tv [untitled] November 21, 2013 8:30pm-9:01pm PST
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laundry room, it has a deck at the top floor with the view of the bay beyond and then you'll see the lower level where we introduce another -- another comment was provide some wood at the ground floor to make it softer for those who visit the building. you'll see the height in the upcoming image. so the next image is down on fradell near the pocket park. here we step the massing of the building in and out as well as up and down. we articulated the corner. that was another comment from the community to kind of erode the corner there at the park. and then introduce some color accent on the project. also the windows step up and down and shift
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horizontally. and then the final images of you from donahue and kirk wood, we had the bays along donahue, we have stooped along that street so people can enter their unit along the sidewalk to activate the edge which is a requirement for the d for d and then we've introduced sun shades on this as well as a portion of the frydale. it provides shadow for those units facing this west orientation. i have a couple material boards up here that i can pass around later after the presentation but basically the materials on the building are painted a cement
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board panels, painted horizontal citing, we have some board form concrete as you can see in this image. the metal is a warm metal that we're using on the building. we'll have painted railing and you'll see the sun shades there that we're proposing and then the wood screen that's along the street on frydale which is a mixture of stained wood colors. juflt want to walk you through the program. this is a plan on the screen right now of level 1 which shows the ground floor and closed parking garage that's access off of frydale. and then visitors as well as resident have the ground floor mail room bike storage and the community room off on the corner near the pocket park.
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the next level is up court yard which is the winter court yard. we have one, two, and threes sprinkle through here. we he have the larger ones on kirk wood and donahue and we have the common room that's associated with that landmark element and that's where the laundry will be for the folks so everybody can get gather at one location, overlook the court yards and interact with the court yards on both levels. and then i'll briefly -- it's the same building plan. this is affordable housing so economic plan to the design of these buildings in terms of all the units backing and then we have the court yard or the balconies that overlook the
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court yards on each level. and then our partner in terms of associated architect is landscape architects so they're the landscape architects on the projects as well. i think one thing that wasn't mentioned was we are achieving the sp eagles in terms of our team we selected so that's a good thing. we got a good mix in terms of women owned business and minority owned businesses on the team as well. i want to just flip to the next slide. >> this shows a summer garden that people will enter into, visitors, it has an extear yore garden so people can walk up
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and down between those two spaces. we have places for seating as well as a lot of landscaping for the management of brain water and the selection of rain water. we have some bench features there and a plaza areas and we have the stairs and that's the input we received from the community members. it tells the history of the area so visitors and resident know real lae what happened in the past in this neighborhood. we did that successfully over at armstrong senior in terms of incorporating some ethnic
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elements in that project so those are the images you see below. and then this is just a number of images of the planting pallet and some of the features we'll put in the project, the paving, its materials, some images of the benches and seating and it gives you an idea of the amenities that's apart of the landscape court yard. at this point i'm going to turn it back over to amabell. >> thank you. as i noted earlier in my presentation the approval of those beautiful designed are subject to approvals that's addressed to the design team. the approval
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are apart of your resolution and include a condition that materials, colors, finishes and architectural details will be subject to further review at the design development phase and additionally they'll be moca of material and architecture details in an early phase of construction and it will be subject to staff review to make sure that the final product is in -- is consistent with the design we're reviewing today. we're required the developer to study the combination of sun colors. third we require the developer to provide basic descriptions for the use of the common room and to initially clip the room with very flexible furniture and to make a final designation for the use of these common
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rooms upon occupancy of the building and we want the resident to have a say in how the rooms are going to be used. we want to the developer to have the guard rails. as a last condition we want to make sure in the case of building corridor as far as high winds, we want to make sure the building will notify us and those circumstances will be implemented and developed. >> in addition to great designs, the development team is also exceeded the 50
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percent. they have 52 percent of the professional consultant services being provaded by small business enterprises and they require developers to follow a program which consist tans of the contracting policy. the small enterprise policies. they must make good faith efforts to 50 percent of the opportunities to small business enterprise and contractors to businesses with addressed in the bay view area. and to date the development has achieved 51 percent. also very high participation of minority owned firms or women owned firms.
