tv [untitled] July 25, 2010 7:02pm-7:32pm PST
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department and other parts of the city. those things will be corrected as far as the of i.t. the current operation of the lab today is sound, and it will get better as we come up with different protocols. the prosecutorial decision as to whether to prosecute and how to prosecute, obviously we don't control them. we have been waiting on the adman -- admin communication piece of it before we move forward with administrative discipline, but that is all part from the running of the lab today. the running of the lab today is running well. the work that is being done is being done according to good practices, and obviously the backlog is being addressed. i think we need to segregate that from the discipline or the criminal side, because although they are kind of connected, one can go forward without the
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other, meaning the lab can run well and move forward regardless of whether the case is prosecuted or not. eventually, the administrative solution to any misconduct or negligence by personal involved in this case. commissioner hammer: i would defer to my fellow commissioners. i don't know without pushing my colleagues if we should set a date at some point, what we can do in public or closed session, to put a final coat on it. i am open to whatever my colleagues suggest. president marshall: commissioner? vice president mazzucco: if we get some idea of where it is going. we understand the criminal side is out of our control. that is what the attorney general and district attorneys do. we could have more of a closed- session read on that and the parallels and personal matters. we have to go to close session anyway. if we could do that may be. then we will have clarity on
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that. >> i think if we set up a couple of weeks out in closed session, which have a more full discussion and determine -- we could have a more full discussion and determine what we do with public disclosure. again, the structure of the lab and the running of the lab, we have partially discussed that. it is fine to get it out there. i am only concerned about any public disclosure at this time that may compromise the prosecution, and it is important of a closed session discussion first. commissioner hammer: great, thank you chief. president marshall: madam city attorney, we have to put that on the agenda? ok. all right. thank you. >> we will look at a couple weeks out? commissioner hammer: sometimes
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we do a closed session, pending the outlook of the criminal. once that happens, the chief can report on that as much as he can after that, taking names out, so the public understand what was undertaken. >> very good, great. emmett is it two weeks from now, three weeks from now? -- >> is it two weeks from now, three weeks from now? >> basically, for closed session hearing, we will give you an update. frankly, we could do it tonight. is is that we cannot because it is not on the agenda. so that is not a problem. that is a discussion to have with the city attorney to prepare the proper counseling as to how this should be done. >> two weeks from now? >> that would be fine, if that is ok with the commission. vice president mazzucco: i would also point out one thing, we might have a very light agenda.
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president marshall: ah. ok. we have that in two weeks. >> change it to three weeks from now? vice president mazzucco: i would say that, or maybe the litani can tell us if the case we were going to hear is falling apart -- or maybe the lieutenant can tell us if the case we were going to hear is falling apart? >> commissioner, we have been served with motions to continue on both sides of the matter that we were scheduled to hear next week. president marshall: there were a couple of pieces that we were going to stick in there. we could do it next week? >> that would be ok. next week. president marshall: great.
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that concludes your report, chief, i believe? >> yes. president marshall: we move onto the occ director's report. director hicks? >> good evening. it this evening, i evening,occ complete statistics and mediation statistics. as of july 20, the occ open 516 cases and we closed 482. we open 30 more cases than we have closed. during the same time last year we open 5 stoddert 62 cases and closed five under 41. -- 562 cases and closed 541. this is an 8% decrease in cases opened as compared to the same time last year. as of july 20, we had for under 15 pending cases -- 415 pending cases. today, we have sustained a 39 cases. during the same time in two
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dozen 9, with sustained 27 cases. this represents 44% increase in sustained cases. the sustained rate is 8%, which is more in line with the historic average of sustained cases since around 1996. today, the occ has facilitated the mediation of 20 complaints this year, compared with 45 by the end of july last year. so far this month we have had three mediations. that concludes my report. president marshall: anything further for the director? vice president mazzucco: thank you. >> you are welcome. president marshall: alright, commissioner reports. i don't think we have anything to report, commissioners, do you?
