tv [untitled] August 14, 2013 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT
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the planning zone regulation. so, i also included in the packet an exhibit e which is a case study that was granted by larry badner, not a historical property and i included the photographs of that in my documentation, i canvassed the neighborhood and i said would you be opposed to this, without exception, they signed and because i have the sixties, they're not here tonight, they said yes, do what you want with your property. it was also cited in here that this would be detrimental to a neighborhood because i would be removing an on-site parking space. by that argument, if i was allowed to put a garage, i would still be removing an on-site parking space, so that is really not an argument at all and then i included images from around the city blocks around the property demonstrating what exists and
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how this would actually be in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. there are lots -- there are six lots with parking pads in the surrounding area and there are many homes with garages that are substandard and the cars cannot actually fit in the garage so they are parking in the driveway and they are parking over the sidewalk and i think if you look at any of the documents in there in exhibit c, you'll see that's pretty prevalent. so, this is an example of how other people -- anybody down there? yeah, this is an example of how people have achieved the driveway directly under the bay window. there is nothing about their stairs that is code conforming from a building standpoint, so saying that this doesn't conform to a planning preference totally dismisses the fact that i have to meet other criteria by the building department and nobody has code conforming stairs here, they
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don't have landing, they have illegal windings, they have no rails, they have rise to run differentials that exceed the code, their stairs go into the setback, the whole list of them are nonconforming, so i'm challenged as to why it seems so i guess unacceptable to put in a parking pad. thank you. >> mr. murray? >> that car that you have indicated there, it looks like it's smaller than a smart car? >> no, there are several vehicles which will fit in that. >> let me finish the question. what is that dimension? you have a 14 foot three inch sidewalk. what is the dimension from the edge of the sidewalk to the
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front of the building. >> it would be 11 foot 10 inches back from the retaining wall and from there, you can see it's a 10 foot sidewalk it seems like. >> and when the planners met with you and indicated that if you added a garage door and a lower garage level, what detail did they give you related to the historical fabric that you are ruining? >> they basically have their guidelines, the published packet, if you want to put in a garage in a historic property this is how we want to see you do it and i understand that, that makes the most sense, but in a case like this -- >> give us the details of what they -- they indicated to you that your proposal did not fit. >> their response to this was there is no way we would approve this. that was their level of detail,
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they said this is unacceptable, this would distroy the historic fabric, it was very subjective. >> thank you. >> one of the first sketches you put up which included the garage proposal, you said there was a three foot setback, is that the side setback? >> yes. >> going into this -- i don't understand what you're saying. >> i'm referring to the overhead. >> so, this shows you the configuration of where i wanted to put the parking pad. this is that setback, this is the entrance. >> it already exists? wait, is there a structure that extends out over there already? >> here? >> no, this is sidewalk, there's a lower level door right here, this area here currently as i showed in the photograph is four foot above the grade, it's where they keep brash cans and things like that, so i wanted to fill in this portion here and have the
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garage come out. >> oh, okay. >> and they said that asymmetrical placement would not be acceptable. >> you fill it in with structure? >> at the ground floor, yes. >> okay. okay, and then other than that, the alternative that you proposed was just a pad? >> was just the pad, yes. >> and would that have impacted the footprint of the house? >> no, not at all, it would have totally preserved it. >> okay, okay. >> mr. sanchez? >> thank you, scott sanchez, planning department, the subject property at 225 clipper street, it's subject to planning code sections 132 and 141, so in this case, planning code section 132 would prohibit -- the setback requirement for the property and also prohibits
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parking within that front setback, the planning code section 142 establishes a screening requirement for off street parking and the proposal would provide no off street parking screening so we'd be having parking within the front setback that doesn't provide the required screening, this is being done voluntarily, so in seeking to have parking in the front setback, not meeting the planning code requirement, they can do so if they seek and justify variance, you have to meet all of the five findings, it's meant to be a challenge, it's meant to be a burden, it's meant to be used only in exceptional and extraordinary circumstances and in reviewing this case, i didn't see any exceptional and extraordinary circumstances, i had concerns as commissioner fung pointed out, the parking space that would be created here is substandard, this would not
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[inaudible] so, it would not fit in the space here, as the architect has drawn these plans, the landing would run down right into the parking space and so one of the concerns i have, we'd be losing an on street parking space where any member of the public can park on the street and have access to that parking space, you would be providing a substandard space which wouldn't meet the requirements of the planning code, and the appellant has shown feet toes of people parking illegally with their cars extending out the front property line of the sidewalk, why are those happening? those aren't legal parking space and they are encroaching into the public right of way and doing so illegally, certainly the current owner of the building has a smart car or