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the policy requires the architecture to have great faith participation to the bay area resident. these will happen during construction will be monitored on an ongoing basis. >> block 49 is following several developments that have open ground or will break ground in the upcoming months. it's anticipated including the csc members and you can read it in your pocket. there's a few mile stones that need to be reached before a resident can move in. there was a series of legal documents that have to be finalized. it allows to bring
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late or early construction. and six months before a project completion the development team will market the property in accordance to the marketing plan which is approved by the dda. resident can submit applications for a lottery that's going to take place in august of 2015 and that will follow a structure that is outlined which includes preference holders. lottery winners will move into their unit in late 2016. today schematic design is approval to get us to the first step of affordable housing unit. before i conclude i want to ask someone from the design team to hand the model and the materials samples to the commissioners so they can get a close up view of block 49 materials and myself and the development of the design team will be available for any
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questions. thank you. >> thank you very much. while we -- i guess -- pass this around i like to call for -- >> we can keep it up front so people can see as well. and commissioners will have an opportunity to go down and see it. i like to call for a public comment on this item. >> i have four speaker cards. the first speaker is moore. >> a tended the 40 plus meetings linked to the disposition and development
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agreement. and then i was very instrumental to see that former san francisco redevelopment agency, the most corrupt agency in the nation that we brought about the demise and now i see the same sha nan begans right here. first and for most i think it is dispickable to take item number 10 and have the community and others spend a lot of time in the hallway just because in the first place you couldn't handle some union work. now, let me tell you as a representative of the first people, no good will ever take
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place on parcel a. again and again while talking about an issue including this issue doesn't address much and going to design this and that. that's going to happen in the year 2016. i tell you right now there are some people who get the report of the readings from the bay area quality management district. the readings come from a company that is hired by lanar and right now in the neighboring area people are adversely impacted. no notices are given to them. we got the notices of the high reading. i'm sure none of you have read the readings, none of you have read the readings so to the architect, to lanar, to anyone who is going to do anything on
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that land, you got to address quality of life issues. that's what if anybody has the balls they should come here and say they're going to construct this. that looks like a very high density building that is not appropriate in the year 2013, not in the year 2014, 15, 16, 2020. that's not right. finally as part of the disposition and development agreement, lanar promised rental units. guess what, the first amendment that lanar made was to get rid of the rental units so now you come behind trying to have some affordable housing where you can't put a king bed in the rooms. if you put a king bed you won't be able to move around. thank you very much. >> the next speaker is vincent.
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>> good afternoon, hear christian johnson, director of tiffany, my name is doris vincent. i'm lived in bay point for 52 years. homeowner for 43. i appreciate the team that came before you, everything they've told you was presented to us, i appreciate the nakt they listened to the concerns of those of us who sat at the sharet and other meetings and i wish you to approve both 50 resolution --
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resolution 2013 and resolution 51, 2013. they've done excellent job listening to community. so let's move this. >> the next speaker is washington. >> good afternoon. my name is ace washington. and i'm quite sure everybody's really saying what is he going to say now. ladies and gentlemen after years and years of coming to these meetings and video taping the documents, i'm tired. you won't hear much of me complaining anymore because my theory now is it's no mystery. all you got to do is just check
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the history. that's what part of i'm about now. i'm meeting with city department head, developers overall the city. i'm throwing in the towel. basically what i'm doing is do what i do best is document for generations to come or for even people that plan to live in places like this. we're in 2013 right now so city and county has over decades done studies on african american nigros and it comes out to negligence and conspiracy. i want to preserve someone for our african communities for whatever is built because i'm convinced the train is moving either i or people who have been coming for 20 years are
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going to stop anything from san francisco. basically my whole theory is the preservation of the african american nigros black in san francisco. so whoever builds it that we'll be apart of it, however small our population is, so what am i saying, i'm saying is my blessing of whatever goes on and i'm praying for whatever happen but when i come with my paperwork and bring it to the developers saying this what i want to do and bring it to the younger generations and document i hope i have corporation. we have case and point on this side. ladies and gentlemen i have put together a mechanism to say well, what are you talking about. with technology, push the button. let's see what you're talking
