tv [untitled] July 20, 2010 11:30am-12:00pm PST
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will be open to the public in different areas we're working with caltrans on so that folks can have the opportunity to see different pieces of the terminal and learn about its history before we move forward with construction. we will also be holding a media tour at the temporary terminal on august 2, and an open house that will be open to the public the next day, on august 3, in order for folks to comment on about how the temporary, works. different transit operators will have their own tables there, in addition to a tjpa table. actually, in addition to that, we will be hosting some community meetings at the tjpa as well, next wednesday, the 21st, at 5:30 p.m. on a temporary terminal, and on july 26 at 12:00 noon and 6:00 p.m., which will be voted on demolition activities so we can update the neighbors and folks who live in the area on the phasing. >> thank you, courtney.
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that concludes my report, directors. director ford: any questions on the executive director's report? yes, go ahead, director. >> quickly, if i can help in anyway, i am available. >> director, yes. director lloyd has offered to hold on any of the events. you are referring probably to commemoration events. yes. thank you, director. director ford: i know she stepped away from the podium, but really quickly, in terms of the ambassador program, a little bit more information on that. how many people aren't talking about will be staged at the temporary terminal. >> -- how many people are we talking about at will be staged at the temporary terminal? i just want to make sure i have a comfort level in terms of the number of people we are going to need. i know it is going to be a major transition for some folks. >> of course.
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we will have three employees on staff at the terminal during peak hours, said it will be there for a couple of hours in the morning and evening beginning the 21st, and going to august 12 -- so they will be there. in addition, we will have two managers on site, supplemented by tjpa. director ford: is there any staff from any of the member agencies, such as ac transit, the mta? i think all of us should probably have some folks there to help supplement this and just make sure it is as smooth a transition as possible. that is something agency-wide we're looking at in the mta to make sure. you are planning to do that, too? there may be some coordination needed of all of these volunteers or employees that are going to be at the temporary terminals. >> we are in close coordination with meany -- with muni and with
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ac transit who will be working with the program. we're working closely with our staff on what dates they can help supplement our efforts. we will have a terminal right inside the entrance, and then they will be there as well and walking through the site. also, i know that ac transit plans on having a table during the move once we are over at the temporary terminals for that week. at different times. an mta will have different staff available walking around. we have also created ambassador program shirts, so everyone will be easily identified. each transit agency will be wearing their on hat -- own hat. director ford: ok, all right. thank you. >> isn't there some greater thansignage -- soem big signage that will give information? >> at the temporary terminal side, once it is open, there
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will be real-time signage in addition signage within the terminal itself. director ford: thank you very much. that concluded your report? ok, let's go to the next item. >> item 6 is an opportunity for members of the public to address the board on matters that are not listed on the calendar. we have not received any indication any member of the public wishes to do so. director ford: with that, public comment is closed. >> we will go ahead and read the consent calendar were all matters are considered to be routine and will be acted upon by a single vote. [inaudible] director ford: ok, with that, read the calendar. >> and 7.1, approved limits of the june 10, 22 meeting. 7.2, authorizing the in 2nd directed to execute amendment no. 3 to the idea agreement with
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lou crane. item 7.3, authorizing the executive director to execute an amendment to the intergovernmental agreement with the san francisco planning department. item 7.4, optimizing the executive director to enter into a cooperative agreement with the state of california caltrans for design review and oversight services. [inaudible] that is your consent calendar. >> motion to approve the consent calendar. director ford: properly moved and seconded. all in favor? suppose? motion carries. >> thank you. calendar is approved. moving into your special calendar, items 8, approving the fiscal year 2010-2013 anticipated disadvantage business enterprise participation level of 18. our%.
