tv [untitled] August 13, 2013 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT
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creating more renewable energy under the grid under long term 20 and 25 year contract, our most recent power supply contract is with cal time for sonoma produced geothermal pow e it has 578 employees in northern california and their local construction programs have employed more than 1200 union workers. as a public agency, we're proud to be able to support union workers and prevailing wage workers. we've already begun local build o*ut from the solar installation, we've identified new sites for solar at transportation port and is non-profit organizations within our service area, they're in early planning stages, we provide service to almost 2 thousand net energy metering customer that is are generating their own power on their rooftops getting power to our load and the installation of
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our airport project created 20 jobs through the 20 month construction phase through our feed-in tariff and as well as the feed-in tariff , it also generated new jobs w we pay for those programs to promote local jobs. >> we have lofted two minutes per witness z. >> this year, we also launched a 4.1 million energy program that's available to cc a programs that launch. we understand there are complexities involved and encourage you to keep in mind by taking action to move this program forward, you are allowing your rez densest and businesses a choice in the energy provider, you're simply ensuring your community will have one option. >> the geothermal, is that where the fracking is occurring? >> no, that's a natural gas
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product that stems from fracking, geothermal is very different. >> i wondered if that's where the access was. >> geothermal power sa california certified renewable product which is different from natural gas which is a fossil fuel. >> and you don't use natural gas at all? >> we do use conventional power to cover the balance of our supply, beyond the 50% renewable and the 100% renewable, there are some customer that is choose our light green power which is 50% renewable, and you'll see a breakdown of the different products that we provide and which are renewable and which are conventional. >> what i found interesting is you're partnering with pg&e where the partners here are preventing pg&e. >> a cc a program is a partnership with the incumbent utility, we work with pg&e to
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provide service to customers, customers in our territory continue to get their bills from pg&e, we ever been working in partnership for the last three years and i must say it's been going well over the last year and a half and we have a good working part ner ship that's meeting the needs of customer ins a cooperative way. >> it didn't sound like cooperation from the previous witness. >> i would echo the sentiments of the first speaker in the words that i used just now is that in the last year and a half, we've had a cooperative relationship with pg&e but the comments made earlier is accurate, we had a difficult launch, nrfs a lot of misinformation nufp of what i'm hearing today, kind of getting some flash backs, a lot of misinformation that is not grounded in fact that can make it difficult as a decision-maker to make a clear decision to move forward, the
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ceqa concept that's being brought up, the job loss at substations doesn't make any sense as i described, pg&e continues to serve customers by distributing the power, delivering the bill, they continue to employ the ibew workers that you're hearing from today, there hasn't ban loss of jobs from pg&e in our community, they've had to add some folks to provide support to our team. >> you've added 20 jobs? >> we have an in-house staff of 17 folks, we also have a team of outside consultant that is provide additional support to us and then we have a team of vendors who are providing energy efficiency and renewable installation services in addition to that, so if you add up the jobs created and the services purchased in our community, there is an impakts, a positive impact to our local economy. >> great, thank you so much and keep up the great work. >> thank you so much.
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>> jay carmona. >> welcome. >> good afternoon, commissioners, i'm sue von, you called me earlier, i'm with the sierra club >> >> what happened to jay? >> in line. i am with the sierra club, and we -- as john rizzo testified earlier and as michelle testified earlier, we do support these not to exceed rate and is we urge you to adopt them. and get this program off the ground. this is historic in nature, i'm a student of history, used to teach history, this is the kind of thing that should go down in history and first one of the major american city adopting this and getting this program off the ground and your names will be attached to this so you should do this with pride. your children will be grateful, your grandchildren will be grateful and i'm peeling to
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sentiment here, and i would be grateful also. and as a member of the sierra club, we look forward to working with you and i also want to say, i hear some hissing in the background and i want to say we look forward to working with labor because this is going to create jobs and new jobs, competition, it's the american way, there will be jobs with the cleanpowersf program and hopefully they will be good jobs. please adopt these not to exceed rates. thank you. >> well, i'm sorry if somebody missed at you. if i find that again, i'll remove them from the roof, that's not appropriate behavior. jay carmona, he's referring to gwen, welcome. >> i'm gwen, you called me earlier, i've been a supporter, i believe the current not to exceed rates for the program are affordable to the majority of san franciscans to expand most of our city and find a