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>> good afternoon jackson. i see 2 minutes and 30-seconds so i don't have the full 3 minutes. i would like to say with the discussion i've heard so far i'm not here posing -- what he's talking about because i went to the meeting. i want to talk about the fact that i'm a certificate holder. this is a certificate. and i would like to start being a certificate holder, you talk about affordable housing and i've been saying for the last 15 years, affordable to whom. it's an affordable to the people who live in my community. you should check that mia because of the fact i'm on social security and a lot of us have been here have been. our income is low. we don't make $30,000. i get less
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than $15,000 a year so how are you going to have housing for those persons that has been there for many years, those who has been moved. i put together a list of the housing and what you need to do. i'm not saying don't pass on what the consultants have done, they have done a great job, but to staff that the people that live in the area you need to go to south of market, most of those people there was replaced when they start rebuilding and guess what, they're not able to come back. >> on this certificate i have, this is need to be discussioned because it says they're going to be out 2016. and they're
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saying also that the session 8 vouchures aren't going to be there. so that needs to be a discussion for those throughout this city. a lot of the people didn't get their certificate. they did not get their certificates because they're supposed to be lost or burned and for all of this madness that is going on, i guess the only way we're going to get justice, maybe we have to go to court again because nothing can be built and i remember meeting with a couple of the commissioners and giving you information about the lawsuit that was filed against the environmental report that was presented and that loss is
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still in place. the judge has not removed that so nothing can be built at the shipyard, not as of yet. so i hope you take into consideration what i'm saying and redo the mia for the people that actually live in the community and not going any place. thank you very much. >> dr. veronica. >> yes, good afternoon chair johnson and commissioners and executive director tiffany bohe. i'm dr. veronica. on behalf of the cac and i wanted to make sure that this was
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noted on the record, we urge approval of the combined basic conceptual schematic designs for block 49. as you have heard we had a wonderful [inaudible] in which the community had an opportunity to get input through the design and there were many people from various areas of the community who came together for the sharet. the event yield good wonderful and positive results which are reflected in the design you're scrutinizing. we're looking forward to the initiation and the completion of this project, this block 49 project. it's a wonderful project and a beautiful project and it will certainly add value to the rest of the development that is going to take place in the shipyard. thank you very
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much. >> okay. do we have anymore speaker cards. >> no more speaker cards. >> thank you very much. i like to start this discussion with a quick point. on our agenda today we also have a discussion coming up on the replacement housing obligation and certificate program. any questions that are mostly about how those programs work and what the replacement obligation is, and how the program works and the lottery works, please reserve those for those discussion items. i want to focus on items directly related to the schematic design and the overall design on project 49. i have a number of questions but with that intro i like to start with any other fellow commissioners who have questions about block 49
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project. >> yeah. >> thank you chair. i have a couple of clarifying questions but first i want to thank you guys for just the community process that you have displayed. it's great that you're partnering with y cd. i ask that this process can continue through the entire phase of the project through construction and finally when these units are complete. so thank you for that. my first question is about the -- you mentioned something about the wind, mitigating the wind. can you explain -- maybe someone from the design team can explain what the plan b would be if the impact of when. >> we've done a number of projects, first of all the
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current circulation is open bridge way. one thing that gives us a greener project in terms of when you close those you have to ventilation which is a burdenen on the development and uses energy. we've done a number of these projects with the open circulation. we personally haven't had issues on those projects. if it does become an issue we've talked about introducing a baffles, basically wind screens as part of the railing system so baffle the wind if it does become a problem between the two buildings, but based on previous experience it hasn't been an issue on past projects for us. >> got you. it's a minor fix. >> yeah. >> it's not a change. >> no, it's not a change in the design. >> got you, okay. >> not by any means.
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>> got. >> that's it for now. the project was pretty straight forward. >> do you have other questions. >> commissioner singh. >> i saw lots of pictures of the children. there's a children's play area. >> yes, sir accident that's our intention. >> intention of what? >> in the main court yard we would do a creative play what they call in terms of the forms that we're introducing into the landscape, not a true play structure per se. >> how big is the area of that? >> it's -- >> approximately how many feet? >> the main court yard on the upper level would be this large area as you see on the screen
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here. the overall landscaping, i think square feet is 5,000 square feet in terms of the landscaping on this site. >> it's for the children? >> yeah, partly children, partly some seating for families who might be doing their laundry to watch their children play. >> i'm asking about the open area? >> the open area for children? >> yeah. >> would be probably -- based on past project, we haven't designed it specifically in terms of 20 by 20. >> how about this room? that's not big enough. >> it's good for this type of project. also we have in the community a
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