tv [untitled] November 27, 2013 2:30pm-3:01pm PST
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more than the scientists thought it was so if you take that science othat i raised and the sea level rise and mixing with the chemicals and the earthquake and mixing up with the chemicals more and throwing them all over the community and you add to that a 25-foot tsunami wave hitting the coast of california that will get 8 feet inside of bait as a flood surge, we are talking katrina and sandy and maybe a little bit of (inaudible) thrown in altogether because of the nature of those. so give everything that you can to this community thanks. >> thank you, mr. brooks. >> any other comments? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. and perhaps since we are still handling logistics through the operations maybe we can move this to off line, i would be happy to help around scheduling but that does souped sound
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like we are down to one of two dates and we have great ideas from donny and some insight tonight and is sounds like there is a direction to find the resources to do this and the support from the public and unless there is any other discussion, i don't know that there is any action to be taken. seeing no further discussion, thank you, everyone. could we look at item 11. >> discussion and options for the commission of the environment annual retreat and policy committee input and continued from the august 6th meeting and sponsor and speaker gravanis and wald and it is a informational and report and discussion item. >> thank you very much. first i need to say that on behalf of commissioner gravanis who i have not actually talked to but she is of course very sorry to miss this meeting. she almost never misses any meetings, and it is only
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because she is sick and i know that she must be very frustrated because tonight topic is one that she has saved. >> and she taken the interest in and indeed, was that the guiding force for a discussion that the policy committee had on july 8th, regarding the retreat, the upcoming, as yet unschedule, retreat and how it might be schedule, organized and what topics of the discussion we might address. the conversation that we had then, actually was endorsed by president arce and he was, he participated in it and afterwards, we thought that if we reported on that discussion, tonight, it would spark a discussion among all of the
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commissioners, here. about how we ought to organizize the retreat. and so let me tell you briefly that discussion or during that discussion, the four of us agreed that an appropriate focus of the upcoming retreat would be on challenges that we are facing both the department and the commission. so that what we sort of envisioned and would recommend for your consideration would be a two-part discussion. one that focused on challenges or opportunities before the commission, and ways in which before the department, i am sorry, and ways in which, the members of the commission or the commission as a whole could help the department address
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those challenges. this is an example of working with the board of supervisor and how we can get more members of the commission to go to the board or to individuals supervisors, and when there were matters of concern to the department before and to me, that is kind of technical but those were, that was one topic that we thought would be a useful discussion. the strategic plan actually is a better example and that is one that we discussed in that category and the other part of the retreat, we felt could be well spent deciding how we might prioritize our work as commissioners. both as the commissioner as a role and in our respectful
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committee and the idea was that we would ask staff, to give us some recommendations on priorities and that we would then go through a process of deciding which ones we wanted to invest our time and resources in. and it would not be, you know, a vote on the merits of the priorities it would rather be what are the ones that made the interest, and the interest of individual commissions who would be, you know, willing, to work both individually and collectively to help the department staff achieve their goals. we came up with a very long and pretty exciting list, which you will find in your, no maybe you won't, because you don't have the agenda of the agendas of the or the minutes on the
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policy committee, so with your permission, should i just read what the ideas we came up with? >> sure. >> strategies for advancing the city's green purchasing goals. there brooks, like this, working with the puc on the department's role in forwarding the sf green power program. and identifying actions for reaching 100 percent zero waste deversion goals. updating or creating a new sustainability plan. bottled water and the department's bio diversity program and establishing performance metrics for specific programs to better evaluate their effectiveness. and updating the climate action strategy. and insuring that large development and construction projects in the city meet the department's and the city's
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sustainability goals. requirements of and enforcement of the healthy air and clean transportation ordinance. hacto, the effect that it would have on the city's fleet. and creating centralized shared, city fleet and tracking the city vehicle usage. and we prioritize the mayor's task force report. and establishing other city department allieas a way to create more buy in and leveraging. and the large events and the sustainability and taking the lessons learned from the america's cup and other activities promoting a sustain able super bowl in san francisco when it comes here. a department and relationship of the general fund, and these are, we just had a lot of fun. making that list.