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vice president mazzucco: briefly, i spent parts of this week presiding over two older cases on the docket another commissioner had that i took over. one is resolved, one is not. that hearing will finish up in august. but it is an arduous duty, but hopefully one of them will be resolved by the end of next month. president marshall: any public comment on these items? seeing none. item number 4. >> item four, mr. president, is routine administrative business , commissioner announcements, and 4b is the schedule of items identified for future commission meetings. under 4a, i will announce the assignment of disciplinary charges filed in case number alw c-10-158 to an individual
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commissioner for taking of evidence on a date to be determined by the commissioner. similarly, the second assignment of disciplinary charge has been filed in case number alw c10-169 to an individual commissioner for the taking of evidence on a date to be determined by the commissioner. i would recommend in an effort to balance the individual case dockets of the current commissioners that these matters would both go to commissioner dejesus. since she is not here. i'm not trying to be funny, but to balance the duck -- balance the pocket, and subject to reassignment, that would be my recommendation. i am sure i will be getting a phone call tomorrow morning about this. there is nothing further on 4a.
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4b is scheduling of items identified for consideration at future commission meetings. president marshall: alrighty. i think the lieutenant has let us know that august 11 is law enforcement appreciation night with a game at the giants? >> that is correct. president marshall: i guess asking if we want to continue that this year. that would be august 11. vice president mazzucco: if it would let officers attend the game, i would be in favor of that. commissioner hammer: i have attended the game before and the giants put on a good production. our law enforcement officers
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families who died in the line of duty in oakland, san jose, san francisco, the surrounding areas, it is a class act. it in honor of those officers and officers who want to attend, i think that would be a good idea. president marshall: i think that is agreed by everyone. commissioner hammer? commissioner hammer: thank you. two minor matters. we had discussion here about the possibility of tweaking the rules in terms of discipline. one of the weaknesses is the hearing officer procedure, the case is set out, it floats, and it drags on at times. there's also a provision that the hearing officer then files a report with us. i'm told that can take two, three months at times. i like to put on an agenda of discussion and possible action on two possible tweaks to that. one is setting a timeline on a case that is set to a hearing
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officer, perhaps 14 days or so, that if a trial date does not come up we could come back to us. the second would be the hearing so that within 10 days, a much shorter report. we'll have to read these transcripts. i don't think we need somebody else to read them and digest them to read them ourselves. i like to put on the agenda a couple of minor tweaks to that hearing officer provision so what would work better for us. i am open to whatever commissioners would want. vice president mazzucco: i agree. it also made to expedite it further, maybe we should ask for the hearing officer to come to the commission in closed session and have the hearing officer explain to us what their position on the case is without having to put it in writing. obviously, the ultimate decision is made by the commission after reviewing evidence and transcripts. the written report is merely a recommendation, and to do that verbally and is much more expeditious.
