tv [untitled] September 3, 2013 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT
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and i took bart over from the east bay and the cars were full of bicycles and it just illustrated the tremendous potential that this program has for the entire bay area and i also wanted to give special recognition to my colleague on mtc, scott weiner who has been a tremendous advocate for this program, and that has been launched today and he is a great bike share advocate and helped us in this last year of moving those funds to enable this to all happen. and i also want to thank all of the hard working staff for making this day happen. and a special thanks to the air district, staff and our partners at sfmta, dta, and you know the beauty about launching this program in san jose and san francisco we are going to learn a lot. we are going to learn about how bike share works in the hills and on the flats and so we will be able to take that knowledge as we expand across the bay area and i want to extend a
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thanks to congratulations to the bicycle coalitions who are such incredible advocates for this program and we look forward to your help in expanding bike sharing throughout the bay area and as he mentioned, the bay area's single largest source of greenhouse gas emissions comes from transportations that represents about 40 percent of the ght in the region. and so in response to this, in 2009, and mtc created, the climate initiatives program, which includes a 33 million dollar test bed for innovative strategies aimed at reducing transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions. and this amount, and mtc is allocated over 7 million to the bay area bike share pilot program and is committed to making this program a success. and this pilot not only offers the last minute solutions for computers, in san francisco,
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san jose and along the cal tran corridor and also provides a fun alternative to driving around town, bicycling is also, incredibly healthy. and the us, and the surgeon general recommends 30 minutes a day. and finally the bike share, pilot program is one of the first multicity bike share systems in the nation, and so proven successful this system could expand to other cities in the future. and to all of the current and future cyclists, pedal on, and so again, at mtc, we are thrilled to bring bike share to the bay area, and i am looking forward to seeing all of these beautiful bicycles around town, there you go, and so i am pleased now, to again, thank you all for the opportunity to join you in this great celebration.
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thank you, with that funding from mta and leader without from your commission we would not be celebrating this occasion, and the partners have played such a critical role in launching this program, speaking of partners, i would like to now, introduce, jes g, the vice mayor and the sam transvice chair, and he was elected in 2009 and currently serving as vice mayor. and as a council member, he has focus on the economic development as well as on the high speed rail and the rail corridor partnership, and additionally, mr. g is the chairman of the san francisco airport roundtable and the congestion and the relief alliance and was recently selected to serve as the vice president of the board of directors for san trans. [ applause ] >> councilman, thank you very much for that warm introduction and welcome. like so many of us, we all wear
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many hats and that is the vice mayor and the vice chair for the directors of san transand many of us said, through these regional partnerships like this one, we can find solutions towards the twin goals of increasing the public transit usage and reducing the congestion on the roads and already, in the county alone, the cal train, the shuttles and all of those together, last year we gave over 45 million rides in the county alone. representing over 500 million passenger miles that we kept off of our roads and freeways in the county. and i am honored to be part of this regional effort to find effective ways to address what we call the last mile connection, making that trip from the final transit stop to your actual destination. and we have many individuals, who want to take the train, and then jump on their bikes and take that last mile to work, or to get home. and with the cal train
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operating many of its trains, full, at more than 100 percent capacity, we have to find enough space for customer and their bikes and that is always a challenge. as rider ship the system continues to grow, we are working hard to find new ways, to expand the number of people that we can comfortably and safely serve. having a bicycle option, available for transit users when they get off of the train to reach their destination to keep the trains and buses full by allowing the people a quick and easy solution for solving that last mile in my community, of redwood city, i want our residents to know that the workers can get off of the transit center and get on a bike that will take them to the place of employment downtown and i want future residents to know that they can live downtown without having to rely on a car. >> we want to have answers, how can i get to work and how can i
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run, errands and can i live downtown without owning a car or having one car for my family. we believe that the bike share is one of the answers to those questions, it is a convenient and affordable way to encuresage the use as driving alone, abehalf of the city county, supervisor, and the chair of the san transand the board of directors, and our county, transportation authority, we believe that the bike share program encourages people to take transit, and cut their carbon footprint and make a healthy alternative for all of us and as the council member said i want to extend a personal invitation when to come to the city when we launch our own bike share program thank you very much. [ applause ] >> thank you, so much, jeff, although that san francisco and san jose get a lot of the attention, it would not be successful without the regional partners up and down.
