tv [untitled] August 21, 2013 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT
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building code they start out for a model code and that works for the international. a couple of specific modifications they want to make to it, and every year and so >> and they have taken the laws and incorporating them and dove tailing them into the model code. and and the ordinance and moving them forward. and after california finishes doing that, san francisco does the same thing. and we have our own set of amendments that we have to go through the combination of those two documents, and dove tail all of our ordinances that we have had for years and
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expertise. and their recommendations go to the full code advisory committee who we have used them and decides how to act on them and the result of that is a letter to you, and the document that they have agreed is the way they want to recommend going forward. it is brought to the building inspection commission and here we are and the next thing that the planning department does an environmental review and you would think that there is a lot of co-changes and things that are modifications to the california code that need to be looked at and they are all bringing forward and ordinances that are in place with the own findings and environmental review. and they are dove tailing things in where into the california code may have the new section numbers and referenced so that there are amendments need to go to the right section.
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and so, there are very few actual major changes, if any, in there, it is mostly carrying forward from the past. and with your recommendation, it goes to the board of supervisors, and there is 30-day wait period in land use. and the board of supervisors, hears it twice and there is ten days for the mayor to sign and 30 days, before it becomes effective. and that has to all happen between july first and january first. so, it is a very that things have to just click off like clock work. published in among that, the publisher has to publish the codes. and so we sent them, or supervisors actually sent them to the legislation, and a copy of the legislation to include the document and they publish it and deliver the hard copies to us and we need to get the
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quick training on it and we implement it on the first and there is an on-line version that the publisher publishes and we have it available on the website and there is training and out reach and there is administrative bulletins which i will be back later in the subsequent months to update all of those to the new codes as well. so, i think that at this point, we have a fairly good con sen us document and our, the general policy of the department is to carry forward the existing amendments when necessary to maintain the same standard of safety, that we have currently in san francisco. to delete any unnecessary ones and too much regulations costs people money and then update it with the current legislation that is passing and there is a series of a piece of legislation including the soft story that are going through as we are talking and they need to
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be put in as between now and the first when the building code becomes operative. and significant issues that you may want to know about, based on the 2010 ada standards that have been put out. and it was voted on, through the building standards commission. and so that would formally look in california chapter 11 b and you want to find something, you will not be able to find it until you figure out how the numbering has changed.
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there are no san francisco amendments to the provisions. and so, soft story chapter this new chapter have you voted it in previously, and it is certainly in our code and we will be carrying it forward with the changes that you pass today. and there is the maher ordinance which you have already passed a few months back and it just cleared the board of supervisors. and so it will be entering our code. and there are a couple of ordinances that got over writen and our previous cycle ordinance regarding hunter's point and incorporate s parcel a into the entire definition of hunter's point. and one regarding the mayor's office on disability, receiving the packets in a process of repealing and adopting a new code, those ordinances passed in the middle of that process
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so they got immediately repealed and now we are putting them back in like there is supposed to be. and there has been some minor things like that staff recommended, penalty for not getting a permit or having unpermitted work is nine times the permit value is the penalty for that and in some cases where the owner's bought a house and didn't realize that there was unpermitted work on it all of a sudden get a notice of violation and a huge penalty and so, the current code gives us the i think that it is the chief building inspector and the authority to reduce that find to two times the penalty if that is what is appropriate. and rather than going through a board of appeals or a board of examiners. and residential code, the residential code is similar to the way that we treat it at
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last cycle, and in fact it is identical. and we have chosen in san francisco the residential code is designed for the normal california tract house in stockton where there is six pete from other builds or property lines and one or two stories, and the great for building that kind of a house, they have a lot of short cuts for contractors, and san francisco, is we don't have that many of them. so, between the residential code and the building code, the building code is the more strict standard and so we have closen to continue on with that. because we just a continuation of what we have been doing in the past and there are some restrictions on the residential code, and we are able to adopt more strict provisions of the residential code, but not less strict, so, we went to the
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residential code and picked out anything that would be less strict if we adopted the building codes, and included those things into the building codes. so we picked the most strict of the two. >> cal green, and the green building code, and big change, and kind of a big change and more formatting than anything else and initially, eight years ago, roughly, there was not a green building code, san francisco came up with an ordinance and initiated one. we adopted it into the building code and gief it its own chapter of 13 c. and subsequently, california adopted a counter commission and the green building code and at first it was discretionary whether the cities used it or not and so we continued with
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our method and tried to incorporate. and now it is currently, in effect and so there is a green building code in california. and so we have moved our ordinance out of the building code and it is now in the form of for the cal green and it is the san francisco amendments of the california green building code otherwise known as the san francisco green building code and we have the mechanical amendments and code, and plumbing code. and the building amendment. and we have a special thanks to the department of environment and there is a huge amount of work in doing that transition. they spearheaded that he have fert in establishing the ordinance in san francisco and carrying it forward and there
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is not a lot of changes to the green building code in structure. and we have tried to do all of the most restrictive items because we have carried forward and we do all of the items and in addition to that we do the things that the san francisco ordinance applied at that time too. and so we have combined the two. and so the housing code. and and we have a housing code from 2007 that has not been updated other than the legislative changes and we plan to have it republished not as a new code but as the 2013, housing code being republishing of the 2007 and what is happening is everyone thinks that they have an old, out of date housing code and they don't know if they have the most current one or not. and when they get the housing code they get it and 12 supplements that they put together to try to figure it out.