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local build-out creating green jobs and a sense of pride. i want to encourage you not to be in the shell shock campaign, this is clearly an attempt by pg&e, to maintain the monopoly, if cleanpowersf were not a greener energy portfolio than the one we already have, we would not have strong environmental records such as supervisor john avalos, supervisor mar, assembly member tom ammiano, i appreciate this is a historic opportunity for our city to move forward and set an example for the rest of the country. we cannot afford to wait any longer. i look forward to being a cleanpowersf customer in the spring. thank you. >> carl bernadeto. >> thank you, commissioners, i am a resident for 11 years in
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san francisco and speaking as a resident, i'm in support of clean energy and cleanpowersf, for the record, i agree with everything that michelle meters said from sierra club, i don't want to repeat all that, i worked for a utility for ten years and when it was a monopoly, it became basically had to get competition and i just want to say that this is an amazing program that provides competition and i think pg&e will move forward in a more aggressive way to attaining renewable goals and this is just fantastic, it's a platform to move forward in a very -- as a foundation to add in best and quest features like feed-in tariffs, we can look at marine energy authority and all the of things they've done and i believe this program will enable that. i also am a supporter of full
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disclosure and transparency, [inaudible] i believe the father of one of the commissioners and i wonder if that's a conflict of interest. i have no idea if that's fraou or not, when it's the alliance of jobs for sustainable growth by [inaudible] is that a conflict of interest i guess is my question. and one quick other -- >> are you asking for a legal opinion? >> i don't know, i'm just wondering -- maybe i just wanted to point out -- >> if you want to make a charge, i want to know what it is. >> it seems to me like it may be a conflict of interest. >> you're going to throw it out anyway. >> to me, it seems like a conflict of interest. >> is that seems like hip --
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hi pock cas si to me. >> does it? i know that pg&e currently contracts michelle and i would like to put that on the record. >> i asked our city attorney and it's not a conflict of interest, you can rest well tonight. >> thank you. >> you have the right to petition your government, there's no financial interest involved, so -- >> okay, thank you very much. >> so rude. jay camona, thank you, thank you for being so polite. >> thank you, commissioners and staff, my name is jay carmona and i'm here to share the enthusiasm and commitment for pursuing a clean energy future for the city, 50 builds a movement to stop the climate cies shilling,
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atmosphere 402 passed, a level not previously seen for many years so the stakes are high, we are already seeing consequences of climate change both around the world, across the country and here, record heat, dw*es stating drought, wildfires and super storms and this does not compare about politics but climate change is a problem that must be add deed with real policies and infrastructures at the city level right away, cleanpowersf is a big step to addressing this problem and we have strong preservations with the contract with shell, cleanpowersf is a true step, 350 .org is leading a global campaign and we look forward to discussing how to reinvest money from fossil fuel investments into clean energy jobs and infrastructure in this city, i ask you to complete your not to exceed rate setting
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task so cleanpowersf in san francisco can move forward and as a beacon of leadership addressing the climate crisis, moving forward is critically. >> thank you for speaking so swiftly. >> you're welcome. >> michael turo. alright, al winera. okay. jim lazarus, san francisco khaim be, i thought i saw him in the back, there he is. >> cameron bingley, and david zedcar. >> jim lazarus, san francisco xhaim ber of commerce, the chamber has consistently said to this commission, the board of supervisors, the rate fairness board that beear using
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a flawed system to develop a come petite plan that will cost san franciscans more taking those dollars out of the local economy. while cleanpowersf does not meet the state's community choice aggregation goal, you have to remember that out of -- as i'm sure former senator torres does, out of the crisis from 13 years ago, the state passed laws which it was the intention we bring competition to stabilize what available resources lower cost to consumers. this doesn't do that. every dollar that a consumer spends which will go out of san francisco by in large in this program is a dollar not spent in san francisco. that's why we cannot support an opt-out program. if we want to get into the energy business in san francisco, if our local utility which has a green tariff
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proposed at the state public utilities commission right now had an opt-out proposal in that tariff, the board of supervisors would pass a resolution on the immediate consent calendar to oppose such a rate that would raise prices out nautically for san francisco residents who didn't opt out. the rates proposed here are not fair to consumers, the opt-out program isn't fair to consumers whether it's business or residents, we urge you to send this proposal back to your staff. thank you very much. >> thank you, mr. lazarus, thank you for your hard work over the years. >> commissioner, michael terry, we as a council do not have a formal position on the setting of rate, we have established the three prince unless the labor councils, in that regard, we have -- i will confirm