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director sarah giulatti will report on that item -- participation level of 18.5%. then the directors, you approved the draft both the public, back at our april meeting. it went out to our public agencies for public comment. i also presented at the business outreach committee our region and in april, and we have additional public comment. i do believe, given our previous history of successes in meeting our goal each year, that our methodology is sound, and i can answer any questions you may have. director ford: no questions? >> i'm just going to move to approve. >> i will second it. director ford: let's do roll- call votes on this. >> and no members of the public have indicated they wish to
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address you on this item. daly aye. cohen aye. ortiz aye. ford aye. that is 5 ayes and item 8 is approved. item nine, authorizing the executive director to execute the temporary tamales with greyhound for bus operations through the year. indeed the year 2017. >> directors, andrew will report on this item. >> good morning, directors. andrew schwartz. this is the temporary term lease for greyhound. currently, they are leasing 20,000 square feet of covered space in the transbay terminal. they are paying $20,000 a month rent. this lease would have greyhound renting approximately 7538 square feet of space in the new
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building the temporary terminal. the annual rent will be $20,000 a month. the terminal lease with the seven years. the basis of the $24,000 ranch was that it would be similar to the rent that greyhound is currently paying at the trans bay terminal with an increase of $4,000 a month, and under greyhound's business model, they are paying approximately 4% of their gross sales for similar markets as san francisco. this lease would have been paying 6.7% of their gross sales. for the year space at the temporary terminal. they would have exclusive use of the western portion of the building at the temporary
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terminal and shared use of the central space with another carrier that the tjpa may choose to put in the eastern side space, 1022 square feet. greyhound would have exclusive use of four of the eight bus bays an exclusive use of two of the remaining four. outside the 3:00 to 7:00 peaked period on week days were those buses would be used by other carriers, similar to ac transit. greyhound would have use of the two remaining days only with tjpa's permission. there are " parking spaces, and greyhound would have the use of six of them, and transbay would control the other six. the rest of the space would be
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shared with other carriers. greyhound would pay all the utilities for the building and be responsible for maintenance and security on the interior building. tjpa would be responsible for maintenance and security on the exterior of the building. i'm happy answer any questions. director ford: any questions? >> i will move the item. >> second. director ford: it has been moved and properly seconded. >> no members of the public have indicated they wished to address you on this item. daly aye. cohen aye. lloyd aye. ortiz aye. ford aye. the item is approved. item 10 is authorizing the executive director to execute contract modification #one to modify the contract to provide additional services associated
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with phase one for a maximum additional compensation of $320,320. >> directors, i sent you a report on this item. >> good morning, directors. the item before you is a contract modification mcguire hesster, the temporary contract on the terminal, in the amount of $320,000. the majority of that is for a disputed item for windscreens that go beneath each can of the structure. there was some discrepancy on the plans, the architectural trying to the details of the screen, showing account, so there was a discrepancy, and we have a lot of negotiations with the contractor where we move
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toward middle ground, and the item before you includes that. that item is actually a unilateral change order because we never reached agreement, but this was an amount that we felt was fair. the other major component on that -- there was a time extension for the project that included contractors' overhead and trailers. the schedule pushed out approximately a year, and there were a number of other small items, including some ada modifications that the mayor's disability office had requested. any questions? >> motion to approve the modification. >> i will second. director ford: [inaudible] >> daly aye.
