tv [untitled] November 10, 2013 6:30pm-7:01pm PST
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you can get your yacht repaired here in san francisco. or you'd have to go to alameda or somewhere. lovely vessel there. and then directly across the street, we have mission bay, wow, the epicenter for neuroscience research. that's unbelievable, right. it is unbelievable how much is happening there. we have the new giants ballpark and this is mc covy cove. and there are boats out there waiting for barry. this was taken the other day, just hit one into the cove. i said pier 40, somebody said you row out of pier 40. somebody else said they sale out of pier 40. pier 40 undergoing some major renovations. and the ballpark is right next to it and there is almost no impact on pier 40 when there is a ball game. almost no impact other than muni is crowded. it's amazing.
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we all thought oh, my god this is it, hot dog wrappers all over the place. enthuse a new handicapped ramp and a new dock, commercial dock on the north side of pier 40. on the south side of pier 40 is an historic (speaker not understood) if you really want some, that's the place to get it. >> they get in at 6:30 in the morning. >> there are boats behind. we can go down on the pier and take a look. good grief, registered in reno, nevada. there is the sea berg, end high at the end of the dock, giant thing. and here coming up, my all-time favorite boat name. never again ii. [laughter] >> this is where activity starts to really build, pretty much had the ballpark headed north.
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it's very highly used. we had no trouble finding people here. further south we couldn't find a person. here is a guy training seagulls apparently. just a little further up, red's java house. a lot of old uses, we're trying to preserve these historic uses noe? >> red's java house will be on a pier that will be redeveloped to incorporate the james herman new cruise terminal. and, yeah, the whole mixed-use development at bryant and embarcadaro. red's java house will be preserved. and actually it's going to be shifted over a little bit so it doesn't get completely innovated by the new design. >> does anybody here eat at red's java house? look at all these people who eat there. a double dog and a bud for how much, 3.49? this is a san francisco institution. >> this is a relic.
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red java house, they serve long shore man and other people who work at the waterfront. there used to be a lot of other ones. these have survived. >> the boondocks now called high dive. the building survived, thank goodness. and then interestingly, along underneath the high dive, i guess it's part of the sculpture and public art. the band, light band and all that. >> the art ribbon. >> the art ribbon, thank you. and you see the little skateboard stops. this was an immediate draw worldwide, people came to skateboard the embarcadaro. and they're still here, right? they're still here. >> many different type of wield people. >> so here, bicyclists. now, when the embarcadaro was rebuilt not very long ago, there was a large joint committee of people and everybody was staking out their turf. muni wanted 60 feet.
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the caltrans or the transportation wanted space. the art people wanted a ribbon. the sidewalk had to be so wide. where did it all come to crunch? on the bike lane. what happens, the bike lane got reduced to what is it now, 3-1/2 feet wide. everybody has -- >> i think it's five, but it feels like three. >> yeah. but anyway, it's wonderful. as you stand there, people are constantly using embarcadaro bike lane. it's a good place to bike. it's a relatively safe and it's relatively slow traffic there which is good for bicycling. but some people don't use it as in the photo, they'll ride in the sidewalk, of course. >> okay. let's see, where do we go? the high dive. and then behind the high dive we see a pier as we get closer to pier 28. you probably recognize this dive. down there all the time, a little black motorcycle helmet walking around. we're going to look inside pier
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28. and people often say what goes on inside these piers? what is the most common use? >> storage and warehouse. that is a dwindling commodity in san francisco. so for at least as long as these buildings are still stable, that's their highest and best use in their current state. >> there is lots of construction that goes along at the waterfront. large crane, floating crane. >> hearsay pretty nice looking dock. we see many where there have been rippled to death and eaten away. along the waterfront, we have required waterfront vessels, tugs which are required by the coast guard to accompany fuel carrying vessels in the bay, i understand. and so -- as well as to help
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other vessels dock. these tractor tugs are unbelievably powerful and they move all four directions. they have propulsion in all directions. >> so does he. >> okay. this construction going on along the pier here. and here they're working to put a roof on. this is an enormous issue. look how many rollup doors there, look how many acres of roofing. look how many thousands of square feet of surface and paving. an enormous issue. right underneath the bay bridge, directly under the bay bridge. >> of course one thing that is interesting, a pretty good illustration is these are all for cargo. ships come in and boons unload the cargo, take it in the shed prior to being shipped out, wherever it was going.
