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tv   [untitled]    November 18, 2013 7:00pm-7:31pm PST

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around it will come from the communities that are the engines of our economy and now the van guard of policy innovation >> some people might question things like 97 percent of the anybody's of the nra want a background check let's go to our audience. first of all, if i want to join us the line will start with jane if you on this side go to those doors and we'll include as many as we possibly can. we'll invite you to with one question and i'll keep you on point. we include as many as we think. >> hi i'm peter i like the word collaboration but i see it
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failing especially with mayor lee talking about the youth summer job program highway he was able to collaborate the money i'm intrigued with what were the downsides what positive 0 things can you mention all 3 of i can mention in collaboration is there any technology that can a help. >> mayor lee. >> well, this has been two years in the making. as i said we wanted to take jobs seriously for everyone. i've felt a strong passion for our youth they're going to take our jobs not future i want them to be prepared. we set up high goals 6 thousand and we did a huge room of outlining all our technology
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companies and we asked them to take a minute and remember how you got argue first job and find out who helped you get the job. they all realized they've got to start helping our kids to get i wouldn't be so junior that he had a one hundred and 15 companies set up and established 2 thousand jobs and all in all over 34 thousand jobs all good paying jobs but we also had nonprofits do the training. some of those kids will look down at the their shoes and that's the interview. we had to teach them how to do a resume and then he practice interviewing with them. i even had to enter into a tie
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contest with those kids but they were able to present themselves from hey, i need to job to my name is sony work hard how can i help our company be successful and now there's 2 hundred and plus jobs >> how did you do in the contest. >> i lost (laughter). >> yes welcome to climate one. >> i've devoted my life to making san francisco a model place for kids but the fed's are leaving and that means they've left a huge gap of money and so we not only need to do the kind of wonderful things but we need money in our cities to make sure we have the kids to take those wonderful jobs and so i hate to us the word taxes by how can we
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crate of the revenue that the fed's have left us to do. we're in poverty and we need our cities to step up >> thank you, mayor lee. >> (laughter) . well, that first of all, we have is a pretty r06b9 budget and we do - by the way, i think in order to depreciate the kind of revenue we first of all, begin with the basics we have to have a strong business approach to our budget so creating that san francisco in the industry was small business owner something i spent a lot of time. i tackled pension reform and created a trust fund so start paying for the mandatory that
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would hurt us dead on arrival down the road. so we contact talk about stuff until we've built an san francisco. today we've done all the things that insurance companies and other fails i failures of other cities across the country didn't pay attention to all those mandates we put them into the mix and now we do 2 year budgeting and we've got 4 reserve accounts for the city. now that we've done that companies can come in and say i'll pay for that i mean, why what the warriors come in and spend $120 million to fix up a dilapidated pier because they've got confidence we are doing the right things with the economic
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structure and that is what invites innovation to occur. i can't innovative if your your best estimate is over we don't have enough of this and that. you've got to build a base and that's why more companies want to come in and employees want to live here and build a tax base >> briefly we will go to another question you think there recent detroit's of the future and san francisco is going to be in a better position. >> first of all, we need to a understand the federal government doesn't certainly things but not everything. there's a lot of a methodology this is an all power government but it's they invest in basic
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science and they investment 90 in our security. there's a whole bunch of things be like infrastructure and skills where the city's and the metropolitan areas and the states today before we even see he skis down are really carrying the lions share of the investment so the federal government needs to doless better. i think the challenge we're going to have and this is really your question greg is we're going to have spatialal uneven growth because this is a powerful and prosperous economy you've made the hard bargain positions in the city you've south yourself up to grow even, you know, more and better jobs and bring in the youth that
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you're describing. now can detroit do that. i think that michigan is seeing on enormous rebound and the question for them is now how to gave me a city 1 hundred and 38 square miles in detroit how to engage the city of detroit in that rebound. but look it is what it is okay. we can try to wish a different kind of national government on the next year or 3 years of 10 years it's not going to happen. in the going to happen. cities and metropolitan areas working across sectors and jurisdictions getting their act together and make the hard choices >> welcome to climate one.
