tv [untitled] September 13, 2013 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT
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sustainable energy sources. this could include building wind farms, installing solar panels on municipal buildings, doing energy retrofits to existing residential or commercial buildings. supervisor, the voters are the ultimate policy makers of the city and county of san francisco and through their elected officials and legislative and executive branches of government and, of course, through the ballot measures, they express their will. nearly a dozen times san francisco voters have repeatedly rejected creating public power programs on the ballot. most recently in 2008 when proposition h was defeated by a margin of 60% of the vote, so, supervisor, you've given me a lot of credit for saying that my office is somehow single handedly blocking community choice aggregation. with those representing a lot of work being people in the labor movement as well as the voters time and time again rejected that idea as well.
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i know we disagree with that, but since there have been five questions all of the exact same subject, i felt compel to explain fully to you and the people of san francisco what i think of this proposal and why i think the puc commission actively did what they did. i hope i have been able to answer thoroughly and i thank you for giving me the time to discuss this nuance points with all of you. thank you very much. >> thank you for being with us, mr. mayor. colleagues, at this time there are no items with the consent agenda. what i would like to propose is that we go to our 2:30 special commendations. we have two commendations. the first will be offered by supervisor breed. >> they're in my office. i don't think they knew that we were going to end this quickly. >> okay.
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if that's the case, why not go to supervisor campos. >> thank you very much, mr. president. and it is my honor to call upon ambassador carlos [speaker not understood] to come up. if you could stand at the podium, right there. i have to say that this is a bitter sweet moment for me. it is my honor and pleasure to recognize carlos felix, that it is a really sad day that we acknowledge that he will be leaving us in his role as the consul general of mexico. i am honored to present this
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commendation to ambassador carlos felix who today stands with you in these chambers as the consul general of mexico, a post that he has held since 2007. he, in fact, has been the senior member of the consulate core here in the city and county of san francisco and he has been a leader not only in serving the mexican community in the city and county of san francisco, but in serving the entire latino community and quite frankly the community at large. we are extremely sad that carlos has been assigned to another post in the mexican foreign service and it's really hard to imagine the consulate core. it's really hard to imagine the latino community and the international community in san francisco functioning without ambassador felix. as consul general of mexico in
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san francisco, ambassador carlos felix held jurisdiction over 13 counties in northern california as well as the states of oregon, washington, alaska, and hawaii. during his time here, he has strengthened the bond between the u.s. and mexico with regards to trade, culture and tourism. he has actively promoted the merit kalt dialogue with major players in all levels of government here in san francisco, and has helped to effectively strengthen the understanding and cooperation between mexico and all of the west coast states in the united states. he has engaged with the mexican-american community as well as other latino communities in the entire city and in the entire region. because of that cooperation, we have been able with the assistance of the mexican government to implement programs that have helped people in areas such as education, health. we have also, i think, because of his efforts, helped to
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empower people in terms of their involvement in local government and social affairs. he has also promoted programs of cultural and academic cooperation among the various major institutions in san francisco, whether it's through museums and our institutions such as sf noma, the de young museum, the mexican museum, the sf art institute and the san francisco symphony. he also helped publish the first survey study of mexicans in hawaii in april of 2013. ambassador felix has done a stellar job as consul general for mexico. we wish him the very best. and let me say this on a very personal note. what has been incredible about carlos is the fact that he understands that his role is not only to represent the country of mexico and to
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enhance the relationship between mexico and the united states, but his role in many respects has been to make city government more effective by helping to make city government work for the mexican citizens that live in san francisco and quite frankly the entirety of the latino community. there have been many times when we have had a number of city initiatives targeting specific members of the mexican community of the latino community and we have gone to carlos felix to help us implement these programs because we know that if anyone in san francisco has the trust of the mexican-american community, has the trust of the latino community, it's basse door carlos felix. i know that my job as supervisor will be a lot harder, a lot more difficult ~ because of his absence. and i know that i speak for many that the impact will go
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beyond the mexican community, the mexican-american community. car ~ carlos has taken it upon himself to organize with countries from all over the hemisphere, whether central america, south america, north america, as well as europe, to work together. and you have your monthly meetings where you discuss issues of concern. that is the kind of leadership that he has demonstrated. we know that we're not going to see you for a little while, but we also hope that you come back to san francisco because by virtue of all you have done, all you have contributed, i think that you are an honorary san franciscan and i can tell you that you will be in our hearts forever and we are grateful and very appreciative and just want to say that it's been an honor for me to work with you. before you say anything, i wanted to also -- i know that supervisor avalos wanted to say a few words.
