tv [untitled] July 21, 2010 1:00am-1:30am PST
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california nail salon collaborative. i know it is the hope of the collaborative that we move forward with this program. if we are able to set an example in san francisco, this will be a model that can be replicated around the state and around the country. that concludes my roll call. supervisor campos: thank you, clark. i am not going to make any comments about the nail polish. i have three items that i am going to introduce today. it the first item is a resolution requesting that the planning commission or the planning department extend the public comment on the draft of the environmental impact report that has been completed by the california medical center, to request that at timeline be extended to a minimum of 90
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days, and that there be at least a couple of public hearings, the point of this item is to simply underscore that we are dealing with a very complex and a large project, we need to have as much public input as possible. the second item is a resolution asking for an extension by the planning department or planning commission with respect to -- there is actually at the 2500 block of mission street, it would actually extend the business improvement district to essentially renew it. that is the second item i am introducing.
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the third item is something that is just to offer our condolences for the very great loss, the passing of dr. jose herrera, the father of our distinguished city attorney. let me just say a little that about him. he passed away on june 26, 2010 in new york. you is just a month short of his eighty fifth birthday. he was born in 1925 where he excelled as a student and went on to study medicine. as a young man, he served in egypt at the first united nations emergency force. this was the unit to that
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secured an end to the 1956 crisis. the following year, he emigrated to the united states where he soon met and married his wife of nearly 50 years, patricia. together, they settled in the long island community where they raised a family, where he established a successful medical and psychiatric practice. along with a distinguished teaching career, he served as an adviser to the administration where he helped pioneer compassionate and groundbreaking treatments for addiction and mental illness. in fact, their success at adopting these methods is one of the things that governor rockefeller is recognized for,
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one of his most outstanding legacies. in addition to his son dennis, he leaves behind his beloved wife, his son daniel, and his grandson. i would ask that we adjourn the meeting today in honor of dr. jose herrera. supervisor mirkarimi: can we do that for the whole board? >> thank you, supervisor campos. next is supervisor avalos. supervisor avalos: just an amendment to our schedule that i am introducing for next week, we would designate august 10 to be a special meeting that would solely be heard to deal with any kind of made oral veto on the
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budget. that will be our item for introduction. >> supervisor mirkarimi. supervisor elsbernd. supervisor dufty. supervisor dufty: i have a number of items. i want to thank supervisor maxwell for joining me on this. not much is known about the actress's career, the issue is one of the leading actresses of the golden age of movies in the '70s. i remember seeing many of the films that she starred in, an era in which almost every other week and there is a new full- length feature. she was in film and went on to
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star with clint eastwood in 1975, a very major role. in that era, she went on to a very strong television career where she appeared in series like "l.a. law" and "cagney and lacey." her husband portrayed her husband in that series. she was an incredible actor is, someone who was viewed very highly by her colleagues. and other filmmakers were contemporaries of hers. she will be missed. surviving her is her son brandon.
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i am also introducing an in memoriam for a man that served in the united states navy. for 32 years, he was a member of the san francisco police department. he spent the remainder of his career, more than 20 years in the juvenile division. he is survived by his wife, mary beth. i am submitting an in memoriam for a union carpenter for 50 years, and he is survived by many of his siblings including patti, tommy, johnny, qe, -- huey.
