tv [untitled] July 16, 2010 11:30pm-12:00am PST
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architect and planner for the project. i want to start -- can we go to the slide? i will provide you a brief overview of the basic framework of the plan it has been designed to connect the new development back through and into the debut. the design was to look at the important connections back into the bay view. we identified with the important streets. third street would be part of an overall improvement program. equally and perhaps more important is that the planned connects the bayview through to
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the water. connections that simply have not existed for decades. it is one of the important aspects of the plan to provide important connections through the water to the open space and provide those amenities to the bayview that they have not had for so long. the grid is the san francisco. . it is somewhat unique to san francisco. -- the grid is the san francisco grid. it is -- somewhat unique to san francisco. it is more compatible with pedestrian traffic than the automobile. it interfaces with the organic shoreline as well as the robust infrastructure provided by the navy. that interface provides the unique places that will make the san francisco.
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very different. it will provide the unique and special places that will give this area its own unique identity. the land-use plan is mixed use. it is compact. it leaves 50% of the land as open space. it is designed to be transit- focused. it is heavily reliant on transit. the transit that services committee comes through the bay view and other adjacent communities. increases accessibility for the surrounding community as well as the new residents that will be living here. the plan has been designed to provide the mix of uses. there has been a heavy emphasis on employment. we have been looking for
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opportunities in the plan to create economic opportunities in the bayview. it is balanced. there is a certain intensity and identification to the plan. it is a balance between economic viability and livability that in corporates the best practices of sustainable design. approximately 30% of the housing is affordable, below market rate housing. one of the hallmarks of the plant is the rebuilding of the site without displacement for the rebuilding of the 256 units already there. it also expands the site to enable a new community center, a neighborhood-focused part, additional housing opportunities beyond the replacement housing. the planning.
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contours the site and breaks down the physical barriers to provide street access to connect the city to the surrounding neighborhoods. the existing artists' colony is one of the largest on the west coast. it will remain in 50% of the existing space, primarily building 101. 50% will be in new studios to be rebuilt purpose-built artist studios. it will be different for these artists. for many years, they've been operating behind a fence. they will have a different engagement with the community. this act oive engagement will provide opportunities in the arts. it is our desire that the community is artful in all aspects from the design of
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buildings and street games -- streetscapes and open spaces. they can become public open space living galleries that incorporate art. it will also create a unique aspect and character for the area. the city partnership with the compact to build a sustainabl ilty center. it will provide an ancho focus on green technologies. it is one of our interests in the focus of green technology is on biomedical research. it is broad in its employment base. it is very diverse in the type of research and development activities. it provides a broad spectrum of employment.
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the parks and open space is 50% of the land. it is a balance between natural habitat and active recreational spaces. it is a citywide and local amenity. the sports fields are citywide. it provides recreational facilities for the baby itself. this enables the completion of the bay trail. there is loss of design work get to be done in the details. -- there is lots of design work to get done -- to be done in the details. we want to extend the recognition of maritime history throughout the entire length of the trail as it goes around hunters point. we have focused in one area with this maritime cultural history park. the other aspect to the parks
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and open space is not only the celebration of maritime history but also the culture of the bayview. as we develop a detailed plan for each of the parks and open spaces, we will be working to flesh out the details. one of the early part to be developed is referred to as the north side park. it is approximately the size of delores park. that is the proposed location for the african marketplace. there are many other such opportunities to reflect the very rich culture of the debut. i am going to stop at this high level overview and turn the microphone over to tiffany to talk about some other aspects of the plan, starting with transportation. >> good afternoon.