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they play a critical role in the success of this program. i now have the pleasure of introducing bicycle enthusiast jared bloomen field. he happens to be the administrator for the pacific south west region nine. he has spent two decades on the front lines of environmental production at home and internationally. he is an avid biker and has led bike tours in los angeles and hey hawaii and washington, d.c. and london and looks forward to participating in the bay area bike share program. jared? [ applause ] >> thank you, this is a real today, and the people behind me, they really did take a village to make this happen. and the work and the effort is paying off today and i am thrilled to be here and i bike to work every day and i was lucky enough to try one of
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these in washington, d.c., and i have tried one in london, and i tried one in paris, and these things work. and you will get all kinds of people saying this is the best thing that you have ever seen and all kinds of people saying that this is the worst thing. in a few months from now everyone will want to be on one of these and the program is going to expand. president obama recently came out strongly and said that we need to take action on climate change and we need to do that soon. here in california, 50 percent of greenhouse gas emissions come from vehicles. not from this vehicle, we spent a lot of time when ed and the mayor and i got to work with each other we spent with the time on the fuel cell vehicles and the cng vehicles and the electric vehicle and this happens to be the world's most efficient vehicle. by far. and it was invented a long time ago and does not take batteries or electricity. and you just get on it and it moves really efficiently. if you, think about the
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bicycle, and one of the things that the mayor and folks in redwood city and the entire peninsula have done is invest in bike infrastructure and this is the last crowning achievement of that. and the more people that ride bicycles every day, and this is proven by science, the safer it is to bicycle. and the reason for that is the cars get used to bicycles and the people build more infrastructure and so these beautiful, bicycles will help the streets become safer. and the other amazing fact in the introduction is that i did go on the bikes with both the mayor of la and the mayor of honolulu. la is number one congestived and honolulu is number two and the san francisco bay area is the third most congestived area.
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if three percent of the people driving their cars went on bicycles just three percent, you would reduce congestion by 30 percent and so it really could have a huge impact on air quality and the air quality, management district, here in the bay area, and jack deserve a huge degree of credit and they have really championed this with many of the other partners here and the final thing, here and in all of the cities that are going to get this and is that they are going to get an economic boost and what the ride share and bike share in new york shows is that businesses adjacent to new bike lanes and the bike share programs do better because people can get off and go shopping at this safeway and go into the cal transand it is much easier to park my big reason for biking is that you don't get a ticket. there is no license plate on a bicycle. and you don't pay insurance and as was mentioned, you get a lot of great exercise.
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most importantly, it is really fun, these are great bikes to ride and they have seven gears unlike the ones in dc, and only have three, this has 7. and so at least twice as good as the dc bike share program, and they have gps so you can't steal them and they have a great little thing in the front to put your bag in and as you are going to see you can wear a suit. so when i bike to work, a lot of people take their bikes on the cal train and then they are stuck at the other end and they want to go and work and they do work at google or apple or any of these places and they don't know how to get from one place to the other and so this will provide that solution and everyone should try one. and a lot of people think that they are just going to be for tourists but the reality is that they are going to be for all of us and we are going to have a lot of fun on them. thank you for making it happen, i can't wait to ride mine in a few minutes, thanks. + [ applause ] . >> don't give the mayor any ideas for generating revenue, we don't want to see any
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tickets on the bicycles any time. in addition to your great work, it is motivating to hear you and hear you talk about the personal benefits of biking in your own life and how you translated that into a public policy and created and motivating all of us to ride bikes, and bike sharing as you heard from our wonderful speakers is truly a win/win for the bay area, as a resident of san jose for 30 years and a city council member being a san francisco is one thing and it is dense and it is urban, and san jose is sprawled out and the chance for the people to use public transportation and get on the bikes. i am happy that our 16 bay area bike share stations will join a network of 280 miles of completed bike ways in san jose. and they continue to expand at
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a rapid pace, they completed 500 bike way miles in the city of san jose over the next few years and as i speak, we are under construction of the green bike lanes project which directly connects several of the bike share stations and ultimately connect us all throughout the bay area. and all of these bike facilities create great places for the people to ride or on their own bike, the benefits are many, and bike sharing as a option will continue to grow from this point forward as you demonstrate how healthy and fun and convenient it can be. thank you for your attention this morning and i really do want to thank jack from the district and our staff for leading this effort in conjunction with so many partners at this time, i would ask the ceremony speakers to join me in the front for the
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ribbon cut and before they do that, i would like to encourage everyone watching listening or reading about the share, to take the time to register to be part of the program, in fact, sign up today and find it out for the compute tomorrow and especially with the bay bridge closed. there are a lot of people on the bay with our bikes and having the fun with it over the long holiday weekend and it is easy to do at bay area bike bay area bike and so now let's go over and get some ribbon cutting down and launch this program and get on the bikes and follow me through the station, thank you everyone for being here this morning. [ applause ]
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i'm audrey joseph. the acting chair of the entertainment commission. july will mark the 10th year of the entertainment commission and we as an industry have come a long way. our venues are safer, we have survived the recession, our city has produced an economic impact report that speaks to our value as an industry, we are looking forward to the next economic impact report on daytime events and festival and we continue to improve our permitting process most recently the help of supervisor scott wiener extending limited live permits