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i am some morning and -- submitting an in memoriam for bill wilkenson. he lost his battle to parkinson's disease and cancer. for 17 years, he was the president of one of the most noted suppliers for some of the best restaurants, hotels, and other food providers in san francisco. it was known as an outstanding work place. bill was also president of the chamber of commerce in 2005, and was the first openly gay man to serve as president of the san francisco chamber. he had a career in the hotel field where some amazing institutions were founded by him. his partner, his spouse survives
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him. i also want to note that his longtime executive assistant, they currently reflected that bill was the individual that hired him to be the ceo of the chamber. bill had a great sense of humor who, despite some of the difficulties he had battling with parkinson's, i went on many chamber trips with him. he would always have the energy to go out in the night and have fine, commune with his fellow chamber colleagues and elected colleagues. he will be greatly missed. and colleagues, i am introducing a resolution that relates to a gift for the children's playground. we are very excited about this gift that is coming from the
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friends of delores park. >> that concludes roll call for introductions. supervisor mirkarimi: why don't we call public comment? >> but next is an opportunity for the public to address the board for two minutes on items within the subject matter jurisdiction, including items on the adoption agenda and excluding items that have been considered by the board committee. speakers using translation assistance will be allowed twice the amount of time. if any members of the public would like to document displayed, clearly states such and remove the document said the screen can return to live coverage of the meeting. supervisor mirkarimi: you may start. >> [speaking foreign language]
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if you study with me, if you have time to study how many millions of dollars we can get if we can invite the english team, any team, to play san francisco. wake up. i will talk about t-shirts, i talk about hotels, business, the restaurants. we're going to wake up all these businesses. how many people have become crazy to watch the soccer team when we play? [unintelligible] i don't need to keep it 4-
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year. i need to keep 4 minutes to study with me. if you have time, how many? [chime] supervisor mirkarimi: thank you. next speaker, please. >> thank you, supervisors. stop the corporate rape and don't accept money from the foundation. as you may remember, the public library is doing fine this year. the only cut is in public service. it is a condition of guaranteed funding, they were promised a legal minimum of public service hours, the current schedule is 1040 hours for 171 hours of reduced service. in addition, the books and materials budget has been cut
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15%. the book budget is $1.6 million less than it was last year. how does service to san francisco compared to other cities? the american library association places 53 libraries and our population category. of those, san francisco has the highest -- the second highest per capita expenditure and twice the average. it also has the highest paid library director. yet, our libraries have less than 13% less than the average for materials as a% of expenditures. in terms of registered or worse, san francisco is 20% less than average and ranks 39 out of 53 and collection size. per-capita, we are 16% below
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average despite being an older library. the library measures its success by being a private philanthropy, not in terms of public service. the public-private partnership depends on sacrifice and public accountability. the benefit is small, but the profit to the private sector is very large. that is why i always say that it is not worth the money. thank you. >> members of the board of supervisors, i have a couple of items to put up. the first item will give information to members of the public that might want to contact me in relation to san francisco opened government which i believe we have some of the strongest laws on the books. unfortunately, we do not reach the aspirations that we have made by putting those laws on the books because we did not
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influence them. on a number of other occasions, i talk to you about this particular document, the constitution of the united states, and in particular, the first amendment. it has a double win before us speaking to you today. one is the right to petition the government for grievances. the second is the freedom of speech. i come up here to speak to you in the area where i feel you are not doing something or should be doing something. i have the right to use whatever language i choose and what ever approached i choose to take. since i am not a politician, i don't always have to be politic. today with the very first time that i have been coming to speak to you were one of the members of this body interrupted a member of the public speaking and was stopped by president chiu. every other time, they continue to do that.
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what am i going to do? am i going to lecture you? i know that you know it is wrong. i know that you know that if someone interrupted you, you would take offense to that. for some strange reason, certain members of the body feel that when someone gets up here and says something in a way they don't like or about something in the way they don't like, they have the right to interfere. you do not. you're interfering with their right to express their first amendment right. i am going to be here every week with the exception of sunshine meetings to talk about these issues. thank you. >> that afternoon, supervisors. i am the chief financial officer of the academy, a nonprofit public benefit corporation serving underprivileged children in san
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francisco. we are affiliated with the archdiocese of san francisco. the academy owns the property known as the sacred heart church. the property is noncommercial. on a couple of recent occasions, they have referred to the property as historic in nature. the government code of the state of california, in an effort to impose special conditions on the property, they will suffer substantial hardship of any economic return of the property and will this allow reasonable use of the property, and the furtherance of our religious mission if this property is designated by the city as anything having to do with historic nature.