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and those are the kinds of things that the department is working on that we might well decide that after we have a discussion, hopefully at the retreat, were worth investing our resources in. so that is what we thought, and hopefully you will all also have some thoughts. >> on the retreat. >> thank you, commissioner wald. >> could i ask, commissioner josefowitz. >> i have a question from commissioner king and if i could just ask director nutter, as we kind of hear the feedback from the commission, this idea can this be, do we have the time and the band width within the retreat setting to really maximize the linkage of these two components of discussion
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that strategic plan and how we as a commission might prioritize our policy making role with the staff could you envision a way to link up and help to move the department agenda as a by product of the retreat? >> i think that is an excellent list and great suggestions about what will be really helpful to the staff as well as hopefully to the commissioners as well and figuring out to move forward together and one question that i would have is what sort of work can we do in advance of the retreat, either surveys or ranking because that is fantastic list and that would be great to either in the future commission meeting and advance of the retreat, or in some other format be able to get the feedback from each commissioner about where your personal interest lies and what you would like to be focusing on and that also gives the staff something to react to. and so i think that, having some opportunity to prioritize those and hear from each commissioner i think would
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really help to hone down the agenda and focus it and i think that is a great place to start. >> thank you. >> commissioner king? >> there is an exception made, not to feed king vegetarian lunch. >> the department policy. >> okay. >> bring your own. >> okay. >> all right. i just, you know, and that speaks to the forced homogonous of what we think that environmentalist is, and so somehow you can't be green and have some chicken? >> and chicken salad? >> one thing that i have to say is that i was at a recent sierra club meeting and there was a discussion that leads me to suggest that we may not want to then based on your request have the retreat on a monday.
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because there is talk about looking at mondays and some ideas and it could be exciting there. commissioner wald. so mondays are out. >> i just wanted to follow up on the director nutter's comment and ask... and i think that i would like this of tom, would it be possible for monica to send out the list, that is in the minutes to the individual commissioners and ask them to respond to her with how they feel about any of these topics and any other ones that they are interested in? so that... >> as long as the communication is between the individual commissioners and the commission secretary and nothing going back... >> right. >> where one commissioner responses are shared with another commissioner. and that would be fine.
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>> so, would that be a way? >> i mean, because i think that the point that you are making which is you don't know our respective interest is a very valid one and i am sure that you can guess of some of us what our interests are. >> but, i think that if you could poll us and then the staff could respond and then we would not have to do any work on things that have no significant. >> and we will get the priorities and you will explain to them that it is not a beauty contest here? >> this has been about us and not about the work that they do, because i would not want, i would not want the people to think that this was in any way a statement on the value of the work that they are doing it is really is what we are all are interested in and we know about.
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yeah. >> that is cool. >> commissioner king? >> we do like some kind of survey monkey or something like that where i could quickly check in whether you know, my lap top or my iphone that would be great. >> that would be good. >> and is there a survey monkey section of the brown act to give us guidance on it? >> seriously, and i think that after with more i was thinking of the old fashioned paper and pen. >> paper and pen works good too. >> but, i was actually thinking of the survey monkey and i think that we should understand what the rules are because i think that if it is a technical tool that we can use to make it easier to just grab everyone's information and it is not being shared with the commissioners until the public forum, hopefully that will work and defer to the city attorney for
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guidance on that. >> one of those does not allow you to prohibit the people from seeing any one's responses. >> except for their own. >> you can't talk about it because you get into a meeting. >> right. >> okay. one quick thing just to throw out and then we got to take public comment. this is one area where we are having challenge and we are looking at november, and it seems to be that there is a potential, and there is some potential travel, by our director that if it does not happen earlier in the week we could potentially have a date. and that could work, one other quick idea, just to throw out, and then we could go to public comment. and in a call of logistics about this and i threw out the
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idea of talking about location and the last retreat, and it was at our office, or an office city government, office, and maybe passed city government offices and the port and stuff like that. i threw out the idea that at the china town campus at city college, they have a new multiuse facility and thes lead certificated and state of the art, meeting rooms and i happened to bump into the president of the city college board and i mentioned that potential that i was going to float the idea about maybe doing it there in the community, supporting city college, and around the event and it is an open meeting so potential for the community that we want to partner with to engage and so it could be another chance to do some commission business out in the community. >> all right, public comment on this discussion? >> mr. brooks? >> good evening, again,
