tv [untitled] August 8, 2013 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT
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>> the beige color is the proposed 7 foot set back. and we worked on that another great lengths with the planning staff including the urban design team and you will notice that we have two feet of that is given over to a sort of public oriented green, buffer, that is right up against this yellow sidewalk. and then in this street a private garden behind a four foot screening as well as a four foot tall fence and each one of those has a private gate entrance and so that each town home has a personal identity. and we are really excited about these units and we have heard from the neighbors and also, there is a lot of folks who live and work at home and like the idea of an individual address on something that can be reached from the street otherwise opposed to inside of
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the building, we are excited about this. and we think that it is always challenging to do ground floor or town home design and one solution is to raise these units and another is to set them back and we looked at raising the floor and forenaturally because of the ada, because of the accessible issues that would have required putting a new hallway and ramp system in the garage of our building. when we started doing that our design got tortured. if we had added that interior passage way we might have dropped to a lower level and as much as we like to push the envelope on parking, our invest tores are not as adventurous as we are. here is a perspective view of that or of that town home green buffer and there is the privacy screen. and we will again, working with a really tight, right-of-way. we think that this is the most human treatment and it may not
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be perfect but we think that it is a step in the right direction. >> with that i am going to pass off the presentation to a project architect and he is going to talk about the over all design. >> good afternoon. project architect. >> could you get the image up to the screen please? >> thank you. >> the view of the proposed project into the setting of the intersection of third and 20th street. third street, most people don't realize that it is 100 feet wide of the right-of-way and used to be 80. but called kentucky street and it was wide and to the west best by stripping. and what is interesting, michael mentioned about 20 street it is a cross access and this neighborhood is very
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town homes there and on 28th you will see the curb cut going in and you can see the way that the garage is organized and we have gone to great length to accommodate the loading. and it will move in and move out and not required by the code but it is a way of easing the impact on the folks at mta and the bus turn around and also, we are providing a rest room and a halfback for the muni drivers that will stop at this area. >> diagram that is washed out, it shows the fact that we do have active streets that are turning both of these corners and it is modest because of the widening of third street and it is only 81 feet and 85 feet in depth on that side and the parking behind and very discreetly and we have a lobby in the middle and the town homes in the blue and the retail space is in this in the corner. >> this is a close up view of this space that you would see and there is all of the transit
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in place, it will definitely be a hub in the neighborhood, and the pier 70 develops and the connection between the two neighborhoods, hill and dog patch and 70 this will be front and center. once again, the frontage of the town homes and then going up to the mod um level, and showing the courtyard in the back of the building, and on the front of the building of third street you see a green area right there and that represents a court that is basically on the ground floor and a lobby and all of the floors above that, that is a subtraction from the building volume and we are going to create a vertical garden and so the lobby is at the street level and this will an mate the street and it also become an amenity for the users of the building and every time that we get off of an elevator or a stairway, in the common corridor of the building it gets to look on to this and the city and it is amenity for the
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neighborhood and for the residents. >> and this garden, vertical garden extends to the roof where we have the open space for the roof decks and including planting gardens for the residents. which will be very popular by all accounts. and solar equipment and other mechanical equipment on the roof and the roof decks that meets and collectively we meet the requirements. and so this diagram, flashed up here on the screen it just shows that you need the whole layout of all of the open space from the project starting with the residential strips in front. >> so the design of the outside of the building starts with the history of the neighborhood and it is a rich history and this is a picture of potrero point and irish hill that were leveled to fill in these codes. and that layering of this neighborhood, that the success and generations new things will happen showing a historic police station and a american building that have different eras in the dog patch and across the street as well.
