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tv   [untitled]    September 18, 2013 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT

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>> i'd like to welcome everyone
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inform san francisco regular meeting for wednesday, september 18th. we do not allow any disruptions and if i care to please state your name for the record. commissioners we left off on the next item at 270 branding done street request for and certificate. this will be for 270 branding done street. >> the proposed project is for a one story parking lot and this will have approximately one-hundred and 89 thousand
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square feet. it would be a 05 thousand square feet and 12 new off straight parking spots and bicycle parking. the project is between two distinct mass on the outside would feature sun stradz and a paged metal packages and it has to reviewed by the office hearing for october 3rdrdrd. to date we have received inquiries that have neither support for or against the project. and the recommendations for the
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underground electrical devises. i want to caucus to the page section 5 the product is not providing any retail use so will be a correction. the department staff recommends approval with conditions that that's in the chair of the soound area. to be in performance which the certificate of appropriateness one as part of the building permit they shall provided concrete to insure the compatibility with the landmark district. it will be in color coordination and they shall provided materials and a sample of a
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front system to insure xhasht which the landmark district. it shall have a painted coordination. we have prepared a short presentation and this concludes my presentation >> thank you. >> i'm steve we're the project sponsors. i'm going to give a brief presentation showing some historic images and turn it over to pete to walk 0 you throw t - the design. this is is an aerial view. it's near the intersection of second and brandon and has a
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footage on duo bloom street. ? a historic map from the survey the site was straddling the shoreline of the san francisco bay. you can see the top graph. you can see a historic photo where the place is phone number on the shoreline and st. marys hospital in the background. by 1876 you can see the site is completely overland and the brian connecticut no one street continues. by the time of the earthquake the site was being used a storage yard and there were a few buildings on site but because of the equating this is
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why were you, see the burned out remains in the background on the photo. by the 1830s it had been built out and the site was vacant. in this image just to the left of the student was the holy this and that actually pulsed into the station and there's a tunnel so the trains could pull forward and unload. this is a picture of the streetscape you can see the holy building and the gallows building. in the a picture of the building showing the historic shoreline as well as the slope of marine
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hill. and this shows how brannan street and d bloom street it 23 feet higher so it will be with a pedestrian entrance on the third floor of the this and the main entrance at the east end of the building to the basement. this just shows how the adjacent buildings currently mass with the building. this is a quick table showing some of the zoning stats we had a series of the meetings and some neighbors attend both meetings. we were in front of you and pete will talk about how we've
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adjusted the comments. thank you very much >> good afternoon, commissioners pete. the next slide can he get the slide. feeling you can't read this here but those are all the comments we've reviewed from the architecture review committee. i want to thank them for the thoughtfulness of this they were thinking about the design and resulted in an evolution that i'll share with you now. those potatoes points will come up as i go through the slides. the first comment was that the facade had in a regular recidivism so there was a different rhythm so it wasn't
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balanced over the facade. there was another comment there was from the architecture review committee liking our facade and trying to carry that character onto the other street. we regular listed the facade within the regular body of it next to it to get a good relationship to the buildings next to it. we changed the plan of the building to create a recess at the end entrance so the piece that responds to the context pushes forward and the facade is part of the more contemporary part of the building pushes
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back. so another comment had to do with gifk more expression to the context so you can see we've worked on increasing the visible height and it will play with the light. we've matched that material at the top of the base condition to their book ends the main facade. you can see the details at the bottom of the screen. this relates to the altercational buildings next door. in the same way our base condition are banned at the top. we looked at a notion that the
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commissioners raised that the elements open the facade the terra cotta elements seemed vertical so if there's a way to bring up the horizontal elements between the buildings that would help. so we introduced our terra cotta i guess they're called in front of the windows as a way to carry the material around the windows and that results in a perception of the overall facades of having a design comparable with the adjacent buildings. another issue that was brought up was that the terra cotta the way it was detailed looked flat because it met metals at the correspondence so we use is the
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terra cotta where it turns the corner so that's the detail we used here and it gives the terra cotta facade a sense of depth that relates to the depth of the masonry building in the district. and so this give us a sense of looking down the street and o how the facade relates in massing with relation to his neighbors and the terra cotta comes down into the base of the building to over a sunscreen there. the masonry steps back from the main facade as i mentioned before. you can see that in plan here where we actually instituted a structural change and that allows us to do a better job of
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manic the pg e bulb on that location. i forget to mention that's how you get back to the court yard that's a sense of light. you can see the rendering of that the green space that officer a lot of spaces. it's quite beautiful to look at above it harvests the water. and so then on the third level there's an entry from dui boom and that inlightens the whole area. so with that i'm open to any questions. we have other materials if need be >> thank you.
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commissioners do we have any questions? did you? no - terrific. thank you very much >> do we have any public comment on this item. seeing none, public comment is closed bring it back to commission. commissioners pearlman >> where did he go oh, you're over there. >> thanks very much i appreciate our chart that showed what you presented then and now. the changes are all positive. i certainly will vote for this but i still think the corn element is a weak element even in our diagram when you showed
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the neighboring buildings that have that horizon place it appears w you have vertical appears are loosely linked to other buildings where they seemed - the windows are the punched part that's the only changes that have not come far enough along but it's an excellent job >> we did run the panels. >> it's the panel that keep the emphasis on this terra cotta vertical elements go right to the corners.
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but it's a beautiful building overall >> commissioner. >> well unless there's other comments from the architecture committee i would endorse it. >> perfect so if you could call 0 role arrest on that motion to approve with commissions as was corrected and also read into the record (calling names) so moved commissioners that passes unanimously 6 to zero. >> commissioners and p will place you on items a, b, and c for 8 zero u and 2013 well, there are both for the japan
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town historic statement and the stability strategy. there will be two items that are heard together first, you'll hear from steve and oxygen shelly and a brief statement by the historic statement. at the end i strongly recommend you tampa take up the two separately. >> and then before all that commissioner. >> i received advise from our city attorney that i can participate in both agenda items so i believe that neither agenda item will allow me to gain finally (laughter) so i can participate. >> and for clarity she lives in the district. >>