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commissioner hammer: that is a better idea than i have. we want the flavor, the color of what happened. there is no reason we cannot have a 10-minute oral report. i just see that sometimes we wait three times for the report and we have to read the transcript anyhow. whatever is best, so we could put that on the agenda, i think would be a change we should talk about. president marshall: so review and craft something? is that readily agreeable? commissioner hammer: i would be happy to. president marshall: i am assuming we discussed this with occ? commissioner hammer: there was a meet and confer. president marshall: so we want run into that issue if we tweak
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it. why don't we get that all of that in order before you bring it back, ok? commissioner hammer: i will work with commissioner mazzucco, and if we have to me, i would add to process. am i would just like it at a signing a commissioner to each and every case, even if there is a hearing officer, just like the regular court world when you have a magistrate judge is still assigned to a regular judge. so the commissioner does not do much work, but there should be someone tasked with knowing what is going on. commissioner hammer: we will put that in the draft as well. the only thing i would suggest, i know we are ready have in the rules the first meeting of the month we get the full reading of all the cases on the docket. i think it would be helpful to us, one of the numbers that came out i think the last count, there were 10 officers on light duty because of discipline charges pending. that is far down, but that is costing the city a lot of money and gives less people for the
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chief to deploy on the street. i think if lieutenant bradley could help us prioritize that it, so they can get back on the street or which it -- or whatever should happen with them. perhaps lieutenant riley can report back on the first meeting in august. president marshall: all right, anything else? all right, we will take public comment on the item 4 a * b. none. we will move to item no. 5. >> item number five, mr. president, is public comment on all matters pertaining to the closed session. closed session is described under items 7a, b, and c. 7a is pursuant to government code 54957 administrative code 67.10, personal exception, discussion and possible action
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to adopt findings of fact supporting the commission's decision given march 17, 2010 in case number kmo d08-013 and jwf c08-014. the second item is pursuant to government code 54957 and 67.10, discussion only conference with legal counsel anticipated litigation. the city as defendant, number of potential cases being one. president marshall: i don't think we're going to need item 7c. we will just plan to go into closed session on a and b. so we move to item no. 6. >> item six is to vote on
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whether to hold closed session. vice president mazzucco: so moved. commissioner hammer: second. president marshall: without objection, so ordered. we will move in to closed section here. >> ladies and german, the commission will be retiring into closed session at 6:15 p.m. on items 7 and b on the agenda. it president marshall: [6:52] >> commissioner, it is 6:52 p.m. and the police commission is returning from item's 7-a and 7-b. commissioners mazzucco and hammer are here. and with permission, we could mope move to heam 8.
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[applause] >> good morning, and welcome to san francisco international airport. it is a great day to be your flying to toronto. i'm the director of community affairs here. it is my pleasure on behalf of the airport commission an airport director to welcome all of you today to this very special day. we are very excited that virgin america, which less than three years ago was just an idea, continues to expand and grow and really set a foot in the bay area. it has really grown from that small footprint just three years ago. the growth is possible because of the partnership between the airport and a lot of people and organizations, and one of the great organizations we partner with is the san francisco commission of business bureau. it is my pleasure to introduce the director. >> thank you and good morning.
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what a great day this is. i would like to recognize charlotte schulz on the podium. it is always great to see you. great audience for a great day to start a new service. it was three years ago on august 7 that virgin america first took off out of san francisco and really changed the airline industry in this country. it is the only airline based in san francisco, which is something we are very proud of. the only airline based in california, as a matter of fact. once they have done since they started three years ago has changed the way people fly, making the travel experience part of the whole thing and part of what makes travel so fun. it is helping san francisco's economy, california's economy, and today, is the first international flight for virgin america, and that is a great step forward. we look forward to the partnership and look forward to long-term success for both virgin america and california. thank you very much.
