tv [untitled] September 25, 2013 12:00am-12:31am PDT
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and as he's making his way to the podium, one of the things, i hope you all got one of these. on the way out, everybody pick up one of these. this is the san francisco at the -- at the entertainment commission about nightlife. there will be a break out group for the managers and security. this has a lot of really good stuff in it and plus it's really pretty. thanks to our commissioner al prerz perez who did this. now i would like to introduce to you chief sur. [ applause ] >> i apologize. we have one
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meeting for the police department and required for all captains and i can't even send anybody because we are in lock down for that meeting. this is the meeting where every time we have this summit i have not missed. i'm a huge entertainment person. i love going out in san francisco. i hope that jocelyn and -- are my personal friends. i want to assure everyone that the police department is here for you. tourism drives this city, entertainment drives this city. we just had beta brekers, i hope everybody thinks it was a success. this was all this weekend and now it goes as the weather gets better and we have daylight savings time and i enjoy the panel discussion on video surveillance. i have to again -- reassure you, the
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camera is for you, for your safety, outside the portal to your place. we have made cases, solved violent crime, absolved people of accusations. it's been a smart thing to do. it is not our video. it is your video. we could not come and take your video. if you want to give it to us sooner rather than later, we would appreciate it, otherwise we have no problem to protect you via search warrant and we won't ask unless we have probable cause to do this. this is nothing about big brother watching or trying to get in anybody's business. this is after the fact only to solve whatever happens to make sure it doesn't happen again to keep your patrons safe and your image in nightlife in san francisco so
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this town can continue to just long the recession was here, it seems like it blew by. the unemployment is 5.4 percent and a ton of those folks are working at your restaurants. we are making gains on broadway. i know we have evenings where it's dicier and we appreciate your patience. we really don't want to be the wet blanket on entertainment at the police department. we want to be the engaged cops telling people have a good time. we are here for directions. we are not supposed to give recommendations but we all eat. again, we all really really are here for you and i will stay
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for all the questions, but i want to reassure you again that the video cameras that are being asked by rich and i think he used the phrase that he had a 16-year-old daughter in mind and that it's up to you on how you protect your asset which i thought was metaphoric. [ laughter ] . you were paying attention. yeah. east coast. that's a hint. i'm not leaving. i'm around. if anybody has a question or concern about how anything goes. you can ask my office and i will get back to you personally and i wish everybody a super successful year until next year at the next summit. thank you. >> [ applause ]
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i have to say that greg is one of the most approachable police chief's that we have. i also have to say the restaurant is now opening one in dc and that it is a direct descendants of your family. he's been in the business before he was born. okay. unless someone from the panel wants to make further comments on either the last call 4:00 a.m. or the cameras, anybody? i will open the floor to questions. c'mon up one at a time, keep them short. hello, berry? >> i'm berry, i'm an advocate for the club owners and club
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goers. i'm very concerned about the camera issue. because the board of supervisors nixed the idea of getting a requirement for entertainment permit by having these security and surveillance cameras. the police had to go another route by making it a condition on the liquor licenses. it really disturbs me and the question i have is a whole issue about having access to the videos that the 4th amendment, the 5th amendment is the club should not have to incriminate themselves by automatically giving up the videos. that's my concern is how can we create the balance of having the videos available to the police at the same time have not making a point of where the club has to be put in a position where they maybe
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considered for some violation or crime or fine. there has to be someway the law says these videos cannot be used solely for creating a fine or creating closing down a club or venue for what the police saw in the videos. >> again, thank you for your questions. the video would be after the fact. after a criminal offense and it's not compulsory on the owner to give up the video. the owner could ask that we get a search warrant and a judge would be the referee and final decider on whether or not the police department could have the video. if the judge says you don't have probable cause to ask for that video, then that's that. >> let me add, this is a very important issue and the context of liquor licenses just so you
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know, the request is heard by the board of supervisors. it actually comes through neighborhood services and public safety committee that i chair and what we have seen is we have made it clear that we want to work with the police department on the right language for those cases wherein deed a security camera should be required but also to make it clear where it isn't required in fact it is a choice because one of the issues that i have seen is that for some owners, they have felt that even though the language and the way people talk about it makes it seem like it's not mandatory. they feel it's not technically mandatory but they have to agree to it others the license won't be issued. we try to get to the bottom of that to make sure that we strike the right balance and in terms of the access to the videos that it is along the lines of what the chief is saying. likewise there was language in there
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about continuous monitoring of the cameras, that should not be required. that is actually something that the city itself doesn't even do with the cameras that it has on the streets. of so we are very mindful of that and i think there is a process in place to address that and we are working closely with the police to make sure that we get to the right result. >> thank you, any other questions? c'mon down. >> one comment on that. licensing fees should be very clear that if a condition of your permit says that you must make footage available to sf p.d. and you choose not to make footage available to the sf p.d., is my time up? then abc couldn't come to you and say you are in violation of your conditions of your permit and your permit can be rescinded.