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is the dog patch which is the launch condos. and so showing you the street of the neighborhood and the mix of the building types and scales, the very diverse area. >> your time is up. >> okay. >> the commissioners may have a further questions, did you get primarily through? >> the further questions, i can elaborate at that time. >> thank you. >> opening it up for public comment. i have one speaker card. chyrl, roye? >> high name is chryl and i am a resident and a business owner in dog patch. i own pacino which has been an an core for the neighborhood and i have to say that i am in complete support of this project and i have seen the group that has been mind this and have have integrity and have gotten all of us involved,
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and looked to all of us for advice as they have developed this. they are only going to bring in more residents, and more businesses for us. i can't say enough of when i am on in dog patch, and i have people come into like is this it? and i am like be patient i have been here to eight years it is coming it has been very slow. and i only want things to grow, but this project has the integrity and the intelligence behind it and it is only going to add value for all of us that have been there for a long time. thanks. >> thank you. >> any other public comment on this particular item? >> for that item or the next? >> exactly what she was speaking on but the project. >> yes. go ahead. >> you can step right up if you would like. >> this other mic ma'am.
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>> drew anderson i was a resident of san francisco for 35 years and we had commercial photography over in the american can company building for a long time and we may be leasing there again currently down in pacifica and so i am very familiar with this and i love the way that the former police department building looked in the architect you are rendering but i think that you know that it does not look like that in real life and i am just curious if any of you can comment on what may be the city's plans for that situation directly across the street from this project. >> you can ask the question, we cannot get into a dialogue. the staff might be able to address or answer your question later. >> okay. >> i know but you don't know of any in the works to clean that up. >> that is all, thank you. >> is there any additional
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public comment? >> sue hestremembersinger again, i wrote up the language if anyone want to introduce it. please. i wish that you would add a condition and at that falls up nicely and in fact they are doing inclusion of the housing yay on the site and the statement was made that the design of these buildings or of these units is small and goes so they will be more affordable. with that in mind, i am asking the commission to set a precedent and start imposing exact language. and no later than 6 months after the first development unit fail, or rental project sponsor shall report to designated planning department staff the sales price or in
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shall rent for each dwelling unit. such reporting obligation shall continue every six months until all units are sold or rented. i am tired of the planning department saying well we have no idea whether they have been sold, and they signed the paper and talking to people about the rent level and the sales prices. and every time that you lock at a chart and you just see housing, and it is delusional, if no one can afford it. so we will have 11 units out of 71 affordable. yes. i love it. but, what about the other 60? and i am bold enough to leave this here so one of you who want it can ask the staff to retrieve it. if it does not i will be heart broken if it does not get any further than this.
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thank you. >> additional public comment, sir? >> my name is john warner and i operate a coffee shop and art gallery across the street and i look forward to seeing the building as rendered and man tested in that location. >> thank you. >> any additional public comment? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. and unless you... no? going once, going twice. gone. okay, public comment is closed. and opening up to the commissioners, commissioner moore? >> the explicit support from the dog patch neighborhood and the number there and very eloquently written letters, makes that an easy project to feel good about. and i think that it is a skillfully executed building,
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and i like the parts of how the building is organized and it really response to so many important issues including the school next door and a number of other things. and the question that i asked mr. yany and i think that he answered it. is that normally, when we do town houses on the ground floor for security, and also the privacy issues we like to raise them up a little bit. and again, the market will determine of how that works the set back and the privacy but on the down side of that privacy is not the ability to hide and conceal. and i hope that the general increase in activity in the area, because of the pier 70 will indeed make that a neighborhood and protect itself and the concerns that i am raising are irrelevant and particularly you have a grade on this side and that is an issue on its own and the idea