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[applause] >> about five years ago, when the idea of virgin america started, the airport wanted to be the home base of that airport, and we went to sacramento's governor's office, and they would be if -- they were behind us 100%. it is my great honor to present the governor of the great state of california, mr. arnold schwarzenegger. [applause] >> thank you very much. nice introduction. i want to thank richard branson, my very good friend for being here today, and mayor newsom, charles schulz, chief of protocol, and this is really exciting to fly of here. i want to say that five years ago, this idea began, and i have been very happy to have been helpful making sure that the help -- hub for virgin america
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comes to san francisco and california. it was a long battle, a difficult battle, it was not easy, but we got it done. this is a great contribution for the state of california. it is bringing business to california, bringing in this airline to california, the only one, and really helping us with the revenues. there will be job creation over the next three years, 500 jobs a year. this is really extraordinary, and now, to announce, to celebrate the first international destination to fly to canada, to toronto. that is a great expansion of the business here, and to expand the airline business or any business during an economic downturn is a real challenge, let me tell you. i want to congratulate richard branson for his great vision and for being such a great business
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leader and having confidence in the state, wanting to expand his airline here and to fly out to other destinations. he will make some other announcements afterwards because this is just the beginning. what i also like is that these airplanes are modern airplanes, the most sophisticated and energy efficient air plants, and that is very important. this airline consists of about 25% less fuel. that means greenhouse gas reductions of 25%, so this is quite an accomplishment, and it shows you can be successful in business and also successful in protecting the environment. at the same time, i have to say that i am a big fan of this airline business in the first place. i think this is way the future is, and they are expanding the building right now. 50 new airplanes, all energy efficient. i want to thank you again for
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your great contribution, so give them a big hand. thank you very much. now, i would like to bring out richard branson to tell you about his vision. thank you. [applause] >> it is a great honor to have governor schwarzenegger fly with us today. it is a great honor to be met by mayor newsom, both of whom have done an enormous amount to try to help get virgin america established. many of the big carriers did not want to see us get established here in america. and see? they even get somebody to speak over me when i am talking. anyway. it was great that we finally got all the commissions -- permissions sorted, and virgin america is up and running, and it has achieved incredible
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things. we were voted best airline in america this year, we have been voted best business airline in america. that is down to the 2000 wonderful staff both on the ground and in the air that make virgin america so special. today is a great day. the first international route to canada. we're looking forward to one hell of a party tonight in canada to celebrate. i think i can also announced that we will be doing our second international route later on this year mexican cities as well. [applause] that is the beginning of a big expansion program. there is a very big announcement later on this year about lots more cities to be flown to, but that will come later on in the
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year. i want to say thank you very much for coming, and thank you very much for getting up so early and everybody else for getting up so early today. and a look forward to seeing a lot of you on board in a few minutes. thank you. by the -- [applause] >> thanks, richard. good to see you. it was one of the best decisions ever made to locate our airline in the bay area. a lot of people at the time were thinking, "what are you locating an airline in such a high-cost area with an airport flow -- prone to weather delays?" very simply, and has paid off in the environment we're in, the environment of innovation, freethinking, and creativity. that has allowed us to go with and is something very different than what has been done in the airline business. we have 1600 teammates.
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after less than three years. we will be adding over 1000 in the next 18 months and 500 a year for the next 18 months after that. as was announced earlier today, we will be starting new service into mexico from both san francisco and los angeles into cancun and from san francisco into kabul, so be a nice place to go down and warm your bones during the cold winter. this is really a test of the to the great teammates of virgin america, and i know there are some around here. thank you for the worked you have done and the great service you provide, and, of course, to our guests. you keep coming back and spending your hard-earned money. we're going to do more great things here. i appreciate everything the governor did and the mayor did and has done in order to support our airlines, and with that, i think i will hand it over to the mayor. thank you very much. mayor newsom: thank you guys. welcome back, richard. i think it was three years ago,
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and who would have thought in the midst of the biggest economic downturn and, at least in my lifetime, one of the biggest in the nation's history that this airport would continue outperformed every other big city airport in the united states of america. [applause] it is amazing -- in 2009, we saw an increase in passenger volume here at the san francisco international airport, at a time when people are contracting, not expanding, we are expanding at $383 million new terminal, which will be one of the greenest expansions of any airport in the united states. we're going to have a slow food pavilion, farmers market, all these valiant -- all these values that everyone loves to walk us about our being put together in this extraordinary environment and playing so well to what the government just mentioned, and that is the values of virgin america, a long-term business strategy,
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long-term branding strategy, a strategy that supports the environment and approach to the governance of the airline in an industry that needs a new spirit and an entrepreneurial approach. i'm very proud of their success, your extraordinary accomplishments, in the last three years helping us meet these milestones. you brought in competition, and i believe this to the core of my bones, that competition is good. competition is really good from the customer perspective. we have seen average fares for similar routes dropped almost 1/3 since virgin came to san francisco. you brought jetblue in because they did not want to be in oakland. you brought southwest in because they did not want to be left out, either. so congratulations to richard, david, congratulations
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