tv [untitled] November 6, 2013 9:30pm-10:01pm PST
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placed on the fact that the filing of such reports are done under the penalty of perjury, the city librarian failed to figure that out. and he also didn't seem to understand that finding such a statement is perjury, even when it is not done in front of the public official under oath. and i have to believe that someone as intelligent does not understand those matters and there must be many more city employees who do not understand, and potentially a lot of other were filing and complaints with the ftpc against the members. >> and it is the same as mr. herrera in similar amounts. >> in section ten is says that due to the records involved. and it has been side tracked
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from the regular duties end quote, under the sunshine ordinance and the san francisco public records act. and responding to public records requests, they are among the regular duties of every city employees. this mistakingly represents this as something that they are being taken away from their duties. it is part of their duty and any city employee who is asked for a record is a requirement and part of their job duties to provide a job response. and putting this in a report saying that they are taken away from the regular duties it is simply a ploy and the record request to something and it is a legitimate legal request from a citizen of san francisco. and the control and the supervision or a record and not
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getting it. and it is my own experience after chasing him for two solid years and going through the city attorney's office and a petition that the supervisor of records to continue to records and those were the very records used to find him in violation of the regulations. and i did not blame him. and i would lie about the existence which he did. and i even denied, answering whether they did exist or not, when they responded or the company requestor had a legal document saying that you should have it signed by the respondent.
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>> agenda item 6, items for future meetings, do the commissioners have any suggestions as to items that they would like to see on the agenda for the meetings in november? or subsequent there to? >> mr. heart you are the only mefm of the public, do you have a suggestion or items that we should put on the agenda. >> i do, ray hartz, director of san francisco open government, i think that this body needs to acknowledge that in your charter it says that you are responsible to a degree for the sunshine ordinance and its implementation and enforcement. and yet in every single document, i see coming out of this body, you just, you fail to address it at all. and in the civil grand jury
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report, the sleeping watch dog that was mentioned by the civil grand jury. and you simply dismissed that with the typical response to civil grand jury reports of thank you very much for all of the time that you put into this and how much that we appreciate all of this hard work and then proceed to disagree with everything that they say. deny what they say and say that it is wrong and say that they don't understand and anything but accepting it. feedback, is the breakfast of champions that is something that ken blancardsaid, and anybody and any organization or individual or group of people who cannot accept the feedback and admit to the fact that occasionally they are not doing something that they should be doing, is willfully ignorant and saint thomas said that willful ignorance of what one ought to know is a mortal sin. the sunshine ordinance, task force hears dozens and dozens
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of cases each year and they sent you three or four or five and you dismiss every one of them. you take the city's side every single time. only one time, have you ever taken an action and that was to recommend to the mayor that the president of the library commission be removed. and he ignored you. and so i guess that i can't blame you either, would i not want to take the action if i knew that the only thing that i would get is somebody saying that i am not going to do it. and you don't have any power and you don't have any control, people say that the sunshine task force does not and i will give them this, at least, listen to the citizens of this city and when they find a good case, they will issue a violation and i have 19 of them myself and just try to get them enforced. and you can catch people in a blatant lie and you know the most interesting thing about it, they never have the courage
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to show up and explain their own actions. and they send some city employees who does not really know what is going on say, here you go on and you defend this illegal action. and poor sue black man at the library commission, the secretary gets stuck defending the actions of gomez and herrera because they do not have the integrity before a body and say that the reason that i did this is because of this. they send her there and the last time that i watched her, she was physically standing there shaking like a leaf because they were asking her questions that they didn't have answers to. >> i am not sure that i know what the agenda item is that you want us to put on. but if you want to submit some specific agenda item for our
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consideration, we will certainly consider it. >> i thought that i made it clear, the item would be to have an open public discussion at ethics commission meeting about what you feel this body feels about its obligations under the sunshine ordinance. >> all right, i think that we spelled that out when we set the new regulations for hearing on sunshine complaints. >> but there are no further items? >> public comment >> i thought that we had finished public comment >> one more. >> and any, and anybody want to move to adjourn and then i will ask for the public comment on that? >> any public comment on that? >> agenda item 7 is general public comment.