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which i really am entreinged about is the idea of the internal vertical garden. and we had talked about that before, and any of the projects downtown, and the element of, and the devil will be in the details and knows that vertical gardens are difficult to do and we have one that looks really really well. and and the school on broderick and i hope that you and your partners that you can create something of similar quality and ability to really grow and be exciting with that the building becomes almost like an architectural icon and people want to go to because it is so, and so i am in support of this building, and i am curious what my other commissioners would say but i would like to move
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that we approve. >> second. >> commissioner borden? >> i am not going to go over the points i think that it is an accident project and it is creative in ways and responsive to the neighborhood and the community, and the eastern neighborhoodthings that we have discussed at this commission, one thing that imented to compliment you on is the muni bathroom and i think that is a great benefit and i serve on the civic design committee for the arts commission and one of the things that we struggle with is the location of these bathrooms that they have to put on the streets and they are not good looking facilities and not a good place to put them and this really is a great response to a true problem and it helps not blight up the public right-of-way with a facility that has a very discreet sort of use, and i want to thank you for that. >> commissioner antonini? >> yeah, just a few questions, for staff or project sfons soar. i guess that you could explain the tier b affordability. it is apparently different in different parts of the eastern
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neighborhoods? and this is what is required of this sponsor in this particular area. >> sure, and so in the eastern neighborhoods and in the umu district it is the only district where we have the separate tiers for affordability and so instead of having just at base requirement that is covered in section 415 for the rest of staoet just like the impact fees that is tiered as to how much the property was up zoned and in the mum there was a tier provided for affordability as well. and so depending on how much it was up zoned it could be tier a or b or c and those are increasing percentage requirements for on site and off sight and also in the umu and you have the option to safety the requirements if other ways like the land dedication option and or the middle income alternative, and so there is a number of ways that you can meet your affordable housing requirement
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in umu and this situation, it is a tier b site. and so that percentage right now is 16 percent, that used to be 20 percent before prop c passed and reduced everything for the on site and so that is where that number comes from. >> and that is you answered my question and it was subject to the prop c and i guess that also i am not sure if this is and they don't have to designate if it is condo or condo mapped or rental and if it were a rental, there were some things regarding cost to hawkens where someone like this could be interpreted to being allowed on site because of the what the benefits that they received from the zoning. >> sure. >> and we do ask the sponsors for the residential projects to provide a housing affidavit and for this project, it is indicated that they will be for sale in the units and allowed them to be on site. >> next question is on the
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>> you will have to come to the microphone. >> and i am going to say one of the project sponsors and valantia, the school director has been parking and didn't know where to come and she is somewhere nearby by. thank you. >> they are very in support of the project. >> commissioner hillis? >> if we could get the architect to talk about the color, i think that they are unusual but i actually like the color choice here and talk about why you chose it. >> sure. >> project architect. do you have control of the computer? >> thank you.
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>> the image awashed out on the monitor, but we are basically, if i could answer your question and why i am actually talking g the form of the building if i may and i went through this, and essentially, what we do and we start with a zoning envelope, 68 foot box, and which is the height limit here, and the first move is to carve out the ground floor for the active street frontage, and the second move is to clean up on third street for the vertical garden and the third is to carve out more volume from the building envelope to create the subvolumes that relate to the other building masses on the street like the police station across the street. s you can see on the images where you can understand the relationship there. and something that is a cue that we are picking up from the launch where they have the building elements and the older
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fabric in the facility and finally the counter point is the vertical bay windows that mark the window. and that to your point about color. the lower elements we are showing they look orange and they are orange, with the intent. and so it is a natural material, and weather material and it has the substantial. and up above we are looking at swiss pearl which is a color panel. and that would be in two different shades of green. and that is earthy orange and a pail green go well together and my apologies of the rendering and that is what the color seem rather flat and pointed and i appreciate commissioner antonini's feedback about stateliness and i think that is something that we totally agree with. and we will work to refine.
