tv [untitled] July 20, 2010 9:00pm-9:30pm PST
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calendar days to allow a review -- review of the board of supervisors. there will be alternative proposals for a revenue shortfall. this will adopt an ordinance reflecting the mayor's plan that is the provision. i would like to motion, and if colleagues could help with a second. >> without objection, so moved. >> thank you, colleagues. >> thank you, madam president. colleagues come up on the fruit of the last 5 + hours here this evening on the mayor of's
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technical adjustment on the list, i really appreciate the work being done to address a couple of the issues that my office has expressed concern about both the bed as well as the public financing of elections. i think it would be a mistake not to fully fund the public financing program. i would recommend that we 0 about items 3, 6, and 8. this would be in 2 line item #5. that would make that line item close to hole. >> second.
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the second and advise by supervisor mirkarimi. >> i just have a question for the chair and the mayor's office, if i may, to mr. wagner. i would like to hear directly from the mayor's office their position with the expenditure that is included in this budget. i was wondering if you could make a clear statement about your commitment to spend that money. >> supervisor campos, this has been a discussion that we have been having regularly over the past few days and weeks. this is something that we have talked about quite a bit over the last year or so.
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our intent is to move forward with the program identified in the budget. our view is that by reaching this agreement, we are expressing an intent to carry out these programs. to echo what supervisor avalos said in his introductory marks, we do face and a tremendous degree of uncertainty about the economy, the state and federal budgets, and the revenues in our budget. given that large amount of uncertainty, what we are going to have to -- we are going to have to cross those bridges when we come to them. our intent is to move forward with these programs and carry them out. the language that supervisor
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avalos introduced is insured to come to a point where we do have large revenue shortfalls in the city budget that change the budget picture dramatically. it would set up a process to have a conversation with you about how we intend to address those shortfalls. thank you, mr. wagner. let me ask this a little bit differently. i understand about the uncertainty, as you indicated. there is a process that is outlined here. but for that uncertainty, i want to make sure there is a commitment on behalf of the mayor's office. >> absolutely, supervisor. >> supervisor chiu.
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>> thank you, colleagues. i want to thank the tremendous work of the budget committee and our budget share, who sacrificed tremendously. i know his family sacrifice. his staff worked tremendously hard. i have a set of amendments related to reserves. to supervisor campos ' question we had set aside an amount. there is a detail of budgetary reserves to the detail of $44 million. this is fringe benefits placed on controller for budget committee reserves pending verification of unverified city reserves. there is a significant portion of this budget that is not
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reserved. i have heard from colleagues that it is important to have a reserved amount. the $44 million amount is appropriated on the document. i would like to ask that we move them forward. related to my motion, if you could turn the page to the next page. everybody knows that the city i.t. departments have been undergoing a significant consolidation effort. there was a $1 million plus an amount. that was cut from the budget. what has been proposed is that we not engage in cutting from i.t. budgets at this time, but we set aside $6.8 million on reserve pending progress that i.t. departments throughout the
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city are making. just as a point of reference, the state of utah, within the past week, announced major consolidation of months they dissenters the last week. it is a very large amount of money. this has various city and state i.t. departments around the country. in san francisco, we will move in that direction. i want to make a motion to set aside reserves. we will exploit the $8 million on i.t. expenditures. >> supervisor at alioto. >> thank you, supervisor maxwell.
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i just want to make sure that the health contract cuts have been put back in. >> yes. the list in front of you includes 3.5 $6 million worth of additional restoration's to community and behavioral health at the department of public health. that is in addition to previous restoration's that were made prior to this package. as a result of those restorations, we are at a funding level equivalent to where we were in the prior fiscal year. >> the mental health contracts are restored. >> yes, supervisor.