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cohen aye. lloyd . ortiz aye. ford aye. item 10 is approved. item 11, authorizing the executive director to execute a minute 1 with elizabeth transportation agency to add temporary traffic control services and corresponding not to exceed budget of $997,690, increasing the total not to exceed budget to $3,280,677. >> good morning, directors. the item before you is -- provides parking control officers for the start of operations at the temporary terminal. as you know, the buses will operate on the street, so it
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will be critical that we maintain the bus route, primarily on fulsome, went on to the bay bridge, so we need parking control officers to make sure that key intersections are maintained an open access, primarily during the pmp. >> i will move the item. >> second. director ford: item has been moved and seconded. >> and no members of the public indicated they wish to address you on this item. daly aye. cohen aye. lloyd. aye. ortiz aye. with the chairman abstaining and four ayes from the rest of the group, the item passes. item 12 was optimizing the executive director to issue the second notice to proceed under the tjpa contract 08-08-dm-000,
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existing terminal and rams demolition to evans brothers for hazardous materials abatement and physical demolition of the terminal, rats, and select buildings upon satisfaction of certain conditions. >> thank you. the mtp for the demolition contract -- we brought evans brothers on board. we receive a bid in october 2009 and brought them on board in january of this year to begin the process of coordinating with the city agencies with mta and
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with dpt on the planning for the demolition work with the caveat that we come back to when we are ready to move into construction, for authorization of a second notice to proceed, to actually begin the demolition of the transit center and related facilities. the conditions for coming back on the second notice to proceed were that we certify full funding for phase one of the transit center, as we did hear in may. that the temporary terminal is ready for occupancy, and that the pension package for the transit center is ready for advertisement. if you heard earlier, we plan to advertise the package before the end of this month. the demolition activities, the pacing, the sequencing of the content we will be using, despite on the screen, the first weekend after we moved out of the existing terminal, we will be focused on securing the existing terminal, and we will begin the following weekend on
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august 14 to demolish the ramps ago over the temporary terminal site across howard and beale street. contractually, we are limiting them to 16 days, three weekends, and two weeks so that mcgwire and hester can finish the terminal. the next segment of demolition will focus on the eastern ramps coming up to the eastern structure, and the heart of the demolition the new demolition structure itself, followed by the western lands back to harrison street. for the roadway over crossing, we have worked again workeddpt and mta. several of the streets have overhead timelines for the electric trolley buses. -- we have worked with dpt and mta. we need to coordinate any take down on our lands with that work, so a number of our
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closures are limited to nights and/or weekends, and you can see here in the color coding all of the yellow ones are night and weekend closures. the seven crossing, we will see some of that demolition work during the week, and some of the minor crossings will actually be doing some of that work during the day, during the week. we have also done quite a bit of planning on each segment of the work. how we will place pedestrian cited, flag errors, and some use of 10 b officers from the san francisco police department to control traffic and direct traffic around the construction site. this just depicts the eastern and demolition. the demolition of the fremont terminal where it spans fremont and voelker streets, the balance of the terminal demolition, and
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the western iraq demolition. and i can take any questions you have on the demolition contract or the notice to proceed. -- and the western iran -- the western ramp demolition. director cohen: i'm just trying to understand some of the things that have happened around site control. am i correct on this? for this item, there are some property transfers that have to occur with caltrain and other some things that have to come back to the city related to the transfer? >> you are referring to the cooperative agreement. you can address that. >> of the cooperative agreement, a number of parcels will be transferred to both the city and the tjpa for the project, and among the parcels [inaudible] of the work for those are designated to go to the city
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for ultimate development. ecb north dakota tjpa -- the city and the tjpa have agreed that will go back to the redevelopment agency board of element. director cohen: does that have to go to the board of supervisors or redevelopment for that? >> it does not. director ford: mood and properly seconded. [inaudible] >> ok, and no members of the public have indicated they wished to address you on this item. daly aye. cohen aye. lloyd aye. ortiz aye. ford aye as well. item 12 is approved. director daly: i know it has been approved, but really quickly, to make sure, is this going to be included on some of the community outreach stuff we're doing in terms of publicizing the schedule so
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folks in the area can try to get ready for it? >> absolutely. we have had a number of ongoing meetings regarding the entire schedule with all the neighbors in the area, and we are continuing to have even more community meetings, yes. director daly: ok, but specifically on the street closures? >> specifically on the street closures. am ok, we will move into item 13, approving the design concept and budgets for the four recommended artists -- james carpenter, julie chang, jenny holzer and ned kahn and authorizing the executive director to enter into an agreement with each of the artists for design development, construction documents, predicted mr. engine, an oversight of navigation and installation. >> is with great pleasure to present this to you. we are presenting four artists where there are will be integrated into the station. hopefully, as we move along, we
