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tv   [untitled]    November 3, 2013 9:30am-10:01am PST

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these are more placards. explosives, anything orange, reds yellow. oxidizer, that's going to make a small fire into a really big fire without much help. inhalation hazards, don't breathe it. okay. the rest it self explanatory. there is nfpa 704 diamonds, you don't need to know that blue, health. :number 4 it will wreck your health fast. 0 means no problem. red, same. 4 means it's a fire hazard and poof, catch on fire like that.
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this is it may detonate. this is the dns hacienda. there is a health hazard but we are clueing into number 4. there is flammable stuff in there when frank and i show up we put on our thinking caps. >> do you think putting this great label on the front door is a good idea? glass front door? may be not. what happens when you leave you leave the door open or when we show up, we break the door down. somewhere to the side is better. hazardous material and how they get into us. you breathe them. you can eat them or get them on you. okay. or they can be injected into you.
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like if you have hazardous material at the grand autoand you slip and you get stuck. it's in you and on you. stay out of that place. here's a look of hazardous spills. the can tainer is bubling and oozing. bubling liquids or vapors. yeah. anything like that if you see something like that after an earthquake. don't kick it, pick it up or taste it. you will safety first. then everybody around you. isolate the area, for everybody else. and notice the fire department, that's us. around the house we use, limit the amount of stuff you are
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storing. we like to isolate the materials in enclosed cabinets locked metal ones are best, separate the flammables for the oxidizers. the bleach from the ammonia. you will ask me, george, where do i take this garage full of stuff. i have a garage full of stuff i don't use. there is a place on tunnel avenue if you are a city resident you take it down there and show them you are a city resident and they will take it. call us. say, i can't get down there i have, they might come out with 50 gallon drums if you have waste or oil they will come and pick it up. if you have gasoline you
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haven't used in a while they will come and pick it up. the main thing is safety. we don't want to end up like this guy. he didn't heed the warnings. for each one of these to carry out this guy, how many guys are backing them up? i figure 4 a piece. we don't send in a team unless we have the same amount of people and then some to back them up. to get you to gage what an incident is the guy with the big thumb. the rule of thumb is this. if you cover the incident with your thumb you are far enough away. does it look like he's got it covered with his thumb? you see the smoke going to the side. he's still too close. he's got to back up further
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even with the rule of thumb. we want you to view the rule of time, distance and shielding. what's time, don't stick around. distance. get far away. shielding means put something solid in between you and the incident. >> you want to get uphill and up wind. you don't want to be down here, have the /weupbtd behind you. where does the wind come from in san francisco. the right place is on the beach between twin peek and it is incident. unless the incident was at the beach. here's the i incident you want to be here.
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up wind, uphill . anybody ever put a fire out before by yourself. small fire. >> that's the good kind you want to stop it when it's small. george and i and the fire department will take care of the big fires but think if everybody in the room had a fire extinguishers how many fires you could put out. this is a big fire we will get these. it's hard for us to get around in a disaster from the streetcars and trolley buses stop, no electricity. we have the above groundwater system. it was invented years ago by our fire chiefs this is what saved the marina the boat
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pumping the water out put the fires out in the marina. you want to stop, look, listen and think. you size up the situation this is what we do in the fire department. you look at it. is it a little fire. a candle burning. do i get the fire extinguisher. is it a big fire can i put it out. >> it would cover the area the size of a table. anything bigger or high are than your head it's too big for you to put out with an extinguisher. wait until everybody is out. it's best to work in pairs. make sure you are the last one out of the room. do not lock it.
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avoid smoke and gases. cover your mouth and nose with a towel or sheet or dry cloth. if you have a jacket, if there is a flame on the way out put clothes on or wrap yourself in a blanket the layer of clothing will give you protection. have an emergency plan for earthquakes and fires. elevators, a safe place to be? always take it is stairs. when you go down the stairs hang on to the hand rails you will have people bump into you. pay attention to the floors, you have fourth floor, third floor, in case the lights go out you know you have 3 more floors. people think, i will go to the
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bottom until it stops. let's say you have 2 floors of parking you are under ground. sometimes it's a fire escape, never go up unless there is smoke down there and you can't go down. majority of the time don't go up. it's not like in tower interno where you go to the roof and the helicopters come pick you up u. notice fire department, work in pairs with 2 extinguishers. one extinguisher and the other person is a backup to get you out. that's an nert volunteer. never fight a fire if it's a large fire. large is over your head. if you are scared and it's too big, it's too large for you. if it's spread beyond where it started and blocking our escape
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route and you are unsure how to use an extinguisher. there are 4 types of fire it's on the label. on the front. down here. water type extinguisher it's a chrome big thing that holds 2-1/2 gallons of water. 30-40 feet away is the maximum, you want to get closer. flood it with water you can put your thumb over the tip and it fans it out. dry chemicals, inside here this is a bc this is one you might have in your car. it's not used on wood, paper, classic fires only on flammable liquid and electrical fires that's what you use in your car. if will have a pressure gauge. metal handle and it will have a
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good sized rubber nozzle and the label and all that will tell you the fire it's for. pass, pull the pin out. aim the nozzle. squeeze the lever. don't squeeze it and class 6 this happens. don't shoot the instructor in the foot because when you hold it, hold it here and don't squeeze down when you pull the pin and squeeze it will shoot down. keep your thumb out of the way and aim at the base of the fire. you sweep slowly back and forth and move in closer. don't be afraid. the closer you get the more dry chemical powder you will put on the fire and it will go out faster. stay low. before you enter a room feel
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the door with the back of your hand. if it's hot and you don't see smoke, open it slowly, take a look inside, you know if it's a small fire and you can put it out, do it. work in pairs. the second person is your back up. if the fire is too big, close the door and get help. have 2 emergency exits if you can. there is a fire escape there and the stairway we came up, there's your 2 exists. you seen these before? the hose cabinets. there is a fire extinguisher in there, 50 feet of hose. a nozzle and water in there you can turn it on. don't do what he's doing. if you turn this on you will have a pile of spaghetti with hose. one person take the hose out to where you are going to put the
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fire out. tonight open the door, yet and have the other person turn the water on. if you don't feel comfortable, get out. keep yourself safe. we have gauze. this is made of cotton. what class of fire is that? a. >> we have some fire. we have air. we have heat. we have a fire going. if i went in like that what did i just do? >> smoth erred it. simple; right . remember the hot water heater, we say don't store gasoline in your garage? so, gasoline gives out vapors, if we heat this up. not that you have to heat the gasoline. if you store gasoline near a
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hot water heater the vapors alone will catch fire. the vapors travel and caught. you don't have to actually light something like a candle, you don't actually have to touch something. we will add, more, make more effect, here. you got cherries jubilee. how do you put this out? [laughter]. put the lid? what if you don't have a lid? cookie sheet. >> very good. that's a good one. cover the thing, take it off the burner. take it off. do i immediately open it again? no. you already put it out leave it alone and whether or not it is
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the cheapest fire extinguisher you can buy? baking soda. have a couple boxes of baking soda, near the stove. cut the top off so it's ready to go. you get the box and, boom, dump it on there. you don't stir is around. you smoth erred it, baking soda doesn't burn. now, we are down to the home work. read these pages in your book, 26-38. locate the gas, water, electric shut off inside and outside the home. do the course evaluation. crank the gas an eighth of a turn to make sure it works and you know where it's at.
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very good. thank you. [applause].
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