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positive conversations with your staff. the conversations, i will offer some corrective supplement, yes, we do acknowledge that to require that all power production and maintenance and operation be performed union is a reach, however, we do believe it is entirely appropriate for the commission to insist as you ask its staff to work out standards for wages and for benefits for that production. tla's entirely within your purview, i think it is unfortunate that she cast some doubt about a project labor agreement for the work, and did not actually tell you what the criteria were for having the project labor agreement with the city. i believe that it's very straight forward and that it requires that there be some advantage that the city gains
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by having a project labor agreement and i'll give you one example in this particular context, every one of our project labor agreements has a dispute resolution agreement to which contractors and trades are bound, you've been told a problem with the production of solar power in this town because of jurisdictional disputes, that problem goes away with a project labor agreement, so we have given her an example of an energy retrofit agreement for a half million dollar project for the housing development, it is a very effective agreement, it is extending that to 43 additional properties and quite a bit more money and we're now in discussions for the same amount of work, so we look forward to working with you one way or another. >> thank you very much. >> cameron? welcome. >> thank you very much for letting me speak today. i just want to say i'm a
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student, four years and resident of four years here in san francisco and of environmental studies, due to the state of the changing climate, we need to start our transition to 100% renewable energy, cleanpowersf will help us do that, it's renewable energy, cleanpowersf will give residents to encourage local renewable energy infrastructure and global green jobs, the rates are low and competitive and should be passed today. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> hi, i'm david zepgar, i want to thank the commission and staff for all the work that eve done to date, i'm concerned about cleanpowersf, i would feel better knowing that all of my energy was renewable and for that reason, i urge you to approve the not to exceed rates today so we can get this
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program rolling as soon as possible. thank you. >> al winera. he left? okay. eric brooks. alright. dr. espanola jackson. >> good afternoon, dr. espanola jackson. it was kind of funny to me sitting here listening to the renewable and the electrical. i want you all to take a look at this because of the fact that you all voted sometime ago dealing with solar, and i want you to see what my bill is, my electric bill is 103 dollars and some cents, now i'm not --
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yes, you will see it when it comes around to you. you know, i don't represent or get paid by pg&e, but as you see, you all when i got my solar -- >> god, i wish i had your bill. >> so, what i want you all to do is please, what you continue with, i think 7 years, years ago, they were talking about bringing pfrs into my community, you know, and that failed, you all voted it down, and this is what we have solar, and the thing of it is, is that the's the reason when i spoke in the beginning is i'm here to support solar for all of san franciscans, thank you so very much. >> thank you, doctored, eric brooks? >> good afternoon, commissioner, eric brooks, san francisco green party, local
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grass roots organization outer city, i've been working on this for about 9 and a half year, i think most of you commissioners if not all of you, all of our ally supervisors, eric mar, john avalos, all of you are staffed and all of even my environmental group allies can tell you that over the last 9 and a half years, because i've been pushing so hard on the local build-out making sure it happens, i've been on the biggest pain on the butt of all of those allies and all of your staff in the city. >> i think you're a very nice person, eric. >> i think other folks might rightfully disagree, especially your staff, i've definitely been a pain in their butt. >> in their? >> butt, butt. i can tell you the reason for that is up to about a year ago, we had no guarantees, we had no guarantees that this program
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was going to get off the ground in a way that had a reasonable rate, that would have a low opt-out rate, that would make it possible to get enough customers into this program to do the big local build-out of hundreds of megawatts of renewable and efficiency, thousands of jobs that go with that, but since -- i have to give kudos to kim malcolm, we are down to a possible rate which is competitive do pg&e brown power rates, the opt-out will be 20% or less because we had the chance to set the right rates today, that means we'll be able to get the build-out underwear way, it is time to move this forward, we are no longer saying no, we are saying yes, and to those folks of all the labor union that is are in the room, i guarantee you the activists will fight tooth and nail to make sure that project labor agreement ares used to
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make this thing rock solid on union hiring. .sing thank you, mr. brooks. [inaudible]. welcome. >> good afternoon, commissioners, if i understand correctly, the only bidder for the contract when that contract was let go was with shell and it is a transition contract, a small p-e-r-c-e-n-t-a-g-e time you as an organization could be full speed ahead with local jobs, local people, even developing rec that could be purchased by other groups, one week ago today i walked into my classroom, my first course is environmental science, we won't focus on the science, i want to comment on some policy and politics and i would love to walk into that classroom and