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of course these were made obsolete by container shipping. >> now we're up to sort of the middle of the waterfront up to the port ferry building here. and we've seen quite a lot of development along the ferry building. someone has told me that the bart 2 goes under here. is that right? >> yes. the ferry plaza which is the platform on the bayside of the ferry building is a public plaza, but it also has -- that's where the transbay (speaker not understood) in san francisco. in fact, last november when the voters approved tax increases to support the seismic retrofit of the bart system, the transbay 2 was one of their key focuses right now because it really is so fundamental to the whole system. so we're working with bart now to understand what their approach is for trying to do this and what kind of impacts it has on this area. >> this morning's ferry from
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tiburon. >> or lark spur. >> that's it, lark spur, the lark spur ferry coming up. and in the ferry building are the marvelous shops. this is food heaven in the ferry building. so the pilot boats go out and get stationed outside of golden gate, and meet incoming ships and transfer a pilot aboard who pilots the vessel into the bay. and these are gentle men and women of the highest repute. one of the most challenging jobs, i can imagine. i'm not a pilot, but i'm always impressed by the incredibly extensive knowledge. that is a powerful force in the bay. it's sort of like the structural engineering community in the city's scope of engineers and architects. the pilots are very powerful because people respect their opinion. they have this well-developed pier, beautiful pier. >> yep. >> right?
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>> yep, they do. >> and here is one of their boats. you can see the pier is perfect. you don't see any rot in any of these piles. if you want to look inside, we just happen to be coasting along and here is an historic renovation of the pier underway just north of the ferry building. >> is it 5? >> just next door to the port's offices at pier 1 and up to essentially pier 7, that whole bulkhead building there is being rehabilitated by -- >> our firm. >> chris' firm. council is on the development team that counseled the whole design of this thev >> what firm is? -- is it? >> page and turn bull. historic preservation. >> you can see pier 5, this is actually the bulkhead. it's missing its head and transit shed.
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they were originally designed to beautify the waterfront in anticipation of the pacific international exposition in 1915. according to some labor historians, they were installed to basically separate the workplace where the long shore men operated from. potentially union activity on the waterfront. i think there is a lot to that. >> it's reasonable to use -- you need some security -- you need to separate your space. cargo is very vulnerable to pilfering. you need to somehow secure it. in this photo we can see what is it, the art ribbon going all the way along the waterfront. it's lit at night, right? >> somewhat dimly. >> okay. let's see. a couple here, just a few of
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the old signs i thought would be interesting. there is the golden bear and the ferness line. >> these are all from the water side. most people don't get to see them from that end. >> right. you have to be in your whale boat sailing along. there are a couple vessels that seem like they are either permanently moored or take out parties. >> excursion boats. >> primarily excursion boats, which is big business here. welcome home. >> old timer. >> isn't that wonderful? let me go back up to pier 23, i'll get over to pier 23 and listen to music and sit outside. it's the happening place. a great place. and it will be preserved, i'm sure. we will -- >> you should know there is a whole national register, historic district.
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at the embarcadaro waterfront where the nomination is now with the state office of historic preservation. we hope to be able to get action by the state's historic resources commission in november to establish the historic district. pier 23, all these pier, historic piers, pier 21, five projects we just saw are all included within this district that goes from fisherman's wharf down to pier 48 which is just on the other side of mc covy cove from the ballpark. >> ta-atra (speaker not understood), have you been there? >> it's -- >> it's a european tent made -- so you go up there? >> yes. it's really amazing to go in there and just to be in this
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building that is a temporary tent building. >> it's a great show. >> it's a great show, yes. >> that's where i send my out of town visitors. i say, you've got to go. it's really good. there are a few places you have to send an out of town visitor. this is one of them. you had a question? the pier, is it under any historic pro teches? >> well, i mean chris can speak to it even more broadly because he knows probably every single building in the central waterfront. but for the port, the machine shop we saw in the slide is on port property and essentially all of the historic structures there are potentially eligible for the national register, either as individual buildings or the collection. there is still a lot of work that needs to be done to research these facilities to be able to put together a nomination. but there is a redevelopment plan effort to try and figure out how to pro serve these buildings and make improvements and historic preservation will be central to that.