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>> okay. you are up. >> my name is debbie. i have a bar. i put security cameras in right away because i live in the neighborhood as well and i know what goes on and it helps to remove drug dealing from that corner all the way down the block. it actually cleaned up quite a bit. the homeless people don't sit on my side. it's awesome. but i volunteered footage. i have one person completely caught on video and she came back to my bar an i addressed her and made her leave. also recorded that video footage. the woman's purse that was stolen, i gave that to the police and i was going to follow up and maybe give them
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this video again. as a bar owner, i called the police out. it wasn't a crime in progress, i get it. i called them out and -- it's in a police report. my video is now in the police report. which is ammunition where i can have a problem with a neighbor people smoking outside and someone would say they have been in six police reports. it's a good thing. i have given video. how does the police address that because i do other venue owners that don't want to call the police because they don't want to be listed because abc says you have had this many calls. i want to be a helpful owner and want to ensure to help the police as much as possible. >> we stand with you. if you
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want a letter from me on department letterhead saying the circumstances by which you happened to be named six times that you are actually someone who is a pronator a friend to the victim it might help you more than hinder you. >> okay. anybody else? >> hello, my name is duncan. i own a few bars. i can consider serving until 4:00 a.m.. just being allowed to be open in the 3 or 4:00. not necessarily serving alcohol. but if you just force hundreds of people out on the street at 1:55 and
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causing chaos. i like the soft close because once you take the booze out of it, people will go home. this is just a theory that i have. i think that you would see a noticeable decrease in the crime in the complaints from neighbors, etc all the things that go into closing time. i would like to hear your feedback on that it's not necessarily about the alcohol. >> so right now the police department is down about a hundred officers. 16 in staffing. i'm told by police that they have no problems with 4:00 in the morning but they have 40,000 police officers in the city. it's a resource issue
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for us at least for right now having a conversation because the daytime people where the most people have been dying for beat officers, officers on foot, officers on bicycles, school resource officers . if the hours were stretched, it would stress our resources that much later into night to cover those extra hours making this a 24 hour time like new york is. right now it's not a conversation that we are in a position to have. >> so i understand there is going to be some policing training. >> we have plans to be full staffing by 2018. >> you have a question? >> it's more of just a comment
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going along with the 4 a.m. legislature. i know you said you are short on resources, it's also something to consider the standpoint of club employees. i work the bar staff and ride a bicycle. if a show goes really late and the bars let out at 130 and all these massive people and it's an issue of safety for employees also along with patrons. i know you mentioned your club gets out at 4:00. we are next to you. i guess it's more of thinking about the fact that when everybody is released all at once, i think it's a safety issue for employees too that are trying to get home for
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people working there. it's our jobs and you know it's offending for myself with these bicycles and i'm offending for my life with people swerving. >> i'm sure this is a room where if we took a vote, i would be in the minority. my job is to enforce the laws in the book. if it does change to 4:00. we will figure it out, but if in my opinion now where i place my resources, the way right now is i believe the best i can do for managing the resources i have. >> okay. >> part of it too is one of the things we want is the clubs to police themselves and we don't
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ask people to be pushed out into street. they have a responsibility for these individuals as they leave as well. so sean as another private companies do a good job of policing the streets and we leave it to the individual owners on any given night and i have said to other individuals as well that to take the temperature of your club and if you don't like what's going on, shut it down a little bit earlier and shut the music down a little bit early so they are not all taken out at one time. if you have different genres omusic and different cultures, that's where there could be some tension. we ask the owners to take responsibility not only for the people in the club, but when they get out as well they police the sidewalks and call the police department. as previous individuals we have
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never puntively addressed anyone when they call. we address the calls accordingly. we tend to use the numbers favorably. >> back to what this chief said, i certainly understand the fact that staffing drives a lot of this and i think it would be useful for us given where we are in terms of staffing to have a conversation of what would it take in terms of resources to get to the right amount of staffing prior to 18 if that's where we are now and talking about making changes that could expand hours i'm sure this community could be very interested in working with the police department to get to that point, 2018 is a long time. but i think that to
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expedited the right result with staffing, there are things we can do right now. we are undermining our own efforts to grow the economy and hopefully we don't have to wait to have those conversations. >> okay. berry, did you want to say something? >> supervisor really hit on it fairly quickly as well. that is i was just going to ask chief sur if there is anything that our industry can do to expedited the staffing and the resources that might be needed to help in light of the economic study that has been done. we can show that entertainment and nightlife is