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>> supervisor avalos. >> i thought that we have a couple of motions that cannot be accepted when we work on those. >> i will have the clerk restate those discussions. supervisor daley seconded by supervisor mirkarimi requested to it zero out lines on the technical adjustment document to fully fund the item number five. >> supervisor campos. >> i just want to make a very quick comment about that motion. i appreciate the thought and the spirit in which is made. i will not be voting for the motion, simply because it includes kindergarten through
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college. not withstanding the fact that it is something the mayor has indicated that he likes, i think it is a good program. it is something that we should be supportive of. the other two items, i see the rationale behind that. >> i also have a concern that i want to express about these items. i wanted to express a comment about the homeless facility. i am going to be voting to keep this program. i made clear to the mayor's office that there are homeless centers are around the city that should not be defunded as a new facility is being funded. these offer surfaced to --
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services to particular populations that would not be a well served by general facilities. that is the conversation that i have had with the mayor's office. >> madame clerk. roll call. >> supervisor campos. >> no. >> no. >> no. supervisor daily. >> i -- aye. >> no. >> no. >> maxwell, no. mirkarimi, aye. supervisor avalos. avalos, no. there are two ayes and nine nos. supervisor chiu seconded by supervisor mirkarimi made a
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motion to put on reserve $44 million as well as the $6.8 million regarding i.t. expenditures. >> can we do that without objection? without objection. so moved. supervisor daily. >> on the sources on the technical adjustment no. 5, just to confirm the health department revenues that fail on this surplus property. >> that is correct. >> colleagues, i have a running tradition to honor the surplus property ordinance which states that proceeds from the surplus city property shall go to housing for formerly homeless
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people. there are were the things on this list. -- were the things on this list. to me, that is no good until it comes to budget time. the losers are homeless people, who would otherwise be getting housing. i am going to somehow attempt to cast a vote against this $1.4 million from the sale of property. >> supervisor campos. >> i do have a question for the mayor's office. is there any other property sale that is in the works or is currently pending that we now consider as part of this budget process?
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the reason i aske is that i appreciate there is a process involved. through that process, you would learn that there is more money available. i wanted to make sure we have not left out any item without careful review. i am wondering if there is any other sale that is in the works. >> thank you for the question, supervisor campos. there are a couple of points that are helpful to make. there are not other properties that i am aware of. that is a question for brown of the real-estate division to ask about whether there are additional prospects. the second part of the answer is that the items that you see on this list are not only properties that are about to be
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sold. we have known about it. these items represent a commitment by the administration to work on making these transactions happen over the course of the year so that those funds are available in the budget. they are not items that have been pending and they have just been added to the list. they are more of an agreement between the mayor's office and the board to pursue these sales and make them happen so that revenue is a budget that is available -- available to be used for restorations. it would not be available to pursue these transactions. >> any further comment?
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may we have a motion on the budget items 13 and 14? >> this is a comment on the general budget. i have some comments. colleagues, i want to thank you for your work on the budget. it has not just in the budget committee that has been involved in the process. it has been all of us the past couple of weeks. you are taking a chance on many difficult decisions before us. this is a $6.5 billion budget. that is about $100 million less than last year's budget. we have a shrinking budget and we have a shrinking work force as reflected by the budget. we just closed a $483 million budget deficit that includes labor -- labor givebacks, service reductions.
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on the public health side, the mayor's budget that came to us on june 1 included cuts to mental health and cuts in aid services. there were dramatic cuts that affected children, youth, and families. there were cuts to its senior services. because the budget included the privatisation of civil service positions including custodian services as well as jail health services which were privatized by a private contractor. it is the highest public health service as we could have in our jail system. after last year's budget deficit, which started half a billion dollars, this year's deficit, that was half a billion dollars.
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there was very little to pick from in terms of cost savings. i would do want to give some acknowledgment for the hard work of the budget office headed by the budget director. it was a monumental effort to get to this budget. while there are some disagreements, i think the work that you have done has been exemplary. i want to -- i want the staff to thank you for their hard work. the budget had already been balanced on june 1. we have an already balanced budget. that was your work and the work of the other office that made that happen as well. it is important that we did not get as far as we would it without getting here on june 1. june 1 was about a month and a half ago. the colleagues on the budget
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committee, supervisors mirkarimi, david campos, elsbernd, we spent countless hours working together. we have the support of harvey rose and his office. thank you for you and the work of your team. you helped us make precise decisions on the budget. often very challenging discussions that we had about items that we could go after. it helped us to achieve about $17 million in cost savings for services that are meeting san franciscans in the city. i am very proud that we are able to put together for our restoration package colleagues. we were able to closely restored senior services. we were able to make dramatic
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changes to the cuts for children's and family services. we restored mental health services. hiv aids services in san francisco. that is critical to people in the city. that is based on the work of our collective effort on the committee. i would like to thank my staff and the work of raquel in bringing this to us. i would also like to thank and in turn in my office for the summer. there is an army of in terms that have been helping out as well. thank you so much for all of your great work on this budget. this budget would not be brought to us without the fortuitous and unexpected windfall from the real-estate transfer tax.
