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tv   [untitled]    November 9, 2013 11:00pm-11:31pm PST

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class and there's certain children i watched from babies and it's exciting to see them after today. the children learn how to follow directions and it ends up helping them in their regular schooling. they get self-confidents and today, we had a residual and a lot of time go on stage and i hope they get the bug and want to dance for the rest of their >> everyone.
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thank you. my name is carl i'm the president of the silicon leadership groufrp we're happy you joined us for a town hall with mayor ed lee with the obama administration on the action on immigration
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founded here just a few blocks away. that what matters is we have a mare that understands the issues a nearest and dear it to us and that's immigration reform. since it's inception we've gotten over 20 visas alone and the feeling is we have a shortage on green talent when we need to go through the steps we need to go through and for the tech community we're focused on opening up our technical school to the global community. we're in a talent war along with
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a state war on services gov. and anything we can help to create change here means so much to us. we have the mayor who can creative impact so we stand behind mayor ed lee and we're thrilled he's here. i'm so excited to here what he is has to say. thank you (clapping) >> julia and kevin a thank you for being subpoena great community leaders were we're going to have a robust town meeting this is being live for my radio program. we like to let people know in advance. i'm going to ask a few questions
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then we're going to open it up to you for the awe loltd time we have. so with that we're going to start. welcome to our ceos for our live town hall with the live host along with san francisco's mayor ed lee and 3 entrepreneurs we're going to be hearing a lot about as they continue on the road to technology and on comprehensive immigration reform. to work within the time we have i'm going to dispense with long introductions but let me mention the enterprises.
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this people has gnltd from europe and she co- founded her company. born in columbia we have alexander he is the do founder of voice bunny and he's a recent father and returned almost right after his little girl was born to the white house to be honored and we'll be hearing about that. and the third narrator is the chief at bright sons. we received his masters in commuter science and other
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degrees from ucla. join me in welcoming our panel people. and as mayor as one of the finite cities in america why are you supporting immigration >> thank you carl. let me repeat my hangz or thanks for julia and kevin. this is the first company i visit in this city and carl thank you. and the carl bishop group is very important working with our chamber of commerce and the other nonprofit.
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a simple answer is jobs. the reason i'm working on immigration reform. i used to be a civil rights attorney and helped folks to 0 reunite with their families. but at the time the direction connect to the history of the city being a city of immigrants 35 percent of all the small businesses in san francisco was owned by an immigrant. our whole history this city's been built on good immigrants who found ideas and employed others. and today that story has not changed. i think that the businesses in succeed if we have good sound
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business policies but we make sure there's comprehensive immigration reform. because we've he learned over the years is that there are millions of people in the state of california and undocumented folks in san francisco that are not part of our official economy that are hiding. because of fear that will not participate in health prevention because of fear. because of that we have to have an immigration policy it is forward-looking and make sure there's a path to censorship[p. we're in a worldwide talent war. are we going to lose to other
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great cities or are we going to make sure we're getting the talent. i know the conversations are a bit sensitive but we're not taking anything away from our companies. i have investments in europe where we train residents to be part of the technology we have but at the same time certain areas need that worldwide talent. event pride is not just here for local customers but for events around the world. and that's true for every company in the chamber of commerce wants worldwide so immigration is part of their dna of recruiting talents to get the
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worldwide talents that are competent. i want to break in the african and latin america and our businesses to be represented all over the world because our sdm dna is about being a national city. san francisco has always been a part of the conversation about immigration and this is a time of very unique opportunity time where congress has this one's in a lifetime ability to make the updated changes. we need to reflect what our business you demands are going forward to hopefully reflect the need to bring people out of the dictate area of undocumentation and into the lime light and have
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them fully participate and as mayors and major cities across the country we need that comprehensive immigration reform. we have other things to talk about on the aspects of that. but i'm pride to join our homeland security to make sure that we are talking about this and sending a message to congress and all our representatives. our country to be fully covered we have a lot to do with us passing reform immigration policies >> that was well said. just as jan napoleon said that
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but you led the catholic immigration programs in the country iowa why is this important to you? >> it is. >> good afternoon, everyone it's a great week to be here i'm fortunate to be here. i have to commit a moment ago we were gathered in the conference room and as i listen to the president reiterate that our system is a broken but we need to more than immigration system and as i listen to you abnormalities i realize your voice will carry and we'll create the needs like
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entrepreneurs like you and we'll drive home the point that immigration is a driving force for us didn't economy. i wish i could bottle up your voices and take it to white house. and how you're going to take that voice and a messages and clear and concise and a informative manner you did with me to the house because we're confident that this b will roll over the the house. today support the mayor's reform? >> absolutely. i started my career with the
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trial attorney position. i've been a business owner and have had a private practice and representing clients and representing businesses and representing individuals and also, they vulnerable population so i'm one of those unique attorneys that's done the range of immigration work because i'm passionate i have seen the by his side and what it does it our economy and families and our community and i've seen the incredible force that enterprises bring to revitalize our community and to hire talent from within and aboard. i've seen great entrepreneurship by welcoming talented folks from
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aboard so reforming the immigration system i hope i'll get a chance to be part of it. and we're looking forward to putting together a team and rolling out the historic reform of that system >> thank you for this conversation. >> thank you to our san francisco chamber of commerce and business forward and sf city for co- hosting this town hall. i'm eager to hear from the other companies about their stories of immigration. tell us your own stories. we're to start with you the ceo of illuminate. >> so my story is not any more