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and we want to shortcut that and we publish that as one total document modified going forward and so that is what we plan on doing with the housing code. i would like to introduce ned who is the co-chair, and he has a few comments that he wants to make on the codes. >> there were some things deleted so it is actually getting smaller >> i would like to recognize the support that we got from acting director and this is the perfect example of someone who knows the ropes and this is what we have been through several cycle and tom made sure that the resources available and kiter and his team to help us to do our jobs in the subcommittees and my hat is off to tom and so he attended several of the meetings himself and so that is a sign of true
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commitment. kirk did a fantastic job to make sure that we hit all of our dates. there were times that we had to have the follow up meetings and all of the members put out on the code advisory committee to make sure that they were there, and we had the quorums and so forth. and two people to the top, tony corea and tim ried and they are both chairs of two committee and so they have double time and double meetings because they had a meeting every two weeks. and so those guys fantastic job and i wanted to thank bary for his help on the cal green provisions as well. and that was a garganuan task to thread those two together and so he did a fantastic job and he has a great matrix to help us wind our way through the process. any way, thank you for all of your support and the support of
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the department and i think that we are going to have a pretty good cycle this time. >> thank you. >> thank you. i don't know what we would do if you were not around, and working on this, it is just... >> yeah, i know that it is a team, but you guys amaze me and it is the toughest job out there. othank you so much, and i always have to recognize when you come to the mic. >> thank you. >> and i will pass it on to the members as well. >> thank you. >> one thing of housekeeping, there was one code provision that was new, and voted to appropriate the recommendations for the code advisory committee did not make it into the packet but i brought a copy just in case. >> do you want to hand those out. >> it is fully supported by the code left out of the documentation and we have a
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short time frame between wednesday of last week when everything gets voted on and on friday which things have to go out to you. >> >> he put this process in place and to carry these things along and without his teaching and having that process in place, it will be extremely difficult task. and ned and his co-advisory committee members, amazing amount of work those gentleman do and they are so sharp this they pick up on everything and makes the codes when it is here and it makes them workable and that is actually, you will actually have to do them. in rather than just being some kind of a pie in the sky type of a thing. and the department of energy, barry hooper and i just wanted to make sure that it is the
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huge project that he took on and successfully completed in time for us, and helped us with all of the time. and benjamin lu and the engineering intern that we had this year, helped me get all of the information from the code advisory committees meetings into the forms and documents that have been passed out to you and others that are required, so it was a huge help to me. and the chief, all of the chiefs, when we went out for staff review, it went back to, you know, the plumbing chief to come up with the reviewing the plumbing code and the electrical chief, to review the electrical code. and we have patrick and ron tom and they are both building chiefs. and you have the building code and have the staff do it. and james zan of the mechanical division, and he has got a huge
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responsibility in as a mechanical code and parts of the building code that were related to the mechanical. and the green building code. all of that, he has put on into. and him and his group. and david leon and he is my supervisor and make sure that i was on task this whole time as well as he runs the structural subcommittees that have weighed in on a lot of the soft story stuff and all of the structural chapters that we are bringing forward to you. director for his support and faith in me and our department. and to be able to handle this. and giving us whatever we needed when we needed it. and then, the two deputy directors for the same thing and following up with the chiefs and giving us the resources and taking a good quality product to you. and that is it. >> probably a lot of other
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people too. >> commissioner mar,? i want to back up because i have been up to a couple of your meetings and there is a lot of work and i want to thank the volunteers and all of the members for doing all of this work. >> thank you. >> we will be commenting. >> we need to vote on the code and amendments is there any public comment on item ten. >> seeing none, we need a motion. >> move to approve. >> second. >> we have a motion and a second. roll call vote to approve the 2013 codes? >> john, for the city attorney's office. story to jump in.