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a great part of our economy. how can we show that? >> given the money that is available in the city budget and a lot of cuts are now asking for things back, for me to ask for more would get me just as much ill will from other communities that would be an expense. we are hiring three classes a year for the next year starting last year. there was a more aggressive plan that was 54322 or i don't remember exactly, but it was each academy class is about $4 million addition to the police department budget. so it's a lot of money. >> mr. rene? >> before we leave today i would like to say something to rich van cole. veyears ago and he had been running the
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alcoholic department. dave was extremely knowledgeable and level headed and fair and rich who i believe is leaving the department. he's one of these guys who is leaving with a big exodus. he has done an amazing job. i would like everyone to give him a round of applause because he has been [ applause ] a real friend and out there every time and always trying to reach solutions and i hope that we can get somebody in those positions that will continue with that where he see's the need for entertainment and public safety and he's always trying to balance and he's done it really well. thank you. >> we are slight looking constrained for time and although i wanted to ask a question of all of you about late night food, instead i will
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say that i would like to offer you all some food in our breakout session. a couple of pieces of business before we go. one, please be sure to pick up these and come to our breakout sessions. we are in the rooms out in the hallway. those who have been here you know, if not staff will direct you. that's one piece. we have yet one more trivia question and then a little tribute to your local trade organization california music and culture theme act. >> this is the last one. this is the 4 out of 4 last one. this year the entertainment commission held the first 90s award. who won the marquis award at the very first 90s award. i'm going to run through all. the first question was who
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sells the second highest quantity of beer of san francisco. at&t one and the second, our board of supervisors who has played on bands, who are those two supervisors and the third one is about our chief, his very first concert, who was the head liner of that concert and who won the marquis award. when you fill out your card we are going into one of the conference rooms for food and you can put your card out and you win a delicious treat. cupcakes. >> yes. just so you know california music and culture theme act provides all the food
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and beverages every time we have one of these events. and now♪ >> when you are talking about nightlife this is part of what makes the city unique and what makes it a different place. >> there is nothing more rewarding than the crowd reaction when you see these events. >> i met with people that were some of the most creative and talented forces that i came across. when i met them, that's what i want to do and that's what i want to be. that's where people come together building relationships and change the
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world. >> entertainment is a dramatic builder and people come here to enjoy the lifestyle in san francisco and to be successful in this industry is to have a diversity of options for people and to have an active entertainment scene. >> we have spent so much time trying to keep the doors open. >> the industry, they are going through the most tumultuous times trying to make a living. it shouldn't be that difficult. >> we have san francisco band musicians situations facing these problems surrounding issues and we want everyone to
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enjoy music here. >> i think it great that this community is getting organize. san francisco is a really complicated place. it's really important that we have an organization that can speak on our behalf and strongly about the political influence. >> we can talk to the politicians, sit with the directors and try to make sense that this is hurting the industry. >> nightlife needs the support of city government including the support of the police. i think that can happen. i think we can be a cooperative relationship. it helps to create a unified voice and helps to tell a story about why that industry is important. nightclub owners in general we don't share a lot of information together. >> something like this should have been around when i was starting out. >> they could have answered all
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>> [ applause ] . >> any other board members from c mac here? >> turns out we are getting an award. >> i'm kathy peg executive director for rockers. it was ten years ago that the entertainment commission was formed and also the earplug ordinance was passed and san francisco because everyone's effort is the safest hearing city in the nation. i want to thank you for this award. [ applause ] >> thank you. >> thank you so much. i want to
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thank all of our panelist. we'll see you in the breakout. >> [ applause ] >> welcome, everyone to the 10th annual public defenders summit. i'm so excited to be here today. our office has been putting on this summit for the past 10 years. we draw together attorneys, community leaders, non-profit leaders and
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directors and people committed to improving the criminal justice system. we come together once a year to talk about the issues and problems that we want to solve. this year is a particularly special summit because yesterday marked the 50th an niversary of the supreme court decision. one of the most significant dimensions our country. on march 16, 1963, the court said you have a right to a lawyer. even though it had been part of the constitution as the #6th amendment for years and years it was not recognized it was a right until they said it was an obligation by the state to provide a lawyer. it never
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