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>> moving a little further up, which you all should go to if you haven't been to -- i just took a quick shot -- are we going to be running these historic trolleys down further? are they going to go down the 3rd street corridor, they go market street now? they go from fisherman's wharf down to the ferry building and loop around and go market street to the castro? >> right, down to the mission bay area is where the f line, southern extension goes. but through mission bay and then down towards bayview, that will be the modern light rail vehicle. there is also an effort to steadction the f line north ward to fort mason and ultimately to the presidio. the question is, i think, they're beautiful cars, but how many people can they carry? if we want to do a transit first kind of transportation
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system, we are experiencing lots of constraints on the capacity of the f-1 right now. i think that is going to be one of the big questions -- >> but they're huge. >> they're huge ships. >> everybody who comes to town wants to ride in the historic trolley car. >> there are just not enough of them. >> of the redevelopment that is happening along the waterfront, does it need to be related to any type of maritime activity or are we going to end up seeing a bunch of cabs down there? >> you mean like the gap office building? >> yes, or retail space. >> well, the gap office building isn't a project, just to be clear about that. but the port's waterfront land use plan has this kind of maritime mixed-use district. for example, the ferry building, the maritime function is to integrate it with the downtown ferry terminal. that is the maritime element in that area.
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for the pier 1 where our office is, that was the port's home office. we had to move out of the ferry building and the port is headquartered at pier 1. so that's kind of the major maritime related feature there. for the pier 30-32 project down in south beach, a huge capital expense, that is the maritime element there. and what was recognized is that with the change of the whole rest of the city across the street, it used to also be industrial. it used to be what was the working waterfront extended inland. and that's turned into new neighborhoods that the need for commercial services and neighborhood retail services or tourist or visitor oriented activities, or new parks and public access, which have nothing to do with the working waterfront per se, all of those have to be incorporated to
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respond to the current priorities that our citizenry now expects for an urban waterfront. not necessarily a maritime working water front. so the answer to your question is a little more complex. we're always looking at some maritime related objective that isn't able to pay for itself. we are always incorporating public access. we are always on the pier side going after the historic preservation objectives as well. all of which are things that need money, don't pay for themselves, and so the rest of these, in part, they generate the revenue to do that, but they are also responding to a market demand that has grown with the change of the rest of the city next door. >> okay. we're working our way north. and just this morning there are two big cruise ships in. these are ultimately going to be further on the south, southern waterfront. the new cruise ships. right now they're just south of
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pier 39 and that is a lot of people. that's thousands of people. people say pier 39 is next to, what, disney land, number one tourist privately owned tourist attraction. huge tourist attraction. and people come from all over the world, we all know, they go to pier 39, and they go up the street. they come and they look at the sea lions. the sea lions, pier 39, you all know that story, after the loma-prieta earthquake, tourism is down, nobody was coming. it was a complete wilderness at pier 39. and the sea lions came and took over the docks on the north side pier, and that reinvigorated the tourist industry at pier 39. isn't that right? >> yep. >> also at pier 39 is ports island. tell us about that. >> i don't know all the details, but i understand the
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owner -- i guess it's a barge or something like that, that the owner turned into an artificial island that can be moved. and it contains a restaurant. i guess it's been in several locations. it's been in this location for do you know how many years? >> probably five years now. >> it's quite good. >> it's at pier 39 where the sea lions are on the north side of the pier. you can make dinner reservations. >> this is a fill issue. >> ah, fill. >> it was a controversial project because it was a barge, as chris was saying. and so the notion of is this fill or is this a vessel, that was the debate. and ultimately, it does have a motor on it, it can kind of move around a little bit. but it doesn't move around a lot. and ultimately, the bcdc commission issued a permit, but not until there was a huge debate. >> speaking of hugely controversial issues, if you look at this photograph on the
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right-hand side, you see an apartment building. is that the fontana -- >> half of fontana. >> part of one of the fontana buildings. which modernized planning and zoning in san francisco. when these two large curved buildings right in the front of everybody's views were built, san francisco was in an uproar. how could someone do this? and disrespect their neighborhood so much that they would actually build a big wall between my view and the bay? that was the start of modern restricted zoning and view corridor -- >> height limits. >> this is famous for its flowers all year long. >> tulip mania. >> fisherman's wharf is famous for its digital development -- >> (speaker not understood). [laughter] >> ah, fisherman's wharf. for sale.