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one of the other new cars that might meet these dimensional requirements but the future owner may not, and so then are they going to be parking and extending into the sidewalk? i don't think that's a good situation and i think we wouldn't want to encourage that, would they probably park in front of the driveway blocking their driveway but making it that nobody else could park there either, they could do a code complying alternative that would are result in the removal of an on-site parking space, it would not be a midget car parking space, i would have a concern about this and that's why i denied the variance. >> what about the garage part? that could not -- when we heard it would not be acceptable in no way, why? >> in speaking with staff, he felt that the staff has reviewed this said -- and subject to the architect to create a solution that would have the requirements that the
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city has established. i don't know what level of discussion the architect has had, it doesn't sound like it was in department, there are properties we have approved.permits for garages and other circumstances, i don't think they fully vetted that idea, but then again, there's no requirement for them to provide the parking. what they're proposing does not meet the requirements of the parking code, you can't park in your front setback. >> no, the garage proposed to be in the front setback? >> the garage could be done as code complying but what ne ear proposing here, they've given up the idea of doing an interior garage. >> all that's before us is the variance on the pad. >> and it would be no more expensive and expensive to do the construction in the basement and build out a garage but i don't see the justification of granting a
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variance on the substandard space. >> just a question, if the addition did not occur on the ground floor into that existing trades man entrance setback and if the garage doors were centered on the windows of the bay, would that have been more acceptable to your staff as a retro fit to an older building? >> i would presume, but that would be a determination made by preservation staff. >> yeah, but would that have been more acceptable? >> i believe so, yes, and that's more in line with the guidelines that we've established and published. thank you. >> any public comment? >> actually, i have a question for the architect, if that's okay. yeah. so, is the parking pad the only alternative or is the garage
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the priority at this point? >> the owners are willing to put in a garage, that was their first request was to put in the garage but in my determination, putting it in where the planners would like to see it and that's why i visited them first was infeasible, so i came up with the strategy of the asymmetrical approach and was shut down at first pass, so do i go down the path of creating a set of plans and wasting my client's money when my first response is no one wants to do na. >> so, garage is a first priority at this point because at this point, a substandard pad is -- >> my client has a car that will fit on that pad, so how street parking is the priority, you're going to have a family, be unloading groceries and children, it is a kind of a priority to have a place to get off the street. >> okay, thank you very much. >> before you sit down, did you
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examine what happens if you turn the bottom run of that stair? >> yes, i did. >> and would you be able to swing into a garage door that is centered on the bay? >> no, the distance that would be required for a three foot dog leg would encroach into the area as you come into the bay a window. >> i would recommend looking at 1602 sanchez, not scott sanchez, that's a property that a garage was added and the run doesn't go into the garage, it faces the street, it just makes several turns before it gets there. >> i don't have three feet of distance from the stair to where the edge of the garage door would be, so any configuration of that kind is not going to work.
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>> okay, thank you. >> you're a member of the comment? >> yes, yeah, i'm the homeowner. >> you're the appellant, so your time to speak is -- yes, which we're about to go into right now, you have three minutes of rebuttal which you can use as however the two of you think best. >> okay. hi, i just wanted to come down and let you see that i'm a real person, i'm a taxpayer, i bought this home so that i can start a family and use the space in a way that will accommodate us, we want to have kids and maintain as much as the footprint of the house for living space and not have it taken up by a garage, needing to unload a baby out of a car and as ian said, unloading groceries and it can be really challenging and i understand there's a concern about preserving street parking for the public but we live on a
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street where there's not residential permits and a*ufn thyme, i'll say the house across the street of us has six people at most, the cars can fit three and they will take up the two spots in front of our house for weeks, and so i honestly don't think it's fair. i'd like to just have some space close to our home to allow me to again have these requirements of daily living kind of be made easier. we're investing a lot of money to try to beautify the space and make our neighborhood better and our neighbors are in support of the plan and one of my priorities was to try to preserve the historical integrity of the house and i honestly think that doing this beautiful parking pad driveway really leaves most of the facade of the house completely in tact as it is and we want to repaint and just really invest
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in the property and not detract from it by putting in -- if we can avoid it, a huge garage, so we're trying to come up with the best plan and i feel we're trying to stay within the spirit of the code and do what's best for the house and for the neighborhood. my car does fit and many people have these short cars, by gti fits perfectly in the space that we planned so maybe the criteria should shift with what automobiles are today, it's not a huge buick, i appreciate you listening and hope you'll all support our plan. thanks. >> okay, mr. sanchez, anything further? no? okay, commissioners? >> any comments? >> well, i'll just start, i
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mean, i am very sympathetic to the homeowner, having lived with no garage for several years, i can certainly sympathize with the practicality and the difficulty of not having a parking space. i think my concern is what mr. sanchez said about it being a substandard space, and while it may be true that you have a car that fits in that space, i don't think that that guarantees that the next homeowner will have that, so it would encroach into the public right of way which i don't think is appropriate under the circumstances, so i would probably support the zoning administrator at this point. i do think that one solution is to petition the city for a permit parking and that's one