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>> supervisor avalos. >> thank you. i want to say [in spanish]. thank you very much for all your work here in san francisco. i had the pleasure of developing a good relationship with you. that is really important for my district and also just for us together, and really came to really value your work, working with the other consulates in latin america and making sure that we had set in place real strong supports for immigrant community that came from latin america. and that is really important to have especially when we have so much in common. and i just want to say thank you for inviting me to come to many of the events that your consulate had put on, cultural events, [speaker not understood], press conferences as well that were really making sure that we can give constituents and people from all parts of the world living here, the information they need
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to be safe and secure in this country. i just think it's what your work has been and i wish you all the best in years to come. >> mr. consul general. oh, actually there is one other person that wishes to speak, supervisor cohen. >> thank you. thank you. i just also wanted to take an opportunity to acknowledge the consul general fantastic contribution. it expands far beyond the latino community. also you've done work with me in my office within the boundaries of district 10. i just wanted you to know you and your wife are a very lovely couple and i have enjoyed yourcompany and your thoughtful guidance. thank you. >> i just wanted to read, carlos, the certificate that says to ambassador carlos felix for your exceptional work as a public servant who champions values that transcend borders, for helping to forge a strong bond between the united states and mexico by promoting education, culture, and human
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rights, for your unwaivering commitment to nurturing the human spirit beyond san francisco and throughout the americas, by helping people find common ground, solace, and understanding. for this, the city and county of san francisco honors you for a stellar career spanning over three decades, [spanish]. (applause) >> president chiu, thank you very much. thank you very much. i really feel very honored to be here in this very public chamber. it's an honor also to work with all of you, with the board of supervisors. i had a chance to have different situations with many of you. i want to thank for your trust. i want to thank for all your support that you have done for
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the consulate, for our people. as you know, mexican california, we were born together 200 years ago. we have craft a very important relationship. and i think that the most important value of this inter dependent relationship is our people. it's the people that are looking in california. it's the families, family that are born in mexico and california. and i want to thank all the work that you have done as the board of supervisors to promote the contributions of immigrants. i think that san francisco -- i'm could be vinced and i feel more honor as i serve here in san francisco because san francisco has been always the leader in how this country
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recognize the contribution of many immigrants. we felt part of this great community. we were a part of you, as part of all the community. in spite we are mexicans, we feel we are part of this very important multi-cultural environment. all of you are part precisely of these great assets of san francisco. so, i feel really very honored and i want to thank all of you for the contribution of your board and i'm sure that the future of san francisco will continue to be as the most important city in this great country. thank you very much. (applause)
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today i rise to honor a bay area icon, a bay area legend, a bay area institution, jesus gomez. (applause) >> i grew up listening to the radio, and oftentimes it wasn't very interesting to listen to. and this is the person that made it interesting to listen to. the stories, the conversations, the excitement about the music, the excitement about the community, the excitement about the work was clearly articulated through tuey's voice. and, so, when many people around the bay area heard that tuey was no longer going to be working at the radio station, you know, people were really sad. people were upset. i know supervisor kim, "but tuey's an institution."
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we all love him. that's just not a phrase that's constantly used. we love him. we love him for making san francisco and the bay area more interesting, more fun. we love his personality. we love his demeanor. we love his commitment to the community. and we're just really going to miss you. i know you're still going to be doing work on television with cmc and the california music channel. so, we're still going to see you doing this work. but i wanted to take this opportunity because i know -- i feel like we've taken you for granted. we've taken the ability to turn on the radio in a time of technology and pandora and all these other options. clearly to listen to you in the morning, there are still people listening. they're calling in. they're asking questions and you're solving problems. you're just really keeping a lot of information out there in the bay area. there is still a chance for conversation other than text messages and facebook and the internet.