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>> all right. the item 7, is sort of the flip side of two, public comment on the matters appearing or not appearing on the agenda that are within the jurisdiction of the ethics commission. >> ray hartz, san francisco open government and there is that meeting is only about 30 minutes long and i don't feel particularly impolite to use the second opportunity. you can act like i am here just to be a pick on you and poor us and you know, all of this other, crap which you seem to want to present it as. but i have been watching the open meetings in this city for the last five years, attending meetings in the commission and the arts commission, and the board of supervisors, and the respect that people pay to the public as far as their ability
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to participate in meetings to make public meeting and to make the public records is ludicris and part that have responsibility falls with you, the city employees know that if they want to withhold the documents from the public because it is going to make them look bad and because no one in the city especially this commission is going to do a thing about it. and you are going to come up with 150 records and in fact, mr. saint croix had to be defended in the superior court of california and just recently by a lawsuit by allen grossman for withholding records, about the sunshine ordinance, which clearly states, that any communications between the city communications and the matters regarding, open government issues cannot be hidden from the public uppeder the patient,
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and where the attorney, public privilege and the ruling came out, and it agreed with the argument and i think that reason is that the city attorney instead of being the kind of person who expects the city employees and departments to follow the law wants to allow them to do whatever they want and then wants to advise the bodies how to avoid giving documents to the public which would expose it. and like i said, i fought with herrera and that man is an intelligent man and i knew that the documents that i was asked that we are asking for and were disposal under the public record's act. and they fought me repeatedly over the public comment. and i have at least eight in finding them in violation of the law because they didn't like what i say because i think that you can understand it because i am pretty clear, but i will say one thing for me,
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that i can't say that for a lot of people on the boards or commissions, and i will look you in the eye and say that to your face anything and i would not say it behind your back, but my impression is that you sit there and commission and any comments you wait until we are gone and you wait until we are gone to make them. >> >> item 8, i will hear a motion to ayearn. >> and so moved. >> and second. >> all right. >> comment on that. >> all right. all in favor? >> aye. >> meeting is adjourned.
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gate park transforms into one of the greatest music festivals of all time, let's journey, inside, outside land. ♪ >> to this, our 6th year doing the outside lands and our relationship with san francisco, rec and park. and we work very closely with them in the planning and working very closely with the neighborhood organizations and with the city supervisors and with the city organizations and with the local police department, and i think that the outside lands is one of the unique festivals in the world and we have san francisco and we have golden gate park and we have the greatest oasis, in the world. and it has the people hiking up hills and down hills and a lot of people between stages. >> i love that it is all outside, the fresh air is great. >> they have the providers out
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here that are 72 local restaurants out here. >> celebrating, and that is really hot. >> 36 local winerries in northern california and 16 brewers out here. >> and you have seen a lot of people out here having a good time and we have no idea, how much work and planning has gone into this to make it the most sustainable festival in the united states. >> and literally, in the force, and yeah, unlike any other concept. and come and follow, and the field make-up the blueprint of the outside land here in golden gate park and in the future events and please visit sffresh
9:45 pm (clapping) let's start this evening with an announcement. nobody ever believed there's a free lunch but that truck is back there with free food. come forward a little bit that would be really nice. so we'll thank you all for coming tonight. in the an incredibly exciting day since my wedding and my wife is here to firm. i want to start by acknowledging johnson and john they're great to be working with. we're looking forward to work further with them.
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of course, the mayor would like if johnson and johnson would most of their haubdz here. there are 3 people who have made in work my colleagues doug and brian. those two have made this happen to a round of applause for them (clapping.) but the third person who's been behind the screen pulling the strings that made this work on time we signed the leased in december of last year that's actually, the mayor of san francisco mayor ed lee. it's a delight to have him here and say a few words. mayor (clapping.) well rich thank you very much. i know you can't think of a better way to celebrate 10 years
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of having this open up to companies like g.e. coming hero to provide a lot of great equipment for start ups. i had my exposure to some of the folks. apprehending you're going to be able to wear a patch that tells us everything that's going ♪ our body. there's a virnd e vending machine you can find golf things in. it's incredible. this is another center and i'm surprised but yet not shocking that would be in danger patch because we're trying to make a lot of things happen in danger patch well. this is a great incubator 25 companies it's filled already
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with a lot of talent to match the talent i know that midgets by the way, is having with the qb laurdz or headquarters what talent like many folks that have joined some 25 people and administrators in uc st. all creating life changing inventions i think will be incredibly useful. this is the role of life science it is why years ago mayor replenishing and newsom and now i get it add my years of support to build this incredible innovation center the life science center we we call mission bay and a dog patch. i want to give a shout out to j
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cross-examination morgan chase they'll given us a gift. that's incredibly wonderful (clapping.) and again, i think it nurtures the whole spirit of our city. this is the innovation capital of world. i keep saying that and every time i turn around there's another example that were this is the melting right here of what's been happening in mission bay it invites so much of our young talent to join the successful efforts of large and small companies the talent that uc provides. we only have a small role in the city we realize how important it is about timing.