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this is two action and one is for the recommend to the approval and one is to approve and the other is for the bic to recommend that the board of supervisors also approve it. >> so would you like to add that to your motion? >> move to approve. >> move to approve and move to forward along to the board of supervisors for their approval. >> okay. >> thank you. >> okay, president mccarthy? >> yes. >> mar? >> yes. >> clinch. >> yes. >> lee. >> yes. >> mccray. >> yes. >> melgar. >> yes. >> commissioner walker? >> i am sorry she was excused and so this motion carries, thank you. >> item 11, update on the new
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condo conversion legislation. >> bill strong, again, and you have heard president mccarthy run through some of those updated numbers for our condo conversion team. and they have actually improved each a little bit more in the last day so that as a understand it we now have 240 applications, and instead of the 220, that was in the president's announcements. so we have seen about 27 percent increase in these applications, since the passage and enactment of the new, ordinance, on july 29th. >> and it is still, as, i think that most of you know, one of these issues where there is a
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poison pill in the draft and if the lawsuit is filed, then, the people who are not yet in the system could be put on hold until a court ruling, comes out on it. and for that reason, i think that both we and the department of public works, were anticipating kind of an avalanche of applications. and so we have not had that avalanche yet, and i think, everybody in the department is quite pleased that that has not yet happened. and meanwhile, with this internal team that the acting director did approve, kind of a swat team to try to move these applications forward quickly, i am told by the building inspector who is leading that effort that the week of september the 14th, they will be doing 16 inspections a week. and they have been doing roughly about ten right now.
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and so, they are getting a combined team of electrical plumbing, and building together so that they can go through these applications and actually make these inspections and generate the report as quickly as possible. >> and i mean it is possible, of course, that tomorrow, we will see, a big number come in. that we cannot really anticipate. interestingly enough, dpw's restores has also told us that they were expecting a lot of applications, to date they have had 51. so, again, it is far below, the volume that might be in there. and at any rate, i would say that, we are prepared internally to move this legislation forward as quickly as possible. thank you. >> is there any commissioner comment on this. >> any public comment on item
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eleven? >> okay. seeing none, item 12. director's report. >> 12 a, update on dbi finances. >> >> deputy director, if i may, and they are going to bring you up and that they have an announcement for us here. and before you get into your brief, if your let you know. >> deputy director of administrative services as president mccarthy said, i do have an announcement, i am going to move over to the hel thing services systems which is the group that handles all of the active and retired health benefits and also covers the school district and the community college district and i am moving over there as the
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deputy director over cfo so that is effective next friday. i do want to say that it was a hard decision to make but it is really an exciting opportunity and i am not shy of new challenges. i wanted to thank you for the opportunity to work with you with the directors and my staff. we have worked on many difficult issues, hiring and rehiring staff. and we are a stronger department because of what we have overcome. and i want to thank you for your support and wish the department success in the future. thank you fp >> good luck, pam. >> good luck.
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>> congratulations. >> in terms of the financial report, we decided that since only one we will do a recap of 2013. currently, we anticipate ending the year with 22.63 million compared to budget, there are still some entries that get made after the books are closed to the department. and they are, some last minute things that occur. and but we don't expect this to change very much. this consists of 28.5 million in additional revenues over the budget and 6.11 million in savings. and we do plan to transfer 6.34 in deferred credits for permits that have been submitted but
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not all of the revenues have been earned. and we talked about this in the past. and in terms of the way that the actual budget occurred. this is the graph that i have up here on the screen, and the budget in the charges for service, and the permits issued in 2013, with 36 percent greater than 11/12 and as we know there has been a lot of large, very large projects that came in, in 12, 13, and there were 9.37 more permits issued. and this is going to possibly
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>> we are starting the specifications for the fee study to ensure that we are charging the correct amount for cost recovery. any questions? >> thank you. >> tom, who is taking over for pam when she leaves? >> my thinking is i will temporarily have gail to temporarily hold up the road for the others. >> okay. next item. >> item 12 b, update on proposed legislation. >> bill
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