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tv   [untitled]    November 3, 2013 8:30pm-9:01pm PST

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without that culture of san francisco and the arts i don't think the technology workers would want to be here by a theirs attracted atkins and the talent is attracted to places like this because of the arts. besides our taking care of people and the shared economy we have a rich rich art. this will be a wonderful display >> again jeff and keri and a nancy and all the board of trustees the america's board. congratulations i'll be with you and hosting quite a few meeting down here. thank you very much (clapping) >> and butterflies are free. i'm considering it. for our opening. if you'll star in it, it's a
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great idea. now i'm going to welcome senator mark leno who's been a great advocate and has an honorary degree in acting. inasfar mark leno (clapping) >> i still have no clue as to why i was given that honorary degree but it has a prominent shooting spot on the wall in my office. i think the only thing that matches mayor lee's depreciation to revitality this project is we hear a lot about disruptiveors here, no san francisco but this is about blowing up on old box
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and rebuilding it. the very foundation of this project is built is the core mission of ac t which is to expand the opportunities to experience the transitive potential of dramatic story telling and as we break ground today that's dramatic story telling in real time it's all about tomorrow. and tomorrow our kids and students because this is going to be a bit an educational institution it's not just about performance art this is going to bring opportunity for kids who wouldn't have it interest every study and every report we have clearly recognize that students who study art and music and
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dramatic arts they test higher in math and reading and science and they have lower rates of dropping out of school. a child who quits school before congratulation has an easier way to find themselves into our criminal justice system. so kerry and others thank you this will get done and it will be it transform active example of story telling. keri thank you and congratulations thank you for including me into the family and it hardly embarrasses but i want to present you with the proclamation from the senate and thank you (clapping)
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>> how fabulous. thank you amazing. and our other credible collaborate for a kim she and her office have long been wonderful partners in really exploring all the ways we can partner with the ways her team has already put this together >> thank you keri. so long as we're sharing my music day but was down the street. many, many years ago. but you know that goes to show the history of the arts in this neighborhood. when i first congratulated from college many of my friends were actors and screenwriters i used to be very active just along this corridor i used to
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volunteer to repaint the black box theatre and going to exist theertd for sketch comedy. i know there's a section that's moved south of market. this was the the groundbreaking i was looking for our office had been working beside ac t to realize this project. we've played a small role to realize this vision. the theatre has been in many parts the city but has an important history in mid-market. keri said it two years ago this project seemed out of the worst now it seems obvious. as our ac t board president
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said. when the mayor came in and i was elected to office we talked about what it would money mean to revitality market street. i realize that policy are a leap of faith you put a policy out there you pass it and sign it by you need private actors to come and participated in the vision and a process. we're lucky so many people have said they want to be part of that vision to do that and ac t was one of the first. they deserve a round of applause (clapping) >> truly, truly for believing in this very early on. the strand has been a colorful piece of mid market. it's surprisingly he many people
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come down this block and never saw it but no more. thanks to the office for parallel to preserve the soul of building this community. and we also want to recognize and we'll be joining a lot of other arts organizations the lodge store gallery and want 59 market we'll enjoy an hour here to bring another arts center to mildred mid market. i always want to realize ellen the arts director (clapping) >> again keri parallel who signed off on this million dollars campaign. and again local builders and
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this gentleman who's mural has been put here. and i want to thank the group that put together a movie to the day to day lives of do p san francisco. thank you champion mike redman thank you for being here and making this neighborhood a safer place to live and supervisor scott wiener and my supervisor to the west of us on market street thank you for being here as well. >> thank you so much jane and finally, there's a quick sneak peak from our extraordinarily architect he's wonderful he's been working with after the but the core volume is here and heel
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give you a peak of what's going to be. >> the renovation recess recollects this to provide a hive visible for the cities prominent theatre company ac e t. this will offer lay essentially elements into the backdrop of the building. this will create to inspire a lot of visions. the main performance spaces can be quickly transformed into a formal threat to an informal one. this space up by the small windows to be con founder in a number of ways as classrooms or
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event spaces. the two-story lobby will contain the box office and a large space for people to meet in the daytime. it's a dynamic space set where the stairs and balconies and large projector room are the screen backdrop. it can protect images and is a reminded of the old market screen. it severs as is making make can he. the imagine on the screen will be transformed to the character of the building through those large windows. the strand theatre represents a renewal once vitality part of
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the city and one of the san francisco's great cultural neighborhood. it's an honor to work with the inspiring people at k c e t as well as builders and other who have donated their time. i want to recognize the neighborhood groups that have come through to support something significant to our city. we ladder to seeing you in the spring of 2015 for the opening. thanks >> okay. now you get the photo op moment of inarguing the
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theatre. >> and are we ready. let's do a count down 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (clapping) >> yeah. you.