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will be able to identify further funding with more opportunities. we are going to have fled clark and joe madsen presenting this item, but i do want to express our appreciation to jill and the san francisco arts association for their support and hard work in bringing this item to you today -- fred clark and jill madsen. director daly: before we get there, i do not want to sully the presentation and the beauty of this after the presentation, so really quickly right now, in the future, for me, this is the second one of these that i now on and it is beautiful, but i could just take an electronic version and be able to go through it and maybe save some of the cost. this is kind of nice paper and a fancy presentation is nice, but i do not on a coffee table, electronic version in the future
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for me. >> we appreciate that, and the reason these are printed for members of the public is because for some reason, depending on what kind of technology, laptop, you on, it is not very high resolution, they cannot see the actual coloration, which is very important. but for that, we would have just given you an electronic copy. it had to do with the resolution. not everybody has that. >> good morning, directors. i'm a senior principal with the architecture firm of polycarp pally, and the art program -- pelly clark pelly, and the program has been organized similarly to the art program, in the sense that it is being done in phases, so we are reporting to you today on the conclusion of the concept phase of four or five pieces, and i must say that a great deal of work has been done. i think, where advanced even
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beyond the concept phase. let me frame how one might view this kind of program. first of all, although it is a five-artist program, which is relatively small, this is a very large building and a very large project, so each piece needed to be of the size and scope and scale appropriate to this very large building, so i think you are going to be seeing each individual artist dealing very successfully with just the sheer size of the building, the number of people who will be experiencing the art, and, of course, the importance of this building in the city of san francisco. second, there is a great variety of art. we have taken this opportunity to kind of expand the notion of art, 8 you will, well beyond the traditional concepts. so you're going to be seeing some really exciting ideas that will challenge the public, that will be interesting every day that the building is being used,
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and i think, will expand people's understanding of the way art and architecture work together. the third issue, that is very important, is that the building and the arts need to be integrated. what we want to avoid is the stand that the art is simply being purchased and installed, so we have been working with each individual artist very closely to be absolutely certain that the art and architecture are really of one piece. next, an extremely importantly, these are very practical proposals. each of them has been vetted thoroughly in terms of technical perspective, costs, and stability. each artist has been working with contractors, with suppliers to be certain that these are actual pieces. finally, i find this very exciting. i think this will be a wonderful addition to the city of san francisco. i think people using this building morning and night will find wonderful new things to see each time they enter the
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building, each time they experience the art. very pleased at how things have proceeded. jill has been personally responsible for advertising the for organizing all of it. i will ask her to speak now about the size, scope, and placement of the pieces. thank you. >> good morning, directors. it is a pleasure to be here. after your initial approval of authorizing me to an agreement with the five artists 10 months ago on september 10, 29 -- 2009, a great deal of work has transpired. the tjpa's public art program is voluntary, but it is consistent with san francisco's 41-year- old concern for our program and also consistent with the fta's policy for incorporation of art in the transportation facilities. i think it is circular 94.1.
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they encourage transportation agencies to incorporate as much as 5% of the construction budget into the development of the an art program, and i'm proud to say, and, director for, you will find is of particular interest that a lot of the mta's projects is featured in a circular as one of the best of the nation -- director ford. this dates back to the 1990's, but i will get a copy of that for you. director ford: i appreciate that. thank you. >> four of the five artists will be presenting a proposal today. the fifth artist will present at a later date, and there has been over the past 10 months -- we have had, really, an intensive period of work with the tjpa staff and the team to identify specific sites, a prominent
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architectural sites that we thought would be most visible and would most engage the public, so they were carefully chosen with that thought in mind. there will be a project for missions where. there are a two major projects in the grand concourse. there is a project in city park, and there is a project in shaw alley, which had previously been sort of passed through place, and now, it is going to be a destination, as you will see in the presentation that follows. i also would like to express my appreciation, both to the tjpa staff who have been so supportive, and to the team, who are like my right hand, particularly to victor, who works from the team who worked so closely with me and produced the beautiful graphics that you will be viewing. it is truly a collaborative effort among the client, the
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architects, the arts commission, and the artists. i really think of this as an ideal project and something the city and county can learn from in terms of how we conduct our own business. in addition, i wanted to remind you that through the intergovernmental agreement established between the tjpa and san francisco arts commission, we established a committee consisting of five members. steering committee plays a very important role in this process. committee members include director kaplan, fred clark, director of cultural affairs, one of our arts commissioners, who is a practicing artist and professor at the san francisco art institute, and bleak summers, who runs the art program at the san francisco international airport -- blake international airport -- blake summers.
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