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okay. >> and i agree with commissioner moore. i think that the design is great for the site and i like the varying rhythms to have both the retail and town houses there. that i think it works with what is on third street. now. so i appreciate it and i support the project. and i have worked with the folks when i was with the city and i know that they are invested in the community and this project is great and at least i worked them before jyarny. but thank you. >> commissioner wu? >> i am also supportive of the project it is great to see the vmr on site and i would suggest that we take miss hester's recommendation to look at for further study so they are not just left there alone. >> okay. >> commissioner sugaya >> yes, on that note, the city attorney's office could we actually impose that kind of a
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condition? >> commissioner sugaya, the city attorney's office and as i understand this, condition, it is a reporting of the sales price, to the city, i am not entirely certain where we can require that the information be made public and my understanding is that commissioner wu was recommending that the department try to follow up and track generally, what prices are like in the neighborhood, but not that individual units actually, be required to report, if the commission is interested, in em posing a condition like that, i would have to do some research and get back to the commission i am just not sure about the ability
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of the city to force this kind of information to be made public. >> okay. >> thank you. >> i think that there is a general kind of feeling that it would be nice if we could get a little better handle on specific information like that. if we can't extract it in this fashion, perhaps we could have the staff and the city attorney's office going over you know how that might be handled. >> and that suggestion was already made and it was a previous project encouraging the department to start initiating this particular kind of action. and whatever form that is appropriate. >> okay. >> but i wanted to be more than just statistics. and i mean, you know, it is like, i think what miss hester is saying, is that we have no definitive pinpoint information other than looking in the papers and even then, we are not sure whether that is true or not.
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or whatever. we had to drive it on the area basis and i think that the challenge for us is actually looking at it on a project basis and tracking those units sales over time. >> that should have called for a question, and you can come up and i think that we are having a, and we are deliberating right now. >> public comment is closed right now. >> commissioner hillis? >> just to add to that, i know that the public records are down and the assess soars office and we can get this building and every building and so i think that as a place to kind of requiring a specific developer to report on their project. i think that you have access to
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the system and it is in there and so that data is readily available, and probably on everybody's computer when they come back to work. >> the city attorney's office and there probably are places where this information is available. and as i understand it, the assessor does not necessarily report the sales price but rather than it is the valuation of the property which is mostly based on the sales price, and not 100 percent. >> the sales price from the transfer taxes paid. >> okay. >> and i just don't know where this information might be available but we could certainly tract that. >> for opening data, we could create a app. >> right. >> and commissioner wu? >> right. >> commissioner wu. >> there is a button here. but it was my question that led to this and i am still on that question. >> but i am going to yield to miss wu. very kind. >> so, i just want to state that i am interested in
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tracking specific buildings. if that information is already available to the recorder's office it would be great to link it to the site that we already have where we can search an address and what i am open to whatever is easiest and what makes the most sense and we don't want to put the undue burden and my only question is what is the goal of the commission for getting this data and we can list the sales prices and i am not sure what the goal is here. for me, we amoved the buildings and we think that this will serve as a demographic and population even though it is market rate it will meet a certain need. and for me, that would start a policy conversation, about what needs is that really serving? >> the other things that come
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up in the discussion all of the time and such as the family size, and are there children are aren't there children and do they own the cars or not? do they use their cars? do they have to park them off site because there is not enough parking, do they work in san francisco or out of the city and are the occupants or the owners the full time residents or a... and i mean, that these, we have all of these discussions all of the time and a lot of statements are made as to who the residents are but i can only think of one or two projects where they have actually come forward and i think that the infinity was one of it and gave us answers to all of those questions and it turned out that there are a lot more car owners and people working in san francisco and a lot more of them were actually full time residents. so it does not mean that it is happening on every project and i think that those are the kinds of things that are help follow for us when the public discussions come up as to who is actually buying the units. >> commissioner sugaya.
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>> yes, commenting in contrast to commissioner hillis, i don't think that this building responds to anything in dog patch or third street. >> commissioner moore. >> could i recall the question. >> yeah, could i just wrap up the comments. i think that we are all sort of in agreement, and it is a little premature to make that condition even if we can, and i thank the assessor for bringing it up. the more information that we gather for whatever the purpose is use is and there are hundreds of them that we could sit here and retail growth and buses and etc. and hopefully better than the intelligent againsts that we can make and we have to start klelting the dat on to start building some data base and history to be able to make the decisions would you please call the question? >> commissioners there is a motion and a second on the
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