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special then the stories of what you've heard. you group in india. i gave a shout out and my family really believes in education and the empowerment through education. there is a certain resistlessness and get out of your comfort zone and explore other things. that's how i got here. the path is not easy it's taken 12 years to get a green card. it limits ones opportunity. first, it will take a long time before the h1 process will allow
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you to move before jobs and you can't start a business. it took me 9 months to start a business. i was so restless to start something so you take capable individuals who are smart and driven and you can't limit them. the comprehensive immigration reform everybody in this room agrees we have to pass high school immigration. but having being on the spotlight you can't really traffic or switch between companies and now imagine the population that's route rights and i think it is morally not acceptable. and the children thought they
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had a country but apparently the country doesn't want them. >> alexander your story. >> hello. i'm originally from columbia and i was back in columbus. i was in love with computers but we didn't have enough money. eventually this is 1994 i had access to the internet around 1997 and 98. i knew everything was happening in the u.s. i bought a one way ticket to the u.s. i realized my english was really bad. so i had to eat a lot of
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hamburgers. the only way i realized there was no way to stay in the u.s. if i wanted to be a entrepreneur so i went back to excellently in columbus in order to pursue any career and i co- founded my first immigrant status. but within a year we had 6 employees i was told i had to leave the country. the - and definitely it's slowing me down. and i was being told to go back to columbia. once you go back to the columbia back in 1999 it was hard to come
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back. so i was as a entrepreneur not being able to stay here but i feel he fell in love with the love of my life and we had a daughter a week ago. we accelerated our may this and i was able to stay. she ended up being the co co- founder of my business too. this has to do with inhabitation. we went into the largest bank of voice on demand. we we really had a crowd of thousands of people working from home. we enable thousands of americans to get hired we - so not no
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where your creating video games in russia you want nice voices for that. we have be able to push the american accent and it's enabling thousands of people to work for companies all over the planet. but again my life is attached to immigration show you. in columbus we're constantly instrumental. we kind of bring people to the u.s. it's hard to get visas. we were not lucky to get visas two of the 3 we petitioned for for the visas we didn't
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depreciate. i'm a big advocate for immigration. my mother was deported so i'm close to this and i feel the pain from a business prospective and personal prospective. itself reason i came to the u.s. it was very attractive in order to start a business. innovation was here and the only area that is looking really bad from anybody's prospective is the immigration law. that's the only thing we need to tweak. thank you very much >> alexander thank you. we're going to move on. >> my immigration story is similar to a lot of entrepreneurs. i came to the united states to
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pursue a masters in technology. i love my experience being part of the education system and getting a masters and learning from people who were innovating things themselves and teaching students how to do. being able to be there and being able to be a part of this is incredible. i moved to the valley area to an internship here. my very first job was a start up. trying to take an idea it was so inspiring. being able to experience that desired me to start my own business. i came over on the student visa
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and working for different employers i was tied to the employer who was definitely very limiting. the process take a long time. but finally, i was able to get a gastrocard and start my own business. that's important and being able to be a part of this in this debate on immigration reform is critical. personally immigration reform t is important for me. i care a lot about finances. and think about your personal finances oh, you spend money on the gas and electricity but you also make investments and you invest in the stock market and immigration is like that.
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you have borrowed security and i need to invest in people who create jobs and driving the economy. and people like us enterprises having things around that is important thank you for having us here >> our first kwes question was to draw out comprehensive stories. the next will be very active among our panel. because one of the common arguments we hear outside of san francisco in silicon valley is they take away the american jobs
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what would you say. think lightning rod. mayor lee how do you respond to critics >> first of all, you've got to look at the real data and the institute is did the studies when you've got the talent with the people of high degrees we want to retain here you'll find with technology jobs there are 4 other local jobs that are sustained. so that says if you keep the talent in america other jobs will come attached to that. that's invaluable in san francisco. and did we get from 9.6 percent in unemployment to 5.2
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>> it's because of you're great leadership. >> thank you carl but it's because this fact is very true. along with one job comes others it's valuable to our tourism and the labor unions know this that's why their backing up this. they know the jobs are being created because the talent is here. we've got to keep the talent here. people spent years getting those mbas. we spent money and investment in those i did not know stuts students then they have to leave with the trouble are the visas and in their prime when the economics of their ideas is right there in front of us we
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can't get the kind of you immigration talent we have that's a failure of our country. >> mayor lee great points. >> maria od democrat what's that argument the white house uses as we talk about comprehensive reform. >> first, i want to reiterate itself finding to congress it the immigration reform will play a role in our reducing our national deficit. i think we need to recognize with is a surge of the boarder need to see the surge it will bring to our economy.
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mayor lee hit it. the supporting business and keeping the right talent will create more jobs. so we continue to drive that messages home. the majority of americans when i look at the numbers support this common sense approach. creating more jobs fueling the economy with the right talent and the right folks we have been educating. so when you look at the numbers and the pop up most americans support this. and they'll see the benefits in their communities. i've repealed many companies and it requires us to come and see the support at the state and national level what's fueling the education don't for the
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community. we get real focused on the national community but it's at the state and local level. and even smaller towns across the country. so the messages it is from the state and local level first >> let's hear from our young entrepreneurs. your creating jobs and paying taxes when you hear this from people what you do you say >> i've definitely paid hoof taxes. the short answer is yeah, the silicon valley if that were not true. it would be like the - i know