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commissioners, sorry but commissioner wald opened up the possibility to comment on this and so i am going to take the opportunity because it is important when you raised the issue of clean power sf i was glad to hear that and i i would add to that to explore what the staff for the staff to work and not only with the sfpuc and the board of supervisors but specifically with the local agency formation commission in san francisco. the reason that i say that, is that there were two big times and other times in the past when clean power sf was halted by the sfpuc and the advocates felt that both time in the unwarranted fashion, and one was in 2004 when the original ordinance was passed to start the clean power sf and the no comment, this is no comment on the current, and but the staff
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then, literally refused to draw up the implementation plan for the program and it took, when it was form, it was largely formed to accept pardon the clean power sf as a city agency project, and in 2004 when it happened, alaska stepped in and hired the creators of the clean power sf, local power. and actually it did not each hire, the creators they did it probono and that, the local power to do the implementation plan in lafco, they introduced that plan. and that brought this sfupc back to the table and kind of shuned them and came back and got to work and worked on a plan with us and then in 2011, after we had for many years, said, that for the commission and it is staff to work on the
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most important aspect of this program and it is the most important aspect to this commission is that the local build out and the jobs and making sure that we did the study work necessary to prepare for hundreds of mega watts of local and renewable efficiency that we put forward in this program, and going to hire the consultant to do that work and what and undid that and serious, to get us to the point where we are now and where we actually have a build out and plan and development and that is the local agency and formation and commission, stepped up to hire the contractor itself and once again, it was local power, and that once again, forced sfpuc back to the table and so please have your staff work very closely with the lafco because that is the ground that we found the most fertile when the program is on hold as it is right now, thanks. >> thank you.
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>> for the public comment? >> seeing none, we will get the next item. and we need to figure the logistics for the retreat. >> operation's committee chair report, the highlights of the august 14, 2013 meeting and review the agenda for the november meeting. >> i table that. and i am continue that into the next meeting. >> i don't have my notes. >> motion to continue by commissioner king? >> second that. >> second from commissioner josefowitz. can i hear all of those in favor of continuing the item to our next meeting, please say aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> item is continued. >> policy committee report. >> commissioner wald? >> on august 12th...
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>> i am sorry. could i get what is the move to make? i did not take public comment on that item. >> i know that we have watch dogs in the audience and i don't want to make that mistake. >> deputy city? >> you can recind the vote. >> could i get a motion to recind. >> all those in aye. >> item 12, public comment on item 12? >> could i get a motion to continue this item to the next meeting. >> move to continue. >> all of those in favor, a aye. >> item 13, policy committee report. >> thank you. >> and at our august 12th, i first have to correct what i said before, we actually talked about the agenda at the staff retreat at our july 8th meeting not our august 12th meeting and at the august 12th meeting we
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had lively discussions for information and the discussions sessions that were addressed first to supervisor david chiu's legislation, to reduce plastic water bottle sales on city property. we vaoefd a written staff report on the cities and the department of the environment climate action, and various city departments climate action plans for fiscal year, 2012, to 2013, we had a staff report on car idling reduction campaigns. and the department is engaged in and we had a presentation on eco districts type three, the
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eco neighborhood pilot program, from donny, all of which was very interesting. engaging on september 9th, although i was not there, commissioner josefowitz tells me that we had and so did the agenda, a discussion on developing recommendations for the city hazard mitigation plan and we had a presentation on product stewardship model for increasing the collection of household batteries and mercury containing lamps. and very timely, obviously. and we had an update on the current strategic planning process that the department is engaged in. and our next meeting is november 13th, and we have yet to set the agenda for that but i think that we are doing it on
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monday. >> thank you, commissioner wald. >> my pleasure. >> and the next meeting is october 21st. >> right. >> it is. >> comments? colleagues? >> if i could say one thing. that the way that i have been able to join in the policy committee discussions as a non-member of the committee, and to be all squared with mr. brown and the brown act is that commissioner wald and monica worked to notice the meetings as a meeting of the committee of the whole that any or all of us can go to the meeting and this is not for action, but i can see that we are going to have a lot of stuff to work through around the green purchasing and the conversation of the item that we are continuing tonight, should that end up in the policy committee and i just throw out there that this is something that commissioner stephenson is interested in in the top