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if there is a real estate transfer tax god that is out there, i want to thank you for helping us close this budget. people buying property has helped us close this budget to make sure that we continue to do this in san francisco. i would like to say no more. i want to thank you for all of your work and consideration on this budget. we would be voting in favor and moving forward. >> thank you. i would very much like to affiliate with the comments of the budget chair avalos. we have moved forward two years in a row. we have navigated around three years of consecutive budget deficits that have been landmark budget deficits, we are told.
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we understand that we are facing a year or two of the even more significant budget deficits. we are becoming quite skilled as a body of legislatures -- legislators in navigating around the trends of boom and bust nationally. while our economy is flying and a low altitude with high turbulence, san francisco continues to indoor and and were well. this was made to happen by the way that our body on the budget committee and the websites along with the mayor's office was able to move forward with sometimes great debate. obviously, keeping in mind that the strong instance your intent on doing the best on the behalf of the people of san francisco. i want to extend our strong appreciation to the status of
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all of our offices who have helped considerably in marshalling all of those fine nuances that often go unnoticed. they somehow become the hinge or the glue that keeps us moving forward as a unit. i want to extend our confidence to the mayor and his staff and the budget office. i have been part of the budget negotiations. at times, we may disagree. there was not one time where it may be collegial. there would be a high respect and pride that we have for the offices that we maintain and the honor that we feel in representing the people of san francisco. i want to thank both controller and budget analysts for their hard work and the legions of
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people that have affiliated with one cause or another that are still here, that have been here during these torturous recesses. they have endured over the many weeks of this process, not having a road map, but trying to figure out telepathically what we are trying to figure out telepathically, since none of us want to violate brown tax laws. we have gotten to a place where many cities wished they were at as well. some are struggling to maintain basic services. struggling to maintain a quality that san francisco is providing. i think we are on the cusp of demonstrating that this is a city that knows how. with a budget of $100 million less than last year, we still
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have a budget that is a fantastic at the size that it is. that is still larger than 10 states in the united states. that is a lot to shoulder. >> colleagues, i want to indulge those of you who led the budget committee process. chairman of loews, supervisor elsbernd, campos, and maxwell. thank you so much for the hours of dedication. for those of you not on the committee that suffer in ancillary ways as we try to make sure that this is not too extensive. somehow between our colleagues on the board and the mayor, we are able to stay out of the way and make sure that things go well. i know that our chairman " has wanted to put this to rest. there is so much good work and
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good news. over the days to come, the work of this committee and the chairman is going to become very evident. the importance of this document to reflect upon our colleague, supervisor daily said, this is the most important document that we have every year. in the area, a number of people came out. the budget process is a very humanistic and organic process. legions of people come out. many young people and people who dedicate themselves to serving young people came out. at the time, it was overwhelming. there were so many young people that were frustrated at the time. i hope that in the days ahead, the young people in the organization are going to benefit from these
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organizations. these voices were heard. this document does reflect what their needs are. this does reflect the goals that we have as a city. know what -- no matter where a young person might live, no matter where they're starting, this person does aspire for them to achieve greatness. there is a tool box in place in every neighborhood in this city. this has guided us and showed us as they were reflecting on the amount of production. i was floored when i saw that they had one of the highest possible level of reductions. i do feel like the controller ' s work reflected it. this will be the last budget that i have an opportunity to participate in as a supervisor. we are coming to a place where i
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think there is a commonality between the office to achieve mutual goals. >> i want to reflect on the staff that contributes so much. i am not that avid of a baseball scorekeeper. i would say that he had a very good year this year. there were relatively few voices raised in objection. the work comes up from the budget proposals, a lot of the work we have done in the process. our controller is not here. i hope that this will not be in the budget. the comptroller's office is particularly unique. they will contribute to this process. they will work with all of us on the board, which is an amazing quality. hopefully, all of us could aspire to have that in city government.
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they bring information and guidance and professionalism to this process. i want to a knowledge of our deputy city attorney who has always kept us on the road successfully and provided the information that we needed and take a moment to reflect on greg wagner, who had an extremely difficult year and has done an outstanding job in leading his team. i have great appreciation. i know that all of my colleagues do. i want to tip my hat to the mayor. i know he has focused on the major challenge he would have in 2010. i think that he has been very diligent. he has had to deal with reserves, reductions, changes at every turn. i have to point to my dear friend. friend. he has been involved in the
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