department, through their churches and some of the behavior that we see in schools are behavior they are learning at home, so we try to address this through this project. we offer it all over santa clara county and in english and spanish and vietnamese and that is one example of what we do. a second initiative we are working to make happen is something called "school link services" where there's all of these different resources floating out there to help children, to help
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young people, but often it's not centralized in the school and so it involves a lot of cooperation and collaboration between all different county agencies and we're sphere heading that, so those are some of the efforts we have taken in our office, and again from a perspective of the prosecutor and it really offends our sensibility for someone to be taking advantage of to be harmed or abused and we want there to be justice for that victim and we want that offender to change their ways and we want that the climate and culture in which the bullying takes place begins to change and it's not acceptable so we use a combination of hard power and soft power. >> jeff thank you. [applause] two to three minutes goes really fast and that was a little over, just fyi. superintendent.
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>> don't start the clock yet. thanks. again i want to thank everyone for being here this morning and this morning i said "welcome to a sunny day in september" and many of you didn't believe me and i want to thank you all for being here and in my comments at the beginning i spoke of the wonderful experience and having 3,000 opportunities yesterday see "bully" the movie. i spoke of all of the administrators seeing "bully" when they came back from summer break and develop their plans on their campuses here, so i would like to go deeper and talk about a couple of things and before that i appreciate what rosylyn and the previous panel said about the term "bullying" and run the risk of it meaning something generic and meaningless and the
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word of the day, so let's talk about what it is. it's assault. sometimes it's aggravated assault. it's kidnapping. it's coercion of human rights. it's stalking. these are different pictures when you think about it in those terms. that's what bullying is so in san francisco unified we say we have a zero tolerance for bullying or any kind of activity like bullying i want to decouple zero tolerance from the notion of having punitive measures because we don't believe in that. we mean that every classroom, every school environment should be a safe environment where everyone is welcomed regardless of who you are, regardless of your ethnic background, sexual orientation or cultural background and we don't couple that with behaviors that kids
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will display. and the other thing in terms of context that i want to make sure is clear and i didn't am happy you're here and we are fighting a battle against pop culture and the messages they receive on tv, logging on to the facebook page, logging on to all of the social media that is out there, think how many times in pop culture they refer to someone as "their little b, or little n" and that's just the way we greet each other and for someone that entered school only speaking spanish and you think about the language issues and in spanish i can tell you a whole bunch of terms that people use to great each other that are so racist, homo phobic and have a length and accepted as accepted and we need to work
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together and we're dealing with a culture we are trying to shift and in san francisco we are proud of the work around the issue of tolerance but we look at it as prevention. we don't want to be responding to issues once they happen so we work very hard to build relationships that are truly centered around individuality in the schools so to be proactive we build these strong communities. we have conversations about our communities. our balance score cards at every one of our schools developed and revises every year has a component talking about a safety healthy community in it. we talk about fair processes. we talk about having conversations in circles so no one is ahead of the conversation, so we all have equal standing those conversations. our behavioral guidelines at schools have in are based on this notion of
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equity and equality and this notion we're going to treat efer everyone fairly and jill mentioned my former title and superintendent of social justice and people say "that's san francisco" and we believe that a right to a education is i social justice issue and if you deny that you're denying their civil rights. that's how we feel about being proactive. now there is a line of demarcation happens and we want to be proactive i know jill is looking at me. when the event happens and there is harm that occurs we believe in restorative practices and repairing the harm. we don't believe in kicks kids out of school. that's not a solution. we are an
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educational institution. we go through this process and the perpetrator understands the damage and make it right to the victim. it's not okay shake hands. it's a whole process. you talk about it and process what is happening and people follow up on that, so we very much believe in this restorative process in san francisco and how do we know? because of the indicators that should be going up are going up and the others are going down. our truancies are down. suspensions are down and students in class is going up. thank you for being here. [applause] >> okay. that's okay. you jumped ahead to several of my questions so you don't get to talk anymore. for the rest of the four panellests whoever keep its to two to three minutes gets a prize. nancy. >> good afternoon and thank you for paying close attention to
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this issue and thank the staff and anne marie conroy for putting this together and us part of it and i will acknowledge theresa who works on my staff as chronic absteism and involved with the oakland school district and i partner with tony smith and this man brought innovation to the oakland school district which has a lot of challenges which he may go into. i won't. so i really echo what jeff said about soft or hard power but let me tell you from my standpoint. i have a nephew who was in school and was bullied and there were sexual overtones to it and the result is he left the school and i spent time working with the school and my district and it wasn't my area and educate them about what bullying meant and
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in the most heinous way described to them and it went no where and that gave me the lesson in life we have children that are in fear when they go to school so they don't go and my priority is to have safe schools and they can be educated and create their path to a successful future and it's a healthy environment and bullying prevents that for so many kids. when terreesa and i addressed issues around truancies and one of the common themes and i saw this before with sexually exploited cases and kids were afraid to go to school because of the terrorism going on and with bullying it's flat out terrorism for the victim and the recipient of it. our efforts are strong because
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we don't want kids to feel that the only choice is don't go to school or find a new school to go to and also gave us the opportunity to look at the children that are bullied and what is going on in their house or family and why are they acting out to an aggressive, mean way? and it opened up a lot of doors for us and our initiative is take this head on to make sure children feel safe and they are safe and our challenge is the introduction of the internet and social media and can be so insidious behind closed doors. the governor signed a bill into law and my office and the l.a. county sheriff have committed to keeping track and data of crimes that occur involving the internet or social media because we frankly don't have good data around that, particularly involved with crime so for the next couple of years we do will
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a lot of data collection and working with law enforcement and they're doing it and address this problem from evidence and outcome based area. thank you. >> thank you. >> no name other than more work for nance's staff. -- >> what we do in oakland -- i don't think bullying is more than a school issue. this is bully center thed. there is a way the violence perm mates across the board and i strongly believe that schools are the heart of health and community well being and the way we're going to transform this world
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is coming around our kids. we have a sacred obligation and kids to be safe and well connected and well known is all of us, all of us, all the time and even in the room today and the pretense and around the punter -- the question is if it came from the punter and the nfl and the hierarchy and ranking and all the time we're making judgments even as adults. those are embedded in the school experience and how we engage each other in different ways and to say this place in school is a way of increasing our empathy that we would in fact keep our worth's intact while the others is intact and the highest inspiration and live that in stated value and change the practices around social emotional learning and embed in the city of oakland that we belong to each other and i tell
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you what when so many of the students have been murdered over the last three and a half years i have been there and up to 85 homicides in the city this year it is a place and space of despair and lack of hope. i have tremendous respect for our law enforce .. we have been doing restorative justice work with the police department and with the teachers. people are saying enough is enough and i have in fact have to change to seek transformation. i mean we have to -- the saying cornell west that justice is the public face of love. if in fact we want that to be true we have to be just with one another and i think that's what we're trying to do in oakland. [applause] >> district attorney. >> well first of all i would like to thank you for putting this together. i also want to
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