tv [untitled] September 17, 2013 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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>> good evening. i would like to call to order this special meeting of the san francisco unified board of education for tuesday september 17, 2013. >> miss casco would you please take the roll. >> miss fewer, haney, mr. mendoza, murase, wynns. >> i would like to call upon our superintendent mr. carranza to set the stage for us. >> thank you, i would like to welcome everybody to this special meeting of the board of education of the san francisco unified school district. i can't help but being giddy
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tonight. i'm so excited about our agenda this evening. not that i'm not excited about every board meeting agenda, but i'm particularly excited about this evening's agenda. many folks who are watching and the public, this is a long time that has been coming and building momentum and at this time we have the opportunity of san franciscans and specifically as san francisco unified school district members to lead in nutrition addition. i want to share if you were to right now use a search engine and search the westbound for some of the destination cities for food, for food easy, san francisco would pop to the top of the list in pretty much every search engine. the
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question that is begged is if san francisco is a destination food city, why shouldn't san francisco's public schools be a destination food district? >> there is irrefutable evidence that links student achievement and healthy foochld you can't have a healthy mind without a healthy body. what you are going to hear tonight is going to be some new ideas and not so new ideas. you are going to hear some ideas that have been discussed in the past from our members of our committees, our community, you are also going to hear some new voices that are added to the mix. i think one of the most exciting aspects of this process has been the authenticity to which our students, community, food service workers, our parents have all engaged in this conversation to build a vision around what nutrition should
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like like around san francisco public schools. a vision is always a vision. it's where the rubber meets the sky. tonight's conversation is going to start to bring that conversation to where the rubber meets the road. while i'm going to give us a note of caution, where we could spend considerable time picking apart the vision as to how are we going to pay for that, how are we going to get around that regulation, this rule doesn't permit this or that, i'm going to ask you to goes with the process tonight. i'm going to ask us to go and respect the work that countless of students, adults and community has done to define our nutrition in our school system. i will tell you what is exciting about that. it's that very rare in this school district that we have a vision
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and start taking care of things. we need to take care of that regulation, we need to take care of that cost structure and this and that associated with the vision. what's important is that we have a vision that we can all get behind and then we can start work to making that vision a reality. quintessentially the rubber meeting the road. i'm very excited for this board. i don't want to steal the thunder because she's going to introduce many of our partners who have been very instrumental in this support. i would like to express my -- sincere thanks to evans williams.
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instead of starting with the what, starting with the why? why are we doing this? what's important for us? to get to a place where we imagined without boundaries is what evan and sarah williams have in that and they will develop a vision that we can all get behind. i want to thank you on behalf of the 56,000 children today and hundreds of thousands of children that will be impacted for the better in future years. you are making a difference and you are touching the future. with that, president norton, i'm so excited to get the meeting started. i would like to with your permission turn microphone over to our executive director. >> thank you very much, superintendent and thank you commissioners. i'm too really excited to be here and to share as part of the team. we are going to have a powerpoint.