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is that a juvenile gull at the top of the pier? >> yes. >> a lot of these fishing boats are now being used for tourist trade. skipers get a license to take out small groups of people and rather than go fishing and spending a lot of money on their diesel fuel, whatever it is, they'll take out tourists for an hour cruise and give them a canned lecture about where they are. sort of changed the nature of fisher man's wharf a little bit. it's getting harder and harder to make it work. and also restrictions on the fishing, i guess the rock fish and such, they are very limited now, what you can get. okay. as we move up we get to fort mason center. what do we know about fort mason? >> fort mason was dated back
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pretty far. most of what we see there was built during the first world war for troops and material. and it was expanded again in the second world war for the same purpose. part of the army base that's been there ever since, united states has controlled california. >> now it is used as essentially public use. >> yes. >> that is the golden gate national (speaker not understood). >> within golden gate national recreation area. and this little harbor here, is this gaslight cove, is that what the area is called? (speaker not understood). as we get even further north, we get up to federal lands into -- is this golden gate national recreation area part of chrisy field? it was the original airport in san francisco, is that right? >> yes, one of them.
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it was a military airfield. >> and since it's recently been claimed as a national history exhibit. >> habitat. >> habitat. this is as far as i go and all the way up at the other end we have fort point -- >> presidio. >> and keep going, you go all the way around the other side. that is as far as we're going to go today. do we have any questions today about the waterfront? diane, what about we saw the ships getting fixed. and i have just a simple view of what happened down there. what about hazardous materials and all the southern part of the city, hunters point, et cetera, what's happening there in terms of hazardous waste, et cetera, the lead paint? >> well, if you're talking about the operations at the shipyard or whatever, they have to meet all of the current hazardous waste management and
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clean up requirement if you're talking about environmental cop editions in the soil or in the water because of the historical use, then yeah, that is another huge cost. if i were monique moyer, the port's director sitting here, which i'm not, she would be able to rattle off the costs associated with the repairs, the roofs, the doors, the things that are on our list of things to do for which there are insufficient resources. but basically what we're trying to do is, spur these redevelopment efforts are taking care of some of those environmental hazards. in that pier 70 area, dogpatch potrero area we were talking about, clearly one of the key reasons why we were even looking at redevelopment there is because of the historic preservation urgency. but it is also environmental. there are some open space and water recreation opportunities
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there that are unique to the entire waterfront for kayakers and power hand rowers. the contamination, the lead paint that was scraped off of the ships and deposited there was mixed in with the sand that was used to scrape it off with needs to be cleaned up. and there is no obvious answer on that. the port did with the help of senator migden get a piece of legislation signed into law within the last few weeks to create i a infrastructure financing district which is a financing tool that if we can get some development there that will raise new property taxes for the city will be able to capture some of those tax proceeds and put them into new infrastructure environmental clean up, open space and historic preservation improvements that otherwise don't pay for themselves. it's not an immediate thing, but we're trying to get tools
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in place that help us chip away at the cost of those things. but, you know, right now they're sort of sitting there until you dig your shovel in the ground and actually start doing the project, you're basically sitting there with a problem that you're trying to find the opportunity to get to it and start cleaning up. >> so we have to end now, but i would invite you to take some acme bread home with you. we have extra rolls and thanks, diane oshima and chris verplank and agent surctionv bull for joining us with the department of building inspection. thank you all. [applause] ♪
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>> welcome to hamilton recreation and aquatics center. it is the only facility that has an integrated swimming pool and recreation center combined. we have to pools, the city's water slide, for little kids and those of you that are more daring and want to try the rockslide, we have a drop slide. >> exercises for everybody. hi have a great time. the ladies and guys that come, it is for the community and we really make it fun. people think it is only for those that play basketball or swim. >> i have been coming to the pool for a long time now. it is nice, they are sweet. >> in the aquatics center, they
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are very committed to combining for people in san francisco. and also ensuring that they have public safety. >> there are a lot of different personalities that come through here and it makes it very exciting all the time. they, their family or teach their kids have a swim. >> of the gem is fantastic, there is an incredible program going on there, both of my girls have learned to swim there. it is a fantastic place, check it out. it is an incredible indication of what bonn dollars can do with our hearts and facilities.
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it is as good as anything you will find out why mca. parents come from all over. >> there are not too many pools that are still around, and this is one-stop shopping for kids. you can bring your kid here and have a cool summer. >> if you want to see some of the youth and young men throughout san francisco play some great pickup games, come wednesday night for midnight basketball. on saturdays, we have a senior lyons dance that has a great time getting exercise and a movement. we have all the music going, the generally have a good time. whether it is awkward camp or junior guard.
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