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i am tiffany bohee. i will touch on the benefits of the project, including the below market rate housing plan. the transportation plan was developed in concert with muni and cartier -- rta. it will increase the southeast connectivity to the rest of the city and vice versa. according to a recent study by the urban land institute, residents spent approximately $2,000 more than the rest of the city in transportation costs because of lack of access to transit. we can change that with the transportation improvements proposed as part of the project. we can do that by doubling the split through transit for
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southeast residents. we can significantly reduce card usage, improve the walk ability of the area, and the walk ability. we can create city-wide islips that do not exist today. when the bicycle plan is approved, we can link into the park plan with the proposed improvements. few bus lines extend into the heart of the existing bayview and southeast today. you can see on the diagrammed that just a few of the bus lines even make it past third street. they do not go all the way to the water. that situation changes with the transit plan proposed. a total of 14 miniblinds will expand into the part -- new -- muni lines will expand
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connections. we can also extend to bell boulevard. the purple line shows the bus rapid transit line that connects to the shipyard, eventually down south to bay shore station, all the way to balboa park and bart station. you may hear that it is somehow out skirting residential in the baby. it is to the contrary. the proposed transit improvements will allow the southeast to be connected to the city as a whole. it will serve much as a market street with corporation transit areas. the local connecter lines would connect to the bart and cal
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train. we have a unique opportunity in the project to create a fast and reliable bus transit line. the city has a number of challenges with the existing residential and business districts. the city needs to balance the parking needs with the need for fast and reliable muni service. we can create a green track system to provide reliable access. it will help us achieve the doubling of transit usage for the entire southeast. the bart would run on a proposed bridge across yosemite blue. the bridge is thnine designed as primarily a pedestrian and bicycle access except for game
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days when cars would be allowed. it is about 41 feet wide. he would serve only bicycles, pedestrians, and clean mass transit. no vehicles would be allowed. it would be significantly smaller under that plan you will hear project proponents say you did not look at alternatives to the bridge. we did. we did look a number of options of how this system linking to the 13 other connector lines could travel from the shipyard to candlestick point and eventually to balboa. our analysis looked at using the navy railroad right-of-way. the arcocology route is shown in yellow. we have looked at that as an alternative.
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we've looked at the one in red. the bridge is shown in perpenur. we improved on it on both ends. instead of going through private property, we're using city paper streets. we avoided a mixed flow of cars, bicycles, and pedestrians at the shipyard entrance. that is why you see the minor change for our options. that is shown in yellow-orange. there are five criteria that muni talked about, why the bridge option is far superior. we need to consider safety. the non-bridge route around increased the number of intersections. there are actually 15. there are potential conflicts with bart, autos, pedestrians,
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and bicycles. the b r t is 5 to 10 minutes faster going around. it has fewer turns to allow it to give up to speed. from an operational point of view before me, we're looking at full build out of the brt running at five minute intervals. each of these 15 intersections is another opportunity for italy. every five minute delay is additional operating costs and maintenance costs. in terms of reliability, the intersections provide a host of opportunities for conflicts with of moves. in terms of access, the bridge itself versus the route around, the railroad right of way of creates a wall for
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pedestrians if there is a stadium on the shipyard, the bridges the only solution for auto access between the stadium and 101 that meets nfl standards for egress. the project line in any scenario dramatically increases access to transit for residents. you will hear that from opponents as well and said the plan does not serve the residents of alice griffith. there is a stop at the front door of the newly rebuilt development. the bicycle connections will complement the city plann and established important connections to the southeast and city. the pedestrian improvements proposed will be consistent with
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the better streets plans for a livable, walkable neighborhoods and provide important industrial links from third street down to the water. they currently do not exist today. the project proposes significant roadway improvements at the city's front door to the region. it has other key corridor improvements along ennis and gilman. the plan also includes a robust program of transportation to land management measures that will complement these transit and roadway improvements. storage facilities, car sharing, and an ego path --eco path our standard benefits. the scope and scale of the public benefits to the city and bayview are immense. we talked about the 32%
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affordable housing, including the complete rebuild of alice griffith with no displacement. the artists, the park program, these parks will be maintained through a special belarus property tax. the private property owners will pay for it. that is very different from the situation today with the challenges that parks and recreation has. the project provides a dramatic intervention that the candlestick area needs a proposed -- providing a total of $40 million park improvements and $10 million for ongoing operations and maintenance for the state park. we work in partnership with senator leno, the sierra club, and friends of candlestick park to make sure that these funds would be set aside for the state park and not be able to be rated
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for other purposes. we wholeheartedly agreed with the sierra club that the operation and maintenance funds are critical to keeping candlestick park open. on top of the public benefits, there are additional community and public benefits. rhonda will talk about the work force program after me. i want to hit some highlights for you. on an annual basis, the project will create thousands of construction opportunities working with the city, we can make sure they are targeted for southeast residents and that there are opportunities for residents of sentences go as a whole to participate in that. over 10,000 permanent jobs will be created. the project will also be competing $83 million, covering a vast array of programs from