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thing that i've seen other people do in situations where, you know, there isn't the ability to build a garage or a parking pad, and that might ameliorate some of the difficult you described with the off street parking situation. >> yeah, i think when i first listened to your appeal, i wanted to hear from mr. sanchez as to what's the problem here, but he answered that question as articulated by commissioner hurtado, the problem is by granting in my view, if i were to agree and grant the appeal and the variance, we'd be legitimizing and legalizing a problematic parking space, and i too recognize the need and the desire to have parking and i get agitated when people park
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right in front of my house too when they know i have two small xhirn and i need to unload groceries too, so i actually don't think the neighborhood permit issue would address the problem if the neighbor is the one parking in front of your house all the time, but on the variance, it just doesn't seem, i'm disinclined to grant the appeal on the variance for the reasons -- that it wouldn't meet basic parking requirements for a normal parking space. you know, if you want to do the garage and think of alternative ways to do that, i think that might be a better bet. >> i do agree with my fellow commissioners, i'm very sefrp -- sympathetic, love parking, and as scott sanchez or the zoning administrator pointed out, the photographs which by
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the way, very nice package, people are parking illegally, by granting this, we would be saying that everyone else could get a substandard parking space as well, and so i believe the best alternative is to, you know, you have the zoning administrator ten feet away from you, have a conversation with him this evening after we're done and see if the garage proposal can go guard before you spend anymore money, of your client's money. >> do we have a motion? >> no comments. >> chair, i'll make a motion to deny the appeal and on the basis that there was no error abuse of discretion. >> i have a motion from commissioner hurtado to uphold the denial of this sair variance tla the basis of the
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there are actual steps you need to take. finding someone who can help is the first and most important. for the next steps, go to [horns honking] announcer: big dreams and good grades aren't enough to get into college. there are actual steps you need to take. finding someone who can help is the first and most important. for the next steps, go to for the next steps, go to tick. tick. tick. tick. tick. tick. tick. tick. heat waves. massive heat waves. tick. severe droughts. tick. tick. tick. tick. tick. tick. devastating... devastating hurricanes. tick. tick. tick. tick. tick! tick! tick! tick! tick! tick! our future... tick! tick! is up...
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to you. tick. go to while there's still time. i'm nicole and lindsey, i like the fresh air. when we sign up, it's always so gratifying. we want to be here. so i'm very excite ied to be here today. >> your volunteerism is appreciated most definitely. >> last year we were able to do 6,000 hours volunteering.
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without that we can't survive. volunteering is really important because we can't do this. it's important to understand and a concept of learning how to take care of this park. we have almost a 160 acres in the district 10 area. >> it's fun to come out here. >> we have a park. it's better to take some of the stuff off the fences so people can look at the park. >> the street, every time, our friends. >> i think everybody should give back. we are very
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fortunate. we are successful with the company and it's time to give back. it's a great place for us. the weather is nice. no rain. beautiful san francisco. >> it's a great way to be able to have fun and give back and walk away with a great feeling. for more opportunities we have volunteering every single day of the week. get in touch with the parks and recreation center so come ♪ >> i am so looking forward to the street fair tomorrow. >> it is in the mission, how are we going to get there? we are not driving. >> well what do you suggest? >> there are a lot of great
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transportation choices in the city and there is one place to find them all, >> >> it is the walking parking, and riding muni and it is all here in one place. >> sitting in front of my computer waiting transportation options that is not exactly how i want to spend my saturday night. >> the new is mobile friendly, it works great on a tablet, smart phone or a lap top, it is built to go wherever we go. >> cool. >> but, let's just take the same route tomorrow that we always take, okay? >> it might be much more fun to ride our bikes. >> i am going to be way too tired to ride all the way home. >> okay, how about this, we can ride our bikes there and then we can take muni home and it even shows us how to take the bikes on the bus, so simple
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right here on my phone. >> neat. we can finish making travel plans over dinner, now let's go eat. >> how about about that organic vegan gluten free rest rft. >> can't we go to the food truck. >> do you want to walk or take a taxi. >> there is an alert right here telling us there is heavy traffic in soma. >> let's walk there and then take a taxi or muni back. >> that new website gives us a lot of options. >> it sure does and we can use it again next weekend when we go to see the giants. there is a new destination section on the website that shows us how to get to at&t park. >> there is a section, and account alerts and information on parking and all kinds of stuff, it is so easy to use that even you can use it. >> that is smart. >> are you giving me a compliment. >> i think that i am. >> wow, thanks. >> now you can buy dinner.
8:58 pm access useful information, any happy new year, everybody. i love the fact that we are doing a tournament here at the center. when i was in eighth grade i played on a basketball teechl. team. i have to admit i wasn't very good at it. i always aspired to be an nba player. regardless of playing in college or nba, i expect many
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