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tv   [untitled]    November 12, 2013 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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>> board manipulates we will be vociferating on the board anybody's of october 2nd. second. thank you. are there any corrections? seeing none. roll call, please. (calling names) >> thank you. we are now on item b the superintendents how did for the evening. thank you, president norton and members of the board of education and everyone both present and at home. good evening. tonight i'd like to start off by celebrating the winners of the first impact and innovation
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waurtsdz the q t e a waks was passed and supports those wards and this was designed as a collaborative effort. the impact awards specifically aimed to recognize the strategies that impacts student achievement in our schools including the english electrons are awe aligned are with our qualities. etch winner shared awareness to help build student staff and more importantly community. 29 applications for innovation wards from over 40 schools in
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our district. we had 70 applications and once they were scored and the points tallied and the names revealed ultimately the top 10 applications were selected. this evening i'd like to congratulate you all and closing the achievement gap for our students. those strategies and practices will be shared across the district. that will take place in the next few months and will be an opportunity to learn the strategies and a practices. ladies and gentlemen, often is the case we look 80 to outside our communities to shous show us the best way to move achievements. this is a process where we
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recognize the strategies that are happening inside our school district in our schools and neighborhood with our children and parents and our communities. i want to congratulate and i'm going to read them the chinese education center and cleveland elementary school and fairly mount principle and france scott keying and marshall elementary principle peter. paul revere k a establishing and sherman principle elementary area sunny side. for the notion award winners some schools won both. cleveland elementary school and
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grot 10 and hill convert, june jordan and leonard and paul refer and marshall and elementary school stephanie young. may i ask for all the award winners to please stand for a recollection of applause (clapping) >> well done. well done. well done. ladies and gentlemen, it's also a great pleasure this evening i congratulate our historic practices department being an award winner with the bell
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award. our board passed a resolution to implement a resolution for the mass dispensation. this mandated a strategic change effort to have a positive change 40 in our disciplinarian practices. during the 2010 and 11 school year we're having a unpunitive education community and the implementation the staff members have been trained and the introduction to the practice to over 2 thousand 8 hundred participants and our advisory
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council has been a part of that. it's been selected out of 2 hundred and 50 candidates and will be awarded on december 7th initiating. congratulation to kari berkowitz and kudos to our associate superintendent of ask the community department kevin for his amazing leadership as well. congratulations (clapping.) i'm also proud to announce ladies and gentlemen, the organization of the largest urban public systems recently prepared american people analysis forever performance of schools across the nation that received school improvement
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grants sigg grants as part of the rei investment act. our san francisco schools that received the grant awards based on is non-pushed analysis the san francisco schools had the highest gains related to the other 6 california school district that received the grantsd. in 2010 our students were proficient in math at 26.9 percent and that rows to 7.25 percent. there was a reduction of the students that were scoring below basic math dropped in school year 2010 to 7.74 in 2011 and 12. our schools made last year gains
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in english arts language as well. when this report it that will be presented to the department of transportation of education. we as san francisco folks should feel proud our schools have been impacting the students to the degree. so congratulations to the community and teachers and the staff at all those schools who did the work very well done (clapping) i'd like to quick mexico that the san francisco skufgd has hit a million books this fall. it's the result of more librarian and more money for books.
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the students and teachers take breaks to talk about the books. the boost in the books have come from the education xhisht program called peace. there are 1 hundred and 3 lavrnz in san francisco schools while many across the state are cutting their librarians we're adding. the community is asked to share in the peace meeting. there's two more meetings including one at chinatown north beach at the 9 so 50 clay street and the final community meeting will be in the mission control area 8925 shot well street from 6 to 9:00 p.m. we encourage all our families to
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come out and have their voice heard as we look at renewing peace. as a point of personal privilege i think this would be sad to not recognition a recent retired director ms. claudia in helping to restore our initiate in san francisco. i hope our you're on vacation somewhere but thank you 80 from all of us and that golden globe has your name written it it as well. so thank you. >> oh, wait. scott don't leave >> don't leave.
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>> we're on item c which is actually, the real item. i think superintendant gaga restraining order has a few things to say that i congratulations everybody see you later (clapping) all right. we're going to move on to item d. students delegates report >> should we wait a second for the room. >> let's pause for a moment and wait until the room clears a little bit. all right. mr. logan and ms. way >> all right.
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the most recent f ac meeting was october 26th and after the call to order we had a couple of different items we discussed. vicky sergeant came and did a presentation on sort of practices and how it's being used in the school district. she put together team building exercise that centered on circles. since then we also the f ac c leadership team was ms. kim presented on the school quality leadership plan and f ac had a chance think to parking lot and give feedback.
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during the meeting we had an opportunity we were like a focus group for the school and we provided questions for them. and student input for the plan >> we did our teacher survey feedback resolution. so the f ac c finalized their questions that could be used to improve their school environment so we're going thirty to have quantify and quality data and it's going to be looked over. we have a meeting tomorrow at the 5:30 in the cafe. you're all welcome to attend the
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meeting >> thank you okay. we will then move on to item e the parents advisory committee report i understand we have presenters this evening. >> good afternoon, commissioners thanks for the mind. i'm tony and my daughter is a fifth grader at sunset elementary and she loves her school >> thank you. hello and thank you. i'm don fishing and my son is a sect grader. the rule of the parented advisory committee is to have discussions. this report provides an update on key initiates. last month pack - sorry last
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month we highlighted the project and we've been meeting in teams for community conversations and determine concrete ways to engage parents. we've been exploring where the efforts can have the most meaningful feedback. in areas high interest is looking at the relationship between school discipline and achievement and disproperly numbers of latino and african-americans ask the being obey suspended. we have a timeline that will allow he parents to share their experiments and framed by a roach.
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we're designing a survey to bring a diverse spectrum to the board of education and district starch on this matter. we're going to develop a discussion guide and a determine the school sites to host the conversation where we've had them in the past and convene parents outside of the area to talk about those areas. pack met to talk about the english electrons and their i families experience as they navigate the system. one area is understanding the reclarification process. essential when and where to begin and ultimately understanding the impact that reclarification can have on educational opportunities when an english learn is not reclassified in a timely manner.
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the district has done a great job. the reclarification process is still challenging for many parents to understand. pack members express a flow chapter importance to illustrate the process. this is an opening tun time under the rule that talks about the score that determine reclassification for english electrons but this reclassification b will need to be established and shared with families. the introduction of a flow charley chart will inform the first names of the new criteria
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and at the same time make the overview reclassification process easier to understand. so the pack approach christina special assistant to the superintendant has agreed to work on a flow chart over the next few months. we appreciate her commitment to the english families. pack is interested in creating the flow chart and improve communication. we look forward to seeing the latest data analyze to be presented regarding the impact of bilingual and immersion programs over time on student achievement for english language learners. the parents will want to know which pathway is the most
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successful. this is constitutional right information when the parents are trying to decide which program is best for their children >> in addition to the project areas just old. thank you. pack will continue developing our other priority areas which include family engagement we're holding a quality improvement education and expanding services and programs that includes meeting with the staff to all the programs to discuss increasing areas of access for students of special needs. and disciplining the disproportion it we're acting those folks to meet with pack. last friday the office and community engagement invited the
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pack members to meet with the california legislative institute during they site visit. 3 pack members got involved. we thank the office of community and engagement for this meeting it was a great day >> thank you. thank you >> yes. commissioner. >> i had a question about the language advocacy. i'd love to see the pack get together with the bilingual folks i'm sure they're interested in the flow chart >> thank you. thank you for the report. all right. with my will move on to item fli