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first-time home buying, work- force training, construction assistance, scholarship for district 10 residents, investments for health and wellness, as many other programs. i will go through those in detail now. the community first house and fund is nearly $29 million. there's downpayment assistance in district 10. the workforce development fund is approximately $8.9 million contributed by the developer. the city will match in services and programs. in terms of assistance for small businesses and contractors, we have improvements. we have construction assistance. there is $2.5 million for support as well as the developers contribution to the credit support program of about $1 million. in terms of education assistance, there are funds set
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aside for the baby residents. $3.5 million. there are other funds that must be used for improvements. it will be determined by the bay view community in partnership. the project provides $2 million targeted at pediatric health and wellness. that could be used towards the southeast center renovation or expansion. there are other local business programs like the community builder program. local builders will have an opportunity to participate in the building of these homes. local real-estate programs will give special support for bayview based realtors. 0.5% of every market rate home sale will go into a bayview community benefits fund. that will benefit the bayview community. there are also robust community
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facilities. the project provides for library space, an arts center, 65,000 square feet of retail and community facilities that could be used for small-business is expanding in starting up, and other related community services. all of the projects have public benefits. the additional community benefits are targeted at eliminating poverty and improving the overall quality of life for southeast residents. you have heard opponents say that the bull market housing rate program does not target the needs. this is a breakdown of the full scope and range of affordability we are talking about. it starts with those with little or no income at alice griffith
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moving all the way up to the traditional affordable housing targeted at 60%. we believe we can get it closer to 50% to target seniors and other special needs. it will include those of moderate income and those currently priced out. working families, two teachers with a child make too much to qualify for a home to stay in san francisco. in addition to the broad range of 32%, there's a mix of what would be available for families. on average, we have to 0.5 bedrooms across the board. this appropriate mix of bedrooms makes sure the families can stay in san francisco. the developer is considered bidding -- containing over
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$100.20000000 in direct subsidies -- is contributing direct subsidies over $120 million for alice griffith. the rebuild will follow the city principles. there is absolutely no displacement through that rebuild. we have enforcement measures to make sure that the below market rate units keep pace with the market rate projections. there are a key checkpoint for this production along the way that 35%, 75%, and 100%. if the developer is not fulfilling obligations, we can stop the market reproduction to make sure it gets back in line. with that, i would like to turn the presentation over to rhonda simmons. i would be happy to take any questions from the board at this
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time. supervisor maxwell: did you say that without the. alternative we would have a rail right of way. that would be enough and you would not have to take any other land or private property? >> that is correct. the alternative route that we have proposed and rejected for safety, reliability, and efficiency does not require the taking a public or private property. >> can i ask again, the emi are about half of the units. that means a family of st. that
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earns about $52,000 per year could afford rentals for the alice griffith units. that is about half of the available below market housing. i want to ask you to go into more detail on the transportation improvements. i know you walk us through that. how much does the yosemite bridge cost? in different documents i have the transportation improvements are up to $404 million. that includes the road improvements in the hunters point transit center. can you give us a general breakdown of the transportation improvements for the southeast sector? >> if i could have the power point screen. supervisor mar, you are
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correct. the roadway improvements, brt, transit preferential st systems the front door to san francisco, candlestick, and the shipyard, ennis. there is a roadway improvement as well. this slide is focusing on the existing southeast. the total cost of roadway improvements is within the bounds of candlestick and the shipyard. you can see the hunters point transit center. the roadway improvements within the bounds of each site plus connected to thivity -- on this slide, you see the
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transit improvements that would be undertaken. the bridge in a stadium scenario is approximately $82 million in a non-stadium scenario where it is only serving clean mass transit by pedestrians, it is about $68 million. the route around that we talked about that we analyze and did not consider, rather is not part of the proposed plan but was part of our analysis, the orange line is about $58 million. it would deal signals for the 15 interceptions. it gets to be quite expensive as well at $58 million. supervisor mar: thank you for the breakdown. there is the $35 million item
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for the interchange on the hearty extension. that is more of the county planning process. i wonder how our partners have been involved in this county approached. is that $35 million approved by our san mateo partner? >> the supervisor is conducting the viscounty improvements. they are working with other counties. they're looking at the appropriate fair share. we've taken a conservative estimate. the process is making its way. when it gets to the counties, it takes some time. we have been conservative in our estimates. based on our analysis, this would be our fair share based on that analysis. the talks are ongoing and would
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continue. the ta is leading those discussions with the counties. supervisor mar: i appreciate your input about the transportation planning. i had been skeptical of the transportation plan bypassing alice griffith and some of the residential areas. i could see how the overall plan does keep it connected with other a broader level transit improvements. i am still concerned that the transportation plan is only for newcomers. i am trying to look at this from a social justice and equity position. i am still not convinced that the yosemite bridge is the best thing for the residents or the environment. i am still looking closely at this. i appreciate all of the information you provided.
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