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priorities that if commissioner wald is into the idea to think about agendaizing all of the policy committee meetings because you never know when we might want to engage and show up and it will be properly noticed to have more than three commissioners present. >> if we could do that i would have absolutely no objection to it and i assume my fellow commissioners would not either and we would welcome the attendance of others. >> so we can do. >> i agree. >> commissioner josefowitz agrees. what do you think? >> fine with me. >> all right. >> all right. >> so, public comment on this item? >> and seeing none, and dr. jackson just came in, dr. jackson no comment on the policy report, okay, next item is number 1 4. >> commissioner secretaries report and commissioners in your packet you have a copy of the report and since the last meeting and in addition there
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is a correspondence log of all correspondence received and status to date. the break was in august and so, there are not a lot of items to report and also, a notice to the department heads and the commissions in the elthick's commission was received in the new electronic requirement of the statement and the economic form starting in 2014 and the request was sent to provide the commission secretary with the e-mail address and the contact information to the ethics commission which is due by november 27th. and the office of the city attorney, and there was a memorandum and all political activity by the city officers and sfaoe employees and every office included in the visit report. >> thank you. >> comments and colleagues? >> public comment on this item? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. can we move on to 15? >> director's report.
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>> so, commissioners in your packet you have the director's report for the past couple of months, and i will just highlight a couple of items, one is as you know it is september and so that means that it is our school year beginning we have a number of new staff that have joined the school education team to work throughout the year raising awareness and in our schools and zero waste and water education and water conservation, and september also means that there are a number of conferences so, a couple of conferences that i have attended one is the urban sustainability network which is annual meeting of 120 sustain able directors across the u.s. and canada to meet about the pry offerty and share the best practice and so that was a meeting that i just returned from and had an opportunity to share what we are doing in san francisco and also picked up the great programs from other cities as well. and i did want to highlight the fact also that i just returned also from london, and where i went to represent the mayor,
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and the city of san francisco, as part of the city climate and leadership awards that were put on by seamonds and c40 and i will be honor to go and get it for the waste management category and the first year that they did the awards but there are ten different categories from across the world who were honored with this award for in a number of categories so it was an honor to go to accept our zero waste award on behave of our mayor and our city. >> and so that happened this month as well. >> can we clap for that? [ applause ] >> and of course, huge kutos to the zero waste team that we have to help to make that happen. a couple ofite em to highlight, the out reach staff just wrapped up the bay view zero waste campaign and this included transit media, and local newspaper advertising and a school poster contest and a grassroots event and door-to-door out reach to
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residents, and the efforts that we put out, produced a significant increase in composting and green participation and led to add two new organic roots to the curb side pick up service and so that was an excellent out come and a concerted effort of raising awareness in the bay view. a couple of other things to highlight, another accolades that the city of san francisco received this month, is we were ranked third in a report that was released by the american council for an energy efficient doing the most to advance, the energy efficiency and so we were ranked third behind portland and boston and it was the highest for any city in california and so again, another great recognition from a group and i want to recognize boom head who is the director and all of the work that they do. [ applause ] . >> and we will be doing some follow up in terms of sharing
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the best practices and the programs that we run in other cities and, a couple of other things to highlight. and a lot is happening about the field and you have hear about the sea level and cal and the energy team are working on the city's 2013 hazard mitigation team to include the element and to integrate into the solo and this is the first for the plan and it sets up to get the funding and to support the funding and tratgies in the future. >> and let's see i just want to mention that we have received a number of grants recently and so on the back page we got $45,000 grant from the summit foundation to support our bio diversity work and so that was great to get the resources in
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to keep peter working on the program. >> $180,000 from the (inaudible) foundation for the continued work on the existing commercial building program and a couple of other grants and then the carbon fund, rfp has close and we are reviewing the carbon fund applications for the green projects and supporting the organizations that want to do that work. the other items but those are just a few things that i want to highlight. i am happy to take any questions. >> thank you. >> let's see commissioner wald? >> one thing that you did not mention, or at least i didn't hear you mention, was the incredibly successful office warming that you had to celebrate the incredibly wonderful new offices of the department of the environment. and i think the department and the staff, and
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