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and when people need it our staff comes through with it. i thank todd and others who are working with him because when the call comes in we need something it act fast to keep the most memory done they're there they take me out every tuesday for a new technology venture. but right here in our dog patch in mission bay a lot of things will happen. i will tell you it excites not only me but business ventures it exists the youth of our city. apprehending those laboratories will be occupied by people that will be collecting here and interning here because a they want to be next to people that are inventing new things.
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we're going to continue the success of the city arnold thank you and dui i didn't for that private-publ private-public talent. i will be coming back to find other things to brag about across the country to other mayors. thank you (clapping.) one of the great things about being in san francisco it's such a fantastic community and sometimes unexpectedly things happen. and this is what happened we hadn't been thinking about disadvantaged youth and all of a sudden this came from jp morgan. it's wonderful to have alice
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here to talk about what they're thinking. alice (clapping (clapping.) how about another shout out for doug and registration. job well done. i'm alice rodriguez i manage the banking team and on behalf of my colleagues again congratulations and welcome to everybody. you know, at that time when small businesses are important to the economic growth to the city and the country this is the kind of stuff we're provide to be participating at y public works morgan. we're trying to understand how we can help spur that economic growth. we're proud of the $250,000 gift it's going to support allow some
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disadvantaged youth to come in and see the imperial spirit. we see our partnerships and wish you all the luck. thank you. (clapping) >> now we only have two people special guests we want to say a few words were this gentleman is from milwaukee to talk about his experience. explaining >> again, thank you for veil having me out and congratulations for a wonderful opening p i work to general electric. the relationship we've had with uc sf and san francisco is a
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long time ago. we installed a horsepower company that helped with the electricity and perhaps one of the most things in the debt of the depression this man a thinking about forming a new company and e-mailed in his plantation who formed hewitt packard. we've got over the time we're a supplier to you. we like to buy our research and we partner on a bunch of projects. there was a project that was
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near impossible everybody said it couldn't be done we brought it to san francisco from the engineering from berkley they came together and it criminal paper was published in august. san francisco general a a world leadership and then maybe we moved out of the steam age and went to electricity but we think in the room you can see a lot of our equipment. we're happy to be a partner with san francisco and california to bring this forward so thank you very much (clapping.) as those of you who have taken the tour the suppliers have helped to make this environment a successful
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one. the last person is someone who's been with qb c has been a guide and it's a great pleasure to ask park evens and myers to come up broke >> so how many cities have a mayor that can name science. i don't think any other than san francisco it's amazing. but we're here to celebrate this combrart. i have been in incubators all over the world i've never seen one like this. it's done with care ease one thing we know about science it's all about teams. there's a special individual or a great idea but it's how teams win. the way it's put together in the
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shared labs and the dynamic dow conceived the garage. how many of you have gotten a tour of the facilities. then you know they started in the q v b believe and had a desk and lab beverage and maybe if they progressed this was do you go brainchild to now so many applicants they've created 4 hundred jobs by all the companies they've started. 62 companies are in the garages down there and it's not like the affidavit packard or hewitt's those are good. and start up in a box to teach
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scientists how to start a company should they start one and how they go about it one hundred and 40 teams have done that in this incubator. and loophole investors have put in $40 million to create future winners. but back to qb 3 it's the concept of intersection. a lot of great creativity month creativity happens at the intersection of disciplines and that's itself fundamental concept that registration and doug and all the people at u sf have grounding gone in with great attitudes. this is about entrepreneurs. it's about building companies but at the end of the day it's
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about the patients. congratulations registration and doug and everybody involved with qb 3 (clapping.) so let me say to wrap up by saying? now the phase of an end for us now that the building is up and we're celebrating this part of it and now it's frowning it's not doug it's going to become the quality of the start ups. you brought in $150 million through the angel funding and start of box. that's an amazing contribution to the economy of san francisco. so start ups are starting to change. doug and i are going to make you guys be as successful as you can
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