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there is actual dialogue that happens on your station. so, i'm just so proud of all the work you've done and how you've made yourself available to so many san franciscans, whether it be [speaker not understood] and giving out toys during the holidays, when you're asked to volunteer in the community, when you're asked to come out and do something to work with young people, you have always said yes. i don't know a time when you've not even been available to do some amazing work in the community which oftentimes you don't really talk about. people don't talk about just really the private side to your work. you feel committed to san francisco. you feel committed to the bay area. so, any time you're asked to come out, you've always been there for our community. you've always been there for so many people in the bay area. so, i definitely think that it's fitting that you be honored here amongst me and my colleagues at the board of supervisors in san francisco. so, a couple of things i wanted to mention because it's important to know that ever since you were 5 when your
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mother first requested -- had you requesting songs on the radio, you dedicated your life to bringing music to the city's -- to bringing music to folks and talking about music and it was just really important to you from major hits to local classics. you just always have been a music lover, dedicating yourself to causes. and as i mentioned, food drives and other things. you're a bay area native activist and icon, an amazing individual and one that is truly not recognized enough. and, so, we wanted to say thank you so much for your commitment to san francisco, your commitment to the bay area. and we know that you'll continue to be actively engaged. we'll still see you at the events. we'll still see you in the community. still see you actively engaged. so, for your commitment to san francisco and the bay area, for your love of san francisco and the bay area, and i won't begin to sing that song, but we used
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to hear that rings in your head, you know that song. [laughter] >> we want to just say thank you so much for all of your work and your commitment to san francisco and the bay area through radio and through your continued endeavors. >> thank you. (applause) >> thank you, supervisor breed. we have a couple of more fans here among our midst and i'd like to acknowledge supervisor kim. >> thank you. i just want to thank supervisor breed for bringing chiuy to the board chambers because it's one of the last places i ever expected to see you. but i am so glad to see you here and i'm so glad that you thought to honor chiuy today. i'm a huge fan. i'm a listener, and, you know, i was incredibly sad when i found out on facebook that you would no longer be doing your morning radio show which you have done for 10 years. and as sad as i am that you
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will no longer be that voice on morning radio, i also know how hard it is to have that type of longevity in radio, in public radio, in music. i just want to thank you. when supervisor breed told me that she was honoring you, i said that you're an institution. a lot of folks in the bay area said that you are also hip-hop. and i just -- i think that your passion and dedication is amazing to watch, but more than anything, i love how connected you are to the community as a neighborhood. i always see you at events. you're not just on the radio. you go out at night. you go out on the weekend. i hear you don't sleep very much. but i think that's appreciated especially amongst our young people here seeing how dedicated and connected you are. and i'm someone that loves music. i love radio and having someone like you out there is so incredibly important and i look forward to supporting you in your next phase and next phase. and just thank you. you've been a name that i've
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known for so, so long. everyone talks about you all the time. and i just hope that this next phase is going to be something we can all support you in. >> thank you. >> supervisor cohen. >> chiuy, welcome. welcome to the chambers. >> thank you. >> i remember, i think it was a couple weeks ago i got a text message from kelly tatum saying that you were transitioning and going to be moving on. and i remember just a moment it was like, wow, it was a testament that we're all getting older. >> right. >> and moving forward. i grew up here in san francisco. i certainly grew up listening to you on the radio. and i remember rushing home from school to watch you on cmc. it is really interesting to listen to you kind of grow and develop and talk about you being a father and parenting. i think you've also done a great job of bringing current and relish use to the forefront
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of people's minds whether in our world i the political world, a ballot issue, but also relating key things that are happening in the entertainment world to young people's lives. taking opportunity to use as an example when people make mistakes, not to demonize them but use it as a teachable moment, as a true big brother or uncle would do. it's probably very overwhelming for you to have received all the love and add ~ adoration. you can come and volunteer in my office. and continue to help us to steer the city and not just the city, but the greater bay area. so, congratulations. we are very proud of you. you've got a whole community and a whole city, a team of folks that are standing with you beside you, and ready to take that next step with you. so, keep us informed. >> thank you. >> thank you, supervisor breed. (applause)
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>> so, before i give chiuy an opportunity to talk, i've only been on the board since january. this is the first time so many folks have been excited about someone coming here to be honored including angela, the clerk of the board. she was excited to see what you look like in person. [laughter] >> so, i just wanted to say, you know, your energy, your love, your personality is just really what makes us excited about having you here today. so, i just wanted to give you an opportunity to say a few words. >> first of all, thank you. i'm honored. i'm truly blessed and honored and humbled for even being invited here. i consider myself a simple entertainer who likes to shed a little light on not just music, but what's happening in our cities. most of the time that gets lost in translation with the youth and a lot of people forget that the youth are our future. in that case, i feel like i have a duty to be there not just on the radio.