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to d j's. today we are introducing to the best i am practices manual based in security and we are discussing issues that are veflt relevant to us all. the 90s, san francisco nightlife awards recognized excellent and creative content and patron experience in the nightlife industry. we as an industry deserve that recognition. and now, a few highlights from the 90s. >> welcome to the 2013, 90 awards and the san francisco entertainment commission.♪
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supervisors, david chiu. [ applause ] >> thank you, audrey, i'm sorry to have missed that 90s party. i wanted to come to say a brief few words to say what a wonderful job you are doing with city hall and work to go create a vibrant and safe nightlife. when i came to office in my first year there was a shooting that involved eight victims on van ness off polk street quarter. there was a horrible set of shootings that happened around club suede and fisherman's . that started some conversations that
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initiate neighborhoods and law enforcement on the nightlife and entertainment. because of some of the work that you have done here, we have moved some conversations politically in which we have much more collaboration, much more cooperation and much more creativity when it comes to brainstorming. i want to thank your office to help us enforce the rules and i want to thank those in this room as well as those in c mac that gave my office ideas to make sure our party planning world would make sure it's successful that folks that operate parking lots are also responsible partners. all of these could not come from the work that all of you are doing with our entertainment commission staff to make sure that we are working together and moving in the right direction to ensure that we have the most successful and
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the best an most exciting nightlife in the country. i'm really excited about the fact that within a few short months we are going to be kicking off the america's cup in my district and hopefully we'll have the most amazing parties to entertain millions of folks around the globe. as we proceed, we have to make sure that we are taking everyone's interest into account and i also want to say a thank you to those who have been working with my office to address the situation on broadway. just last week i introduced legislation supported by many folks in this room for the creation of a community benefits system along broadway hopefully for the first time again, bringing our nightlife operators and restaurant folks
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sitting with our neighborhood friends to ensure that we have a nightlife that is vibrant and healthy and what is second 5-9 economy stands for. i wanted to come and cheer you on and say thank you for that and i know my colleagues and i look forward to working with all of you for a great future. have a great afternoon. >> [ applause ] >> thank you, supervisor chiu. there has been some changes. our staff is on maternity leave. the person in her place is nag ar. we also have as you may know, i think he's disappeared. there he is. our
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inspector and sound technician. show your phase. of there you are in the back of the room. >> nicholas king is deputy director and instead we now have the fabulous, the wonderful miss cammy blackstone. c'mon up. so this year at this summit we've introduced something new and different for all of you to participate in. cammy is going to explain it and introduce it to you. >> all right we are trying to keep everybody engaged and involved. my new job is question queen. you may have gotten a yellow card when you came in. those are trivia question cards. i'm going to ask a trivia of questions. it's not a pop quiz. as we go through answers you can win prices. the first question, out
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of all the places that sell draft beer in san francisco. the number one seller is at&t park. who comes in at no. 2. don't shout it out. at the episode -- end of the program you can win prices. okay. we are doing trivia questions all through the program. okay. i would like to now bring to the stage supervisor scott wiener. [ applause ] >> good afternoon, everyone. thanks for having me today. i'm glad we are able to do these summits and bring everyone together to discuss our best practices and really embrace and move forward this critical part of our city. one of the first things i did when i took
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office in 2011 was to request our city economist to do an impact study on nightlife and shows how it contributes $2.4 billion to our economy. and we at city hall making policy to treat nightlife as a nuisance to be managed and the purpose of that study among other thing was to make clear this is an important economic benefit and for jobs and for so many other economic purposes and something that should not bow -- be treated at all as a nuisance but something to key and address. it's not just an economic and strong driver in our city, it's really part of the cultural part of our city.
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and i will be honest that i have some concerns about where we are going in terms of our approach towards nightlife and what it means for the cultural essence of this city. we are seeing nightlife more and more under pressure for a variety of reasons and city hall in my view and my city government still takes an over reactive view towards nightlife instead of a more balanced view. we know historically what it's meant for our community for young people, four music lovers, for people in the lgbt community. we are at a crossroads and we have to make a choice whether we want to be a city that continues to attract young people here, whether we want to be a city that wants to continue to attract the creative class
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here, creative whether they are raiders or tech folks. the reason why so many people come is because we have those cultural resources including nightlife. if we continue on the path where we are which is to put continuing pressure on that and making it more harder and more complicated and more expensive for anyone to offer nightlife to our city, we are going to suffer in the long run and we'll become a beautiful and very quiet city and very peaceful for everyone but it won't be the interesting place that it is today. on the san francisco political spectrum of either liberal or more liberal or really liberal on one of those scales, by the san francisco standards i'm probably considered a fairly law & order kind of guy. i'm
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probably not by natural standards but by city standards. i think when it comes to nightlife, we view it too much from a law enforcement perspective. although law enforcement is a critical stakeholder in nightlife policy, i think law enforcement is playing too dominant a role and anytime we are doing anything the first question is about law enforcement. as opposed to law enforcement plus these other four things. i think we need to take a much more balanced approach in that respect. we also need to empower our entered at -- entertainment commission to do it's job and i will hear the board tomorrow to extend live performance to dj's and
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creating more outdoor music and granting and effectively manage issues when they come up and by having a more effective entertainment commission which has made great strides, we are going to be that much the better for it. i look forward to working with everyone and again thank you for having me today. [ applause ] >> thank you, supervisor wiener. well, it's that time again, where are you, cammy? by the way,
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