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sorry about that commissioner and superintendent. that was a bit abrupt. we wanted to do the large screen as well for the powerpoint for the audience because the recording on the smaller screens might not make it possible for the public to see the presentation as we are moving through it. so, you know, this has been a really exciting journey. i'm still kind of blown -- away by what we've come with ido. of course that would not be possible, as the superintendent just mentioned. it's a building process. we started our collaboration with i do 5 months ago and it's a lot of work that we have done before
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and led and initiated by many of the commissioners who are here this evening. i want to take a moment to thank you for what you have done and making it possible for us to continue on this journey and evolve on these ideas. i'm going to do introductions and then i will review the objective for the night and then go over the outline of the presentation because it's been a massive team effort and a small represent ation of that team is here tonight to share that information with the board. i would like to start by acknowledging and maybe if those folks are here, if you can kind of just stand up so the board can get a sense of the team that's involved. in no particular order because it was a genuine team and everyone collaborated together. court
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knee graham, mike young and i were part of that committee, as well as paula jones. those that i mentioned earlier were representative of the district. paula jones who is the director of food systems, environmental health protection, equity and sustainability and health division of the san francisco department of public education. it's fantastic that we have such a great partner in the city. this is all about the students health and well being and we need partnership to make this kind of work come to fruition. and the food and district committee which we share and i believe those members are here this evening. i want to thank them for their on going support. it's phenomenal. on the ido team, i'm going to mention some of the folks involved. tim brown who is the ceo, sandy speaker
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who i'm hoping i'm pronouncing her last name correctly. gabe climb an, kaleta stafford, lindsey weithorn and roseta. we are fortunate that we have a tremendous number of students that are engaged. it is a school night. so we want to call out a special thanks to a couple of the student ambassadors who have come tonight and are going to share some of their experience on this work. vanessa tran, marco ponce and joyce gu. we also have some nutrition coordinate oris who are here. we have jettison steal who played a role when he started as a coordinator and helped us get
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involved and engaged in a broad array. last but not least we have some of our s and s cafeteria staff. we cooperate -- couldn't do it without their support. dolly is here and julia garcia. they will be saying something later nont presentation as well. that is to give the board a sense of the number of people who were involved with the presentation. i'm sorry, i'm getting distracted. the number of different teams members involved. as you can see it's a very broad team. we also -- i want to share what our objectives for tonight are because there is a lot of information we are going to share with the board and we want to make it as meaningful and engaging as possible and we want to acknowledge this is the first of many conversations. our primary objective tonight
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is to share our vision and we can launch the work to start securing resources and begin to implement the recommendations. that's our goals for tonight. they are our objectives. >> i just wanted to ask you, that fabulous list of people, you will send us at the mail. i just wasn't able to get those names. >> absolutely, commissioner. i wanted to give the presentation outline. to help give you a sense of what we are going to cover tonight, there are a couple different artifacts. one is an executive summary which is a couple of pages and it looks like this and everybody in the audience has one and there is in this book which has all the recommendations in it and this is the road map that everyone involved in the district is going to use this as a guide going forward and to implement this and bring this
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to fruition. we are going to get additional copies and make them available to other key partners and other stake holders. we are going to follow sequence in this book. there is chapter one which is student center values and chapter two talks about the operation of student nutrition services, chapter three is the dining experience. inform are those three chapters we are going to move quite quickly because we want to invest more time in going more deeply in the design recommendations we are going to share with the board and the road map. we know the majority of the board members went through dining experience and you get a sense of the big picture level of the recommendations that are before you tonight. we want to move quickly to move more deeply
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into the recommendation. the next person on the team is going to be mark --el kin who is going to introduce the students which is student centered values.w as we are going through the powerpoint we put in the bottom left-hand corner the page numbers of the book, when you want to move a particular slide up and get more detailed information on the bottom left side of the powerpoint are the page numbers in the book that you can reference. i will hand the mic over to mike. >> good evening, my name is mike -- elkind and a teacher of special health programs. i used to be a kindergarten teacher. i used to walk the children to the cafeteria. i was thrilled this summer to be able to work with sdunts students to work
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on workshops and we're guiding by four different values. they are up here on the screen. senses stimulated and values and connection to food and active voices. we have three of the students here who were involved this summer. i'm going to let them introduce themselves. they are going to tell a little story and in it, i hope you will see reflected these specific values. they may not be stories about school food but they are about food that is important to them. let's start off. introduce yourself and school. >> hi. i'm vanessa and i'm a
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-- soft moore the way i do this is by having a yelp account which is what a lot of other students have. what we do with this is me and my friends whenever we find a place that we like to go to, we read the reviews and when we have a free day, we decide to go here. i like that kids get to pick what they can eat. it gives them freedom and power. >> hi. my name is marco. i'm a sof moore at high school. what i experienced was eating dim sum salt and pepper pork shop with fried rice on the side.
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for me it sits, and what i felt was many different senses coming up and you know just telling me what was in the pork and in the rice. you know you could have felt the salt, the pepper and all that turning into one savery pork shop. and i could have felt fried rice being very different from steamed rise and how it's incorporated with many other ingredients as well. my value would be senses stimulated which made my day today. so thank you.