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we hereby object to the application by the city, and hereby invoke subdivision be of the government code. the board of supervisors and other city agencies will make any sort of determination, we kindly objected to efforts to list the property. we hereby request the city and county respect subsection the of the government code and seize any further designation as having any historic nature whatsoever. thank you. >> can we have these two gentlemen leave? supervisor mirkarimi: your clock
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is ticking. take advantage of it if you like. >> i will take that as no. as they sat and did eat, jesus did say, verily i say unto you, one of you shall betray me. they began to be sorrowful, and said one by one, is it i? is it i? jesus said it is one of the 12 that dipeth in the dish. it is written of him. did you get that? jesus was pointing to the fact that there is a prophecy by david that wrote about his own the trail. he said it is going to happen. judas has his part to play and he will play it. good were it for that man if he
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had never been born. my own familiar friend and whom i trusted has lifted up his heel against me. be merciful unto me and raise me up that i may requite that. the resurrection of christ, in a sense, not require it to them. he only stayed dead for three days. it appeared that he had lost the battle. but got requited them. that was only a partial pay back. the real payback is when the rest come up and jesus said to lazarists after four days, he says, come forth. that was just a little bit of his power. if he had not specified lazarists, everybody -- [chime] supervisor mirkarimi: thank you,
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sir. next speaker, please. >> president chiu and members of the board, i am a member of the shipyard -- supervisor mirkarimi: can you pull the microphone to you? >> sorry. jobs and economic development providing sustainable appointment -- employment, providing access to that employment and an ongoing quality of life benefit. one major item of infrastructure has been lobbied against by members to refuse to a knowledge of the importance of the bridge and realizing the full potential of the shipyard as a center for green technology, business, and innovation.
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the international marketplace, the shipyard committee arts center, in the shipyard arts district. the job center and these attractions depend on high quality access from highway 1 01 and another portion of the community. residents of the bayview- hunter's point area don't want access. not only the city, but the bay area as well. they will develop and prosper at the highest form available. it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see a colossal mistake, one that will have repercussions for years to come. >> they havthey have been desigo make sure that members of the
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community, the city can fully participate in the opportunities that are inherent in the project. [chime] thank you. supervisor mirkarimi: thank you, ma'am. next speaker, please. >> ♪ just a spoonful of money makes the medicine go down in the city makes the medicine go down just a spoonful of money makes the medicine go down all around the medicine and town just a spoonful of city budget money money helps the city medicine
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go down in the most delightful way. oh, budget sugar. oh, city money you are my candy budget. and you've got me wanting you. oh, city budget sugar, oh, money, money. you are my candy budget and you've got me wanting your budget. sugar, budget sugar, sugar money. oh, city money. you are my city candy budget and you've got me wanting for programs around the city.
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won't you pour a little sugar on it soon? pour a little sugar on it soon. please money for the city all around. pour a little sugar on it soon. supervisor mirkarimi: well timed. thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi. my name is jacqueline phillips. i'm with ace and i'm a member of the bay view heights community. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i'm a member of ace. >> my name is grace martinez and i'm an organizer with ace. >> we wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for moving the e.i.r. forward. we ask you to continue to support the project in the bay view. we will pledge that ace will continue to work to make sure that the residents of bay view
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take advantage of the many benefits that are attached to this project and again, we just wanted to thank you today. supervisor mirkarimi: thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. peter warfield, library users association. i would like to think supervisor ross mirkarimi for what he did for libraries last month. at the june 16 budget and finance committee meeting, supervisor ross mirkarimi did a good thing for libraries and users of libraries when he expressed interest in the improvement of interim library service while branches are closed for renovation. your budget analyst had said the library should take a $400,000 cut. the city librarian agreed to do
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without that money. s*fr ross mirkarimi said his office had received many calls and letters expressing concern with interim service that the library was providing in his district, namely 7 1/2 hours a week of book mobile. he asked the city librarian whether he could improve the interim services and essentially got a decidedly luke warm answer, even when full support was being offered for this basic service. a week later the city librarian returned with $109,000 plan to improve interim library services. the fine print was that the park branch would get all of the $109,000 for two more days of services. i would like to supervisor ross mirkarimi for pressing the issue and for that matter, thank the library for the modest increase officer. in the end, the budget and
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