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they should be able to see me and touch me and catch me at the music festival, at the night club, wherever the people are at that's where i'm at. the people is where i'm at. and it showed once the word got out that i was let go and moved on that, you know, yo, we're not going to be able to hear you. who is going to be our voice? who is going to be the guy? we don't see nobody else out here like we see you out here. so, i am definitely touched and humbled and appreciative of being honored and just acknowledged because [speaker not understood] we do do from our hearts. we feel like we need to do and we all need to be -- having accolades behind it. i don't publicize a lot of stuff i do because i think my actions speak louder. so, thank you for acknowledging and seeing it. so, i appreciate you. thank you. >> thank you. (applause)
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>> thank you, supervisor breed. and thank you to chiuy. with that, colleagues, why don't we now go to our roll call for introductions. madam clerk. >> supervisor cohen, you are first to introduce new item. >> thank you very much, madam clerk and colleagues. it's actually with a heavy heart today that i come to you and ask for you to take a moment to close our board meeting out in the loving memory of a friend of my family but also a friend to the greater san francisco community, a woman by the name of gail bishop.
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ms. bishop was actually president of an organization called the sisters network which is affiliate, the sisters network which is an affiliate of the sisters network incorporated. it's an african-american breast cancer survivor organization. and i'm sad to say that my friend gail d. bishop was called home, born april 2nd, 1956, called home september 4, 2013. after a long struggle with breast cancer as with other related cancers, she lost her battle. she leaves behind her a host of family, friends, and entire community to honor and cherish her memory. a little bit about ms. bishop. in the year 2000 she became the founding president of the san francisco chapter of the sisters network incorporated. gail guided her organization with unwaivering strength and at the nash i hadth. as a dedicated educator in the
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fight against breast cancer and she was a model in her fate unto her last day. gail was a lifelonges are debt of the city and county of san francisco, but specifically bayview hunters point. drawv resident ~ she will be missed. we cherish her legacy and memory. the rest of it i submit. >> thank you, supervisor kim. (applause) >> supervisor kim. supervisor mar. >> thank you. the first item i have is a request for the budget and legislative office to analyze
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and give recommendations on our city's bicycle strategy and to fully or more adequately fund it. as many of you know on may 14, following our most recent bike to workday, i and others asked the budget and legislative office to analyze and make recommendations on our city's ambitious yet unfunded bicycle strategy. this strategy is designed to map how the city will make -- meet its transportation mode share goals with bikes making 20% of all trips by 2020. that's 20% bike trips by the year 2020. and we know, many of us know directly and from our experience that the benefits of biking are healthier communities, less car congestion, more parking actually for those who do drive, less pressure on muni lines already at capacity, healthier commuters and safer families. and as our mta director ed reiskin has pointed out the most cost-effective investment we can make in moving people is
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in bicycle infrastructure. nevertheless, the city is spending just zero .46% less than 1%, 0.46% of the mta's capital budget on bike improvement. and the recent tragedy in the south of market neighborhood highlighted how the killing of a 24 year old young woman emilie molek highlighted how thoroughly our major infrastructure improvements are need. and i commend supervisor kim for her leadership on the safety needs in that part of the city. and i also applaud the mta for moving forward immediately on a pilot project to place separated bike lanes on folsom street. but we can't just react to individual situations and piecemeal approaches. i don't want the city to only respond death after death until the system is slowly funded and built. we must be proactive and systemic and deliberate and i don't want to wait until someone in the richmond is killed, for example. and i also want to have this conversation well before the mta comes before us with their
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next two-year budget. if bicycles are to be part of our transit network, it needs -- they need the same funding political leadership and attention other important parts of our system has. so, today i'm introducing this hearing to request and discuss the finding of the budget and legislative analyst office and have a full correspondization regardinginging how we will move forward in meeting our goals. i also have an in memoriam for a community leader. i guess i'm going to have to ask to be re-referred. >> certainly, supervisor mar. we will now move to supervisor tang. >> thank you, madam clerk. today i actually just want to request we adjourn our meeting in honor of kevin john mcguire. some of you may know his parents buffy and pat mcguire. if you're not familiar with the name you're probably familiar with the restaurant, several of them that they own here in the sunset district. java beach cafe.
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unfortunately their son kevin passed away much too young at the age of 9 with a brave battle with a brain tumor and passed away august 4 during our legislative recess. he was appropriately born on valentine's day and filled the world with love and joy and paved the way for his youngest brother's connor and dylan mcguire. he attended the french american school here in san francisco as well as saint gabe's and was a huge, huge soccer fan. so, i attended his funeral over legislative recess. it was a very touching to see the overwhelming amount of community who came out for kevin. and, so, i just wanted to send my deepest condolances to pat and buffy mcguire. they have contributed so much to this community. i even remember kevin when he was very young came out to help and plant a garden with us under supervisor chiu's office. so, just want to send my best to the mcguire family and request that we adjourn the
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