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>> hi. the value i chose was connected to food. my experience was 2 weeks ago instead of lining up in the long lines in the cafeteria, i decided to go to our school's garden and pick the tomatoes that we grew and eat those for lunch and i kind of just went to a supplies closet and took their apple cider vinegar and olive oil and made a tomato salad. what i liked about this experience is usually when i go to supermarkets, i'm worried about who handles my food or if there is pesticides or if i need to wash it. in this experience, i was the only one who touched it. i was the only one who cut it. i was the only one who handled it. the best part was it was convenient, easy and i knew where it came from which is right outside my
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school. >> so i want to thank the students for coming tonight. it's hard to get here on a school night. we are willing. thank you for joining us. though the ideas weren't specific to the cafeteria, they do reflect a lot of the ideas that you will be hearing tonight. to carry on the conversation, zeta reicher from the nutrition services will come and speak about the working of student nutrition. >> thank you, mark and to the students ambassadors. it was lovely to hear you this evening. good evening commissioners. it's nice to see you. i'm going to give a very brief high level overview of
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student nutrition services operations as we presented to you before on the complexities that are student nutrition. there are a lot of context and influencing conditions that nutrition fits in that are important to understand, the 10 design concepts that we are going to share tonight. so student nutrition has 250 different staff, 18 different routes serving 114 different schools. it is a large complex operation that serves approximately 22,000 lunches a day in addition to around 55,000 breakfast and 6,000
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snacks. but within that complex system, we've identified four key financial levers that will be instrumental in bringing financial stability to the system. so, can which i will go over these flunl levels. there are three fluls, school policy, introduction to school and communities and families. these affect the four levers in our key influence on financial stability. for example, labor, it's subject to district
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policy. i'm very proud to say that sfusd has a strong commitment to pay a living wage to our staff. so that's is a financial corner stone of our stability. for example national policy. it affects our food cost because we are dependent on federal reimbursement rates and district policy affects student nutrition. an example of that would be our feeding every hungry child policy. that was written by commissioners on the board. that commitment to ensuring that every child has access to nutritious healthy
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meal regardless of the ability to pay has an affect on the nutrition. what this graph shows is basically of these four different levers that we can pull to achieve financial stability. the five areas of influence affect them each differently. for example the new revenue portion you will see is only a red portion of the pie which falls under student nutrition because that is one of the levers is to create new revenue sources which falls squarely within the control of student nutrition. you will see that it only covers the area of student nutrition. that's why with participation, it's a larger portion of the pie and you will see it extends beyond student nutrition to district policy and national policy.
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labor. between salaries and benefit we invest $6 million and that represents the annual budget. with kitchens not accept set up to -- we are not using our labor to full capacity. every year we have the reso, -- resource to serve 30 percent more. we have many dedicated nutrition staff. in terms of participation, there are significant room to grow. our daily breakfast and lunch participation is lower than the california state average. only 57 percent of our eligible
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students are participating in lunch as opposed to 70 percent which is the california state average. for our families that are full pay, only 13 percent of students that are eligible are participating as opposed to 22 california state average. food, in terms of food, we spend $9 1/2 million in food. we could be smarter about our food cost. with the high quality food standards and also due to cooking limitations at our existing kitchens, approximately $300,000 of our $700,000 commodity goes to not
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being uniformed. it's loss to inventory management, over production, the difference between the number of meals produced or served or wasted due to unannounced field trips. for their bulk inventory management is spread across many high schools and making monetary and management a challenge. the fourth is a revenue. this is an exciting new lever that we are funding on pulling. we have significant revenue potential beyond our traditional offerings. so student nutrition is uniquely positioned with access to a market of over 56,000 families in a food focused city. by using it's market access and physical kitchen access and
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implementing new innovative program beyond traditional breakfast and lunch. student nutrition could generate up to 1.2 in revenue beyond meals. while we have traditionally focused our presentations on these four levers, we are excited tonight to instead focus on 10 design concepts which will illustrate how we are using those four levers, influence and achieve financial stability. with that, i'm going to turn it over to my colleague, lindsey. she is going to introduce along with student nutrition staff, dolly and julia, the three experienced design concepts. >> good evening, everyone. i'm
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