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discuss with them the progress that the city is making in moving towards 100% renewable, clean energy, make no mistake, we will discuss the policy x the politics on the issue and i hope that's what i'm putting in front of them, i'm going to be teaching my 10th graders meteorologist, they will be seeing what's known oz a hock ke stick graph, the increase in carbon dioxide and we will talk about policy, and i hope this group moves forward to set that cap which is merely a cap, all it is doing is saying once those rates are set, it won't go above this, isn't setting the shell contract in gold, it isn't setting a cap, it would be good to be set to go forward with local energy resources. >> thank you for your teaching
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commitment. [inaudible] acosta. >> commissioners, this is about community choice aggregation. you will get people coming here, you've heard them, that they've done that and they have done that and the other thing about the community, but truly speaking, when it comes to the southeast sector and i hope you folks are listening at home, very wlilgts has been done in that community. let's talk about choice. the former general manager clearly stated not to have anything to do with renewable
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energy credits, conveniently, some of you all are not agreeing with it. the choice that you so-called commissioners are making should be a choice that is deliberated by the community, especially the most wonderful community. for 60 years, the power plants are in the southeast sector, but in the other areas where the sfpuc staff conducted a survey and said, those people are willing to pay more money for so-called clean energy. this debate is [inaudible] and for the people who have spoken here has stated that to you,
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this debate is defumary, this is san francisco, this started a droning time ago, this hydro electricity and today it is going backwards. >> thank you, mr. david atoray. welcome. >> good afternoon, commissioners, david altore with the labor 261 and i took the liberty to writing my thoughts down on paper, the labor have long sought to be elite partner this the city's pursuit of renewable energy and job creation goal, back in march bh the sfpuc thought of setting rates, we asked three critical questions on behalf of our members many of whom are here today, in the overflow room, and they are one, where this program create jobs for
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our members and the local community members we seek to promote, how many jobs will the program create and three, where and when will these jobs be created? today we have no concrete answer tos these specific questions and cannot support moving forward with a program as it is proposed today, we will however support the sfpuc's immediate issuance of solar bonds and in the immediate progress towards a local build-out of renewable and efficiency that creates local jobs but under the circumstance, we cannot support going forward with what is proposed before the commission today. thank you. >> thank you very much. any other comments from anyone? anyone? if you wish to comment, please make a request form so i know who you are. >> i apologize. >> you kept it in your pocket? >> my name is chris wright, i'm
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the executive direct or of the jobs and association of the largest private sector employer, i want to take this opportunity to subjecting that we all take a closer look, a careful look on what we have before us, this is the program that was advertised to san franciscans months ago or years ago, this is a program that is worth supporting. as an organization that represents some of the city's largest rate payers, we have been following this, i do not recognize what's being proposed, a program that opts in k*us yeses that will cost customers more than what was suggested months ago, and that is arguably dirtier than what we had, i'm also not confident of the jobs forecasts made by the san francisco puc staff, since those are based on projected work which is financed through the clutch and future revenue that is far from guaranteed, in fact, the
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commercial -- just looking back, the relatively independent report that was done by the city controller said that the city will lose job, those rates were lower then, the rates are higher now, i think we should have a more independent review of the impacted jobs here in san francisco. >> who's the city controller at that time? >> [inaudible]. if the san francisco puc is concerned about job creation, you already have the tools to do so. before implementing this paragraph, you can move forward and build out multiple solar project that is have already been plan and had create more jobs without the job plan incurred by these points, i would like to take this time to express my continued concern, it was mentioned earlier today by the chamber of commerce by the automatic opt in, if a private sector automatically
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enrolled a customer for a certain product at a higher cost, there would be quick concerns expressed from this building and from the media. i hope you review this carefully. thank you. >> thank you, mr. wright. any further public comments? you need to give us who you are. there you are, wait until the last minute. can i have that, please. >> good afternoon, president and commissioners, thank you for having me here to speak today. i would like to make a comment that we are not here today to decide whether we want this program or not in san francisco, we're here to take a vote on rates for the program, the not to exceed rate, the board of supervisors almost a year ago now approved this program with 8 votes with a super majority to move forward with this program, we are not here today to decide whether this program is good for san francisco, the board of supervisors already knew that, we're here to approve the not to exceed
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