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>> the of have you gone irate when i can see you're all quite
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interested in. very glad to see you ear good afternoon this thing and i'm the occur rapport of the decorative arts him martin chapman and i'm here to introduce tour speaker this evening. amanda is really the powerhouse behind all that goes on with bull before i in the heritage department she's the xoult with the herman collection and she formed the collection. the meaningless pieces of jeweler you'll see upstairs are largely the result of a mademoiselle reach and diligence that people's 3. she's also the great handwriting for bonus i didn't and she's the one we've depend upon on so much for what we're got in the
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exhibition. she's really will occur rapport i've been tagging along. and she's also written the lion share of the catalog. so i'm really enjoying working with awe madam and she know really you tell that into mailers context as well as the daily of the individual jewels. so, please join me w in welcoming a madam >> (clapping) >> ladies and gentlemen, it's with great pleasure for me to be here in san francisco for the first time every bully repeal specific in the united states. and to have the opportunity to speak to you attendant to the art of bully and beyond. now during this talk i would
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like to illustrate bully achievement in the world of jeweler design and by showing you a few of the many magazine physique jewels on x at the de young museum. now the history goes back 1 hundred and thirty years. my talk focus on a more limited period of time. four exactly of creativity maine from the 1950's to the end of the 1980s. the reason for focusing profiler on this period is that it was during this time that the company began to forge and develop it's very distinct active some kind of. now for those who are not
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familiar with bully it's history goes back more than a century when the founder who you see on the screen later italy in his his name was the grandfather of the fattening and vice president of the company settled in rome opening the first store in 1994. now pious business prospered radical and it allowed him to open in 15 years two more shops in rome and a number of subsidies in italy naturally he lives and also seasonal resorts brood and i can see many of them listed around 1905.
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now after his death in 1932, the fact that he was skoekd by his two sons when you can see pictured here at the back jury box i don't the first boy was a great jeweler connoisseur and the second to publish the italy silver and jeweler to make his marks. at the beginning of the 1970s of third generations of bully took over the company by johnson i don't see 3 sons you again see here. johnny the latter he would lay off leave the company in 1987. now from 198 had the envelope of the 3 brothers francis the young gentleman in the center became
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the ceo of the company acting as president and developing. it's franciss pride not only in having lead bully to become a world luxury contraband by to have long been born one hundred years to the day part of emphasis grandfather's of the founder of bully. in 2011 bully became part of the luxury group. nonetheless they continue to be active within the group. carl and the other son continue as president and vice president and france sick as ceo of the entire watch division of the
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group. now surprisingly in the early days one would not find precious jewel as a superior manufacture and sold silver ware. this was virtual following in the family footprints tradition. so titus his father and grandparent had been skilled silver smiths as well as his ancestors who came from a small village in paris and that's in northern greece and albany and they had all been involved in the silver trade and making silver. now, throughout his extensive network of shops 710 told me solidarity facts of the greek tradition as well as antics.
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it was only around 1915 they began to difference his stoke to reporter his silver artifacts. this required a lot of capital which led him to focus his activity in only one outlet the number ten store which you see here and it's still the flagship store of burgery worldwide. he began to refresh his other shops leaving them to sobers in egresses. unfortunately, the documents at this time is very scares this photograph of the shop front in
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the 1920s provides evidence of the greater emphasis placed on jewels that dominated the whole showcase of the center. now from a stiff lyric point of view those that solid in the 1920s up to the 50s although high in intrinsic value are not recognizable as they follow very closely the fashionable trends. so as i show you here in the 1920s bullyingy created fine decorative art long earrings that were in voltage at this time as they commencement the
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hair cut. likewise in the 1930s bold jewelers formed a mat active were much in voltage at that time. and in particular wide brablgz which were worn in stacks and it's not sprirlz that bull writingy created a great number of them as i can see on the screen. now in the 1940s a typical feature they were not mounted in diamonds but in yellow gold of gems used separatelyly. it was not unique to bully >> it was a universal feature and this was caused by the war were plum, in fact, navigate had been erect shunned in countries
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so jewelerers were good thing to have gold and make due with a more scarce supply of jemdz. now at the end of the war and a beginning of a decade is where our story bins again. it's the time referred to as las vegas chevy in italy the rough life from the 60s o 50s to the early 60s. after postwar recovery an increasing economic disparity rome became the center of the international film industry. however, the term butch vet now days has become part of the
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evoke and seems to be applied to a variety of situations that are not scribble related to rome in the 150s. it's used no reference to eateries as well as hotels and b and bs night clubs and as they discover before boarding my flight to san francisco it's even the name given to airport lounges. now strictly speaking the title is from the film by italian film director starring two italian actors which doesn't depict a rosey sweet life in rome in those days but a creek of the
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lack of values of a certain ishlg of folks populated by actors and arrest accuracy and mr. no bodies as well as reportsers one in the film who goes by the surname of popping roots. and surprisingly this has stuck to the point out we refer to the photo reporters as paparazzi but the period maybe reviewed in deed as the sweet life. johnson 0 who you see here seated in the bull writingy store had taken control of the business in 1932 had managed to
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props even in the war and was posed to meet new challenges and to seize new business tuntsd offered to them as rome became the hollywood on the tiger. now given the high-level of jewels and gives me at bully at the time and the strategic position of the one and only store in the heart of rome bully became the number one designation of all famous and glamour railways beautiful women continued to expand bullries family well beyond the confidence of italy. as early as 1949 when joem tours
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got married they choose their wedding abandons at bully and you can see them doing that on and on up on the top tyrone powering and his bride choosing the wedding rings but in the 193 os they celebrities spent their entire first money at bully. now you can see this famous actor here with her matching brochures. mann i don't think is known for playing humble characters hence it comes as a surpriseo