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>> thank you very much for an excellent panel. i worked in the space called the sharing economy. i want to pick up on something when we look at shared resources it's not just transportation it's he stind into every sector for services for children and the list goes on. and when we think about sharing assets as opposed to ownership them it's really good for that community building. and mayor lee you were one of the 15 mayors to sign the sharing resolution declaring our support. i'd like to hear our violation. but really around collaboration what does this mean for the
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government and vavns mechanisms and so forth >> gosh i could talk about the sharing but are other areas like mission bay and the pharmaceutical lavishes like fiber and bayer we did a lot in the infrastructure to visit them in but their you roifls the federal research dollars are a drying up so their innovating. they start thinking sharing we when you going down there today you see those expensive labors that are being shared by two or three pharmaceutical companies that wouldn't talk to each other years ago but they are saving money to bring the drugs faster to the market and saving each other invaluable time. that's why i get so excited you
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get this attitude you've got people and assets and people sharing space. it will be very reflectiony for us it can happen in europe areas like roads and a bicyclists have to share. we have to teach people not to drive alone in they have to do that. there's a lot that more to say about this but it begins with an attitude how to apply it to willingly everything we could do we utsdz to do it in isolation and the other point you bring a lot more people into the economy and they participate and be just as successful
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>> so does that mean that san francisco, california a share an arrest warrant republican. >> that's my next question. >> i'm still from vallejo i'm returning to the city council. >> when the navy left the city went into bankruptcy and but in this region where there's so much weight in san francisco how do we compete how do we develop in our area to make our community strong and create good jobs in our area? >> who would like to field that? >> bruce. >> i think this raises an essential question not just for
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the bay area but there are a lot of of the community being left behind it's improving access and the skills for the resident. we have to talk more broadly about an economic trarpths. if we're truly going to have a shift in our advance destroy and a growth a portion of that really can be located in those places because they have tremors accessing access to infrastructure treasure they're sitting in prosperous regions in the country. so i think, you know, if you took a 10 thousand foot view of this metro lose we began to think about how do we incidentally transform active
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industries being located in those areas that are hard-pressed today given those disruptive change i - my sense this requires some regional collaboration and region imagination, you know, i'm beginning to think that regions need not one but sort of a nucleus of chief strategy offices in companies. we should be thinking about your global position of advanced steam and so forth but begin the location of some of those areas that used to be industrial areas going back many, many years but now can you repurchased.
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i'm glad you brought this up because the past doesn't need to be mroengd >> i agree the point i made earlier there so many assets but i found over the years there's not enough time spent among the various cities talking abouts regional assets. now we're not saying there are not enough regional agencies but there are and their full of brilliant people but not enough authority but trying to collaborate what those cities iowa they wish to do but perhaps there's a challenge for the region is to really think about how we can begin to think about
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regional think tanks with top developmental agencies should be forced to meet open a regional basis and think about the regional resources they hadn't to be located in their particular jewish regions but it makes more sense because of their economic dynamics to satisfy a particular need for the region and that particular location shouldn't suffer as some economic consequence for the fact that that regional asset is located there >> let's get mayor lee to speak open that. mayor lee >> i'm telling you bruce and cfo i didn't i'm using more and more time to participate in the
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regional entities like the bay entrepreneurship form have gone to give us the opportunities to talk about regional on topics we all care about and transportation is always going to be to one because we need the bay transportation system that works. and i always speak not only of san francisco but as the bay region when i going to those national cities to compete ultimately i don't necessarily care that a km company might be floekd another part of the bay area we're going to by the people from that upkeep so as a bay area we've got to keep this system that we have very strong so working on transportation
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issues those things bring us together and we'll share resources >> thank you, ma'am. >> so many of our realties have changed we have gear engineering helping with climate congressman and quantum commuting which is all about reducing the humans needs to participate in the workplace we see robotic machines across china and the future is really about replacing humans with machinery. we see that in the economy so i want to talk with you before bruce because the institute has been supportive of that research that is replacing humans with
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machinery >> thank you bruce cats. >> well, we've about that here before there are disrush active technologies in the past where it will dmich employment so i don't want to by any stretch want to talk about rofbdz for certain kinds of work but if we focus as the mayor and a connie has focused about a very different kind of committee that's productive and innovative that's resilient; right? and we begin to talk about some of those issues like the shift to 0 lower carbon economy as giving cities and metz the first
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advantage i don't think we should be overly worried or concerned about this technical innovation and we went off course for a very long time by this is our wake up call this is the moment we need to understand what assets and advantages we have in the world and we need to max maximum misses their opportunity. if we can stay on that focus i think we can make up the jobs deficit about 10 million jobs in the country we can have quality jobs that can help a large portion of our youth make their way.
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let's embrace this technology for the world >> we have to he said it there bruce cats vice president of the metropolitan institution and have cities and he metropolitan we heard from the urban developer and san francisco ed lee and thank you all for listening to our program and thank you for coming hello, sa
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lee here with activities worth buzzing about. there is much to do and see in sfrangs -- san francisco and we like to do it in the cheap. we like to enjoy the arts. join us for the korean culture festival from 11-4:00 p.m. and features dance and activities and fun feast of
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foods. welcome aboard the rainbow warrior this sunday. this vessel is the newest generation of green peace historic fleet and the most environmentally sail technology available. get ready to swing this sunday in the park. a free weekly event at the museum when golden gate park closes to traffic and the dancers take over. you can get a fun lesson at noon and practice with the whole group. that's the weekly buzz. for more information on any of these events, visit us at
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